We lived in small village in mountain,
In winter no work, we lived on what we planted in the summer ,
Bottling fruit for the winter months, gathering and drying garlic and onions potatoes etc. We made our own sauces and lava bread homemade oven, made out clay.

No work or possible money to buy.
It snowed the 3 months, sometimes covering the door to roof.

We had small stove to cook on and heat the 1 bedroom which was made out stone and mud, 4 kids and 2 adults lived cooked and slept in that room. I was 6 years, I can't remember having Christmas presents at all.
For a treat at Christmas 🎄 each of us went outside filled cup with snow which mum poured mulberry juice that she preserved in summer for the winter months.
That was our Christmas.

We toasted chest nut on top stove and toasted acorn we gathered before winter set in, on the day, we had no TV or radio.
I remember mum with her cheerful stories to make the day festive. We gathered around the small stove with just old kerosene lantern for light.
No running water except bringing snow in let it melt for drinking and cooking.

As bath we used a round steel tub which mum warmed the snow into hot water on stove kept pouring to keep it warm.
As the day got warm we would watch the snow, mum and dad ventured out to gather wood and kindling for the night. Put the wood on top stove to dry so it can be used on the night.

Non us had toys etc, just enough to eat.

Summer we would go with mum to pick apples we sit under shaded tree while mum worked picking apples to earn little money.

By that stage dad was in Australia, he was struggling to find work and mum was left to raise us keep food on the table. For about 5 years than after he found work saved to bring us to Australia, the cheapest was by boat. It was a long long sea voyage, to us it seemed like months mum was sick whole time, a steward kept an eye on us, beside little treats he used bring with food.

We made it into the promise land I remember as we landed in Fremantle,
First time we saw TV they watched wrestling on the day. All kids gathered around TV while lunch was made at a church hall, we were ushered to waiting for dad to pick us up.

Than Life began in Australia.
and I hope that you and your family have enjoyed being here ever since....Merry Christmas 2023 to you and your Family. Be happy and stay safe. 🤗😉
My favourite Christmas memory was going to Essendon airport with my cousin who worked for TAA (airlines) back in the day. Santa would arrive by helicopter with a sack full of presents for all the children. I remember it being so exciting watching Santa jump out of the helicopter with his big red sack, then it would be followed by a huge picnic for all the staff and children on the grounds of the airport with rides and loads of fun to be had by all. My parents could not afford much back then in the 60's so this was a huge highlight for me and one I will never forget.
It seems to be that most of us didn't have an expensive Christmas but nevertheless
there were special things, we still have memories of thse days that have stayed with us down through the years.
We are blessed to live the lives we had, even in hardship we knew we were in the
lucky Country. Jobs weren't hard to find
then, I was still in school around that time. The positive things were special we
didn't think that we were badly done by.
Simple pleasures enjoyed, our lives were
based around the ocean. It was free, all you had to do was to get there, and enjoy
the thrill of just being there. Money wasn't all that common, but we made the most of the time, living the good life, sun burn, shedding skin, no sunscreen, just
Frolliking and loving every part of it. It could be said we lived on the Beaches.
Life was good.... And yes we felt so good
to enjoy that life. So simple so good.
It seems to be that most of us didn't have an expensive Christmas but nevertheless
there were special things, we still have memories of thse days that have stayed with us down through the years.
We are blessed to live the lives we had, even in hardship we knew we were in the
lucky Country. Jobs weren't hard to find
then, I was still in school around that time. The positive things were special we
didn't think that we were badly done by.
Simple pleasures enjoyed, our lives were
based around the ocean. It was free, all you had to do was to get there, and enjoy
the thrill of just being there. Money wasn't all that common, but we made the most of the time, living the good life, sun burn, shedding skin, no sunscreen, just
Frolliking and loving every part of it. It could be said we lived on the Beaches.
Life was good.... And yes we felt so good
to enjoy that life. So simple so good.
Yep Brody have to agree......life was very good as a kid back in the day.....I honestly think that we had it better back then than kids today....we seemed to live more outside of the home, even if it meant at times just the backyard.....but then we had a great local park to play in, it was huge and there was a football ground there as well. We didn't have the beaches so much, apart from our two week Christmas holiday at the beach that was just so much fun, with catching crabs and spearfishing for flathead, and even just playing in the water and on the beach, playing cricket. We always went to Mordialloc beach and they always had a carnival at the beachside, which was free and we would hang there at night. Back at home we always went to the local swimming hole at the river, it was the Yarra river in fact, Melbourne's waterway through the city, but we used to swim about 20km upstream from there....we would go down there just about everyday and used to make swings that would swing you from the riverbank to the river from being attached to one of the many gum tree branches around the place. Yep life was good, getting down and dirty and playing with the odd little army soldiers that I got for Christmas in the back yard....many battles were fought there believe me. Life was simple yet so rewarding at the same time, even if was just reading comics on a wet Melbourne day while playing in your room. We always had food on the table, Mum was a great cook and there was always fresh bread and jam or vegemite or home made biscuits or scones, nothing fancy but it was delicious. We went to church every Sunday, it was in the next adjacent street and there was even a laneway between the two that made the walk a lot shorter. They were all fun days filled with many special family memories and these have been but a few to share. 🤗🤔🙂
It seems to be that most of us didn't have an expensive Christmas but nevertheless
there were special things, we still have memories of thse days that have stayed with us down through the years.
We are blessed to live the lives we had, even in hardship we knew we were in the
lucky Country. Jobs weren't hard to find
then, I was still in school around that time. The positive things were special we
didn't think that we were badly done by.
Simple pleasures enjoyed, our lives were
based around the ocean. It was free, all you had to do was to get there, and enjoy
the thrill of just being there. Money wasn't all that common, but we made the most of the time, living the good life, sun burn, shedding skin, no sunscreen, just
Frolliking and loving every part of it. It could be said we lived on the Beaches.
Life was good.... And yes we felt so good
to enjoy that life. So simple so good.

