Viruses knock Aussies off their feet for weeks! Learn how to avoid the same fate

As the chill of winter descends upon us, Aussies are finding themselves huddled indoors, seeking warmth and comfort.

However, this seasonal shift brings with it more than just a drop in temperature; it heralds a wave of respiratory viruses that are leaving many Aussies bedridden for weeks, with symptoms that some say are 'worse than COVID’.

Health workers nationwide are raising the alarm over a potent mix of respiratory illnesses that are spreading rapidly.

The impact of these viruses is to be considered, as they can knock even the healthiest individuals off their feet.

The situation is worsened by what experts are calling 'vaccine fatigue'.

Health workers reported a mix of respiratory viruses spreading across Australia, leaving people bedridden for weeks, feeling worse than with COVID-19. Credit: Shutterstock

After years of COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, Australians seem less inclined to roll up their sleeves for the flu shot.

This reluctance is leading to complacency, which in turn is resulting in a spike in severe cases of flu and other respiratory viruses.

Dr Joel Ten, a spokesperson for the National Asthma Council Australia and a Melbourne-based GP, has observed the toll these viruses take.

‘I've seen a number of patients who have reported that they've had quite severe symptoms with the flu, but it does depend from person to person,' he said.

‘There are a lot of respiratory viruses floating around at the moment; it's not just COVID and influenza.’

‘There are many others that we don't routinely test for. Another big one that has been around is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).’

‘There are other viruses like parainfluenza, rhinovirus, and metapneumovirus that can also infect people outside of the big three.’

‘And certainly, some of my patients have said similar things that when they've contracted one, they felt that it was worse than COVID itself.’

Natalie Hunt, a Sydney resident, can attest to the severity of these illnesses.

She's been bedridden for weeks, suffering from symptoms that have outlasted and outdone her bout with COVID-19.

'This is the longest and nastiest illness I've had since I was a kid,' she shared.

‘Nasty, green chesty mucus, cough, fatigue, swollen glands, lower back pain, blocked ears — I've had it all.’

Dr Ten suggested that the lack of flu vaccinations could contribute to the severity of the illnesses.

‘So certainly, if you've not been vaccinated for the flu, but you've been vaccinated for COVID, that could explain why some people are getting influenza subjectively worse than some people have gotten COVID.’ he said.

‘Whatever [viruses] are prevalent in the northern hemisphere, vaccines will be generated against generally the top four of those particular ones.’

‘And then that gets shipped across to us in the southern hemisphere. And then hopefully, whatever we get vaccination-wise is going match up with whatever strains are floating around.’

In related news, NSW residents are urged to get vaccinated as influenza cases surge, with over 4,700 diagnoses in April.

Health authorities are especially concerned about vulnerable groups, including young children, older adults, and individuals with severe health conditions. Read more about this news here.
Key Takeaways

  • Health workers reported a mix of respiratory viruses spreading across Australia, leaving people bedridden for weeks and feeling worse than with COVID-19.
  • Australians are showing complacency towards flu vaccinations due to vaccine fatigue, contributing to the spread and severity of the illnesses.
  • Doctors encountered patients with severe symptoms, some inflicted by strains of flu perceived to be more brutal than COVID-19.
  • The flu has significantly increased in Australia, especially among children, with raw numbers indicating a tougher flu season than the previous year.
Have you or someone you know been affected by the recent wave of respiratory illnesses? Share your experiences and tips for staying healthy in the comments below.
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My daughter sent us videos etc showing what the Covid vaccines did to the blood so my two sons l live with and myself didn't have the vaccines.My grand-daughter got herself vaccinated against her fathers wishes and caught Covid which she passed on to us luckily we were only very mildly affected. One of the carers that come to the house was vaccinated three times and still got Covid twice . lt's up to everyone to make their own choices but l would rather risk it than get that rubbish in my veins.
Yes, I agree it's each individual's choice. I've told my friend the same. It's just that I don't bombard her with my opinions, like she tells me to wake up. It's not worth it, in my view.
I'm one of the lucky ones who has never caught Covid, and fingers crossed it stays that way.
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Yes, I agree it's each individual's choice. I've told my friend the same. It's just that I don't bombard her with my opinions, like she tells me to wake up. It's not worth it, in my view.
I'm one of the lucky ones who has never caught Covid, and fingers crossed it stays that way.
l hope you never do fingers crossed
It's just that I don't bombard her with my opinions,

like she tells me to wake up. It's not worth it, in my view.

