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  1. V

    Alert for collectors: Your valuables could be at risk with Australia Post – Man's rare coins lost!

    I had an incident years ago when they delivered an opened letter in a plastic bag the letter had contained a Christmas card with small present for my kids from their great aunt. Someone in post opened it stole the contents
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    Drivers, beware: Your toll payments could be at risk thanks to this new scam!

    I don’t use toll roads. But I’ve received the scam text. I blocked the number
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    Report reveals new details about Princess of Wales—will she be back anytime soon?

    I went through a similar journey I had thyroid cancer follicular for years I was at stage 4 when it really raised its head but wasn’t picked up. I had it out due to nodules. The cancer wasn’t found till the microbiology was done on it but it had spread . It was several weeks later I found out I...
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    The SDC ANZAC Day Special Edition

    My dad was also in the BCOF also in Japan. But as a transport driver
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    The SDC ANZAC Day Special Edition

    Anzac Day means a lot to me. I have 3 Great uncles that were Rats of Tobruk. My grandfather served. My other grandfather was an Anzac. My husband served. My son in law is serving. There were a lot of other family members that served too. And it’s my father in laws birthday. He also served. He...
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    ‘Degrading and stressful’: Patient's two-hour hospital ordeal reveals healthcare system flaw

    I had a similar experience with my son. I got home to find him in distress and rang the dr he came down and said he needed to go straight to hospital he rang them and gave me a letter I got there with him and saw triage where I was virtually called a liar and he was put through the rigramole...
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    'Genius' car park feature divides Aussie drivers: 'Absolutely elite parking experience here!'

    I honestly would not mind it I’d like to see more disabled parking spots they are so hard to get
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    Valentine's 'Nostalgia Competition' - Share your memories of love and you could win $100

    I don’t celebrate it as Valentine’s Day. Because it’s also Ash Wednesday but it’s also my grandsons birthday. So we celebrate that
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    Are you at risk? Infection spikes after a contagious traveller visits multiple locations

    I’ve never had the childhood diseases When one of my girls got chicken pox I said to the dr I’d never had them he virtually called me a liar. I said should I keep the baby away he said no so at 40 and my bub was 3 months. We both got chicken pox. Mine was very mild. He told me I could get it...
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    Can you solve this tricky Year 1 homework question that has adults stumped?

    Yes I got it correct I chose silver because you could use all the other things
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    Transform Your Health in 2024: The Secret to Boosting Energy and Achieving the Best Sleep

    My problem is I can’t exercise as I get angina induced by it but I have spinal stenosis also.
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    Unwelcomed guest is found ‘chilling’ in someone’s house!

    I have a brown snake in my backyard it looked like it was coming in from under the fence. I called the council they sent a snake catcher out it turned out it was dead and the rear end was missing still it scared me
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    Start the New Year right with these must-know financial changes that will impact your budget

    What about the older people on disability and carer. We aren’t quite old enough for the age pension
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    Government set to wipe off demerit points of eligible drivers in the New Year

    Ive always kept a clean record. I’ve never accrued points
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    Can You Crack the Toughest Question from This Year's HSC Maths Test?

    I was pretty good at maths but that’s a tricky one
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    How did YOU spend your weekend?

    I had my daughter and grandsons call-in early Saturday morning. Then I drove south to Jarrara Dam to a wedding My niece got married . After getting home very late after a two hour drive I rested on Sunday
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    Thousands caught up in mayhem due to ANZ and Woolworths service outages over the long weekend

    W we were able to use my friends card at Woolworths but when we went to big w they said cash only luckily we had some
  18. V

    Scam alerts: Australians urged to stay cautious as ATO notes surge in phishing and impersonation cases

    I had a similar thing though I never had a romance he started to ask for money really quickly. To me it was a red flag I stopped replying to him and blocked him
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