Shocking treatment: Coles cashier's demand left cancer patient feeling ‘violated’ at checkout

Tony Jones, a 39-year-old Queensland resident and cancer patient, was left feeling 'violated' and 'like a criminal' after a distressing incident at his local Coles supermarket.

Mr Jones, who has been battling bowel cancer, was asked to lift his shirt at the self-serve checkout by a staff member who suspected him of shoplifting.

Mr Jones' battle with bowel cancer has left him with a large hernia and a stoma, a surgically created opening in the abdomen that allows bowel movements.

To hide his hernia, Jones wears shirts that are three to four sizes larger than his usual size.

However, during a recent shopping trip to Coles, a staff member mistook his hernia for concealed stolen goods and asked him to lift his shirt in front of other customers.

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Tony Jones was suspected of theft in a Coles store. Image source: Shutterstock

Mr Jones described the incident as leaving him feeling violated.

'I have a stoma from bowel cancer a few years ago, had my entire bowel removed and then in late 2022 had a blockage so had to have emergency surgery, after that, I developed a very large hernia,' he explained.

‘Going through Coles self-checkout and as I go to pay, the worker says from across the self-checkout section, “And what about what’s under your shirt?” as she walks up to me—very accusatory tone like she was happy that she had caught me, loud enough that anyone at self-checkout knew,’ he recalled.

'I was shocked but wanted out of there, so just lifted my shirt to show my stoma bag and the hernia,’ Mr Jones admitted.

‘I suppose I could have argued, but I already hate my body, I hate the stoma and stoma bag (I find it disgusting), and the hernia causes a lot of pain, and I detest how I look so just wanted out,’ he confessed.

The Coles worker immediately apologised upon realising her mistake, but the damage was done.

Mr Jones, who worked in retail for over 14 years before his illness, was left feeling humiliated and distressed by the incident. He also expressed his disappointment at the accusatory tone of the staff member and the assumption of guilt.

‘It was quick, but it’s really left me shocked that they can take such an accusatory tone and sound so proud of themselves for it like they were waiting to catch a thief,’ Mr Jones shared.

‘The size of the bulge is very big, you’d have to be a complete moron if you were stealing something and showing something this big under your shirt,’ he added.

‘But having my hernia and, more so, my stoma bag on display for everyone who was looking as she hadn’t said it quietly was embarrassing and, yeah, I feel very weird right now, I guess,’ Mr Jones said.

In response to the incident, Coles offered Mr Jones a $100 gift voucher and an apology from the store manager.

However, he felt that the gesture was insufficient, stating, 'It’s a bit weird of a feeling to have a dollar value put on emotional distress.'

‘Honestly, I wish it would go higher than the store level as even reading the replies (online) to my experience, it seems like Coles themselves seem to have an issue at its core with people speaking about the new (security) gates and such as well,’ Mr Jones continued.

‘Coles seems to be fostering the idea that we are criminals who are guilty until proven innocent.’

When Mr Jones was asked, he said he didn't think the Coles team member in question should be let go. He just hopes other retail workers can learn from what happened.

A Coles spokesperson addressed the incident in a statement, saying, ‘We are disappointed to hear about this customer’s experience and earlier today, we spoke directly to our customer and apologised for this incident.’

‘Coles is committed to creating an inclusive environment for our customers and team members, and apologise again that this didn’t occur on this occasion,’ they added.

Key Takeaways
  • A Coles shopper felt ‘violated’ after being asked to lift his shirt at the checkout, as a staff member suspected him of shoplifting.
  • The customer, who is battling cancer, was wearing an oversized shirt to conceal a hernia and a stoma.
  • The supermarket chain has offered the customer a $100 gift voucher and an apology from the store manager for the embarrassing incident.
  • Coles has expressed disappointment in the incident, stating that their aim is to treat customers with respect and provide courteous service, and they are committed to creating an inclusive environment.

