Double trouble: Health experts issue warnings about two rapid virus outbreaks happening worldwide

Seasoned travellers understand the allure of exploring new destinations and experiencing different cultures.

However, recent health news started causing concern among global healthcare experts.

It's crucial to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure our health and safety, regardless of whether we are globetrotting or staying at home.

The World Health Organisation raised the alarm by declaring a Health Emergency of International Concern over the rapid spread of Monkeypox.

Generally known as Mpox, the virus's recent surge in cases has prompted a global response.

Meanwhile, the Oropouche virus also started making headlines.

According to records, there have been 19 cases of the Oropouche imported from South America to Europe—its first detection on the continent.

The Mpox and the Oropouche virus recently became cause of concern for many healthcare experts due to its rapid spread. Image Credit: Pexels/CDC

A known virus since 1955, the Oropouche virus is transmitted through infected midges or mosquitoes.

The virus has spread to approximately 8,000 people.

Two Brazilian women have already died from the virus, sparking research and investigation.

The symptoms of the Oropouche virus include nausea, fever with headache, vomiting, and muscle and joint pains.

In some cases, the Oropouche virus could lead to miscarriage and foetal deformities transmitted to the child during pregnancy.

While the virus is rarely fatal, the discomfort and potential complications should not be taken lightly.

Travellers, especially those visiting South America, were advised to take precautions against insect bites.

Health experts from the United Kingdom Health Security Agency also emphasised that pregnant women should be vigilant.

Although the midges carrying the Oropouche virus have not been detected in Europe, the changing climate and increasingly hot weather raise concerns about tropical diseases in new areas, including Australia.

Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) stated that they constantly update Smartraveller advisories regarding the virus outbreaks.

NSW Health also issued a warning about Mpox and its symptoms.

This warning came after a recent spike in infections in the area.

Mpox could spread through close skin-to-skin contact and could look like small skin lesions in hard-to-see areas.

Other symptoms include mild fever, headache, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, mouth ulcers, or rectal pain.

Mpox now has a new strain called clade 1b, and over 15,000 cases have been reported in central Africa this year alone.

It's essential to understand the risks and heed the advice of medical experts.

For those planning their international travels for the year, consult travel advisories, stay updated on health warnings, and consider travel insurance to cover medical emergencies.

You may also talk to your doctor about preventative measures, such as vaccines.
Key Takeaways

  • The World Health Organisation recently declared a Health Emergency of International Concern due to the rapid spread of Mpox.
  • Travellers were also warned about the Oropouche virus after recent cases imported from South America to Europe.
  • Health experts recommended that travellers avoid insect bites and that pregnant women be particularly vigilant in regions affected by the Oropouche virus.
  • NSW Health also urged the community to be aware of Mpox symptoms following a recent increase in infections.
What do you think of these recent virus outbreaks? How do you keep yourself safe from any illness? Share your health tips and experiences with us in the comments section below.
The UN has been given cotrol to enforce action under UN pandemic rules no objections allowed thanks to Albos lot and UN Pandemic .Wake up and see whats happening no resistance allowed thab=nks to government appointed minister of truth .This will be called conspircy theory no free speech tolerated .Another EUREAKA moment needed .
Every time someone needs to write "wake up and see", you just know it's going to be another loony conspiracy theory🙄
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  • Haha
Reactions: deni67 and Rob44
I reckon it's funny. We're damned to believe WHO and we're damned to not believe them.
Tomorrow if it's not raining, I will visit my neighbour 4 houses away. Her daughter worked in Geneva for the WHO and then was transferred to Turkey for a few years. She is now retired. Will get the gist from the 'horse's mouth'. lol
Ah Dear Ricky. Since Covid produced symptoms at the outset that resembled closely the common cold and influenza and possibly even malaria, which I have witnessed enough, the simple blood test on sale at chemist's shops enabled one to determine the high probability that one had caught Covid from some non-mask wearing person or otherwise careless idiot in some crowded or even family place. Crowded places being doctor's surgeries, shopping centres, a bus, an aeroplane, ferry, friend's car, child-care centre, school, hospital etc. so once one had tested positive, it gave the opportunity (if elderly) to have a telehealth consultation with one's GP to obtain the course of 15 pills that would knock the virus over more quickly than one's immune system could, which would tend to minimise the damage the virus could do to one's brain, lungs, liver, kidneys and possibly some other bodily organs, as well as other people

