If you use denture cleaning powder or tablets, use to clean tea or coffee stained cups and mugs. Pop your dentures in the mug. Sprinkle powder or break up tablet over them, add hot water and leave overnight. In morning, rinse your dentures and the mug - voila, sparkling dentures AND mug.
Wow members! We have been blown away by all of these incredible household hacks! In fact, we are going to put them all together in an eBook for you all so you can come back to them whenever you want!

We do have a winner however... Jon, Vella and I were blown away by @JaMin's hack (mainly because we are coffee addicts and have ben caught way too many times with coffee on our clothes...) and you know what, in these crazy times we always have hand sanitiser on us, so this is a great little hack! @JaMin we will message you privately but please get in touch so we can organise your $100 voucher!

As for everyone else, thank you so much for entering and please know we would have rewarded you all if we could have! There will be plenty more competitions for you all to win :)

Thanks so much Members!
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Baking Soda is great to eliminate odours from your kitchen tidy. Just a small handful put in before your bag will keep aweful odours at bay.
The best thing I have discovered is using white vinegar instead of fabric conditioner in my washing machine. It stops clothes from fading, I've had navy blue towels for many many years, they have worn thing but never faded, black stays black, coloured clothes stay true and white vinegar is also a great softener, again towels, are fluffy, undies soft. Looking forward to seeing all the hints & tips. Cheers
Yes Bev, it leaves towels soft & also cleans washing machine at the same time
This s a tip for supermarkets. I have put this to woolies before. I can never open The vegetable bags so I suggested something to moisten our fingers so we can open them easier.
the tongue works wonders on the fingers:)
When defrosting of minced meat, to prevent edges from starting to cook while centre is still frozen - put portion required into a freezer bag, flatten and make a decent sized hole in the centre - like a donut.
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I discovered this through desperation. In my car I spilled coffee on my white shirt all I had with me was hand sanitizer.
I poured direct from my bottle of hand sanitizer onto the stain and rubbed both sides of stain just using my fingers, left it to dry whilst still wearing my shirt and yippee the stain disappeared. I’ve also had success on dried blood and other stains.
@Judig this was the winner :)
I've used this space and time saving hack for over 6 years in 2 residences and never looked back. Lazy Susans are great for spices, sauces and jams in your pantry, as they never need to be sifted through to get what you want out...just spin to the section you place the various items. I bought a large polished wood one for the pantry and a matching smaller version for the dining table centre. Because they are round, there's always a gap in each corner of that shelf where an extra item can live too.
When defrosting of minced meat, to prevent edges from starting to cook while centre is still frozen - put portion required into a freezer bag, flatten and make a decent sized hole in the centre - like a donut.
I divide my 500gm mince packs in two with a spatula, and lift each half into a separate zip lock plastic bag (yes plastic still has its place in our house), and before sealing them, I gently squash the mince out towards the edges of the bags until there is no air left inside, then zip closed to freeze. These 2mm thick slabs only take 30 minutes to defrost so if you forget to thaw some meat out for dinner you can still have a meal on the table in time.
For sparkling glass in the shower, I use body wash in place of soap, no soap scum to be scrubbed off. I wipe the glass down with body wash on a loofah while in the shower then, rinse off. No effort needed at all and, the glass sparkles
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if you want Mac and cheese but don’t have the box
cook any pasta and drain add cheese spread from the jar
mix in as much or little as you like ( can add a little butter and or a dash of milk )
Sewing machine oil wiped over a stainless steel cook top with a tissue makes it look like new.
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Cut the bottom off of your tube of toothpaste. You will be amazed how much toothpaste you throw away that cannot be squeeezed out. Put a peg on the opening between brushings.

This toothpaste is also excellent for cleaning any chrome taps and fittings. Just use a soft old brush and sparkle and shine will be yours!
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So you are in Coles and you have a mask on and you want to open one of those pesky thin plastic bags but you cannot lick your fingers because of the mask. Solution as you enter the store just wipe your trolley with some of that cleaning paper that dangles near the entrance and leave it in the trolley so just touch that and then put your fingers either side of the bag and hey presto it is open.
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So you are in Coles and you have a mask on and you want to open one of those pesky thin plastic bags but you cannot lick your fingers because of the mask. Solution as you enter the store just wipe your trolley with some of that cleaning paper that dangles near the entrance and leave it in the trolley so just touch that and then put your fingers either side of the bag and hey presto it is open.
Genius idea!

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