My BEST Christmas Memory

I was 13yrs old and it was just me and my dad. My mum had passed away at Christmas time a year before, she fought long and hard against Cancer. She held on for Christmas that year but died the 29th December. So Christmas took on a sad tone for me. Cast forward 1 year…

We were poor, not much money to go around and not much for presents or anything really. But we had each other. One day just before Christmas I went for a walk and then when I came home, there was a porch full of brown paper sacks (remember when your groceries were back in brown sacks that didn’t have handles? – at least those bags didn’t fall apart like the ‘recycled’ ones we have today LOL)

I couldn’t believe my eyes! There was all sorts of Christmas goodies things I could only dream of – fresh fruit, tinned fruit, pudding, Christmas cake custard, tinned ham – even Christmas crackers! And icecream! I quickly took it all inside put all the refrigerated and frozen stuff in the fridge and freezer and set about trying to find the rightful owner of this grocery load. We didn’t have a phone so I couldn’t call the local Woolies so I ran down to the store and told them the delivery docket number etc and how it had been wrongly delivered. We didn’t have the money for such things – it was simply delivered to the wrong address. The manager assured me he would sort it out and send someone to my home to collect it and deliver to the right person. When I hadn’t heard anything all afternoon I was getting worried so went back to the store to let them know no one had been. The manager then came out to me and told me it was all mine as they had not been able to trace the person who owned the order, And no one had come in to say they hadn’t received their order!

WOW! When my dad came home and found out we had all this food, he nearly cried. We had been facing a bleak Christmas but now we were OK for a few weeks to come. Nothing could bring back my mum, but knowing we had enough food to keep us provided for as well as have a little celebration – was the best Christmas present – I will never know if it was an honest mistake or if some kind person somehow knew of our plight and provided this wonderful array of foods, but either way…thank you!
We lived in Hong Kong for many years but with the troubles in 1989, decided to emigrate to Australia via our families in England for Christmas. It was our children's first winter in England, there was snow (a first) and it was freezing cold (not like they were used to). But they got to spend Christmas with their extended family, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and cousins, many of whom they had never met, and a great time was had by all. Our eldest daughter was very averse to moving to Australia, but she hated to cold so much that she was the first on the plane! And, ironically, she has now lived in England for over 10 years! She much be used to the weather by now!
My favourite Christmas memory is of a Christmas I spent in Rome, Italy. I was travelling to Italy on a language teaching scholarship and arrived in Rome Christmas Eve morning. I had already found an Italian speaking Church to attend on Christmas Day and so headed off to Trastevere, where I instantly felt at home with a wonderfully warm group of local people. I was soon invited to Christmas lunch by some lovely people, so got to experience a home Christmas with new friends. Following that, one of the ladies in the group offered to show me some attractions I hadn’t seen and then offered to take me with her as she drove the food delivery van for the Salvos that night. I spent the most amazing night delivering Christmas dinner to street people, gypsies and refugees all over Rome - pasta entrée with meat and vegetable sides and bread roll and fruit, complete with cutlery! Some meals were delivered to the poor and hungry, just a stone’s throw from all the wealth of the Vatican. I was hugged by so many people that night, that my white shirt will never be white again, but I went back to my hotel late - tired and very happy, after an incredible experience, which probably other tourists would never have. So privileged to have been able to share some of the joy and real meaning of Christmas! Etched forever in my memory! 💜
November Competition: Christmas Memories!

I woke up early Christmas morning in 1967 with the most unexpected present.

A dose of the mumps.

So much for playing with my friends and showing off our new presents for the next few days. 😭
The Dunnymans Christmas

Having no fences my grandmother put our live turkey in the outside toilet (sunny) awaiting its demise for Christmas dinner.
The dunnyman thought it was a gift for him and took it.
Doing that work I think he may have deserved it more than we did!
Good Afternoon Everyone, & Thank you for letting me join the Seniors Discount Club.
I’m new here.

