My brother was 3 years older than me and we were great mates. One day we went down to the local creek and brought back jam jars filled with frog's eggs. Mum was not impressed at our desire to keep them and let them grow into frogs in the bedroom. We got a good talking to and had to return them to the creek. We thought it would be nice to have some pets!
As a child all the food that came into our house was grown by my dad. We also raised rabbits and chickens for the pot.
I remember being sent out by my mum armed with a bowl to collect strawberries for jam making. I went along two whole rows of strawberries and ate them all, there should have been enough for 16-18 jars of jam.
I went back telling mum that there weren't any that were ripe. Needless to say she didn't believe me and the fact that by that time I was feeling decidedly queasy didn't help. I got a decent spanking for that.
One day I put the rabbits in with the chickens as I thought they'd all like to be friends. It scared the chickens enough that they stopped laying for a week, hence another spanking.
I don't think I was ever intentionally bad but I used to get into scrapes that almost every time ended in a spanking but to me it was just a part of growing up, I sure learned the boundaries of what was acceptable behavior. I don't think I was traumatised by a spanking and it sure made me consider my actions as I got older.
As a child all the food that came into our house was grown by my dad. We also raised rabbits and chickens for the pot.
I remember being sent out by my mum armed with a bowl to collect strawberries for jam making. I went along two whole rows of strawberries and ate them all, there should have been enough for 16-18 jars of jam.
I went back telling mum that there weren't any that were ripe. Needless to say she didn't believe me and the fact that by that time I was feeling decidedly queasy didn't help. I got a decent spanking for that.
One day I put the rabbits in with the chickens as I thought they'd all like to be friends. It scared the chickens enough that they stopped laying for a week, hence another spanking.
I don't think I was ever intentionally bad but I used to get into scrapes that almost every time ended in a spanking but to me it was just a part of growing up, I sure learned the boundaries of what was acceptable behavior. I don't think I was traumatised by a spanking and it sure made me consider my actions as I got older.
Your mention of strawberries reminded me of the time, when I was about 5-6 years old, when I was accused of stealing the strawberries from the garden. Mum had a small strawberry patch and was keeping an eye on them until they were ripe enough to eat. We were told not to touch them under any circumstances. One day, my Mum came storming into the house and I got a hiding for eating all the strawberries. The more I protested, the more she belted me for lying. When I insisted I did not take them, my mother sarcastically said, "Oh, I suppose the dog ate them".

Later on that night, we were sitting out on the back lawn and the dog vomited guessed it...strawberries. When I pointed out that it was proof I was not lying and that I had received a hiding I did not deserve, my mother shrugged it off and said that the I probably deserved the hiding for something else that she had not yet discovered. At the time, Mum had a hard time believing the dog to be the culprit because she reasoned that the dog would have trampled the plants. However, she later caught the dog walking very carefully among the plants, then dipping her head down and gently sucking the fruit right off the stems.
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It might be the coffee I'm drinking right now, but I'm 100% convinced it's all these wonderful stories straight from the heart!

All I have to share is that when I was a child, I was secretly jealous of how my parents seemed to give my sister what she wanted, including lollies. So she had a pack of her lollies in our pantry, and I thought I was being the most inconspicuous lolly thief ever by taking one at a time. This went on for several days, until finally, she noticed that the pack was almost empty.

Right away, she knew it was me, which was true, but I denied like my life depended on it because she was still my big sister, and heaven knows what she'd be able to pull when the folks aren't watching :ROFLMAO:

She eventually let the whole thing go, and nothing really happened after that, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled if ever it's me who will be missing a few lollies here and there in the future 🤪
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It might be the coffee I'm drinking right now, but I'm 100% convinced it's all these wonderful stories straight from the heart!

All I have to share is that when I was a child, I was secretly jealous of how my parents seemed to give my sister what she wanted, including lollies. So she had a pack of her lollies in our pantry, and I thought I was being the most inconspicuous lolly thief ever by taking one at a time. This went on for several days, until finally, she noticed that the pack was almost empty.