The simple Covid test, if positive, also would enable one to self-quarantine early enough in one's bedroom for 5-10 days to attempt to ensure that one would not inflict the virus on others both inside and outside the family home. Of course, nothing is perfect in this world other than the stupidity of the anti-vaxxer community and conspiracy theorists.
I agree with most of what you post, Rob44 ... until you used a certain insulting word.
The people you brand as "anti-vaxxer" would like you to please give your definition of the word.

Many people are very wary of the mRNA vaccines that are STILL undergoing safety testing, and the long term effects will not be known for a long time yet.

What narrative was spread as a mantra from every politician. every news broadcaster and every morning show host all around the world, in unison, were the three little words "Safe and Effective."
The mRNA vaccines were anything but safe and effective.
It is not a conspiracy theory that many people suffered injury, mainly clotting and cardiac disorders (Myopathy), and many died. Not safe at all.

And we haven't yet investigated the so-called "excess deaths".

Then we come to the "effective" part.
We were told that the mRNA vaccines were effective in 97% of cases.
Then 95% ... 90% ... 85% ... 77% ... 50% ... !

We were told quite boldly and loudly, that "If you have the vaccine, the virus stops with you! You can't pass it on, and you can't get it. 2 weeks to flatten the curve."

You cannot deny that we were told these things, so where are the conspiracy theories here?
Where are the anti-vaxxers?
One would think, that (on observing that we were lied to in the above examples) a truly wise person would be very cautious about taking any of the mRNA Vaccines; and would certainly be very hesitant about allowing one of their children to have a shot or two of it, given that Mycarditis deaths were occurring in young, fit, otherwise healthy males aged 16 to 30+.

Fast forward to today.
Bill Gates is on record as saying that vaccine hesitancy would not be an issue in the coming pandemics, because people would be lining up demanding to be vaccinated.
How does he know this?
I'm in my mid 70's and have a medical background of 40 years practice.
I also have 8 yrs experience in Industrial Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Fluid dynamics). I regard my stance on things as sensible and measured.

I cannot accept the derogatory term "anti-vaxxer" just because someone has become "vaccine hesitant."
That - in my book - is caution and wisdom, until the research showing safety and efficacy testing yields the claimed results.
So far Pfizer and their ilk are very coy about releasing their test data, and whistleblowers who worked there are saying they never did the claimed testing.

Further - it has come out that results were skewed by removing people who died, from the trials, as well as those who developed reactions, or otherwise became unwell.
Why would you do that. Trial judges in Europe have issued severe reprimands on Pfizer for hiding such data, with fines yet to be determined.

So you seem to showing a good deal of ignorance about the mRNA dark side. I am unsure how they measured that the vaccines reduced hospital stays, or length of illness. But I accept such benefits were possible, and won't dispute that.
Individual cases should not be applied as general. Some people feel that the vaccines saved them. I wouldn't tell them otherwise - no one knows - too many variables.

However, when looking at the deaths that occurred, around 99% of those who got Covid, survived it.
Those who succumbed were aged, infirm with high-risk co-morbidities, and it is acknowledged that these unfortunate folk would have succumbed to the seasonal influenza viruses as easily as they did to Covid. Generally, people younger than 30 would have a survival rate parallel to the survival rate from seasonal influenza.

So where exactly was the benefit from these mRNA vaccines?
Can you blame people for rolling their eyes when a pox spread largely by males having anal sex, is being used as an excuse to once again threaten to lock down the world ... with no benefit.

I have read many of your posts, and believe you to be intelligent and rational.
But should you be looking a little harder at some of the evidence now available revealing a little chicanery in the Vaccine industry?

