My favourite Christmas memory goes back to my childhood. Our Christmas tree stood proudly in our lounge room decorated with a lot of hand made decorations. These included our chain like streamers made from coloured paper that were carefully and lovingly glued together in loops. Who could make the longest was always the challenge!?
We spent a lot of time at our grandmother's house who was a very arty, crafty and talented lady. We always made some beautiful decorations with her. Remember sherry bottles? The really nice shaped ones - some with twisty necks and fat bottoms. (The bottles that is! :) ) Nan would help us spray paint these in gold then we would fashion pieces of holly around long stem candles and put them in the top. These would sit and be a Christmas feature on our old upright piano. I was always so proud of mine!
My Nan made the best plum puddings. You know the ones! Filled with delicious rum soaked dried fruits with cherries too. The best part was adding the threepences to the mix. You had to be extremely cautious about eating it so you didn't swallow one. Nan taught me how to make them. I was so little I had to stand on a chair but she would hold my hand around the wooden spoon and teach me to stir so many times one way and so many times the other to combine the flour and the fruit perfectly. Then we would pour them and wrap them in calico and they would hang in her laundry. They were so popular, people would order them for their Christmas desert too.
So on Christmas Day we would go to Sunday School and then when we got home, mum would have packed things to go to Nan's for Christmas lunch. She always had a big tree with presents underneath and we would exchange gifts. Of course, the Christmas lunch was delicious as always. Finished off with the Christmas pudding and warm custard. And I remember the little gathering of threepences on the side of my plate. I never swallowed any! :)
replying to the claim that18-26 year olds are the hardest hit by todays cost`s.
I DO NOT agree. i am 71 in reciept of the age pension , paying half my fortnightly pension in rent( not by choice), and somehow try to keep up with every other cost with the other half.____and no other balance or income to "fall back" on. --thats it.
and all my attempts and comments to various departments i believe are being ignored.
I hear you butI still send emails to my member, it's a good avenue, am 75 battling cancer and rotten hips been on waiting list for nearly five am just getting a wheel chair which pees me off , keep your chin up , we will get there 😀 😉 John
I remember the Christmas feelings just after the second world war around 1945 in Walthamstow E17 where I was brought up. We would go to the market in The High Street in Christmas Eve and it would be quite dark around 4pm and all the stall holders would have some form of lighting like gas or kerosine and the atmosphere would be so wonderful as people sought out last minute bargains that the vendors had reduced the prices on so that they could close up and go home to their families. Being Winter there was usually a flurry of snow and that made it even more Christmassy and the calls of Happy Christmas was heard everywhere. My parents never had a car so we always walked everywhere and had to struggle home with our purchases but we were so happy to still be alive as we walked past bombed out houses where the less fortunate had perished not so long ago. The following morning on Christmas day I was lucky to find some nuts and maybe an orange in my stocking hanging on the mantlepiece and I always had a few comic annuals like the Beano or Dandy for my presents. They were happy times.
My favourite Christmas, well not my favourite, but my most memorable, was in 1982, before I had kids. I was living in Perth at the time but had travelled to Adelaide to spend Christmas with my family.
It was a surprise for my mum, she loved it, for most of the day that is..

We were all pottering around making salads and desserts, we were at my brothers house and he had his usual pig on a spit.
The smell was divine, it went through the whole house and we were getting excited to sit down, relax and enjoy our spoils.
Unfortunately the pig had other plans, simply put it exploded, it sounded like a nuclear bomb had gone off, it shook us off our feet.
We didn't know at the time but the butcher hadn't cut the pig so all the fats swirling around inside had no where to go except to work up to explode, like a volcano I guess..
All of a sudden we came to our senses and ran to the back, it was on fire, parts of the house were burning, and very sadly the birds had all died in their avery, if it wasn't for the birds this would have been quite funny, as it is we laugh about it today, it's become a bit infamous, for want of another word..
So the fire brigade quickly turned up and put the house out, after the foam and water had settled there was strips of pig meat hanging everywhere like tinsel, my neice still lives in the house and a year or so ago when they had to get on the roof she said there was still pig fat up there LOL...
In the end, after everyone had calmed down we prepared to sit down to a meal of salads when the fire brigade turned up with a nice big cooked turkey for us. It made our day, heck it made our year, it was awesome and a very unforgetable Christmas..
May the birds rest in peace!
Since 2010, my husband decided that we would get a mystery gift from him. He puts a lot of thought into what he buys, originally it was just me and our girls. The first year we all got Hawaiian Shirts as in the photo. It has now grown to son in-laws and grandchildren.

We have to wait till all the other presents are open and then he hands them out we are not allowed to open them until he tells his story about why he bought this, then we guess and then we get to open them. Everyone looks forward to this gift. We have had money boxes, tool belts, toolboxes, yoyo's.

It means more that the real presents, just love it.

I used to love the feel of the Hawaiian Shirts, the material was so soft :)
Awwww😍that’s awesome gotta love your mum🌹
My favourite Christmas, well not my favourite, but my most memorable, was in 1982, before I had kids. I was living in Perth at the time but had travelled to Adelaide to spend Christmas with my family.
It was a surprise for my mum, she loved it, for most of the day that is..