It's really difficult when a friend or family member has an opposing point of view, especially if confrontation is something you don't seek out. One of my 3 adult sons has/had strong views on vaccinations after his pancreas failed to produce insulin. He was 4 years old when diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus or Type1. It was a big challenge for us with my partner delivering a fourth child at the time of diagnosis. Hint: an orange was the best fruit to practice giving injections.

He believed it was a vaccination that caused it. Slowly he is undoing his anti-vaccination belief with careful help from the family. Progress is being made with the grandchildren now being vaccinated when Doctor suggests.

Very trying number of years though with Covid rampant and lots of alluring (to him) websites spruiking anti-vaxx sentiments.
We also found that confrontation wasn't a useful tool to use in that circumstance. Like you, we could find no evidence supporting the anti-vaxx myths. But we could not allow the future health of the Grandchildren to be in the lap of unproven myths.

I understand your situation and hope your friend eventually agrees not to continually tell you to wake up.

Sometimes though the position is a little more blurry than just a matter of choice, especially when matters of social responsibility are considered.
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It's really difficult when a friend or family member has an opposing point of view, especially if confrontation is something you don't seek out. One of my 3 adult sons has/had strong views on vaccinations after his pancreas failed to produce insulin. He was 4 years old when diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus or Type1. It was a big challenge for us with my partner delivering a fourth child at the time of diagnosis. Hint: an orange was the best fruit to practice giving injections.

He believed it was a vaccination that caused it. Slowly he is undoing his anti-vaccination belief with careful help from the family. Progress is being made with the grandchildren now being vaccinated when Doctor suggests.

Very trying number of years though with Covid rampant and lots of alluring (to him) websites spruiking anti-vaxx sentiments.
We also found that confrontation wasn't a useful tool to use in that circumstance. Like you, we could find no evidence supporting the anti-vaxx myths. But we could not allow the future health of the Grandchildren to be in the lap of unproven myths.

I understand your situation and hope your friend eventually agrees not to continually tell you to wake up.

Sometimes though the position is a little more blurry than just a matter of choice, especially when matters of social responsibility are considered.
So sorry to hear about when your little fella was diagnosed with Type 1 and dealing with it at that age. My adult son was 3 when he was diagnosed in hospital with severe asthma, and has never grown out of it.
I'm finding lately it's better to not respond to my friend about covid and we talk about other common matters. This way, hopefully the videos/links will cease in due course and I won't be told I'm a 'sheeple'. I do agree with you about the future health of your dear grandchildren.
On a different note, I have another friend who moved to get away from chemtrails in the sky. I can't understand what the motive is with that one.
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Mmmnnyeaahh, what can ya do. It is what it is. 5 will get you more shekels on the last.

And I agree cobber, the message was there.

Sometimes the velvet glove has a brick in it. Rhetorical question is, who has the brick.

One can try help, understanding, empathy, wit and all manner of reach outs. But at the end of the day I have complete trust that a Pillock will always do what a Pillock is meant to do. For they don't deserve the compliment of a true Contrarian.

How does one describe what just said?
Not 100% sure that cynicism, sarcasm or Irony fits due to the trust element. Maybe it has a taint of all three?Maybe a well-travelled and higher educated Pomgolean knows the answer.
Perhaps it's just blunt oz style rudeness.
Oz style rudeness” ??? What do ya mean Champ? I have to ask given that I am just an “’Strayan…feral”… in pommy speak.
What is this style? Subterfuge? Condescension? Doublespeak? Subtext? Sarcasm? So very British pontification?
Oz style rudeness” ??? What do ya mean Champ? I have to ask given that I am just an “’Strayan…feral”… in pommy speak.
What is this style? Subterfuge? Condescension? Doublespeak? Subtext? Sarcasm? So very British pontification?

Simple self indulgence on my part as message was written for eyes of Rob44. Apologies for the understandable confusion on your part.
On a different note, I have another friend who moved to get away from chemtrails in the sky. I can't understand what the motive is with that one.

Haha. This is all meant in a friendly manner towards yourself. It seems you may pick friends that, in part, may belong to a select group. 😉 The following may or may not help you understand what the friend told you.

Here's a fascinating read from CNN (link below) on the very subject of Chemtrails. What lead to the belief in it and why it's so difficult to convince someone that it is pure conspiracy fantasy.

The science based reality is that con-trails (short for condensation trails) appear behind airliners when water vapour condenses and freezes around the exhausts from the aircraft.

The conspiracy people believe con-trails are chemicals released by governments or 'elites' to control populations and suchlike.

If you find the article a bit long, here is an excerpt that might help you understand the motivation behind your friend making such a big decision. Of course I don't know for sure, it is possible that reason for moving may be a mask for a stronger reason.