And please think about revising your use of the term "anti-vaxxer" since it is hurtful to people who have read widely on these vaccines, and for good reason are now hesitant to receive the mRNA variety.
Last edited:
Every time someone needs to write "wake up and see", you just know it's going to be another loony conspiracy theory🙄
Insulting in the extreme.
No country should be ceding authority for UN enforcers to come onto their soil and forcibly vaccinate their citizens.

But you knew that, @freedy50 didn't you?
So why are you in such a rush to give a foreign, unelected power, the right to over-ride our sovereignty?

We are more than capable of managing our own public illness outbreaks, thank you, without the UN StormTroopers coming here and man-handling us like sheep!
I agree with most of what you post, Rob44 ... until you used a certain insulting word.
The people you brand as "anti-vaxxer" would like you to please give your definition of the word.

Many people are very wary of the mRNA vaccines that are STILL undergoing safety testing, and the long term effects will not be known for a long time yet.

What narrative was spread as a mantra from every politician. every news broadcaster and every morning show host all around the world, in unison, were the three little words "Safe and Effective."
The mRNA vaccines were anything but safe and effective.
It is not a conspiracy theory that many people suffered injury, mainly clotting and cardiac disorders (Myopathy), and many died. Not safe at all.

And we haven't yet investigated the so-called "excess deaths".

Then we come to the "effective" part.
We were told that the mRNA vaccines were effective in 97% of cases.
Then 95% ... 90% ... 85% ... 77% ... 50% ... !

We were told quite boldly and loudly, that "If you have the vaccine, the virus stops with you! You can't pass it on, and you can't get it. 2 weeks to flatten the curve."

You cannot deny that we were told these things, so where are the conspiracy theories here?
Where are the anti-vaxxers?
One would think, that (on observing that we were lied to in the above examples) a truly wise person would be very cautious about taking any of the mRNA Vaccines; and would certainly be very hesitant about allowing one of their children to have a shot or two of it, given that Mycarditis deaths were occurring in young, fit, otherwise healthy males aged 16 to 30+.

Fast forward to today.
Bill Gates is on record as saying that vaccine hesitancy would not be an issue in the coming pandemics, because people would be lining up demanding to be vaccinated.
How does he know this?
I'm in my mid 70's and have a medical background of 40 years practice.
I also have 8 yrs experience in Industrial Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Fluid dynamics). I regard my stance on things as sensible and measured.

I cannot accept the derogatory term "anti-vaxxer" just because someone has become "vaccine hesitant."
That - in my book - is caution and wisdom, until the research showing safety and efficacy testing yields the claimed results.
So far Pfizer and their ilk are very coy about releasing their test data, and whistleblowers who worked there are saying they never did the claimed testing.

Further - it has come out that results were skewed by removing people who died, from the trials, as well as those who developed reactions, or otherwise became unwell.
Why would you do that. Trial judges in Europe have issued severe reprimands on Pfizer for hiding such data, with fines yet to be determined.

So you seem to showing a good deal of ignorance about the mRNA dark side. I am unsure how they measured that the vaccines reduced hospital stays, or length of illness. But I accept such benefits were possible, and won't dispute that.
Individual cases should not be applied as general. Some people feel that the vaccines saved them. I wouldn't tell them otherwise - no one knows - too many variables.

However, when looking at the deaths that occurred, around 99% of those who got Covid, survived it.
Those who succumbed were aged, infirm with high-risk co-morbidities, and it is acknowledged that these unfortunate folk would have succumbed to the seasonal influenza viruses as easily as they did to Covid. Generally, people younger than 30 would have a survival rate parallel to the survival rate from seasonal influenza.

So where exactly was the benefit from these mRNA vaccines?
Can you blame people for rolling their eyes when a pox spread largely by males having anal sex, is being used as an excuse to once again threaten to lock down the world ... with no benefit.