We were all pottering around making salads and desserts, we were at my brothers house and he had his usual pig on a spit.
The smell was divine, it went through the whole house and we were getting excited to sit down, relax and enjoy our spoils.
Unfortunately the pig had other plans, simply put it exploded, it sounded like a nuclear bomb had gone off, it shook us off our feet.
We didn't know at the time but the butcher hadn't cut the pig so all the fats swirling around inside had no where to go except to work up to explode, like a volcano I guess..
All of a sudden we came to our senses and ran to the back, it was on fire, parts of the house were burning, and very sadly the birds had all died in their avery, if it wasn't for the birds this would have been quite funny, as it is we laugh about it today, it's become a bit infamous, for want of another word..
So the fire brigade quickly turned up and put the house out, after the foam and water had settled there was strips of pig meat hanging everywhere like tinsel, my neice still lives in the house and a year or so ago when they had to get on the roof she said there was still pig fat up there LOL...
In the end, after everyone had calmed down we prepared to sit down to a meal of salads when the fire brigade turned up with a nice big cooked turkey for us. It made our day, heck it made our year, it was awesome and a very unforgetable Christmas..
May the birds rest in peace!
Shouldn’t laugh but that was so fn 😂sorry about the birdies. I can just picture an exploding 🐖 y. Omg I’m going to read this every time I need a laugh. Thanks for sharing it was fab best story yet. Merry Christmas to you all.😍
Hello Den67 I love your Story about an
unforgettable Christmas gathering with your family. It is so incredible a Story.
I did feel a little bit sorry for the Pig.
But mainly sorry for the birdies. However that is a hilarious side event to Christmas Day
A Historical Christmas Lunch, never to be forgotten, and something to remember for all the Christmases to come.
What an absolute Hoot. I can see it in my mind's eye. How fantastically funny.
When a disastrous event, turned into something awesome.
Even if the Turkey hadn't arrived, which was fantastic in itself. How terrific the lasting memory that happened that day.
The image of the Pig bursting forth would have been a shock initially, but how funny in hindsight.
I think the family, finding the funny side of all that happened, being what it was.
Spoke about how incredible your family members are. You are very fortunate. You
are able to call that group of people Family. It is one, I too will get pleasure
in thinking about the scene in my mind.
Salads are great.
Every 24th of December we used to celebrate Christmas eve, and on the same day was my eldest brother's (RIP) birthday. I still remembered all the happiness and joy because the special occasion and my brother's birthday. Mum, dad and my eldest brother are gone, now only myself, my sister and youngest brother (he was too young to remember) were left with these precious memories. Nowadays, I got my own family and I try to build for them happy and joy Christmas celebration memories, so the same way that I can still remember mine, my daughters will be able to remember theirs. And do not forget that Jesus Christ's birth is the main reason of this celebration!!!!
I remember only one Christmas, I was 9 years old at the time. I received 3 presents.
I couldn't remember any other growing up.
We went to Christmas mass.
So I asked my sisters why I can only remember that Christmas, answer was simple.
WE never got any presents for Christmas, we didn't have the money.
So that was the best Christmas a little girl could have. I am now 69 years old.
I have enjoyed many Christmas with my own Family.
I remember only one Christmas, I was 9 years old at the time. I received 3 presents.
I couldn't remember any other growing up.
We went to Christmas mass.
So I asked my sisters why I can only remember that Christmas, answer was simple.
WE never got any presents for Christmas, we didn't have the money.
So that was the best Christmas a little girl could have. I am now 69 years old.
I have enjoyed many Christmas with my own Family.
I initially thought how sad, and then I thought of my own Christmas:s.
My mother would go and get a 20 pound
loan each year. It would take until the next December to pay it back. That had to buy presents for everyone in the family.
I only had one Brother but that amount
had to cover all the Relo's as well.
So in the day 20 pound may have seemed a lot. But that was it.

My Mother would make me a dress-up
Outfit and a new dress for Church on
Christmas Day. I loved reading, still do.
So that was Christmas, but I am grateful that every year, there were presents around the Tree.

We didn't have Technology to have to have whatever is the latest gizzmo.
But times have changed incredibly.
I initially thought how sad, and then I thought of my own Christmas:s.
My mother would go and get a 20 pound
loan each year. It would take until the next December to pay it back. That had to buy presents for everyone in the family.
I only had one Brother but that amount
had to cover all the Relo's as well.
So in the day 20 pound may have seemed a lot. But that was it.

My Mother would make me a dress-up
Outfit and a new dress for Church on
Christmas Day. I loved reading, still do.
So that was Christmas, but I am grateful that every year, there were presents around the Tree.

We didn't have Technology to have to have whatever is the latest gizzmo.
But times have changed incredibly.
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As children we were so sick of being threatened that Santa would not come, we decided to investigate! When our parents were informed of our research they admitted that it was a cruel myth! We have not celebrated "Xmas" since 1950!
My mother never quite got over the shock when she discovered her parents lied to her about Father Christmas..she felt betrayed. She always tokd us from the beginning the defference between truth and a lie, that Father Christmas was a story but it was fun for us to pretend.
Very sad for you, I hope in time you can draw strength from the good memories.
Every morning I have Memories, we travelled over the years to every state being 10 pound poms we had a lot to learn about this magnificent country, every time we stopped we would buy a magnet and I bought 4 old picture frames cut metal plate to size and Doreen would cover the plate with silk cloth, we had 1 for SA, 1 for Interstate, 1 for our overseas trips and the forth for our family and friends overseas trips, the first thing I do in the morning is go down to my family room where the magnets are and think of the good times we had together. Thank you for your kind remarks.

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