What are your thoughts on this incident, members? Have you or someone you know experienced similar treatment in a retail store? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below.
I think Lisa may actually be the Coles worker in question with an attitude like that or just a spoiled Gen X
Well said and yes Lisa. You are Cole’s worker and attitude but you won’t change to much fun poking at innocent people
Sorry this had to happen to him, but the staff member was only doing their job! You got an apology, they are not mind readers, and had you explained that to them to start with this would NOT be blown out of all proportion also why make a huge thing about being "violated" etc it was only a simple mistake of the worker just doing their job! Stop sensationalism.
I'm sorry but you are very wrong there Lisa. Staff including security, don't have the powers or the right to do what she did to Mr Jones. And upon hearing that, the manager should have sacked her on the spot! But for you to accuse him of blowing it out of all proportion & sensationalising it is totally uncalled for too. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment; you are in a shop & at the register are accused by a male cashier of shoplifting, because he believed you'd stuffed something down your bra, then he demanded that you open your shirt & expose your boobs to him, & any other shoppers or onlookers, to prove yourself innocent, after you'd explained you'd just had a breast removed due to cancer, how would that make you feel Lisa? Be honest & put yourself in that situation knowing how you'd feel about your body after a mastectomy. Would you say oh he's just doing his job, & flash him & everyone else who was watching the situation? If you're anything like the rest of us, you'd be livid, feel outraged, defiled & totally violated just like Mr Jones. Before you judge anyone, put yourself in their shoes & feel for yourself if that judgement is warranted! She was wrong, the manager is wrong for not reporting her, for not sacking her, for offering Mr Jones a $100 voucher to sweep it under the carpet, & also for not putting it into the hands of senior management, who I dare say would have taken it to their legal advisors & they would have jumped to offer Mr Jones, a fair & just out of Court settlement.
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I quite agree and I refused an aggressive assistant to check my bag and I was banned from the store. I felt awful but I did not feel it appropriate for me to have to show what was in my bag. I was a bit raw because I said “even my husband doesn’t search my bag” and my husband had died that week. I suggested that they use cameras to identify shoplifters and shame these people with photos of who they had seen taking items. That’s a better way of identifying thrived rather than making everyone feel guilty or embarrassed it’s not enough to say if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t worry. It’s an invasion of our privacy to search everyone
I agree but why have you not named the store/ company where this happened and staff members they are good at dishing it out wonderful how it would to be on the receiving end. And yes they are doing there job ,it’s how you do it to many store staff are on a ego trip now and think there powerful well there not
Mr Jones if you are reading this, please go see a "no win, no fee" solicitor. You have had so many of your civil rights breached, by the female staff member mainly, but alsi the store manager. Shop staff & even security do not have any legal powers to search your bags or your person without just cause! Only a police officer has the power to body search you, it would be done by a male officer & most importantly it would be done in a private, not in front of other shoppers & onlookers! You have been falsely accused, basically called a liar when your explanation was ignored, made to bare your chest in front of everyone who stopped to look, embarrassed in the worst possible way, defamed in public, & yes totally violated not just by way of your person, but of many of your civil rights being denied & ignored. I don't blame you for being outraged, I would be livid. Go see a solicitor & sue all three of them, the company for not giving staff proper training in what they can & cannot do in situations such as these. The manager for not taking all your details & handing them to Coles hierarchy to be followed up, & the little upstart who took it upon herself to disrespect you, accuse you, deny your rights, disbelieving your explanation; that is for a manager to decide, demanding you bare your chest to her, in the public eye of other shoppers & onlookers, causing you genuine distress & embarrassment. If this had been a male staff member & a female shopper situation, there would be an outrage all over the media, news, current affair programs etc. within hours. Don't let being a male stop you from reporting this, & seeking legal representation to sue (well worth your time), even report it to the ACCC with regard to company policy & procedures!! What happened to you is wrong on so many levels, & heads should roll.
I'm sorry but you are very wrong there Lisa. Staff including security, don't have the powers or the right to do what she did to Mr Jones. And upon hearing that, the manager should have sacked her on the spot! But for you to accuse him of blowing it out of all proportion & sensationalising it is totally uncalled for too. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment; you are in a shop & at the register are accused by a male cashier of shoplifting, because he believed you'd stuffed something down your bra, then he demanded that you open your shirt & expose your boobs to him, & any other shoppers or onlookers, to prove yourself innocent, after you'd explained you'd just had a breast removed due to cancer, how would that make you feel Lisa? Be honest & put yourself in that situation knowing how you'd feel about your body after a mastectomy. Would you say oh he's just doing his job, & flash him & everyone else who was watching the situation? If you're anything like the rest of us, you'd be livid, feel outraged, defiled & totally violated just like Mr Jones. Before you judge anyone, put yourself in their shoes & feel for yourself if that judgement is warranted! She was wrong, the manager is wrong for not reporting her, for not sacking her, for offering Mr Jones a $100 voucher to sweep it under the carpet, & also for not putting it into the hands of senior management, who I dare say would have taken it to their legal advisors & they would have jumped to offer Mr Jones, a fair & just out of Court settlement.
Lisa works for Cole’s intact may be the one who actually did this to Mr jones
If a male worker did the same to a woman all hell would break loose wouldn’t it you could see the headlines how true but a ego power tripper Cole’s female to a man oh sorry and walks of I bet the supermarket manager probably doesn’t know till the $50 voucher came into it take yes the worker has a job to do wontdo it properly though but it’s a man doesn’t matter but doing it with a audience in front of other shoppers and she made sure everyone was watching and then accusing him and smirking what a horrible person it’s the way it was done nasty the worker should be identified at least so shoppers are aware of her and avoid her she actually should join the police force be better suited
It is very interesting to note references if a male store member treated a lady the same as Mr jones there would be out rage all over media and talk shows Very True but a female to male just silence Can anyone justify how this occurred
if you want to kill a tree, you don't hack away at it's branches

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