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Got a cool 'household hack' to share? Share it to go into the draw to win a $100 Coles or Woolies voucher!
Hi guys... We're trying to compile a list of all the best household hacks out there and want your help!
A household hack can be anything that makes life easier at home. Valid categories include (but are not limited to):
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Laundry
- Gardening
- Organisation
- DIY / home improvement
The best household hack submitted before the end of October will receive a $100 Coles or Woolies voucher (at the winner's discretion).
As an example, here's an awesome cleaning hack shared by member @CarolAusten a couple of weeks ago:
The best cleaning product you can ever use is one you make yourself that will last you for many months is
1.5 litres of water (1cup Boiling)
300ml Vinegar
60ml dish detergent
25ml eucalyptus oil
3 dessert spoons Letric Washing soda, mix altogether poor into spray bottle, works out about 30 cents per spray bottle and you can even use it as a laundry stain remover.
So don't be shy... Share your favourite hacks here!