Hello, @Kerro ! Welcooooome 🥳 We're thrilled to have you on here. Thanks for joining! We're looking forward to interacting with you! It's so nice to hear that you read the newsletter daily. Your support means a lot to us. :D
Hi Kerro. Welcome to another friendly face.
Hi everyone, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Claire and I live in sunny Queensland. I have posted an event I am attending this weekend and hope I haven't overstepped any boundaries with the group. I have only shared one post so far. I am a great grandmother, grandmother and all the rest and pleased to share in the conversations.
Hi everyone, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Claire and I live in sunny Queensland. I have posted an event I am attending this weekend and hope I haven't overstepped any boundaries with the group. I have only shared one post so far. I am a great grandmother, grandmother and all the rest and pleased to share in the conversations.
Hello MrsM. You have much to be proud of. I am sure you receive much joy from all your Grandies. So far I'm just a granddad but looking forward to being a great grandi.
Hi everyone, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Claire and I live in sunny Queensland. I have posted an event I am attending this weekend and hope I haven't overstepped any boundaries with the group. I have only shared one post so far. I am a great grandmother, grandmother and all the rest and pleased to share in the conversations.
Hello, @MrsM ! Awww... You're so thoughtful. We're glad to have you on here! Please feel free to join in on more discussions :)
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Hi everyone I am Murray but my SDC name KangaKiwi shows me as a NewZealand born Aussie I also spent 19 years in the USA returning in 2010 and have been married 41 years to a nurse who is a 10 pound Pom Close to retirement age with a nutty sense of humour
Good Morning Everyone,
My name is Diane, I live in Sydney in a beautiful area around a lake where you can have great bbques (when you are allowed) areas for children to really enjoy the outdoors. I live with my wonderful husband of 47 years , we met on a blind date over 50 years ago still very happy with each other..
We have a son and daughter, 3 grand daughters and 6 great grand children only 1 being a girl. I enjoy my garden which is a great out let in these time, I love to cook especially trying new recipes for my diabetic husband, I love using my iPad and computer,.. I also am a fan of Tai Chi which I have been doing for over 20 years, now I do it through Zoom which is one of the great inventions We are always busy doing something around the house and have not found the lock down to worry us too much, the only thing is it has restricted us from seeing our family which is very sad. I am sure things will eventually quiet down and it will be better for all, unfortunately a little different to what we are used to.
I look forward to seeing posts from the group and thank you for accepting me as a member.
To all the members keep healthy and safe
Hello Dianne ,
my name is Peter , nice to meet you I have been interested in learning Tai Chi because I need to reduce the stress levels do you find it helps to do that ?
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