I have read many of your posts, and believe you to be intelligent and rational.
But should you be looking a little harder at some of the evidence now available revealing a little chicanery in the Vaccine industry?

And please think about revising your use of the term "anti-vaxxer" since it is hurtful to people who have read widely on these vaccines, and for good reason are now hesitant to receive the mRNA variety.
  • Angry
Reactions: deni67
People need to wake up and smell the BS! The criminal director of WHO, Gehbreysus has plans to enslave this entire planet and they intend to do it by deliberately creating these 'outbreaks' just like they did with covid. The WHO is in bed with the crooked UN and the WEF and they are NOT our friends! Do not fall for this ploy again! Do NOT buy into the media's fear and panic causing narrative. Do NOT comply with their profit motivated push for more fake vaccines that have been proven not only ineffective but capable of killing people! Those covid vaccines killed more people than covid itself! They are the 'solution' created by the same people that caused the problem. It's all about control and profit.
I agree with most of what you post, Rob44 ... until you used a certain insulting word.
The people you brand as "anti-vaxxer" would like you to please give your definition of the word.

Many people are very wary of the mRNA vaccines that are STILL undergoing safety testing, and the long term effects will not be known for a long time yet.

What narrative was spread as a mantra from every politician. every news broadcaster and every morning show host all around the world, in unison, were the three little words "Safe and Effective."
The mRNA vaccines were anything but safe and effective.
It is not a conspiracy theory that many people suffered injury, mainly clotting and cardiac disorders (Myopathy), and many died. Not safe at all.

And we haven't yet investigated the so-called "excess deaths".

Then we come to the "effective" part.
We were told that the mRNA vaccines were effective in 97% of cases.
Then 95% ... 90% ... 85% ... 77% ... 50% ... !

We were told quite boldly and loudly, that "If you have the vaccine, the virus stops with you! You can't pass it on, and you can't get it. 2 weeks to flatten the curve."

You cannot deny that we were told these things, so where are the conspiracy theories here?
Where are the anti-vaxxers?
One would think, that (on observing that we were lied to in the above examples) a truly wise person would be very cautious about taking any of the mRNA Vaccines; and would certainly be very hesitant about allowing one of their children to have a shot or two of it, given that Mycarditis deaths were occurring in young, fit, otherwise healthy males aged 16 to 30+.

Fast forward to today.
Bill Gates is on record as saying that vaccine hesitancy would not be an issue in the coming pandemics, because people would be lining up demanding to be vaccinated.
How does he know this?
I'm in my mid 70's and have a medical background of 40 years practice.
I also have 8 yrs experience in Industrial Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Fluid dynamics). I regard my stance on things as sensible and measured.

I cannot accept the derogatory term "anti-vaxxer" just because someone has become "vaccine hesitant."
That - in my book - is caution and wisdom, until the research showing safety and efficacy testing yields the claimed results.
So far Pfizer and their ilk are very coy about releasing their test data, and whistleblowers who worked there are saying they never did the claimed testing.

Further - it has come out that results were skewed by removing people who died, from the trials, as well as those who developed reactions, or otherwise became unwell.
Why would you do that. Trial judges in Europe have issued severe reprimands on Pfizer for hiding such data, with fines yet to be determined.

So you seem to showing a good deal of ignorance about the mRNA dark side. I am unsure how they measured that the vaccines reduced hospital stays, or length of illness. But I accept such benefits were possible, and won't dispute that.
Individual cases should not be applied as general. Some people feel that the vaccines saved them. I wouldn't tell them otherwise - no one knows - too many variables.

However, when looking at the deaths that occurred, around 99% of those who got Covid, survived it.
Those who succumbed were aged, infirm with high-risk co-morbidities, and it is acknowledged that these unfortunate folk would have succumbed to the seasonal influenza viruses as easily as they did to Covid. Generally, people younger than 30 would have a survival rate parallel to the survival rate from seasonal influenza.

So where exactly was the benefit from these mRNA vaccines?
Can you blame people for rolling their eyes when a pox spread largely by males having anal sex, is being used as an excuse to once again threaten to lock down the world ... with no benefit.

