The Bee Gees songs took this film to the interstellar success ------ Staying alive in 2021
Let's go back 54 years....Voices, harmony, real talent
Ok point taken, perhaps amongst the greatestGreat song, great music, I'm not sure I agree with your assessment of the singers as "greatest artists" ever, but they are good, even very good.Talking about back in the day, my main claim to popularity with any gathering was that I was the only one in most cases with a portable radio..... kept me poor in batteries I recall. omg over 70 years ago now.. time fly's but the melody does linger on.
Karen Carpenter - This is about as perfect as a song and video could ever be, Richard and Karen's musical talents and synergy come together to create a masterpiece among the best that will ever be made.
The Bee Gees songs took this film to the interstellar success ------ Staying alive in 2021
That sax solo! damn its so awesome - exquisite, nothing short of exquisite. I can feel it all the down to my toes. A masterpiece. Great song.