Viruses knock Aussies off their feet for weeks! Learn how to avoid the same fate

As the chill of winter descends upon us, Aussies are finding themselves huddled indoors, seeking warmth and comfort.

However, this seasonal shift brings with it more than just a drop in temperature; it heralds a wave of respiratory viruses that are leaving many Aussies bedridden for weeks, with symptoms that some say are 'worse than COVID’.

Health workers nationwide are raising the alarm over a potent mix of respiratory illnesses that are spreading rapidly.

The impact of these viruses is to be considered, as they can knock even the healthiest individuals off their feet.

The situation is worsened by what experts are calling 'vaccine fatigue'.

Health workers reported a mix of respiratory viruses spreading across Australia, leaving people bedridden for weeks, feeling worse than with COVID-19. Credit: Shutterstock

After years of COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, Australians seem less inclined to roll up their sleeves for the flu shot.

This reluctance is leading to complacency, which in turn is resulting in a spike in severe cases of flu and other respiratory viruses.

Dr Joel Ten, a spokesperson for the National Asthma Council Australia and a Melbourne-based GP, has observed the toll these viruses take.

‘I've seen a number of patients who have reported that they've had quite severe symptoms with the flu, but it does depend from person to person,' he said.

‘There are a lot of respiratory viruses floating around at the moment; it's not just COVID and influenza.’

‘There are many others that we don't routinely test for. Another big one that has been around is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).’

‘There are other viruses like parainfluenza, rhinovirus, and metapneumovirus that can also infect people outside of the big three.’

‘And certainly, some of my patients have said similar things that when they've contracted one, they felt that it was worse than COVID itself.’

Natalie Hunt, a Sydney resident, can attest to the severity of these illnesses.

She's been bedridden for weeks, suffering from symptoms that have outlasted and outdone her bout with COVID-19.

'This is the longest and nastiest illness I've had since I was a kid,' she shared.

‘Nasty, green chesty mucus, cough, fatigue, swollen glands, lower back pain, blocked ears — I've had it all.’

Dr Ten suggested that the lack of flu vaccinations could contribute to the severity of the illnesses.

‘So certainly, if you've not been vaccinated for the flu, but you've been vaccinated for COVID, that could explain why some people are getting influenza subjectively worse than some people have gotten COVID.’ he said.

‘Whatever [viruses] are prevalent in the northern hemisphere, vaccines will be generated against generally the top four of those particular ones.’

‘And then that gets shipped across to us in the southern hemisphere. And then hopefully, whatever we get vaccination-wise is going match up with whatever strains are floating around.’

In related news, NSW residents are urged to get vaccinated as influenza cases surge, with over 4,700 diagnoses in April.

Health authorities are especially concerned about vulnerable groups, including young children, older adults, and individuals with severe health conditions. Read more about this news here.
Key Takeaways

  • Health workers reported a mix of respiratory viruses spreading across Australia, leaving people bedridden for weeks and feeling worse than with COVID-19.
  • Australians are showing complacency towards flu vaccinations due to vaccine fatigue, contributing to the spread and severity of the illnesses.
  • Doctors encountered patients with severe symptoms, some inflicted by strains of flu perceived to be more brutal than COVID-19.
  • The flu has significantly increased in Australia, especially among children, with raw numbers indicating a tougher flu season than the previous year.
Have you or someone you know been affected by the recent wave of respiratory illnesses? Share your experiences and tips for staying healthy in the comments below.
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Why are people are still leaving home without a mask on, they're just asking to get sick. I for one don't go anywhere without a mask as I'm not about to put my health in jeopardy due to ignorant people not covering up when they cough or sneeze.
what else is there?? must be more to look forward to.
Yes; monkeypox can kill as many as 1 in 10 and there are three varieties running around the DR Congo and adjacent African nations all the way to South Africa. Then of course TB cholera and typhoid are endemic in PNG and we have the Encephalitis bug in Australia that is capable of either killing or frying the brain besides which Ross River fever is here. Oddly enough there are vaccines available to deal with most anything including rabies and measles and Covid-19.
Yes; monkeypox can kill as many as 1 in 10 and there are three varieties running around the DR Congo and adjacent African nations all the way to South Africa. Then of course TB cholera and typhoid are endemic in PNG and we have the Encephalitis bug in Australia that is capable of either killing or frying the brain besides which Ross River fever is here. Oddly enough there are vaccines available to deal with most anything including rabies and measles and Covid-19.
you have made my day
Put a lid on this SHYTE FFS! Don't you think people have already had a gutsful of hearing and reading this grubby FEAR PORN for the last 4 years??? Are you getting paid by corrupt pharma to push their for profit only drugs? Seems like it!
Why do you insist on not only censoring what SDC publishes but also do it abusively? If you don't want to read it, don't click on the articles that advise us of what is happening in regard to public health issues. Or are you merely a small cheese that has gone off?
You are creating FEAR with the awful articles that seniors do NOT need to know about. Only YOU think they do! Give it up. We're fed up with this ongoing big pharma fed propaganda. The newsletter is supposed to be about 'health and wellness' not SICKNESS! Write about things seniors can do to build up a good, healthy, strong immunity - healthy eating for example. BIG difference. One is helpful and valuable. The other one just scares people is is zero value! I'm speaking to the big cheese that gone off!
All general personal opinion BS statements. So specifically WHICH 'doctors' and WHICH 'health workers' said this and when??? The flu has increased? By how much? Produce the FACTS!!! Betcha can't!
You really aren't the brightest bulb on the Xmas tree when it comes to health matters, are you? Day after day you use the cooker phrase "fear porn" which shows where you sit when it comes to protecting yourself and your community from preventable, infectious diseases.
My goodness - you are a grumpy old person, Wyngaard. Nothing seems to be right for you, no matter what SDC is saying from their research of news - be it good news or otherwise. This site is for everyone and no one needs to hear criticism of this organisation from a grumpy old person like you.