I have read many of your posts, and believe you to be intelligent and rational.
But should you be looking a little harder at some of the evidence now available revealing a little chicanery in the Vaccine industry?

And please think about revising your use of the term "anti-vaxxer" since it is hurtful to people who have read widely on these vaccines, and for good reason are now hesitant to receive the mRNA variety.
A pox spread by males having anal sex. I take it you refer to monkey pox? It is spread by physical human contact with another person and with contact with bedding etc on which have have lain those with monkey pox. It is, primarily, a contagious virus although there have been incidences of pulmonary infection. Whether or not anal sex involving males matters, it is irrelevant as the dominant number of cases involve contagion; naturally, if one male with monkey pox has any form of sex with another male, that other male could well catch this contagious illness.

If readers have read widely about Covid vaccines they will be aware that of the approximately 64 000 000 vaccinations injected in Australia, approximately 140 000 adverse reactions have occurred as of November 2023 as records after that date seem no longer to being kept by the TGA. These adverse events do not recognise the exaggerated number of many deaths from vaccination that appear to populate the social media, they do include pericarditis (with which I am familiar) and they do include myocarditis which is an inflammation of heart muscle. What I have read of reviews of academic papers touching on those two types of adverse events, both of those vaccine-related inflammations generally subside in a few weeks, as has been my own experience. However both can be alarming, especially if the afflicted does not understand what is happening; and in some instances the inflammation may aggravate a pre-existing condition. All vaccinations can have adverse effects; I was absolutely flattened by the typhoid vaccination I had some years ago; it wasn't the first I had had and those previous had simply resulted in a sore arm for half day.

The Covid vaccine has never given 100% certainty of prevention of infection and there will be a peak period within the 6 month booster interval when it does. The virus mutates very quickly, which is one problem. However, there is enough published research by assorted reputable research institutes that demonstrates that the Covid vaccine can stop infection, may well ameliorate infection, and may reduce the chance of developing long-Covid. Thus it will lessen the spread of the virus. Were we to wear and use properly the N95 face mask, especially in crowded places, there is also enough published academic research to demonstrate also that those, too, act the reduce spread of virus-bearing droplets (range of sneeze snot, 26ft as tested) which would also serve to minimise spread, and of course the cost to our community, of Covid.

Those who rabbit on about the Great Covid Control Conspiracy via the UN and WHO and Albanese etc etc etc, and there are some of those who who inject their stupidities into SDC's comments pages, deserve all the rudeness a scientist may offer them as they simply do not WANT to learn.

Thank you for your comments. If you wish to read a large collection of reviews about aspects of the Covid pandemic I recommend SciTech Daily: it is a well presented e-zine that is published daily, it is free, all reviews contain the appropriate reference(s) to the research papers documenting the details in the review and it contains a great deal of information from medical research to water on the Moon and Mars to Dinosaurs to new forms of batteries for electric cars etc. Great for kids' school projects as well.
Insulting in the extreme.
No country should be ceding authority for UN enforcers to come onto their soil and forcibly vaccinate their citizens.

But you knew that, @freedy50 didn't you?
So why are you in such a rush to give a foreign, unelected power, the right to over-ride our sovereignty?

We are more than capable of managing our own public illness outbreaks, thank you, without the UN StormTroopers coming here and man-handling us like sheep!
Yeah ok. 😂😂😂
I agree with most of what you post, Rob44 ... until you used a certain insulting word.
The people you brand as "anti-vaxxer" would like you to please give your definition of the word.

Many people are very wary of the mRNA vaccines that are STILL undergoing safety testing, and the long term effects will not be known for a long time yet.

What narrative was spread as a mantra from every politician. every news broadcaster and every morning show host all around the world, in unison, were the three little words "Safe and Effective."
The mRNA vaccines were anything but safe and effective.
It is not a conspiracy theory that many people suffered injury, mainly clotting and cardiac disorders (Myopathy), and many died. Not safe at all.