Right away, she knew it was me, which was true, but I denied like my life depended on it because she was still my big sister, and heaven knows what she'd be able to pull when the folks aren't watching :ROFLMAO:

She eventually let the whole thing go, and nothing really happened after that, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled if ever it's me who will be missing a few lollies here and there in the future 🤪
Beware of stealing lollies! During the war years, my grandmother kept chocolate laxatives hidden in her wardrobe and she noticed a significant reduction in the amount. She asked all four of her children which of them had taken her chocolates and all strenuously denied it. "Never mind", said Grandma, "I'll soon know which of you is the thief". Sure enough, my aunt got caught out when her bowels gave her away.
Beware of stealing lollies! During the war years, my grandmother kept chocolate laxatives hidden in her wardrobe and she noticed a significant reduction in the amount. She asked all four of her children which of them had taken her chocolates and all strenuously denied it. "Never mind", said Grandma, "I'll soon know which of you is the thief". Sure enough, my aunt got caught out when her bowels gave her away.
I am so glad all my sister knew how to do then was pout and maybe tattle :ROFLMAO: I'd have made a huge mess had I chanced upon those chocolate laxatives (which sound delicious...)

'Beware of stealing lollies!' also sounds like a cheeky warning all kids should know by heart 🤪
On my sisters wedding day my rabbit scratched me across one side of my cheek, mum was furious telling me how bad the scratch will look in the wedding photos. Oh and swinging on the clothes line ! Gee I was boring was that the best I could do 😂
On my sisters wedding day my rabbit scratched me across one side of my cheek, mum was furious telling me how bad the scratch will look in the wedding photos. Oh and swinging on the clothes line ! Gee I was boring was that the best I could do 😂
Not at all @Tango1! Surely 'boring' was the last word on your mum's mind when she was kicking up a fuss over the scratch :LOL:
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I was naughty with Lollie's, I emptied out the huge jar, mum had on the kitchen bench for treats when we did something worthy, of reward.

I put a few back in the bottom of the big jar, then put in a smaller jar, then filled up around it and over the top to the lid and then took the rest to my room and replaced them two days later when I had my pocket money.
I was naughty with Lollie's, I emptied out the huge jar, mum had on the kitchen bench for treats when we did something worthy, of reward.

I put a few back in the bottom of the big jar, then put in a smaller jar, then filled up around it and over the top to the lid and then took the rest to my room and replaced them two days later when I had my pocket money.
Very resourceful!
In grade 5 I had an absolute grumpy elderly Nun - (yep I went to Catholic school when Nuns were common) , anyway towards the end of the school day I found out that I was to have this Nun as my Teacher AGAIN 😩😩
So, in retaliation I decided I wouldn’t go to school for the year, well that backfired, I did last most of the term played Truant, till the Principal of the school visited my parents to see if I was over my severe illness 😏. Well I can tell you I was walked to School for the rest of the year by my brother 😖 & home after school to, I think going back to school with that Nun was punishment enough for me
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What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Hey members!

I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m hopping on here again to ask you all another question that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

So, our dear member, L John P, has posed an intriguing question: What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Ooh, I invite you all to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about those childhood moments that landed us in hot water with our parents. I’ll go first. I can recall so many instances like not making it home in time for tea (classic, right?), losing my precious lunch box at school (I felt the wrath when I lost mum’s Tupperware!), and the list goes on.

Now, it’s your turn to share your childhood mischief and let’s have a good laugh together. I can’t wait to hear your stories and reminisce about the innocent trouble we caused back in the day.

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Credits: Shutterstock

Aged 11 a friend and I cycled all the way from SE London to Southend on sea not realising how long it would take. We had no lights on the bikes and half way home it was pitch black we were stopped by the police and taken to a farmhouse overnight , next morning put on a train to London my father was waiting for me not at all happy but the worse thing was my bike had a lable on it saying prisoners property. It was a long time before I was allowed on my bike again
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I was about 7 years old and captured a fart in a glass jar while in a bath. I screwed the lid on and hid it in the sink cupboard. I meant to gift it to my sisters later on as payback, but I forgot about it.

The years moved on and it remained hidden behind the pipes in the laundry cupboard.

Then one day while doing the washing up for mum on a Saturday. I was about 15 years old then, mum was doing her usual spring cleaning and I heard a loud OH GAAAWD! and then a thump coming from the bathroom.

I rushed into the bathroom to see her sprawled arm outstretched on the fluffy bathmat, holding my opened old experiment in her outstretched hand.

Oh, thanks mum you found it! I said gleefully (it stunk) and I took it outside immediately as directed. I explained my reason for doing it, but do you think my mother was interested in science? No, all I got was a cuff around the ears and a chuckle about it over the years after. Mind you I did deserve the smack. (sigh) I never did get to share it with my three sisters..., Such is life. It's the little things. I also cochineal'd our cat with food colorings to express my creative side. however (sigh) yes this was met with disapproval as well.