Get a life Wyngaard.. If you don’t want to accept that there are issues of all kinds, not just medical issues, that can AND WILL one day affect some of the members who read information on this site - remove yourself from SDC and you won’t have to read what you call, to quote your own words, “SHYTE”. You are not the only one who reads information from SDC. If you don’t like this site get lost, for goodness sake. Most of us don’t need you here. The people who do all this criticism of SDC articles need to get off this site and stay off this site. It is for all that want to read and accept (or not accept) the information. But criticising SDC is not the way to go. Keep your criticism to yourself.

I sincerely hope you haven’t had, and won’t be affected by, CoVid or any other illness which you think is just people and ‘big pharma’ trying to scare us and make a profit. You have made me, and possibly many others, quite angry with your comments and especially your criticism of SDC.
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The message is to keep up your vaccinations. Ask your GP. I am a part-time GP and have been wearing masks since Covid started, the only place I don't is in a meeting or when eating.
I attend hospital three days a week for treatment for myself and wear one there. Visitors don't wear mask and only a few patients do. I am classified as immunosuppressed, but have not had Covid or any other respiratory infection in the past five years. People seem in denial about these serious illnesses, and also whooping cough etc. I think masks should be mandated in clinics and hospitals, it's stupid that they aren't. It's not a great imposition to have to wear one. Another point, there is a high incidence of heart attack within 6 weeks of onset of influenza, and it can also cause viral pneumonia, which can be fatal. This a fact, not a scare campaign.
My goodness - you are a grumpy old person, Wyngaard. Nothing seems to be right for you, no matter what SDC is saying from their research of news - be it good news or otherwise. This site is for everyone and no one needs to hear criticism of this organisation from a grumpy old person like you.

Get a life Wyngaard.. If you don’t want to accept that there are issues of all kinds, not just medical issues, that can AND WILL one day affect some of the members who read information on this site - remove yourself from SDC and you won’t have to read what you call, to quote your own words, “SHYTE”. You are not the only one who reads information from SDC. If you don’t like this site get lost, for goodness sake. Most of us don’t need you here. The people who do all this criticism of SDC articles need to get off this site and stay off this site. It is for all that want to read and accept (or not accept) the information. But criticising SDC is not the way to go. Keep your criticism to yourself.

I sincerely hope you haven’t had, and won’t be affected by, CoVid or any other illness which you think is just people and ‘big pharma’ trying to scare us and make a profit. You have made me, and possibly many others, quite angry with your comments and especially your criticism of SDC.
Denial doesn't change the facts!
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You are creating FEAR with the awful articles that seniors do NOT need to know about. Only YOU think they do! Give it up. We're fed up with this ongoing big pharma fed propaganda. The newsletter is supposed to be about 'health and wellness' not SICKNESS! Write about things seniors can do to build up a good, healthy, strong immunity - healthy eating for example. BIG difference. One is helpful and valuable. The other one just scares people is is zero value! I'm speaking to the big cheese that gone off!
Wyngaard, being aware, not AFRAID, of medical conditions that are currently affecting people around the world, be it 10 or 10 million, IS part of health and wellness. Also, you're out of line abusing the SDC team. Skip the articles that make you angry. I like checking out the beautiful photos, revisiting jokes, etc. I also join in word games which can be quite funny sometimes. Join us and show us your quirky, funny or sarcastic side. You must have one!8 Take a deep breath. I don't believe you'll catch any deadly germ.
I think it's relevant to society which viruses are circulating. Some are in denial, fearful and like to put their head in the sand thinking it won't happen to them. It would be awesome if no-one catches a virus in real life.
I protect myself with natural health knowledge accumulated over 48 years, not with the CRAP puked up by big pharma indoctrinated people like you!
Like psilocybin containing mushrooms, tetrahydrocannabinol, St John's Wort and trimethoxyphenethylamine, commonly known as mescaline? You are one helluva tripper.

These "preparations" have potentially fatal contraindications with a huge range of pharmaceuticals, including anti epileptics, oral contraceptives, cardiac, HIV and some cancer medications.

A course in pharmacology is in order for you!
Why are people are still leaving home without a mask on, they're just asking to get sick. I for one don't go anywhere without a mask as I'm not about to put my health in jeopardy due to ignorant people not covering up when they cough or sneeze.
Because they consider they do not need to until forced by authorities to don them again..People's attitudes create the virus' to get out of hand..

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