I laughed out loud.Yes this forum has to cover all tastes so I am happy to laugh at what I find funny and pass on the others.Simple but not always easy .
Hello Nana Zorak, I too are now on cannabinoid oil 1.100 I am on .075mm a night however mine costs $150 per month or $275 a bottle.I am in Perth and can only get it from Little green Pharmacy.Where do you get yours as it sounds it could be a lot cheaper. Cheers maxtyson
Coles Coles Coles I am not a fan anyway.I did crack up laughing reading your C.O.O. on theft is none other than Matt Swindells. So Matt actually Swindells himself at Coles.
I would say. Seek and ye shall find the best way for you as we are all different and 1 size does not fit all.Mine has been Pork Crackle, yes I can already hear all the knockers .20 Kg in 20 weeks is proof enough for me.