Shocking treatment: Coles cashier's demand left cancer patient feeling ‘violated’ at checkout

Tony Jones, a 39-year-old Queensland resident and cancer patient, was left feeling 'violated' and 'like a criminal' after a distressing incident at his local Coles supermarket.

Mr Jones, who has been battling bowel cancer, was asked to lift his shirt at the self-serve checkout by a staff member who suspected him of shoplifting.

Mr Jones' battle with bowel cancer has left him with a large hernia and a stoma, a surgically created opening in the abdomen that allows bowel movements.

To hide his hernia, Jones wears shirts that are three to four sizes larger than his usual size.

However, during a recent shopping trip to Coles, a staff member mistook his hernia for concealed stolen goods and asked him to lift his shirt in front of other customers.

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Tony Jones was suspected of theft in a Coles store. Image source: Shutterstock

Mr Jones described the incident as leaving him feeling violated.

'I have a stoma from bowel cancer a few years ago, had my entire bowel removed and then in late 2022 had a blockage so had to have emergency surgery, after that, I developed a very large hernia,' he explained.

‘Going through Coles self-checkout and as I go to pay, the worker says from across the self-checkout section, “And what about what’s under your shirt?” as she walks up to me—very accusatory tone like she was happy that she had caught me, loud enough that anyone at self-checkout knew,’ he recalled.

'I was shocked but wanted out of there, so just lifted my shirt to show my stoma bag and the hernia,’ Mr Jones admitted.

‘I suppose I could have argued, but I already hate my body, I hate the stoma and stoma bag (I find it disgusting), and the hernia causes a lot of pain, and I detest how I look so just wanted out,’ he confessed.

The Coles worker immediately apologised upon realising her mistake, but the damage was done.

Mr Jones, who worked in retail for over 14 years before his illness, was left feeling humiliated and distressed by the incident. He also expressed his disappointment at the accusatory tone of the staff member and the assumption of guilt.

‘It was quick, but it’s really left me shocked that they can take such an accusatory tone and sound so proud of themselves for it like they were waiting to catch a thief,’ Mr Jones shared.

‘The size of the bulge is very big, you’d have to be a complete moron if you were stealing something and showing something this big under your shirt,’ he added.

‘But having my hernia and, more so, my stoma bag on display for everyone who was looking as she hadn’t said it quietly was embarrassing and, yeah, I feel very weird right now, I guess,’ Mr Jones said.

In response to the incident, Coles offered Mr Jones a $100 gift voucher and an apology from the store manager.

However, he felt that the gesture was insufficient, stating, 'It’s a bit weird of a feeling to have a dollar value put on emotional distress.'

‘Honestly, I wish it would go higher than the store level as even reading the replies (online) to my experience, it seems like Coles themselves seem to have an issue at its core with people speaking about the new (security) gates and such as well,’ Mr Jones continued.

‘Coles seems to be fostering the idea that we are criminals who are guilty until proven innocent.’

When Mr Jones was asked, he said he didn't think the Coles team member in question should be let go. He just hopes other retail workers can learn from what happened.

A Coles spokesperson addressed the incident in a statement, saying, ‘We are disappointed to hear about this customer’s experience and earlier today, we spoke directly to our customer and apologised for this incident.’

‘Coles is committed to creating an inclusive environment for our customers and team members, and apologise again that this didn’t occur on this occasion,’ they added.

Key Takeaways
  • A Coles shopper felt ‘violated’ after being asked to lift his shirt at the checkout, as a staff member suspected him of shoplifting.
  • The customer, who is battling cancer, was wearing an oversized shirt to conceal a hernia and a stoma.
  • The supermarket chain has offered the customer a $100 gift voucher and an apology from the store manager for the embarrassing incident.
  • Coles has expressed disappointment in the incident, stating that their aim is to treat customers with respect and provide courteous service, and they are committed to creating an inclusive environment.

What are your thoughts on this incident, members? Have you or someone you know experienced similar treatment in a retail store? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below.
Lisa yes she has a job to do , correct but is it appropriate to raise your voice from a distance so everyone can hear you accusing also he has to lift his clothing in front of everyone how is that instead of approaching the person to step aside and deal with it there is a way of doing it as for how she may feel the attitude in approaching it says it all imagine the horror of everyone staring at you lift your shirt and nothing stolen no excuse sorry
I don’t believe any shop employee or manager has the right to ask anyone to “lift their shirt”. If they suspect stolen goods are hidden on a person, they have to call the police.
I dont believe they asked to see up his shirt they said what about what's up your shirt..this is where Mr Jones just explains his situation..instead it's turned into a huge "poor me" story..and I m not being nasty just stating a fact he has worked in retail so therefore HE KNEW PRETTY MUCH THIS WOULD HAPPEN...why he didn't explain to start with and save all drama is beyond me.
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Lisa yes she has a job to do , correct but is it appropriate to raise your voice from a distance so everyone can hear you accusing also he has to lift his clothing in front of everyone how is that instead of approaching the person to step aside and deal with it there is a way of doing it as for how she may feel the attitude in approaching it says it all imagine the horror of everyone staring at you lift your shirt and nothing stolen no excuse sorry
But as I said did she raise her voice or is this man just being sensitive?? I believe all he had to do to stop all the drama was just explain...I have never known any staff I have worked with ask to lift their shirt we always called the manager, I just believe this is totally out of proportion. This man worked in retail so he knows the score therefore should have explained and saved all the unnecessary drama all around.
I don’t agree. It shouldn’t be anyone’s job to ask a customer to lift their shirt and expose their skin This was all very unnecessary and I think this man could seek
I don’t agree. It shouldn’t be anyone’s job to ask a customer to lift their shirt and expose their skin This was all very unnecessary and I think this man could seek legal action
I think you are being ridiculous! NO ONE asked him to lift his shirt . They asked what was under it! Entirely different things...HE CHOSE to lift his shirt instead of explaining about his stoma this would NOT have escalated out of control!
Did they check the security cameras first ? or just went up to him and accused him of stealing. She needs to go. No excuse for that behaviour.
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This is disgusting. I understand staff need to do their job with theft on the increase but their has to be compassion with certain people and this man is one of those.