My fondest memory of Christmas 🎄was as a young girl my Pop always promised me that one day he would buy me a pony or a horse 🐎as my friends had horses they rode around the streets & paddocks frequently back when I was young & very nieve.

Each Christmas starting from around three years of age I put out carrots on a plate & water in a large bucket for my horse if Santa was going to grant my wish. Santa was not forgotten either as he was left Christmas fruit cake & a beer.

This promise from my Pop went on & on until I reached the age of a young teenage girl where I was more than ready to receive my horse from Santa & ride like the wind with my friends on their horses.

Every year my Pop stated… “ Go see if Santa left you your pony or horse at the old iron front gates… so off I went every year to see… only to be told each time, see that horse poo on the concrete driveway & I said yes… well Santa keeps leaving your pony or horse but for some reason he keeps getting away”! 😂 & to think I fell for this year after year. Thus never ever getting my childhood dream Christmas present.

I never forgave him when I was old enough to realise he was joking & just pulling my leg all those years….
“ Very Cruel”! 😂😀🤣💝🇦🇺
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The Dunnymans Christmas

Having no fences my grandmother put our live turkey in the outside toilet (sunny) awaiting its demise for Christmas dinner.
The dunnyman thought it was a gift for him and took it.
Doing that work I think he may have deserved it more than we did!
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Christmas memories, hmm so many to choose from good and bad but my favourite would have been in in 1989 when all my 4 children, 12, 10, 7 and 4 and I have manage to escape from a abusive partner and father and we were able to decorate the house finally to celebrate xmas admittly we went a bit over board but the house looked very pretty and the children were laughing and very happy. Didn't have much for food or presents but we were safe and happy that we were all together.
Very merry Christmas to each and everyone of you and cherish your families.
My most memorable Christmas was when I was about 8 years old (I am now 71). I was in bed with chicken pox and blood poisoning. My Mum was cooking the Christmas dinner, you know the hot lunch most of us had in the blazing summer heat. Well the oven caught fire, the house filled with smoke and the fire brigade arrived to put out the fire, I was passed out through the side bedroom window as we couldnt get through the kitchen as my bedroom was right beside it. I remember all the neighbours outside watching, and the fireman with their big shiny metal helmets. Thankfully there wasnt much damage, a lot of embarrassment for Mum, but, our neighbours, came with food so that we wouldnt miss out on our Christmas feast, it was wonderful to see how we were looked after by a caring community. I will always remember that this bit of drama had a silver lining
My memorable Christmas growing up was opening presents early in the morning with my 6 siblings then smelling the roast drifting through the house, sitting down to lunch with my Mother, Father and siblings and having dessert and finding the 3pence, in the pudding, then games. My sister and I always got a new dress for Christmas as we were not well off and lived in the country. At night we always had cold serve for dinner.I have passed the tradition to my seven children and grandchildren, hot roast lunch with all the trimmings and cold serve for lunch. All the children and grandchildren always come together at Christmas time. Last year I came down with COVID so was at home on my lonesome, so my Daughter in Sydney catered to all the family and I am happy to say they had a traditional christmas. This yearI am 69yrs old and single, I have been saving like crazy as every one is coming to my place for Christmas, Family is everything!!!! This year I have invited a elderly couple who I met this year for Christmas, who have welcomed me into their home. I wish I could invite more people who will be on their own this Christmas to share the love of Christmas.
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My memorable Christmas growing up was opening presents early in the morning with my 6 siblings then smelling the roast drifting through the house, sitting down to lunch with my Mother, Father and siblings and having dessert and finding the 3pence, in the pudding, then games. My sister and I always got a new dress for Christmas as we were not well off and lived in the country. At night we always had cold serve for dinner.I have passed the tradition to my seven children and grandchildren, hot roast lunch with all the trimmings and cold serve for lunch. All the children and grandchildren always come together at Christmas time. Last year I came down with COVID so was at home on my lonesome, so my Daughter in Sydney catered to all the family and I am happy to say they had a traditional christmas. This year I have been saving like crazy as every one is coming rot my place for Christmas, Family is everything!!!!
Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas enjoy. 🎅
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From my daughter's birth, I was unable to nurse her to sleep, yet she would readily sleep with no problem, whether in her bassinet or cot, or simply on a blanket on the floor.