And we haven't yet investigated the so-called "excess deaths".

Then we come to the "effective" part.
We were told that the mRNA vaccines were effective in 97% of cases.
Then 95% ... 90% ... 85% ... 77% ... 50% ... !

We were told quite boldly and loudly, that "If you have the vaccine, the virus stops with you! You can't pass it on, and you can't get it. 2 weeks to flatten the curve."

You cannot deny that we were told these things, so where are the conspiracy theories here?
Where are the anti-vaxxers?
One would think, that (on observing that we were lied to in the above examples) a truly wise person would be very cautious about taking any of the mRNA Vaccines; and would certainly be very hesitant about allowing one of their children to have a shot or two of it, given that Mycarditis deaths were occurring in young, fit, otherwise healthy males aged 16 to 30+.

Fast forward to today.
Bill Gates is on record as saying that vaccine hesitancy would not be an issue in the coming pandemics, because people would be lining up demanding to be vaccinated.
How does he know this?
I'm in my mid 70's and have a medical background of 40 years practice.
I also have 8 yrs experience in Industrial Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Fluid dynamics). I regard my stance on things as sensible and measured.

I cannot accept the derogatory term "anti-vaxxer" just because someone has become "vaccine hesitant."
That - in my book - is caution and wisdom, until the research showing safety and efficacy testing yields the claimed results.
So far Pfizer and their ilk are very coy about releasing their test data, and whistleblowers who worked there are saying they never did the claimed testing.

Further - it has come out that results were skewed by removing people who died, from the trials, as well as those who developed reactions, or otherwise became unwell.
Why would you do that. Trial judges in Europe have issued severe reprimands on Pfizer for hiding such data, with fines yet to be determined.

So you seem to showing a good deal of ignorance about the mRNA dark side. I am unsure how they measured that the vaccines reduced hospital stays, or length of illness. But I accept such benefits were possible, and won't dispute that.
Individual cases should not be applied as general. Some people feel that the vaccines saved them. I wouldn't tell them otherwise - no one knows - too many variables.

However, when looking at the deaths that occurred, around 99% of those who got Covid, survived it.
Those who succumbed were aged, infirm with high-risk co-morbidities, and it is acknowledged that these unfortunate folk would have succumbed to the seasonal influenza viruses as easily as they did to Covid. Generally, people younger than 30 would have a survival rate parallel to the survival rate from seasonal influenza.

So where exactly was the benefit from these mRNA vaccines?
Can you blame people for rolling their eyes when a pox spread largely by males having anal sex, is being used as an excuse to once again threaten to lock down the world ... with no benefit.

I have read many of your posts, and believe you to be intelligent and rational.
But should you be looking a little harder at some of the evidence now available revealing a little chicanery in the Vaccine industry?

And please think about revising your use of the term "anti-vaxxer" since it is hurtful to people who have read widely on these vaccines, and for good reason are now hesitant to receive the mRNA variety.
More copy and paste nonsense.🙄

Best read through this. Will give you more information for your anti vaxxer conspiracy theories. 👍

Although you have reminded me that I haven't had a recent Covid booster vaccine. 🙂
Prayer of the sensible, thinking person: "Please God, give me patience to put up with Trumpistannian conspiracy theorists and the tolerance to waste my time trying to point out reality lest I reach for my machete. Thank you."
That’s the most nonsensical statement I’ve ever read !!
I agree with most of what you post, Rob44 ... until you used a certain insulting word.
The people you brand as "anti-vaxxer" would like you to please give your definition of the word.

Many people are very wary of the mRNA vaccines that are STILL undergoing safety testing, and the long term effects will not be known for a long time yet.

What narrative was spread as a mantra from every politician. every news broadcaster and every morning show host all around the world, in unison, were the three little words "Safe and Effective."
The mRNA vaccines were anything but safe and effective.
It is not a conspiracy theory that many people suffered injury, mainly clotting and cardiac disorders (Myopathy), and many died. Not safe at all.

