Double trouble: Health experts issue warnings about two rapid virus outbreaks happening worldwide

Seasoned travellers understand the allure of exploring new destinations and experiencing different cultures.

However, recent health news started causing concern among global healthcare experts.

It's crucial to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure our health and safety, regardless of whether we are globetrotting or staying at home.

The World Health Organisation raised the alarm by declaring a Health Emergency of International Concern over the rapid spread of Monkeypox.

Generally known as Mpox, the virus's recent surge in cases has prompted a global response.

Meanwhile, the Oropouche virus also started making headlines.

According to records, there have been 19 cases of the Oropouche imported from South America to Europe—its first detection on the continent.

The Mpox and the Oropouche virus recently became cause of concern for many healthcare experts due to its rapid spread. Image Credit: Pexels/CDC

A known virus since 1955, the Oropouche virus is transmitted through infected midges or mosquitoes.

The virus has spread to approximately 8,000 people.

Two Brazilian women have already died from the virus, sparking research and investigation.

The symptoms of the Oropouche virus include nausea, fever with headache, vomiting, and muscle and joint pains.

In some cases, the Oropouche virus could lead to miscarriage and foetal deformities transmitted to the child during pregnancy.

While the virus is rarely fatal, the discomfort and potential complications should not be taken lightly.

Travellers, especially those visiting South America, were advised to take precautions against insect bites.

Health experts from the United Kingdom Health Security Agency also emphasised that pregnant women should be vigilant.

Although the midges carrying the Oropouche virus have not been detected in Europe, the changing climate and increasingly hot weather raise concerns about tropical diseases in new areas, including Australia.

Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) stated that they constantly update Smartraveller advisories regarding the virus outbreaks.

NSW Health also issued a warning about Mpox and its symptoms.

This warning came after a recent spike in infections in the area.

Mpox could spread through close skin-to-skin contact and could look like small skin lesions in hard-to-see areas.

Other symptoms include mild fever, headache, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, mouth ulcers, or rectal pain.

Mpox now has a new strain called clade 1b, and over 15,000 cases have been reported in central Africa this year alone.

It's essential to understand the risks and heed the advice of medical experts.

For those planning their international travels for the year, consult travel advisories, stay updated on health warnings, and consider travel insurance to cover medical emergencies.

You may also talk to your doctor about preventative measures, such as vaccines.
Key Takeaways

  • The World Health Organisation recently declared a Health Emergency of International Concern due to the rapid spread of Mpox.
  • Travellers were also warned about the Oropouche virus after recent cases imported from South America to Europe.
  • Health experts recommended that travellers avoid insect bites and that pregnant women be particularly vigilant in regions affected by the Oropouche virus.
  • NSW Health also urged the community to be aware of Mpox symptoms following a recent increase in infections.
What do you think of these recent virus outbreaks? How do you keep yourself safe from any illness? Share your health tips and experiences with us in the comments section below.
Obviously you don’t seem to have read the whole document to see what a Smart City actually is, but have decided to make up, for some reason, that they’re allegedly putting up surveillance cameras and everyone will be recorded. Why would you do that? And in a search of the whole document the word camera is not even mentioned.

So what that it’s documented? You’re still making it into some stupid conspiracy theory. It might be best if you read Attachment C: Newcastle City Council Smart City Strategy 2017–2021 on there and see what a Smart City actually does.

They quote a couple of examples where it’s been good….

“Among the examples of practical actions in G20 countries, the traffic system in Tokyo (Japan) stands out: in it, traffic sensors monitor and optimize the flow of vehicles, reducing congestion. In London (UK), a smart public lighting system saves energy by automatically adjusting the intensity of light based on environmental conditions.”

The WEF is an above board innocent organization. All this WEF conspiracy nonsense only started when the virus started and a lot of people were bored and had nothing better to do except make up rubbish for people to read. The WEF actually started 53 years ago and nobody ever wrote anything stupid about it over the years until recently Must be a shame for you computers weren’t around then as you and the other conspiracy people could have been spreading false information about it all this time!!! The link below is a brief description of what the WEF actually does, not the fake things you think it does.

One bit to do with people making things up “When some of the world's wealthiest and most influential figures gathered at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting last year, (2022) sessions on climate change drew high-level discussions on topics such as carbon financing and sustainable food systems.

But an entirely different narrative played out on the internet, where social media users claimed leaders wanted to force the population to eat insects instead of meat in the name of saving the environment.”

Why can’t people like you just leave the first paragraph as it is, but want to change it to something like the second paragraph which I have actually seen elsewhere and thought was stupid as soon as I read it.

You’re correct “it's just persistent information put out by the WEF themselves”. They put out proper information, but it gets twisted to what some people would rather believe it says!!

You’re correct in saying “If this is just rubbish to the reader, please move on”. Trouble is. It’s so bad it needs to be read and replied to.
Ah! The Great Reset. Another proper WEF initiative that’s been twisted over the last few years.

The proper version is”The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, and a video featuring the then-Prince of Wales Charles was released to mark its launch. The initiative's stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way that prioritizes sustainable development.” WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset: creating conditions for a "stakeholder economy"; building in a more "resilient, equitable, and sustainable" way, utilising environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics; and "harnessing the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." And that’s it.

And some links that disprove the conspiracy theories……

As you’re probably very well aware there’s also all the conspiracy theory about 15 minute cities (another real thing) and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are NOT taking over the world. And nobody wants to spy on anyone else.
Nobody said you can't get the virus even with a vaccination, but it stops people being more ill if you get it.
Yes they did say that.
Rachel Maddow of MSNBC said it.

