So I got it first guess! That must be a record!
So I got it first guess! That must be a record!
Yes it's very AussieHow can those, like me, know Australian slang?
Some words are so difficult to guess. How could I guess the word of todayNot even in my dreams
That's why it's called OZWORD.. lol But it also tricks us Aussies as we use slighly different slang words for the same thing depending on where you live in Oz.How can those, like me, know Australian slang?
Some words are so difficult to guess. How could I guess the word of todayNot even in my dreams
I‘ve been in Australia for 40 years, but I just know a few slang words or expressions. So, it’s not easy to know the wordle words, sometimesThat's why it's called OZWORD.. lol But it also tricks us Aussies as we use slighly different slang words for the same thing depending on where you live in Oz.
No it’s an Australian slang word!I stumbled on it in 6 moves by process of elimination.... but surely that word is a brand or product name?
Not sure about the first memo as I generally find my way eventually.. lol@Vinylted @Placid and any other Ozword regulars... I think at the moment, the Ozword link in the newsletter will default to taking you to the latest post. Would you prefer it if I set up the link in the newsletter to stick you on the first post by default? i.e.
By the way guys, I'm a tiny bit worried we're running out of 5 word Australian-ismsHow do you feel about me adding some non Aussie specific 5 letter words at some point in the next few weeks?