This little-known road rule could cost you a $600 fine

Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 11.57.08 AM.png
Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

Screen Shot 2022-11-03 at 11.57.16 AM.png
A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
I never knew this law and I’ve been driving for forty years! Wow! But,seriously,what numpty tries to drive a car and eat a bowl of cereal at the same time???? There are times I truly question the future of the human race. In saying that,I suppose the law has to be imposed on everyone to stop exactly that type of lunacy. Those of us who chomp on an apple while driving or maybe some chips can thank the tools who don’t know what a kitchen table is for!
Not a new law, I've known about it for over 45 years of driving. Whatever they want to call it. They are just generally lumping many stupid acts into one bracket called "distracted driving". Back in the day it was called negligent driving. When debating laws and rules. Rule #1 is the drivers responsibility to keep up to date with all road rules. Ignorance doesn't cut it, for what can be life threatening for you and others.
Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

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Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

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A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Anything to raise revenue.
The whole issue of being fined for having something in your hand whilst driving is nothing more than a massive revenue raiser! Fair enough if you have both hands off the wheel or you are not looking where you are going, (including texting whilst driving), but can someone please explain to me how driving whilst having a conversation with someone on the phone is any different to driving whilst having a conversation with a passenger in you vehicle? Ok, I may only have one hand on the wheel whilst talking on my mobile, but more often than not people talk whilst waving or gesturing with one hand too. Just because most accidents happen whilst the driver is on the phone, does not mean that the accident happened BECAUSE they were on the phone!
Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

View attachment 8316
Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

View attachment 8317
A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
I don't know how many people are aware of this but in Victoria it is illegal to have a pet sitting on your lap while you are driving a vehicle, if seen by the police you will cop (pardon the pun) a fine I don't know how much but I know that it is a something that will cop a fine.
I don't know how many people are aware of this but in Victoria it is illegal to have a pet sitting on your lap while you are driving a vehicle, if seen by the police you will cop (pardon the pun) a fine I don't know how much but I know that it is a something that will cop a fine.
It’s actually illegal to have any pet unrestrained in your vehicle. They must be in a suitable pet crate or carrier and then strapped in, the same as any passenger. Having your pet sitting on your lap whilst driving is akin to having your child sit on your lap whilst driving. It’s lunacy!! 😡
The problem is that a lot of people dont want to take responsibility for anything, playing the blame game, and common sense died ages ago and is hard to find nowadays (except in groups of us old people😉)
Not a new law, I've known about it for over 45 years of driving. Whatever they want to call it. They are just generally lumping many stupid acts into one bracket called "distracted driving". Back in the day it was called negligent driving. When debating laws and rules. Rule #1 is the drivers responsibility to keep up to date with all road rules. Ignorance doesn't cut it, for what can be life threatening for you and others.
Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

View attachment 8316
Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

View attachment 8317
A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
I've seen someone scoffing a burger & driving all over the place! I've seen someone dropping their coffee in their lap & running into another car. I think it's a good rule. But, you should be able to have a water bottle.
I suppose it also depends on what you eat or drink! A sandwich(apple/biscuit in one hand doesnt mean you have to take the eyes of the road, a sip of water (as long as you dont have to unscrew a bottle!) should also be ok. But spooning something up (like Yoghurt or Cereals), worrying it might end up on your lap and business clothes, or a hot coffee (there have been absolutely horrifying accidents with boiling hot coffees where the lids came off and the coffee ended up on sensible body parts!)... Again: common sense should prevent people from doing that!!!
Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

View attachment 8316
Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

View attachment 8317
A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Movies, Television and now the Internet created all these actions for our entertainment but humans actually believe they're real or legal to do. that's how people are becoming dumber and it won't stop because of more rules. The only way to learn is by making mistakes.
Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be

confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

View attachment 8316
Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

View attachment 8317
A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
I totally agree with this being enforced, billboards do no require you to take your hands off the wheel, it concerned me personally seeing someone holding a bowl and wheel with the one hand (little fibger), whilst the spoon was watched for spillage as the contents made its way to the mouth. No-one can say there is control of the car in this circumstance. Who hasnt seen some lovelies on their way to work applying mascara, lipstick or brushing and or tying up hair? They are not watching traffic in that mirror nor ahead of them. Can we just drive whilst in the car and care for the safety of all on the roads?
I agree people should be fined for eating in the car whilst driving I don’t like to do anything but consentrate on the road when driving Just like a little soft music in the background I’ll have a slurp of water before I start and nothing else till I get to my destination One has to expect the unexpected What if an animal or a person runs in front of you?With one hand on the wheel instead of two what hope have you got preventing a catastrophe? It’s a question of being older and wiser (Young people these days!) but then I guess older people think it’s ok to multitask whilst driving I for one just don’t full stop
Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