As she grew older, even brushing against her when walking down the hall was too much, and hugs and cuddles were definitely "out of bounds".

A diagnosis of autism helped us to understand her difficulties with touch, especially with people.

So you can only imagine the shock I received on Christmas Day when my then 13 year old daughter walked up to me and gave me a huge hug.

As I stood there with my daughter hugging me for the first time, tears welled in my eyes.

Then she said, "I know you like hugs, although I don't why, so this is my Christmas present for you".
Tears ran down my cheeks as we hugged for several mintues.

To this day, I still get tingles down my spine, and yes, sometimes a few emotional tears escape, when I think about that moment, or when I tell anyone my story.

I'm still amazed by her thoughtfulness in giving me something she knew I would love, even if she didn't understand why, and despite how incredibly difficult that would have been for her to give.

This was, and remains, the most precious gift I have ever received, and a Christmas I will never forget, and as I write this, I have the tears and tingles to prove it.
From my daughter's birth, I was unable to nurse her to sleep, yet she would readily sleep with no problem, whether in her bassinet or cot, or simply on a blanket on the floor.

As she grew older, even brushing against her when walking down the hall was too much, and hugs and cuddles were definitely "out of bounds".

A diagnosis of autism helped us to understand her difficulties with touch, especially with people.

So you can only imagine the shock I received on Christmas Day when my then 13 year old daughter walked up to me and gave me a huge hug.

As I stood there with my daughter hugging me for the first time, tears welled in my eyes.

Then she said, "I know you like hugs, although I don't why, so this is my Christmas present for you".
Tears ran down my cheeks as we hugged for several mintues.

To this day, I still get tingles down my spine, and yes, sometimes a few emotional tears escape, when I think about that moment, or when I tell anyone my story.

I'm still amazed by her thoughtfulness in giving me something she knew I would love, even if she didn't understand why, and despite how incredibly difficult that would have been for her to give.

This was, and remains, the most precious gift I have ever received, and a Christmas I will never forget, and as I write this, I have the tears and tingles to prove it.
Me too😍I love your story have a lovely Christmas and new year🌹
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My Fave Christmas Memory
My mum had four kids under seven when dad passed away. Our third brother was born two weeks later, just in time for Christmas, our own Christmas baby.
Mum was never into the whole Santa thing, but she did share the nativity story with us every year. She was never materialistic. Caring for others was a priority. Money was always tight.
One Christmas I decided to help make Christmas better by entering the free local council Christmas raffle to win my brother a scooter. I wrote out heaps of entries and on the day of the draw one of my entries was read as the winner. That was not the result I wanted at all!! I wanted to win third prize, the scooter. Instead, I won first prize, a hamper of goods donated by local businesses.
To make matters worse I had put Mum's name on the entries, as only adults could enter.
Then the local paper called to do a story. They were very happy to see the first prize go to a widow with five kids. They set the hamper up right next to the nativity scene we had put together on the table, staring our own dolls and toy animals. They took their photo, with Mum standing next to the hamper. As the media team prepared to leave, Mum asked them to take all the alcohol and all the cigarettes with them.
When the front door finally closed on that scene, Mum turned to me and said sternly, "Please do not EVER put my name on anything again without my knowledge!"
She distributed the chocolates, nuts, biscuits, dried fruit and toys among the families in our street, keeping only a little for us.
That year I learned the true values of Christmas; not to expect things to come without effort (Mum never bought a lottery ticket in her life!) but of sharing what we have with others.
There was more spirit of Christmas in my mum than in any santa.
My Fave Christmas Memory
My mum had four kids under seven when dad passed away. Our third brother was born two weeks later, just in time for Christmas, our own Christmas baby.
Mum was never into the whole Santa thing, but she did share the nativity story with us every year. She was never materialistic. Caring for others was a priority. Money was always tight.
One Christmas I decided to help make Christmas better by entering the free local council Christmas raffle to win my brother a scooter. I wrote out heaps of entries and on the day of the draw one of my entries was read as the winner. That was not the result I wanted at all!! I wanted to win third prize, the scooter. Instead, I won first prize, a hamper of goods donated by local businesses.
To make matters worse I had put Mum's name on the entries, as only adults could enter.
Then the local paper called to do a story. They were very happy to see the first prize go to a widow with five kids. They set the hamper up right next to the nativity scene we had put together on the table, staring our own dolls and toy animals. They took their photo, with Mum standing next to the hamper. As the media team prepared to leave, Mum asked them to take all the alcohol and all the cigarettes with them.
When the front door finally closed on that scene, Mum turned to me and said sternly, "Please do not EVER put my name on anything again without my knowledge!"
She distributed the chocolates, nuts, biscuits, dried fruit and toys among the families in our street, keeping only a little for us.
That year I learned the true values of Christmas; not to expect things to come without effort (Mum never bought a lottery ticket in her life!) but of sharing what we have with others.
There was more spirit of Christmas in my mum than in any santa.
Sweet story merry christmas🎅
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Oh my, members!