I was a highly creative child... ha ha ha
I love it. I had trouble reading this because I was laughing so much and tears pouring down my face.
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What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Hey members!

I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m hopping on here again to ask you all another question that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

So, our dear member, L John P, has posed an intriguing question: What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Ooh, I invite you all to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about those childhood moments that landed us in hot water with our parents. I’ll go first. I can recall so many instances like not making it home in time for tea (classic, right?), losing my precious lunch box at school (I felt the wrath when I lost mum’s Tupperware!), and the list goes on.

Now, it’s your turn to share your childhood mischief and let’s have a good laugh together. I can’t wait to hear your stories and reminisce about the innocent trouble we caused back in the day.

View attachment 20011
Credits: Shutterstock

How I got out of a major spanking & grounding.
I was a twin (about 15) & my twin always annoyed the hell out of me. Mum & dad were not home & my big sister was teaching me to sew & cutting a pattern out with the dressmaking scissors. My twin was going out to play & had my new clothes on that I had made previously. She refused to take them off so I threw the scissors at her and they landed in the side of her knee (opened). I threw them from about 20 feet away..not really aiming at her...really. a trip to the hospital with scissors in tact, no real damage & mum & dad never found out because I made a pact with her that she could wear my clothes anytime if she kept it a secret from mum & dad. She used that pact for years.
Us 5 girls always had to do the dishes of a night but my twin would always manage to break something, so dad decided she would not be allowed to help with washing & drying dishes anymore.
At school we were never in the same classes. She would always prank the teachers but somehow I got blamed for it. Always thought she was "street smart".

However, she did get far more spankings than me in our time. Mum always used to say "wait till your father gets home" that was enough to scare all of us. A spanking with the strap never damaged us for life & we had the utmost respect for our elders.
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Sorry I am late with this,

I was brought up in a small dairy farm in rural Victoria there was no electricity we had a petrol driven generator for a 32 voltage power supply which was used for everything, Dad would start it in the morning and stop it at night ( no power all night we had no tv reception in the area for many years after it wasn't the capital city's then for years only 1 channel).
Eventually 240v power supply came to us so we were able to have power 24/7 Dad decided to buy a new 240v radio he sits it on the bench in the kitchen turned it on nothing happens, I am outside at the switchboard turning off the power so Dad turned off the radio goes and turned on the light I turned the power back on.
This went on for a few minutes finally Mom walks past by this time I am trying very hard not to burst out laughing, of course Mom ask if I was in pain for the way I was next thing Dad sees me and I had a bit of explanation to do.

But he did see the funny side of it after he had cool off, I wasn't game enough to asked why he didn't just leave the light on.
I must have been pre school, as I was at the hairdressers with Mum.
On the way home she noticed I was chewing and asked what it was.
I had removed chewing gum from the counter (the little four piece pack) and opened and popped one piece in my mouth.
(Gosh I loved my Mum)
She reached for her purse, removed 2d and handed it to me telling me to tell the hairdresser what I had done and apologise and give her the 2d and the remaining three pieces of gum. (It was Juicy Fruit). I have never taken another thing that was not paid for.
when I was a kid (about 5 or so) I used to go to the telephone box and dial "0", the operator would come on the phone "number please", I would then ask "is that the operator on the line?" , she would answer "yes" I would then say "well you had better get off , there's a train coming"
I remember once as a child, I rang a number and when a lady answered I said Hello is David wall there I got a stunned silence then No. I asked is Michael, Bradley of Angela wall there. She said there are no walls here! I paused and said Well, what's holding up your roof lady and gleefully hung up, just as my mother turned the corner, and yes, I got smacked!
Yep, Johnny Pink was a little bugger, I got smacked often.
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I remember back when I was about 8or9 my sister and I went looking for blackberries after Sunday School and still in our Sunday best we didn’t have anything to carry the blackberries so I decided to use my ‘white’ pleated skirt as a basket ……I don’t think I ever wore that skirt again!
I remember back when I was about 8or9 my sister and I went looking for blackberries after Sunday School and still in our Sunday best we didn’t have anything to carry the blackberries so I decided to use my ‘white’ pleated skirt as a basket ……I don’t think I ever wore that skirt again!
My mum spent hours sewing a lovely pink dress for me which I promptly ruined by climbing up into my friend's mulberry tree where we feasted. Mum was not impressed with my mulberry-stained dress.

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