Viruses knock Aussies off their feet for weeks! Learn how to avoid the same fate

As the chill of winter descends upon us, Aussies are finding themselves huddled indoors, seeking warmth and comfort.

However, this seasonal shift brings with it more than just a drop in temperature; it heralds a wave of respiratory viruses that are leaving many Aussies bedridden for weeks, with symptoms that some say are 'worse than COVID’.

Health workers nationwide are raising the alarm over a potent mix of respiratory illnesses that are spreading rapidly.

The impact of these viruses is to be considered, as they can knock even the healthiest individuals off their feet.

The situation is worsened by what experts are calling 'vaccine fatigue'.

Health workers reported a mix of respiratory viruses spreading across Australia, leaving people bedridden for weeks, feeling worse than with COVID-19. Credit: Shutterstock

After years of COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, Australians seem less inclined to roll up their sleeves for the flu shot.

This reluctance is leading to complacency, which in turn is resulting in a spike in severe cases of flu and other respiratory viruses.

Dr Joel Ten, a spokesperson for the National Asthma Council Australia and a Melbourne-based GP, has observed the toll these viruses take.

‘I've seen a number of patients who have reported that they've had quite severe symptoms with the flu, but it does depend from person to person,' he said.

‘There are a lot of respiratory viruses floating around at the moment; it's not just COVID and influenza.’

‘There are many others that we don't routinely test for. Another big one that has been around is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).’

‘There are other viruses like parainfluenza, rhinovirus, and metapneumovirus that can also infect people outside of the big three.’

‘And certainly, some of my patients have said similar things that when they've contracted one, they felt that it was worse than COVID itself.’

Natalie Hunt, a Sydney resident, can attest to the severity of these illnesses.

She's been bedridden for weeks, suffering from symptoms that have outlasted and outdone her bout with COVID-19.

'This is the longest and nastiest illness I've had since I was a kid,' she shared.

‘Nasty, green chesty mucus, cough, fatigue, swollen glands, lower back pain, blocked ears — I've had it all.’

Dr Ten suggested that the lack of flu vaccinations could contribute to the severity of the illnesses.

‘So certainly, if you've not been vaccinated for the flu, but you've been vaccinated for COVID, that could explain why some people are getting influenza subjectively worse than some people have gotten COVID.’ he said.

‘Whatever [viruses] are prevalent in the northern hemisphere, vaccines will be generated against generally the top four of those particular ones.’

‘And then that gets shipped across to us in the southern hemisphere. And then hopefully, whatever we get vaccination-wise is going match up with whatever strains are floating around.’

In related news, NSW residents are urged to get vaccinated as influenza cases surge, with over 4,700 diagnoses in April.

Health authorities are especially concerned about vulnerable groups, including young children, older adults, and individuals with severe health conditions. Read more about this news here.
Key Takeaways

  • Health workers reported a mix of respiratory viruses spreading across Australia, leaving people bedridden for weeks and feeling worse than with COVID-19.
  • Australians are showing complacency towards flu vaccinations due to vaccine fatigue, contributing to the spread and severity of the illnesses.
  • Doctors encountered patients with severe symptoms, some inflicted by strains of flu perceived to be more brutal than COVID-19.
  • The flu has significantly increased in Australia, especially among children, with raw numbers indicating a tougher flu season than the previous year.
Have you or someone you know been affected by the recent wave of respiratory illnesses? Share your experiences and tips for staying healthy in the comments below.
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Oh that's going a bit to far, poor Wyngaard he is a member like the rest of us and if you don't like his opinions don't read them. I think the comments were very unfair and hurtful.
The issue is simple. Opinions matter and lead to actions by others, particularly when argued publicly through the near-instantaneous internet. On balance Covid-19 vaccination helps reduce transmission of the virus, as does the wearing of, in particular, the N95 mask. As demonstrated since the early 1700s, vaccination/scarification creates the situation where the vaccine has prevented illness, which is how the WHO wiped out Smallpox virus in the global community by around 1978. When facts are met with personal abuse by those who deny without logic such facts , then there seems little point in being polite to the abuser. If the denier of those facts should choose to present sound, researched and referenced evidence that in fact the facts are incorrect/ are misinterpretations of inadequate work, then that would be welcomed. But in the arguments that have raged for the last 4 years about Covid-19 vaccinations and the minor form of self-quarantine of wearing an N95 mask in public areas, there has been offered an absurd mythology not born out by creditable evidence; rather we have seen violent demonstrations against sensible health precautions, and people have had their lives and health damaged because of that mythology.
If the denier of those facts should choose to present sound, researched and referenced evidence that in fact the facts are incorrect/ are misinterpretations of inadequate work, then that would be welcomed.

