To keep spinach fresh & tasty wrap it in a wet light dish cloth place in fridge it will last for a good week just keep the cloth wet
Keep strawberries in a sealed glass container and they will last for 10 days to 2 weeks.
This s a tip for supermarkets. I have put this to woolies before. I can never open The vegetable bags so I suggested something to moisten our fingers so we can open them easier.
To keep ajar of tomato paste from going off once opened and in your fridge place upside down with glad wrap under the lid.lasts indefinetly
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Use vinegar and bicarb soda to clean and freshen dishwasher . Sprinkle soda and vinegar into bottom of dishwasher then run hot cycle’

Clean oven door glass with damp dishwasher tablet. Then rinse !
This s a tip for supermarkets. I have put this to woolies before. I can never open The vegetable bags so I suggested something to moisten our fingers so we can open them easier.
Use to lick my fingers, but Covid mask wearing has put a stop to that
unnamed (1).jpgDo you have hard to reach corners in a pantry or cupboard .Place a 'Lazy Susan' there...
Coffee /tea stains.. easy peasy... just drop a 'steredent' tablet (i'm sure a few of us use them lol) in the cup of hot water and leave for an hour...sparkling clean...
I do this for thermoses - and I don't use them yet so I have to buy them just for this ;)
My dad's old tip. When cooking roast pork, sprinkle it all over with ginger powder to stop the horrible smell going through the house. It also gives it a good flavour.
Many medications come with little packets of silica gel. Silica gel is a dessicant (that is, it absorbs moisture to keep the product dry and make it last longer). Instead of discarding the packets, recycle them by placing them in your jewellery box. They will greatly reduce the rate at which your silver jewellery tarnishes.
Silica gel also keeps your pins and needles from rusting
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Silica gel that you get in various goods keeps pins and needles from rusting and vinegar in a spray bottle best thing ever for killing weeds in your pavers and it doesn't harm the environment or animals.
My favourite is to use salt on weeds, they wither and die very fast, I also when I have an item that might bleed in the wash, I put some vinegar in as well as the detergent and find that does work.....
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After having a shower and drying yourself, jump back in with your towel and wipe all the surfaces dry. It stops mould forming and soap scum drying onto your surfaces and best of all you don't have to go into the shower every week with strong chemicals to clean the shower it always sparkles.
Submitting this tip on behalf of member Maureen B:

When cooking large amounts of Xmas puddings and cakes I save margarine containers and weigh ingredients to have ready to bake saves getting everything out every time as I do forty of each this saves me hours. Also cut paper for lining tins too.
And this one is from Vickie F:

To clean your bath spray normal pine o clean (I use lavender) all over it . Leave it for 10-30 minutes go and rinse it off . It comes out sparkling clean
And one from Sandra D:

Keeping your strawberries blueberries or raspberries in a glass jar sealed will give you at least a fortnight of use it's amazing
I use the plastic containers from supermarket cakes as mini glass houses to raise my seedlings. I plant seeds into seed raising pods and place them in the container in the kitchen which gets the afternoon sun, with great results.
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Throw your dishcloths in the dishwasher instead of the washing machine - more convenient I find and gets them really clean each time.

I was horrified when I found a permanent pen mark on my cream leather couch in a very conspicuous place. I was a bit skeptical but tried some Banana Boat Spot 50 + spray on sunscreen and it really worked. Spray a white towel with a little sunscreen and slowly rub the stain using gentle pressure. As needed reapply the sunscreen, but you will need to be patient as it can take a bit to remove the stain. Once the stain is gone apply leather conditioner to the area to restore the leather fully.
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