I remember starting school thinking wow when I get older I can use an ink and nib pen and maybe even be an ink monitor . But just before I got to this stage they brought in these new items called pens . I was so disappointed
We bought some lamb chops on a Wednesday afternoon with a due date of Saturday . went to cook them and they had gone green and smelt Thursday evening . We had to toss out $24 of meat . This was not Woolworths but Drakes
How do you buy on Facebook marketplace without cash private people do not have credit card facilities. How would children receive pocket money ? We will always need cash
Best to bite the bullet and go on the bus to the Centrelink office . I know calling can be the most frustrating time wasting thing you can do .1 hr by bus or more than 1 hour waiting on the phone ?
Yes every one gets these friend requests don’t go near them . I had one man say he had a granddaughter who liked my smile and could I message the granddaughter No way the scammers are just getting more sophisticated