Indeed, it would be welcomed.
Won't happen though.
Past experiences or the strong embrace of a post/alternate-truth style of thinking denies those that succumb to it from admitting they have no evidence to support their thinking.
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The issue is simple. Opinions matter and lead to actions by others, particularly when argued publicly through the near-instantaneous internet. On balance Covid-19 vaccination helps reduce transmission of the virus, as does the wearing of, in particular, the N95 mask. As demonstrated since the early 1700s, vaccination/scarification creates the situation where the vaccine has prevented illness, which is how the WHO wiped out Smallpox virus in the global community by around 1978. When facts are met with personal abuse by those who deny without logic such facts , then there seems little point in being polite to the abuser. If the denier of those facts should choose to present sound, researched and referenced evidence that in fact the facts are incorrect/ are misinterpretations of inadequate work, then that would be welcomed. But in the arguments that have raged for the last 4 years about Covid-19 vaccinations and the minor form of self-quarantine of wearing an N95 mask in public areas, there has been offered an absurd mythology not born out by creditable evidence; rather we have seen violent demonstrations against sensible health precautions, and people have had their lives and health damaged because of that mythology.
I remember when my doctor's clinic was doing the covid vaccines we used a different door, where we had to use the bell to be let in, to save crowding the general reception area. It had to be stopped because  unmasked anti-vaccers were accosting people at that door waiting to be let in, which was not only rather annoying/scary but infringing on our freedom of choice and trying to force their choice on others.
Imagine the uproar from them if the tables were reversed.
It's our choice whether or not we choose to adopt certain procedures for our health's sake, ours and no one else's.
I remember when my doctor's clinic was doing the covid vaccines we used a different door, where we had to use the bell to be let in, to save crowding the general reception area. It had to be stopped because  unmasked anti-vaccers were accosting people at that door waiting to be let in, which was not only rather annoying/scary but infringing on our freedom of choice and trying to force their choice on others.
Imagine the uproar from them if the tables were reversed.
It's our choice whether or not we choose to adopt certain procedures for our health's sake, ours and no one else's.

I'd not heard of that sort of thing happening. I was working 7x7 at that stage and wasn't getting time to read a lot of current affairs.
It seems like a good idea from the clinic. Appalling to be made to forgo on the basis of another groups mythology.
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I was truly knocked out. Diagnosis was Covid then pneumonia. Walking 10 steps and I was out of breath. Sinus congestion was terrible/ ears blocked (still not right) and that started 8 weeks ago. Coughing has finally ceased but still just not right. Can’t ever remember being this unwell for so long.
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Reactions: Rob44 and DLHM
I was truly knocked out. Diagnosis was Covid then pneumonia. Walking 10 steps and I was out of breath. Sinus congestion was terrible/ ears blocked (still not right) and that started 8 weeks ago. Coughing has finally ceased but still just not right. Can’t ever remember being this unwell for so long.

Truly awful. Pneumonia on top is really bad. My partner is always at risk of getting the added complication of Pneumonia. Thus why the added protection of N95 as well as vaccinations is critical for us.
Why are people are still leaving home without a mask on, they're just asking to get sick. I for one don't go anywhere without a mask as I'm not about to put my health in jeopardy due to ignorant people not covering up when they cough or sneeze.
my info is that a mask is only effective for 20 mins until it gets moist through your breathing, then limited use after that.
I was truly knocked out. Diagnosis was Covid then pneumonia. Walking 10 steps and I was out of breath. Sinus congestion was terrible/ ears blocked (still not right) and that started 8 weeks ago. Coughing has finally ceased but still just not right. Can’t ever remember being this unwell for so long.

Hope you are starting to feel better and recover in good time from now.
I remember when my doctor's clinic was doing the covid vaccines we used a different door, where we had to use the bell to be let in, to save crowding the general reception area. It had to be stopped because  unmasked anti-vaccers were accosting people at that door waiting to be let in, which was not only rather annoying/scary but infringing on our freedom of choice and trying to force their choice on others.
Imagine the uproar from them if the tables were reversed.
It's our choice whether or not we choose to adopt certain procedures for our health's sake, ours and no one else's.
Not only is it an individual choice, but it is also a social choice and as members of a society, and allegedly a caring one, we also need to consider our social responsibilities which include not driving when drunk. not smoking in public areas and not driving faster than the speed limit, all enforced, by law, for our individual health.
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I remember when my doctor's clinic was doing the covid vaccines we used a different door, where we had to use the bell to be let in, to save crowding the general reception area. It had to be stopped because  unmasked anti-vaccers were accosting people at that door waiting to be let in, which was not only rather annoying/scary but infringing on our freedom of choice and trying to force their choice on others.
Imagine the uproar from them if the tables were reversed.
It's our choice whether or not we choose to adopt certain procedures for our health's sake, ours and no one else's.
Not only is it an individual choice, but it is also a social choice and as members of a society, and allegedly a caring one, we also need to consider our social responsibilities which include not driving when drunk. not smoking in public areas and not driving faster than the speed limit, all enforced, by law, for our individual health.
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Not only is it an individual choice, but it is also a social choice and as members of a society, and allegedly a caring one, we also need to consider our social responsibilities which include not driving when drunk. not smoking in public areas and not driving faster than the speed limit, all enforced, by law, for our individual health.