And we haven't yet investigated the so-called "excess deaths".

Then we come to the "effective" part.
We were told that the mRNA vaccines were effective in 97% of cases.
Then 95% ... 90% ... 85% ... 77% ... 50% ... !

We were told quite boldly and loudly, that "If you have the vaccine, the virus stops with you! You can't pass it on, and you can't get it. 2 weeks to flatten the curve."

You cannot deny that we were told these things, so where are the conspiracy theories here?
Where are the anti-vaxxers?
One would think, that (on observing that we were lied to in the above examples) a truly wise person would be very cautious about taking any of the mRNA Vaccines; and would certainly be very hesitant about allowing one of their children to have a shot or two of it, given that Mycarditis deaths were occurring in young, fit, otherwise healthy males aged 16 to 30+.

Fast forward to today.
Bill Gates is on record as saying that vaccine hesitancy would not be an issue in the coming pandemics, because people would be lining up demanding to be vaccinated.
How does he know this?
I'm in my mid 70's and have a medical background of 40 years practice.
I also have 8 yrs experience in Industrial Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Fluid dynamics). I regard my stance on things as sensible and measured.

I cannot accept the derogatory term "anti-vaxxer" just because someone has become "vaccine hesitant."
That - in my book - is caution and wisdom, until the research showing safety and efficacy testing yields the claimed results.
So far Pfizer and their ilk are very coy about releasing their test data, and whistleblowers who worked there are saying they never did the claimed testing.

Further - it has come out that results were skewed by removing people who died, from the trials, as well as those who developed reactions, or otherwise became unwell.
Why would you do that. Trial judges in Europe have issued severe reprimands on Pfizer for hiding such data, with fines yet to be determined.

So you seem to showing a good deal of ignorance about the mRNA dark side. I am unsure how they measured that the vaccines reduced hospital stays, or length of illness. But I accept such benefits were possible, and won't dispute that.
Individual cases should not be applied as general. Some people feel that the vaccines saved them. I wouldn't tell them otherwise - no one knows - too many variables.

However, when looking at the deaths that occurred, around 99% of those who got Covid, survived it.
Those who succumbed were aged, infirm with high-risk co-morbidities, and it is acknowledged that these unfortunate folk would have succumbed to the seasonal influenza viruses as easily as they did to Covid. Generally, people younger than 30 would have a survival rate parallel to the survival rate from seasonal influenza.

So where exactly was the benefit from these mRNA vaccines?
Can you blame people for rolling their eyes when a pox spread largely by males having anal sex, is being used as an excuse to once again threaten to lock down the world ... with no benefit.

I have read many of your posts, and believe you to be intelligent and rational.
But should you be looking a little harder at some of the evidence now available revealing a little chicanery in the Vaccine industry?

And please think about revising your use of the term "anti-vaxxer" since it is hurtful to people who have read widely on these vaccines, and for good reason are now hesitant to receive the mRNA variety.
So well put, thankyou!
Ah well, the Covid test worked for both my wife and myself and my son and his wife and his daughter. Not a problem. You can still buy Covid test-kits at Chemists' shop, so they are still being produced. $9.99 ($10) for two such kits.
They give a false reading, load of BS
  • Haha
Reactions: freedy50
Insulting in the extreme.
No country should be ceding authority for UN enforcers to come onto their soil and forcibly vaccinate their citizens.

But you knew that, @freedy50 didn't you?
So why are you in such a rush to give a foreign, unelected power, the right to over-ride our sovereignty?

We are more than capable of managing our own public illness outbreaks, thank you, without the UN StormTroopers coming here and man-handling us like sheep!
UN enforcers........UN storm troopers. Where? A classic example as to why I am fed up with stupids making bigoted comments. The last invited UN forces I heard about were multinational groups of soldiers beating up Communists (Chinese and North Korean soldiers) in South Korea, Mujahiddeen in Afghanistan and assorted thugs creating mayhem in some Africa countries in an attempt to stabilise governmenes under threat from said Communists, Mujahiddeen and assorted thugs in Africa. The WHO and UNHCR are generally requested by governments to give assistance in situations where disease is breaking out rapidly, such as would appear poliomyelitis in Gaza where the Israelis have murdered not a few medical personnel and aid workers besides deliberately destroying hospitals and schools where people have taken refuge; or the allegedly anally-derived monkey pox in Africa, mainly in the DRC it would seem.