You made this competition SO DIFFICULT! We loved every story. Those that made us laugh and those that made us cry. You all really have some stories to tell and we are honoured that you choose to tell them here!

After much deliberation among the SDC Team, this months Christmas memory competition is...

Member @Rosita1950

If you'd like to read Member @Rosita1950's submission you can do so
by clicking here, or by reading it below:

'My Mum was deep into her Alzheimers journey. She was reduced to just one word.. Tan, Tan, Tan... although we were not sure what she meant by it. On Christmas Eve, we brought her home for the night from the Nursing home. We all sat around the Christmas tree by candlelight singing Christmas carols. Suddenly, Mum started to sing Away in a Manger, one of her favourite carols. She sang the whole song!! Every word!! We were amazed. It was our Christmas miracle. Afterwards she again retreated back to her single word. She passed away 6 months later, but we always hold that memory close to our hearts.'

CONGRATULATIONS! We have been in touch about your $100 voucher which we hope helps you out even if it's just a little bit this year.

Thank you all so much for entering and if you didn't win last month's competition, don't worry! You can enter this month's competition here! But be quick, because we are closing entries by December 21 so our winner can get their $100 voucher before Christmas!

Good luck!
Oh my, members!

You made this competition SO DIFFICULT! We loved every story. Those that made us laugh and those that made us cry. You all really have some stories to tell and we are honoured that you choose to tell them here!

After much deliberation among the SDC Team, this months Christmas memory competition is...

Member @Rosita1950

If you'd like to read Member @Rosita1950's submission you can do so
by clicking here, or by reading it below:

'My Mum was deep into her Alzheimers journey. She was reduced to just one word.. Tan, Tan, Tan... although we were not sure what she meant by it. On Christmas Eve, we brought her home for the night from the Nursing home. We all sat around the Christmas tree by candlelight singing Christmas carols. Suddenly, Mum started to sing Away in a Manger, one of her favourite carols. She sang the whole song!! Every word!! We were amazed. It was our Christmas miracle. Afterwards she again retreated back to her single word. She passed away 6 months later, but we always hold that memory close to our hearts.'

CONGRATULATIONS! We have been in touch about your $100 voucher which we hope helps you out even if it's just a little bit this year.

Thank you all so much for entering and if you didn't win last month's competition, don't worry! You can enter this month's competition here! But be quick, because we are closing entries by December 21 so our winner can get their $100 voucher before Christmas!

Good luck!
Congratulations 🎊, a beautiful story. It was a miracle that gave you a lasting memory of your mum .

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