I have a friend who has always been against the Covid vaccine. Am always told to "WAKE UP" plus sending me an array of videos of doom and gloom, which I have actually listened to and watched out of interest.
IMO, there's no concrete, scientific evidence from what I've seen and been shown.
I'd not heard of that sort of thing happening. I was working 7x7 at that stage and wasn't getting time to read a lot of current affairs.
It seems like a good idea from the clinic. Appalling to be made to forgo on the basis of another groups mythology.
It happened with a few of the vaccines. After that first lot of intimidation we were told to go around to the back door that is in a lane that has some car parking.
When people decide they have the right to tell me what I should do for my own health, I tend to let them rant but not show much interest. If that doesn't stop them I ask them, 'Do they want to hear why I choose what  I feel is best for me but not tell them what I think is best for them?' They usually walk of in a huff after a second or two of staring at me.
It's best, in my opinion, not to get into an arguement with someone who does not wish to hear the other person's side.
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I was truly knocked out. Diagnosis was Covid then pneumonia. Walking 10 steps and I was out of breath. Sinus congestion was terrible/ ears blocked (still not right) and that started 8 weeks ago. Coughing has finally ceased but still just not right. Can’t ever remember being this unwell for so long.
Hope you are back to full health now, whatever that may be for you.
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my info is that a mask is only effective for 20 mins until it gets moist through your breathing, then limited use after that.
My experience is that my wearing an N95 mask for 6 hours whilst unknowingly Covid-positive when being assessed for other issues in a public hospital and in close proximity to several non-masked nurses and two non-masked doctors during that time may have prevented them from catching my Covid; after testing Covid-positive next day I telephoned next day to apologise for putting those staff at risk and after a subsequent visit after Covid had finished with me I asked if anyone in that unit had caught the bug. None had. That's not proof that a damp mask will stop transmission of Covid; it is a subjective experience not tested rigorously. Read it as you wish.

The reason I caught Covid was simply nobody, including my wife, wore a mask when shopping at the local supermarket. I had been vaccinated 6 months earlier so was less likely to be adequately immune to the bug and I caught the brand new freshly-introduced-to-Australia Omicron mutant for which the previous vaccine was inadequate at the best of times. Ironically I had been booked for vaccination when that vaccine against the new mutant bug became available a week after the bug got me. The first symptom was a mild sore throat so okay, it's the flue/cold but still wear that mask; but no, it wasn't.
Truly awful. Pneumonia on top is really bad. My partner is always at risk of getting the added complication of Pneumonia. Thus why the added protection of N95 as well as vaccinations is critical for us.
Indeed, it would be welcomed.
Won't happen though.
Past experiences or the strong embrace of a post/alternate-truth style of thinking denies those that succumb to it from admitting they have no evidence to support their thinking.
Ah, so young, so cruelly cynical about your fellow Homo sap. :)devilish: Irony alert)
I have a friend who has always been against the Covid vaccine. Am always told to "WAKE UP" plus sending me an array of videos of doom and gloom, which I have actually listened to and watched out of interest.
IMO, there's no concrete, scientific evidence from what I've seen and been shown.
My daughter sent us videos etc showing what the Covid vaccines did to the blood so my two sons l live with and myself didn't have the vaccines.My grand-daughter got herself vaccinated against her fathers wishes and caught Covid which she passed on to us luckily we were only very mildly affected. One of the carers that come to the house was vaccinated three times and still got Covid twice . lt's up to everyone to make their own choices but l would rather risk it than get that rubbish in my veins.
Ah, so young, so cruelly cynical about your fellow Homo sap. :)devilish: Irony alert)

Mmmnnyeaahh, what can ya do. It is what it is. 5 will get you more shekels on the last.

And I agree cobber, the message was there.

Sometimes the velvet glove has a brick in it. Rhetorical question is, who has the brick.

One can try help, understanding, empathy, wit and all manner of reach outs. But at the end of the day I have complete trust that a Pillock will always do what a Pillock is meant to do. For they don't deserve the compliment of a true Contrarian.

How does one describe what just said?
Not 100% sure that cynicism, sarcasm or Irony fits due to the trust element. Maybe it has a taint of all three?Maybe a well-travelled and higher educated Pomgolean knows the answer.
Perhaps it's just blunt oz style rudeness.

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