So who is rushing to man-handle us like sheep and forcibly vaccinate us? It is not news on the TV but maybe on junk social media such as Tik Tik and Facebook where Trumpistannian scurrilism abounds.
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Reactions: freedy50
They give a false reading, load of BS
So what bug caused me to cough up fresh blood during last Xmas after testing positive for Covid? It was not TB, nor lung cancer nor pneumonia. Yes, those tests can give false positives, and also negatives, on occasion but at least a positive result is an alert to get a more exhaustive test by one's GP; however it is a quick and easy test to carry out in one's kitchen. As with British Chain Home radar in 1940 which was by no means perfect, even by the ideal standards of the day, it got the RAF into the air early enough to shoot the living bejasus out of the Luftwaffe thereby possibly deterring the German Army from invading the UK in 1940.

Sometimes second best first is the better strategy.
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People need to wake up and smell the BS! The criminal director of WHO, Gehbreysus has plans to enslave this entire planet and they intend to do it by deliberately creating these 'outbreaks' just like they did with covid. The WHO is in bed with the crooked UN and the WEF and they are NOT our friends! Do not fall for this ploy again! Do NOT buy into the media's fear and panic causing narrative. Do NOT comply with their profit motivated push for more fake vaccines that have been proven not only ineffective but capable of killing people! The UN has been given cotrol to enforce action under UN pandemic rules no objections allowed thanks to Albos lot and UN Pandemic .WakeThey are the 'solution' created by the same people that caused the problem. It's all about control and profit.
Now that is what I call a Trumpistannian anti-vaxxer, Dear Ingot; you had asked.

"The UN has been given cotrol to enforce action under UN pandemic rules no objections allowed thanks to Albo's lot and UN Pandemic .Wake...." And that is a blatant lie pumped out by anti-vaxxer. About as real as my utterly spurious claim that the ELITES are contaminating the sea with microchips so that the ELITES can control us through salty food. Oh, oh; maybe they are; don't eat Kentucky fried chicken and beware your sinister fish'n'chip shop owner!
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That’s the most nonsensical statement I’ve ever read !!
It's not a statement ; it's a request. No harm in asking; there might be a God.
More copy and paste nonsense.🙄

Best read through this. Will give you more information for your anti vaxxer conspiracy theories. 👍

Although you have reminded me that I haven't had a recent Covid booster vaccine. 🙂
Interesting paper that makes my point that anti-vaxxers do not WANT to learn because they are died-in- the-wool-bigots and loathe being socially responsible to their fellow humans. One also finds such bigots in assorted religions, not the least being Christianity, sects of which used to burn to death adherents of other Christian sects. Other religions drop bombs on other religions in the name of their God whilst stealing land. I suppose it is a crude expression of tribalism, which is a curse far better left to British football supporters who can at least be quarantined on their island from the rest of us.
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Same here. Let's be careful. Take care. 🌺
Reading this bit of information from SciTech Daily, you wouldn't want catch Covid:

Understanding COVID-19’s Long-term Impact on the Brain

Proteins left behind by COVID-19 long after initial infection can cause cortisol levels in the brain to plummet, inflame the nervous system, and prime its immune cells to hyper-react when another stressor arises, according to new animal research by University of Colorado Boulder scientists.

The study, published in the journal Brain Behavior and Immunity, sheds new light on what might underly the neurological symptoms of Long COVID, an intractable syndrome which impacts as many as 35% of those infected with the virus.

The findings come as COVID makes a striking summer comeback, with cases rising in 84 countries and numerous high-profile athletes at the Paris Olympics testing positive.
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