Excerpt from the article

"Social media’s algorithmic structure means people see information that reinforces their existing beliefs. Ex-believers interviewed attributed their ongoing belief in part to the “sheer amount of pro-conspiracy information” on their social media feeds, said Coye Cheshire, a professor at UC Berkeley studying social psychology, who was also involved in the study with Xiao. Scientific evidence debunking the theories simply wouldn’t make it onto their feeds or in their social groups. Even if it did, other believers will only reinforce the theory.

The malleable nature of the conspiracy theory helps give it strength, said Cheshire.

“As some believers told us, the power of the conspiracy is that it can be adjusted to fit any new information since the ‘smoking gun’ evidence never seems to come,” Cheshire said. “For example, even if believers are not sure that the so-called chemtrails are actually being used for population control, the narrative can easily shift to weather manipulation and climate change without requiring any new information or evidence.”
END of excerpt.


What I found fascinating was the psychology behind it. How social media algorithms strengthens false beliefs and make it highly improbable for those trapped in the confines of an algorithmic structure to ever see actual scientific data.

So I found reading this article has given me greater insight as to why some people hold onto their very strong beliefs despite the absence of 'smoking gun' evidence. And why, no matter what, reject all manner of scientifically proven data.

Here's a "devilish" thought can anyone see the links between 'Chemtrails' and 'Anti-vaccination' conspiracy theories!
Or should I check in at the local MH facility. No, wait, it doesn't exist anymore.
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So sorry to hear about when your little fella was diagnosed with Type 1 and dealing with it at that age.
Thank you.
He's done well. (not that I'm biased or anything). He's a pretty well balanced man doing good things for others. I have good thoughts about him. Main challenges are ongoing health issues. Almost lost complete sight in one eye before surgery corrected 2 years ago. Type1 related issues. Fortunately the days of manual injections are gone for quite a while now.
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This is one of those circular arguements that has no winners. Some are willing to risk something others are not.

Please, let it be, whatever choice you make is yours and yours alone.
Sometimes when poking or prodding during seemingly circular discussions, I end up with a greater level of enlightenment than I had before. Almost sounds selfish, but curiosity and knowledge thirst usually overwhelms that.
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That's not proof that a damp mask will stop transmission of Covid; it is a subjective experience not tested rigorously. Read it as you wish.
Yes, but why are you not shoving your thoughts down the throat of others. It's expected you would by some on here. You should know that! I mean it's just bloody disappointing! 😎 No need me thinks for any alert to you, although I might need the odd hint on occasions.
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My daughter sent us videos etc showing what the Covid vaccines did to the blood so my two sons l live with and myself didn't have the vaccines.My grand-daughter got herself vaccinated against her fathers wishes and caught Covid which she passed on to us luckily we were only very mildly affected. One of the carers that come to the house was vaccinated three times and still got Covid twice . lt's up to everyone to make their own choices but l would rather risk it than get that rubbish in my veins.
It depends on your blood how badly you get it or not. Some blood counts have better immunity than others.

But here is the most impressive thing in the 3rd world country like Africa and India they did a sturdy on cloves and used it along side honey while the virus was very active.

The cost of medications in those countries was not affordable by many.

They used cloves as it had strenghtening immunity components and honey.

The sturdy was done by university which many drs took part in the study.

As it showed the strongest for the immune system beside the vasine.

I myself tested that proved theory I chewed on 3 cloves in morning and last thing at night. During the covered peak I didn't catch it. Although too I was living in my car at the time. The fresh country air also helped.

Honey also was a big contributor as it has many benifits coupled with cloves
Was a double shot of immunity.

Type O was less suspitble to the virus type B suffered the most.

Also my dad was a herbalists beloved solely in herbs. In case of a serious virus. He always said findthe strangest herb that will build your immunity am 60 since I started on cloves and honey not had a cold in 10 years.

Look up cloves and honey benifits to understand.

Also that sturdy showed people that had
wrong blood group suffered the most.
Some blood types had higher immunity than others. If they caught the virus it was like mild cold
Not full on. If I can find that blood table I will print it on here


This Blood Type Could Help You Dodge Covid: Prognosis​

O beautiful

O beautiful
Photographer: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP/Getty Images
By Nacha Cattan
29 November 2023 at 22:00 GMT+11

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Nacha here in New York City, where I recently met two people who’ve never caught Covid-19, and they both have the same blood type. But first...

Today's must-reads​

  • The FDA is investigating whether some CAR-T cell therapies increase the risk of cancer.
  • A boom in hallucinogen use is creating a new generation of environmentalists.
  • Opinion: Donald Trump’s new threats against Obamacare are a gift for Democrats.