why did the staff call out , that was totally wrong and I feel anyone would be embarrassed by that even if it's just a big belly under the top 😳
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Could have approached Mr jones but know raise voice soothers can hear and then get him to raise his shirt it is clearly stated he had to raise his shirt so she could seee along with other customers and staff oh sorry and walks away read carefully HE HAD to Raise his shirt ,also she calledout from a distance in front of others. The Cole’s employee was enjoying it Mr jones had to prove his innocence why and Cole’s offer $50 really Try to grasp how this poor man feel it’s bad enough the issues he has now it’s extreme thanks to a Cole’s employee wanting to big note herself she just walks way forgets will Mr jones be that lucky NO
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I also feel sorry for Mr Jones, but for a different reason. I also have a stoma and two hernias, one of them is huge. I don't like having the hernias, but have to put up with them until they can arrange surgery. However, I am very thankful for my stoma and am certainly not disgusted with it. It has saved my life and the process of changing the stoma bag each day (or more often) has opened my eyes to some of the workings of our bodies. I have never had anyone request to see the hernias and stoma, but I know what the huge bulge in front of me must look like to others, and I am not ashamed of it and accept it as being just a part of life.
The Ostomy Associations in Australia are wonderful organisations (run mostly by volunteers) that exist to supply ostomates with the supplies that they need and to support us. Their regular magazine, Ostomy Australia, has many heart-lifting articles from people telling us that they are not ashamed of their stomas, and have not allowed it to stop their enjoyment of life. Mr Jones, don't hate your stoma and hernias; learn to accept them as being a part of life and if someone asks you to lift your shirt to show them, let tehm exhibit the shame, and not you!
I dont believe they asked to see up his shirt they said what about what's up your shirt..this is where Mr Jones just explains his situation..instead it's turned into a huge "poor me" story..and I m not being nasty just stating a fact he has worked in retail so therefore HE KNEW PRETTY MUCH THIS WOULD HAPPEN...why he didn't explain to start with and save all drama is beyond me.
The girls led him to raise his shirt to reveal so called stole goods wow it’s there in black and white
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Disgusting. My husband lives with a permanent Stoma & a very large hernia as a result. An invisible disability. He has had embarrassing moments at Airports. Staff should be educated regarding all aspects, in all areas dealing with the public. Staff members are doing their jobs, however, discretion is the key.
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I think that this incident is completely rude
What happened to customer service, staff need to be more discreet on how they approach people.
My daughter was accused of not paying for her groceries at a coles store.
She was targeted because of her body art.
We wished we took it further
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Sorry this had to happen to him, but the staff member was only doing their job! You got an apology, they are not mind readers, and had you explained that to them to start with this would NOT be blown out of all proportion also why make a huge thing about being "violated" etc it was only a simple mistake of the worker just doing their job! Stop sensationalism.
Lisa, seems to me you miss the point completely. The initial challenge was the the issue. The manner and approach was disgusting. Lack of training and the glee expressed is indicative of todays monitors. I hope you never have to experience this type of attack. Yes it is an attack. With appropriate training and approach this most certainly would not have degenerated to this level. .
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Wow, he gets an apology and $100 from coles for somebody doing their job. Seriously does this need reporting?
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Please do not use the self-service, as this is another clever way how companies are stealing from customers. If you have already been directed to use this service, the prices of the products should be reduced by the amount that the company calculates in the price of that product for the work of a particular person who works as a cashier. Simply ask to be served by a cashier and do not go to self-serve area, as you are not an employee of the particular store and are not paid to serve yourself.
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Sorry this had to happen to him, but the staff member was only doing their job! You got an apology, they are not mind readers, and had you explained that to them to start with this would NOT be blown out of all proportion also why make a huge thing about being "violated" etc it was only a simple mistake of the worker just doing their job! Stop sensationalism.



em·pa·thy ˈem-pə-thē

Synonyms of empathy
: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another
I also have a stoma, and have had problems because of it, not in a supermarket, but at airports. I now have a card which I carry with information about stomas (in several different languages) and giving my Dr's name. These cards are issued by our local Ostomy association, perhaps this chap should get one, then show it to anyone who questions him. All the staff at Perth airport have now had training on how to treat passengers that have a stoma, perhaps supermarket staff need training too.
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It's time for schools to teach kids manners, respect and how to address people in general. This should be a compulsory subject from kindy to seniors in every school. Then, maybe our future generations might have a chance of survival. This is subject that used to be taught by our parents but these days the parents themselves have no idea themselves.

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