Jump to Section 6.35 to the end of Rachel Maddow's show on this video, and she said exactly what you said we were not told.
Anthony Fauci also said the same thing: "If you are vaccinated, you are safe. If you are unvaccinated, you're at risk. Black and white."

Jump to 5:45 if you don't have time to watch the full 9 mins.
There are other videos which I really don't have an interest in dragging up.
I hope you change your mind now about not being told we couln't get the virus, and couldn't pass it on. They clearly DID say that, and it was proved to be wrong.

Anthony Fauci at first said that if you are vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. later he changed his advice - probably because tghey discovered that the virus loading in vaccinated people who got infected, was the SAME as in the unvaccinated.

And this is why some people have lost trust authorities, and why so-called conspiracy theories arise. Sadly the "authorities refused to entertain high level discussion and debate, and this fuelled even more conspiracy theories.

If they were so confident in their product, why did they censor discussion on facebook, and other social media platforms? And even fact checkers own advice was fact checked and found to be incorrect, when someone quoted their checked facts.

Some people cruelly use terms like tin-foil-hat brigade, when the reality is that such people have probably read far more widely, and listened to genuine immunologists, virologists, cardiologists and the like who have sacrificed a lifetime of their careers, to try to get the truth out to the public.


  • Fauci Vax Dead End.PNG
    Fauci Vax Dead End.PNG
    21.1 KB · Views: 0
Obviously you don’t seem to have read the whole document to see what a Smart City actually is, but have decided to make up, for some reason, that they’re allegedly putting up surveillance cameras and everyone will be recorded. Why would you do that? And in a search of the whole document the word camera is not even mentioned.

So what that it’s documented? You’re still making it into some stupid conspiracy theory. It might be best if you read Attachment C: Newcastle City Council Smart City Strategy 2017–2021 on there and see what a Smart City actually does.

They quote a couple of examples where it’s been good….

“Among the examples of practical actions in G20 countries, the traffic system in Tokyo (Japan) stands out: in it, traffic sensors monitor and optimize the flow of vehicles, reducing congestion. In London (UK), a smart public lighting system saves energy by automatically adjusting the intensity of light based on environmental conditions.”

The WEF is an above board innocent organization. All this WEF conspiracy nonsense only started when the virus started and a lot of people were bored and had nothing better to do except make up rubbish for people to read. The WEF actually started 53 years ago and nobody ever wrote anything stupid about it over the years until recently Must be a shame for you computers weren’t around then as you and the other conspiracy people could have been spreading false information about it all this time!!! The link below is a brief description of what the WEF actually does, not the fake things you think it does.

One bit to do with people making things up “When some of the world's wealthiest and most influential figures gathered at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting last year, (2022) sessions on climate change drew high-level discussions on topics such as carbon financing and sustainable food systems.

But an entirely different narrative played out on the internet, where social media users claimed leaders wanted to force the population to eat insects instead of meat in the name of saving the environment.”

Why can’t people like you just leave the first paragraph as it is, but want to change it to something like the second paragraph which I have actually seen elsewhere and thought was stupid as soon as I read it.

You’re correct “it's just persistent information put out by the WEF themselves”. They put out proper information, but it gets twisted to what some people would rather believe it says!!

You’re correct in saying “If this is just rubbish to the reader, please move on”. Trouble is. It’s so bad it needs to be read and replied to.
Thanks for your response.
Yes they did say that.
Rachel Maddow of MSNBC said it.

Jump to Section 6.35 to the end of Rachel Maddow's show on this video, and she said exactly what you said we were not told.
Anthony Fauci also said the same thing: "If you are vaccinated, you are safe. If you are unvaccinated, you're at risk. Black and white."

Jump to 5:45 if you don't have time to watch the full 9 mins.
There are other videos which I really don't have an interest in dragging up.
I hope you change your mind now about not being told we couln't get the virus, and couldn't pass it on. They clearly DID say that, and it was proved to be wrong.

Anthony Fauci at first said that if you are vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. later he changed his advice - probably because tghey discovered that the virus loading in vaccinated people who got infected, was the SAME as in the unvaccinated.

And this is why some people have lost trust authorities, and why so-called conspiracy theories arise. Sadly the "authorities refused to entertain high level discussion and debate, and this fuelled even more conspiracy theories.

If they were so confident in their product, why did they censor discussion on facebook, and other social media platforms? And even fact checkers own advice was fact checked and found to be incorrect, when someone quoted their checked facts.

Some people cruelly use terms like tin-foil-hat brigade, when the reality is that such people have probably read far more widely, and listened to genuine immunologists, virologists, cardiologists and the like who have sacrificed a lifetime of their careers, to try to get the truth out to the public.

This is all 4 years ago when it all started and nobody had a clue about it, so people, especially in America, started making things up about what they thought they were told. I wouldn't take any notice of what she had to say going by that video.

I've always gone by articles like this which states.....".in most cases, those who were vaccinated and contracted COVID-19 didn’t die, didn’t develop severe symptoms and didn’t need to be hospitalised."

and this which quotes....
"We know that in countries with high vaccination rates, both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs have stopped enormous numbers of people getting infected.

When the vaccines were first approved, trials showed the AstraZeneca vaccine stopped about 70 per cent of infections, and Pfizer 90 per cent.

But no vaccine is able to protect everyone all the time. When there is a lot of virus around, some vaccinated people will still get infected, but in most cases vaccinated people experience mild symptoms"

I'm confused by your response anyway. Are you actually pro or anti vaccinations?
Which vaccination are you talking about - please be more specific.
I do have the vaccinations that are safe and effective, and appropriate for my needs in my part of the world.

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