Dear Suzanne Rose, your Grandmother has forgiven you, and she probably never felt the need to be upset with you. If you think back to that day, she wouldn't let you go because you were very pregnant.
Do you honestly feel you need to grieve
forever, for something you had no control
over. Realistically the loss you felt when you knew she was gone .She was someone you loved,and were so grateful to have her there when you were growing
up. You treasured her, and loved her
unconditionally. As she loved you, and she protected you .
Don't you see that she would never have put on you this terrible guilty feeling you have put on yourself.
She would want you to forgive yourself, and realise that you can hold the love you shared with her, that never dies it is eternal.
Appreciate her the way you do, and let go of the Negative that you have let her passing change the gift she gave you, of her unconditional love for you.
She is in a better place, and she would
want you to bathe yourself in all the special things she brought to you to remember her.
But you are the only one who can release
Yourself from the "guilt" you feel. You knew her very well, would she want you to continue with the guilty feelings you
keep putting on yourself ?
The short answer is NO.
Turn the Negative into a Positive and
encourage all of your family to know the
the person that gave you everything to be the Person you are today.
I remember a Christmas one year which I had not been looking forward to, turning out to be great. My husband had had a row with his Mother and would not apologise to her and I would not go to another awful Christmas day at my Mother's place so instead we booked to go to a new Indian Restaurant which had opened recenrtly in our city. We were greeted at the door as if we were family and welcomed very warmly. We had a really good meal and all throughout were treated very warmly as if we were really family. This certainly made up for the disappointment of not being with our legitimate families.
Well Done Lateral thinking. I'm very glad you had a nice Christmas Afterall. I
A few Christmases ago I had to prepare for 2 distinctive Christmas Dinners
because of a Family Feud between some of my Children. Take about a rushed meal etc. The first group were meant to be gone, in time for the second group arriving. Good Plan you think, I was a nervous wreck. There was no one to help me, so I was doing a solo performance for
both groups. My kids would have an argument, have their say and chill

Not so when the "outlaws" came along, the Trivial Persuits would fester and become bigger than Ben Hur and last forever. I told them I believed in Arranged
Marriages, did they listen NO They went ahead and married the love of their lives.

Incidentally I didn't believe in Arranged
Marriages. It sounded good at the time.
Well Done Lateral thinking. I'm very glad you had a nice Christmas Afterall. I
A few Christmases ago I had to prepare for 2 distinctive Christmas Dinners
because of a Family Feud between some of my Children. Take about a rushed meal etc. The first group were meant to be gone, in time for the second group arriving. Good Plan you think, I was a nervous wreck. There was no one to help me, so I was doing a solo performance for
both groups. My kids would have an argument, have their say and chill

Not so when the "outlaws" came along, the Trivial Persuits would fester and become bigger than Ben Hur and last forever. I told them I believed in Arranged
Marriages, did they listen NO They went ahead and married the love of their lives.

