Hi Jonathan. Having trouble with this game sometimes. Often it will freeze mid game. Where as I can’t move any of the cards any more. Sometimes the cards will flip over and show the backside instead of the front. Sometimes the cards will disappear altogether. I have tried restarting the game, sometimes this works sometimes not.
I have an Apple iPad that I play on. Are you able to help?
I find it great. Have even gotten it out a a few times and have only been playing a short time. Don’t usually get it out much. Fun
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Game plays well for me, loads from the newsletter link with no problems and have solved it currently 4 in a row.... unbelievable for me!
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Is anyone else having trouble loading this game?
A couple of weeks further in the game, has lot's of glitches, some new ones spring up every now and again. Today 5/3 it was solved and doing it's normal clear off when halfway through one card just flipped back and forth like crazy, locked up. so Esc was only way out.
I tried to play a 4 of clubs on a 3 in the ace area wouldn’t let me attach three on four! Is this a glitch?

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