O Is for Optimal​

I thought everyone had suffered through Covid at least once. But not these two people I know through work. They both also mentioned that they have type O negative blood. This couldn’t be a coincidence.

Several studies have now shown that people with blood type O are less susceptible to contracting Covid, and those with blood type A are more likely to get it.
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In the early days of the pandemic, those findings were hotly debated. But one study this summer described the mechanism by which Covid interacts with blood cells. It found that part of the spike protein — the matchstick-like structures sticking out of the surface of the virus — more effectively binds to group A cells and less so to group O cells.
“Now we have a scientific explanation,” says Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the School of Public Health of the University of Illinois at Chicago. This could help future research to develop vaccines or treatments, she says.
Even Rh factor, the + or - displayed after your blood type, matters. Some testing even found that those with Rh-negative blood appear to be at decreased risk of infection. While that’s been less conclusive, it fit perfectly with my very unscientific finding that the only people I know in the world who never had Covid have type O negative blood.
Since we can’t change our blood types, how should this affect the way we go about our lives?
Public policy experts say that everyone should get vaccinated no matter what blood type they have. One study found blood group A may be 20% more likely to be infected after exposure than blood group O, but that factors such as age and chronic conditions like heart disease rank higher than blood type in determining an individual’s risk for severe infection.
In fact, there doesn’t appear to be a relationship between blood type and Covid’s severity or mortality rate, according to one article that compiled various research efforts.
“At the moment it’s an interesting biological phenomenon for sure, but it doesn’t have any implications that can be communicated to the average person and change their behavior in any way,” says William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. — Nacha Cattan

What we’re reading​

  • Wintertime illnesses have become harder to dodge, reports the Wall Street Journal.
  • A golden age of vaccines is here, so what does that mean for you, Barron’s writes.
  • Egypt wiped out hepatitis C. Now it’s trying to help the rest of Africa, according to the New York Times.

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Yes, but why are you not shoving your thoughts down the throat of others. It's expected you would by some on here. You should know that! I mean it's just bloody disappointing! 😎 No need me thinks for any alert to you, although I might need the odd hint on occasions.
If you have blood type O you get it milderly but type b blood need be careful as it hasless immunity
Haha. This is all meant in a friendly manner towards yourself. It seems you may pick friends that, in part, may belong to a select group. 😉 The following may or may not help you understand what the friend told you.

Here's a fascinating read from CNN (link below) on the very subject of Chemtrails. What lead to the belief in it and why it's so difficult to convince someone that it is pure conspiracy fantasy.

The science based reality is that con-trails (short for condensation trails) appear behind airliners when water vapour condenses and freezes around the exhausts from the aircraft.

The conspiracy people believe con-trails are chemicals released by governments or 'elites' to control populations and suchlike.

If you find the article a bit long, here is an excerpt that might help you understand the motivation behind your friend making such a big decision. Of course I don't know for sure, it is possible that reason for moving may be a mask for a stronger reason.

Excerpt from the article

"Social media’s algorithmic structure means people see information that reinforces their existing beliefs. Ex-believers interviewed attributed their ongoing belief in part to the “sheer amount of pro-conspiracy information” on their social media feeds, said Coye Cheshire, a professor at UC Berkeley studying social psychology, who was also involved in the study with Xiao. Scientific evidence debunking the theories simply wouldn’t make it onto their feeds or in their social groups. Even if it did, other believers will only reinforce the theory.

The malleable nature of the conspiracy theory helps give it strength, said Cheshire.

“As some believers told us, the power of the conspiracy is that it can be adjusted to fit any new information since the ‘smoking gun’ evidence never seems to come,” Cheshire said. “For example, even if believers are not sure that the so-called chemtrails are actually being used for population control, the narrative can easily shift to weather manipulation and climate change without requiring any new information or evidence.”
END of excerpt.


What I found fascinating was the psychology behind it. How social media algorithms strengthens false beliefs and make it highly improbable for those trapped in the confines of an algorithmic structure to ever see actual scientific data.

So I found reading this article has given me greater insight as to why some people hold onto their very strong beliefs despite the absence of 'smoking gun' evidence. And why, no matter what, reject all manner of scientifically proven data.

Here's a "devilish" thought can anyone see the links between 'Chemtrails' and 'Anti-vaccination' conspiracy theories!
Or should I check in at the local MH facility. No, wait, it doesn't exist anymore.
Yep, thanks for that info. 😉
My Chemtrail friend goes back a long way from high school together. When she hit her 60's, she changed direction with her life. She ended an abusive relationship and become more spiritual in many ways. She's living a peaceful lifestyle now, and often volunteers where she is living.
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