Incidentally I didn't believe in Arranged
Marriages. It sounded good at the time.
🤣🤣you evil person you🤣🤣merry Christmas.🎅
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Be kind to yourself, don't forget she didn't want you to go because you were
Very Pregnant. You did not do anything
wrong. Your Grandmother raised you, and you loved her very much. What do you think she would say, if she was able to tell you ? She might say to you
Susanna Rose
"Why have you been doing this for so many years,what a waste of time, punishing yourself for something you didn't do"? You need to think back to the day and remember what your
Grandmother said to you.

Be kind to yourself, don't forget she didn't want you to go because you were
Very Pregnant. You did not do anything
wrong. Your Grandmother raised you, and you loved her very much. What do you think she would say, if she was able to tell you ? She might say to you
Susanna Rose
"Why have you been doing this for so many years,what a waste of time, punishing yourself for something you didn't do"? You need to think back to the day and remember what your
Grandmother said to you.

Precious memories
But forgive yourself once and for all,
Share your story with your Children and Grandchildren. Tell them about all the
Happy Memories you have probably pushed to the back of your mind the very special memories that no one can take away from you.
The unconditional love
She shared with you. You did the same to her.
She never felt bad about you. not being
with her. As usual she was thinking of you, Stop reflecting back to that day.
It is really a waste of your time and your
energy, that you could be sharing with your family.
Merry Christmas to you all.
I sincerely hope you can forgive yourself, and move on into the rest of your life.
Unconditional love goes on forever. Yours and her's.
Be kind to yourself, don't forget she didn't want you to go because you were
Very Pregnant. You did not do anything
wrong. Your Grandmother raised you, and you loved her very much. What do you think she would say, if she was able to tell you ? She might say to you
Susanna Rose
"Why have you been doing this for so many years,what a waste of time, punishing yourself for something you didn't do"? You need to think back to the day and remember what your
Grandmother said to you.

Precious memories
But forgive yourself once and for all,
Share your story with your Children and Grandchildren. Tell them about all the
Happy Memories you have probably pushed to the back of your mind the very special memories that no one can take away from you.
The unconditional love
She shared with you. You did the same to her.
She never felt bad about you. not being
with her. As usual she was thinking of you, Stop reflecting back to that day.
It is really a waste of your time and your
energy, that you could be sharing with your family.
Merry Christmas to you all.
I sincerely hope you can forgive yourself, and move on into the rest of your life.
Unconditional love goes on forever. Yours and her's.

Precious memories
But forgive yourself once and for all,
Share your story with your Children and Grandchildren. Tell them about all the
Happy Memories you have probably pushed to the back of your mind the very special memories that no one can take away from you.
The unconditional love
She shared with you. You did the same to her.
She never felt bad about you. not being
with her. As usual she was thinking of you, Stop reflecting back to that day.
It is really a waste of your time and your
energy, that you could be sharing with your family.
Merry Christmas to you all.
I sincerely hope you can forgive yourself, and move on into the rest of your life.
Unconditional love goes on forever. Yours and her's.
Oh I love this story so much 💖💖💖💖
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When my son was around 3 until he was about 7 every single Christmas Eve I would take him out the front onto the patio and we'd look up towards the sky. It never took long for us to see a shooting star and when we did I told him it was Santas Sleigh and it was time for bed as he was coming.
One particular year we saw what must have been a comet, it was bright white with a firey tail and as a child it would have looked like a sleigh, well wasn't he excited, he screamed "mummy, he's here" and took my hand and dragged me into the house and into his room so I could sit on his bed and read him a Christmas story while he went to sleep.
It worked everytime and was very special for the both of us.
Over the years we always mentioned that and it's still a beautiful memory I have of him, sadly 5 years ago he passed away aged 33, it absolutely shattered our family apart.
When people say they want loved ones back for just a minute, I say I don't, i'm greedy, i'm want him back for good..

