G'day Jonathan,How many times have you had COVID-19 so far?
Hey there!
Just checking in with all of our awesome members - how are you all doing? Hopefully, you're doing well and staying safe.
We wanted to give you a quick update on @Jonathan Leane , who, unfortunately, has come down with COVID-19 again.We're sending our love and good vibes his way for a speedy recovery. It just goes to show that we all need to keep taking precautions and looking out for each other.
In light of this, we want to hear from all of you. How many times have you contracted COVID-19 so far, or have you been fortunate enough to avoid it entirely?
Please take a moment to answer our poll and share your experience.
Also, let's keep checking in with one another, staying safe, and maybe sending some virtual high-fives or fist bumps to Jonathan as he gets through this!
I have contracted Covid 19 only once but......That was more than enough thank you. I spent five (5) months in hospital, almost died & got put on the lung transplant list. It was that bad.
Fortunately, I am a very positive person & while it has taken me another 10 months to "recover" to the point where I can again be a little more physical, the experience has left me with some either permanent or semi permanent reminders.
While I no longer need home oxygen & am off the transplant list, I still need to attend the hospital every month to undergo a four hour antibody infusion to supplement my damaged immune system. I am suffering from an overproduction of "para proteins" called MGUS & am at risk of developing a bone marrow cancer called Myeloma if this continues unchecked. I have "Covid brain" & my sight, hearing, taste & smell have all been affected by the virus. I was fully vaccinated when I contracted this horror.