View attachment 8316
Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

View attachment 8317
A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
what I don't understand is why you can get "done" for using a mobile phone or a 2way radio when taxi drivers and truck drivers and others (including police) do it all the time, seems a bit "unfair" to me, even changing station or volume on the car radio is a no-no. AND if it is said that by listening to the radio or phone is lacking concentration then the same can be said about using a "hands-free" device.
AND when it all boil;s down to it, then having a conversation with someone in the car can be classed as being a distraction as you are not concentrating fully on your driving but more on what is being said and your reply.
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Driving on any road can be pretty dangerous, so it's important to do everything we can to stay safe while behind the wheel.

This is also the reason there are so many rules and regulations on the road; there seems to be a law for everything, and it can be confusing to keep track of them all.

One rule that you might not be aware of is the one that prohibits drivers from eating behind the wheel. Yep, that's right – if you're caught chowing down on your lunch while driving, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.

The penalty falls under the state's driver distraction penalties, which also apply to using your phone, putting on makeup, and more. In Queensland, you can be fined $575 and docked three demerit points if you're caught breaking this rule.

'Make sure you're not one-handing the wheel or taking your eyes off the road to eat,' Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads wrote in a Facebook post.

View attachment 8316
Australian drivers are being warned of a little-known road rule that could result in a hefty fine and a loss of three demerit points. Credit: Facebook.

While this may come as a surprise to some people, it turns out that this isn't actually a new rule – it's just being newly enforced.

And Queensland isn't the only state where you could get penalised for munching on your morning commute. In 2018, a Perth teenager was slapped with a $300 fine and lost three demerit points after she was caught shovelling down a bowl of cereal behind the wheel. (Ouch! That was one expensive breakfast…)

The 19-year-old was later blasted by the state's top cop on local radio. 'You can't be driving a car and eating your brekkie at the same time. That is just ridiculously dangerous,' former WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told local radio station 6PR at the time.

Similarly, in NSW, drivers caught eating or drinking could be fined $469 and docked three demerit points.

Eating or drinking doesn't have its own rule in the Northern Territory but can be considered careless driving, which carries its own penalties, including fines up to $150 and loss of licence, as well as insurance hikes.

In South Australia, drivers can be fined $201 if they are found to be swerving or otherwise not maintaining adequate control of their vehicle; in the Australian Capital Territory, that same offence carries a punishment of $301.

If you're caught driving while distracted by eating or drinking in Tasmania, you'll have to pay a $173 fine and lose three demerit points.

While not technically against the law in Victoria, it is considered reckless driving if eating or drinking (non-alcoholic) beverages while behind the wheel causes an accident.

View attachment 8317
A teenager from Perth was caught having breakfast while driving. Credit: 9News.

Needless to say, not everyone is happy about this news.

Some people argue that there are much more important things that police should be focusing on (like catching speeding drivers), and others simply don't see how eating or drinking could possibly be considered as dangerous as other activities like using your phone or taking your eyes off the road completely.

In the comments section of the Facebook post, one person even asked: 'How can you fine people for “distractions” like this when billboards on the sides of roads are actually designed to distract drivers with their LED displays and bright colours?'

Yikes… we definitely wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over for something like this! For now, it's probably best to just stick to having our breakfast at home before we head out for the day.

What do you think about this, members? Do you agree that this can be unfair to drivers, or do you think it's reasonable that this rule is being strictly enforced these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Nothing new about it, different naming in different jurisdictions notwithstanding. In time past, prima facie for this style of offence was established when the vehicle in which the eating/drinking/"distracting" behaviour occurred was involved in either a collision or a moving-traffic violation like speeding; any claim by the driver of a "distraction" being an excuse for the prang or violation would then be considered as an additional offence. It all came down to Common Sense; unfortunately as we all know, especially in modern times Common Sense ain't common. Equally unfortunately, our legislators have adopted that same scarcity of Common Sense in their headlong rush to camera-detection enforcement. There is no substitute for live Police patrolling.

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