Merry Christmas to everyone here, keep your loved ones close and if you are estranged at least tell them they are loved!
My older brother, only 'sibling' has told me often that when he got his first bike for Christmas, that he took it out to the front of the house and got ready to set off down the footpath, started peddling and the neighbors dog ran out in front of him, he hit it of course and buckled his front wheel....bike stuffed after riding about 10 feet.
I still can't stop laughing every time that I think about this. 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😉
Christmas, pushbikes and kids. The trifecta of a catastrophic festive season!
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Well Done Lateral thinking. I'm very glad you had a nice Christmas Afterall. I
A few Christmases ago I had to prepare for 2 distinctive Christmas Dinners
because of a Family Feud between some of my Children. Take about a rushed meal etc. The first group were meant to be gone, in time for the second group arriving. Good Plan you think, I was a nervous wreck. There was no one to help me, so I was doing a solo performance for
both groups. My kids would have an argument, have their say and chill

Not so when the "outlaws" came along, the Trivial Persuits would fester and become bigger than Ben Hur and last forever. I told them I believed in Arranged
Marriages, did they listen NO They went ahead and married the love of their lives.

Incidentally I didn't believe in Arranged
Marriages. It sounded good at the time.
Love it!
When my son was around 3 until he was about 7 every single Christmas Eve I would take him out the front onto the patio and we'd look up towards the sky. It never took long for us to see a shooting star and when we did I told him it was Santas Sleigh and it was time for bed as he was coming.
One particular year we saw what must have been a comet, it was bright white with a firey tail and as a child it would have looked like a sleigh, well wasn't he excited, he screamed "mummy, he's here" and took my hand and dragged me into the house and into his room so I could sit on his bed and read him a Christmas story while he went to sleep.
It worked everytime and was very special for the both of us.
Over the years we always mentioned that and it's still a beautiful memory I have of him, sadly 5 years ago he passed away aged 33, it absolutely shattered our family apart.
When people say they want loved ones back for just a minute, I say I don't, i'm greedy, i'm want him back for good..

Merry Christmas to everyone here, keep your loved ones close and if you are estranged at least tell them they are loved!
Another sweet and touching recollection. Thank you! 🎄
My gran made the best pudding in a cloth and also put coins and a button then theory was who ever got the button did the washing up,you had to see there faces as they ate the pudding to see who got that button.😋😋
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How sweet and touching recollection. Thank you! 🎄
Christmas time is probably very hard for you, but what beautiful memories you had and how special they were.
I am so sorry, that you lost your
Beautiful Young Man at so young an
age. I can also understand your
Response in saying, not just for a day but forever, to be with you.
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Christmas time is probably very hard for you, but what beautiful memories you had and how special they were.
I am so sorry, that you lost your
Beautiful Young Man at so young an
age. I can also understand your
Response in saying, not just for a day but forever, to be with you.
I was thanking @deni67 for their memories, not mine. Ooops!
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Thank you sooooo much for choosing my story about my dear Mum. She was a very special lady who was loved and adore by all. I'm sorry I was so slow in responding, but I was on a 2 week cruise to NZ! I am very grateful for the voucher prize, which will come in very handy.
Blessings to you all

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My older brother, only 'sibling' has told me often that when he got his first bike for Christmas, that he took it out to the front of the house and got ready to set off down the footpath, started peddling and the neighbors dog ran out in front of him, he hit it of course and buckled his front wheel....bike stuffed after riding about 10 feet.
I still can't stop laughing every time that I think about this. 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😉
Cycling and dogs just don't mix, I am 86 now and in that time have cycled all my life and I have had accidents with 3 dogs and 2 newspaper boys and many cars in that time, I still ride and still have accidents but have survived so far.
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When my son was around 3 until he was about 7 every single Christmas Eve I would take him out the front onto the patio and we'd look up towards the sky. It never took long for us to see a shooting star and when we did I told him it was Santas Sleigh and it was time for bed as he was coming.
One particular year we saw what must have been a comet, it was bright white with a firey tail and as a child it would have looked like a sleigh, well wasn't he excited, he screamed "mummy, he's here" and took my hand and dragged me into the house and into his room so I could sit on his bed and read him a Christmas story while he went to sleep.
It worked everytime and was very special for the both of us.
Over the years we always mentioned that and it's still a beautiful memory I have of him, sadly 5 years ago he passed away aged 33, it absolutely shattered our family apart.
When people say they want loved ones back for just a minute, I say I don't, i'm greedy, i'm want him back for good..

Merry Christmas to everyone here, keep your loved ones close and if you are estranged at least tell them they are loved!
A beautiful story and beautiful memory you have for your entire life
I also was the one chosen to get a sixpence as I was the youngest.
On the sad side of Christmas as Mothers Day, Fathers Day and birthdays, not having my daughter here with the rest of us is beyond sad.
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