Shopper slams Coles after accusing her while at self-serve checkout: ‘I was embarrassed’

Navigating the self-checkout lanes at supermarkets can be a convenient time-saver, but for one Coles shopper, it turned into an unexpected ordeal that left her mortified.

Jade Zane experienced a distressing accusation from a self-checkout supervisor. This has sparked a conversation about customer treatment and the reliance on automated systems in our local stores.

Jade's shopping trip was meant to be quick—she only needed 'one or two things' and didn't bother with a basket.

However, as she approached the self-checkout with her arms full, she encountered a technical hiccup that would soon escalate into an embarrassing confrontation.

Coles shopper Jade encountered a distressing situation at the self-serve checkout. Credit: @jademariezane / TikTok

As she placed a capsicum on the scale, the machine suddenly ‘stopped working’, prompting her to seek assistance from the supervisor.

To her shock, the Coles worker accused her of attempting to steal based on video footage that appeared on the screen.

The accusation was blunt and public: 'You just tried to steal.'

Jade, taken aback by the claim, vehemently denied the charge, expressing her disbelief and frustration with a few choice words.

‘I was embarrassed and shocked, to be honest,’ she said.

‘He [the worker] kept saying it when I was trying to explain.’

‘"Excuse me, I did not try to steal, you m**********r'. And he goes, “Yes, you did look.”’

The situation intensified as the supervisor persisted with the allegation, only to backtrack after realising his mistake and offering an apology.

‘When I got annoyed... he realised he was wrong,’ Jade said.

‘Like, who the f**k are you to accuse someone of stealing if you haven't seen it first.’

She wondered why the supermarket ‘doesn't want people to steal’ yet doesn't have more worker-manned checkouts in operation.

‘Firstly, people make mistakes, but if the stealing is that bad, open cash registers. I'm assuming people who steal won't be scanning their items in the first place,’ Jade said.

Jade's experience is not an isolated incident.

After sharing her story on social media, it became clear that other Coles customers have faced similar situations.

‘Coles camera always picks up my handbag as a roast chook,’ one said, with a parent adding they've had their toddler flagged as a suspected stolen item.

‘We are sick of being stalked and accused while doing your unpaid work at the grocery scanner. Open the checkouts if you don't trust us,’ another said.

In response to the incident and the ensuing public outcry, Coles has issued an apology.

‘This is certainly not reflective of how our team usually interact with customers,’ a Coles spokesperson said.

‘We encourage our customers to share this type of feedback with us directly so we can investigate and improve the in-store experience for our customers.’

You can watch Jade’s video below (Disclaimer: This video contains offensive language):

Credit: @jademariezane / TikTok

However, self-serve checkouts have been an ongoing issue for shoppers.

In a previous story, a Coles shopper experienced a new demand at a self-serve checkout where they were told how to bag products.

This issue sparked discussion about the supermarket’s self-service policies. You can read more about the story here.
Key Takeaways
  • A Coles customer was accused of attempting to steal by a self-checkout supervisor after a machine malfunction.
  • The customer, Jade Zane, was embarrassed and shocked by the false accusation and shared her experience on social media.
  • Other customers have also reported feeling unfairly accused by self-checkout systems at Coles and are frustrated with the lack of worker-manned checkouts.
  • Coles has apologised for the incident, stating it is not reflective of their usual customer service, and encourages customers to provide feedback directly for investigation and to improve the in-store experience.
Have you encountered similar issues? Do you prefer the traditional checkout with a human touch, or do you embrace the self-service option? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
No, it's not easy peasy. For me I would have to drive 200 kms each way to shop at Aldi or any other supermarket than the one in my town.
Bad luck.... no doubt Aldi is on the way. This is how Walmart in the USA grew so fast. They seviced in the small outlying towns that no one else would touch.....
Another "influencer" after her 5 minutes of fame. Even if her story is true there is NO excuse to swear at and abuse a worker like that.

Thank you for saying the word influencer. It made me check out the name. It's probably not exactly ok for me to say I think those people are manipulators, rather than influencers. But that how I feel about them in general.

So yes, thanks to you I now feel less generous towards her.

The manipulator may have taken advantage of the situation for her own 5 mins of fame like you said. Although she appears to be having months if not years of that crap.

However, the shocking errors made by the Coles person, which appear to be backed up by the Coles apology are one the thing that seems to be real in this scenario. It should never have happened. The accusation, at this point in time, of stealing is wrong. For me this takes precidence over what the fame girl did later.

If someone hasn't left the shop, but is seeking assistance for a malfunctioning machine, how can one be accused of stealing for holding an item. I take it she hadn't yet paid because of the malfunction, so the transaction wasn't even completed it seems.

The only problem with the article is it doesn't offer the story from the Coles employee. Which would be problematic for the article writer. But the full context is not on display so it allows for polarisation. Which well may be the aim.😎
Just line up and go through the register and pay like the old days. People are complaining about these issues a lot it seems. It would be terrible to be accused of shoplifting when you are a honest person just going about your shopping. Really is there any need to use foul language too. I understand the embarassment and anger, but stacking on a hissy fit with foul language is only going to draw more attention to you. Maybe demand for the store manager to be called. If it's not resolved maybe say well l will leave my goods and go elsewhere but l will be taking this matter further with head office of Coles l shall never shop with Coles again.
Self serve is the worst thing to be brought in. Of course it was an opening for theft. Sad when honest people are accused of shoplifting when all they are doing is trying to do their shopping and get on with their day. Close them all down put on more staff and open the registers.
Kind regards to all Vicki
Yeah I don't mind if you have the option to use them, but it's the "card only " that piss me off
I will not shop at Coles or Woolworths since they put these self serve outlets.
1 they are putting people out of work.
2. they are always breaking down
3 you put potatoes on & it comes up something else more exspensive.
4 takes you twice as long to get out of the damn store
Result - shop at local markets, butchers, bakeries & be served as one expects. With courtesy & not AI.
Not sure how you can say this when you haven't been into a store for sooo long?
I refuse to use the self check out registers full stop . If there are no manned registers I go to the service desk and insist that they open one which they generally do . If not , I would simply leave everything in a heap for them to replace. You are not given a discount for doing their job for them !
I haven’t shopped at Cole’s for over a year now - limited choices, poor service. Woolies is better, but now I do most of my shopping at our local Drakes store - a bit more expensive, but great choices, and friendly staff! Our local IGA is also great, but a bit further away. Forget the big supermarkets!
I won’t Shop at Coles or Woolworths , we have a Local IGA all check outs are staffed and very friendly
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Just line up and go through the register and pay like the old days. People are complaining about these issues a lot it seems. It would be terrible to be accused of shoplifting when you are a honest person just going about your shopping. Really is there any need to use foul language too. I understand the embarassment and anger, but stacking on a hissy fit with foul language is only going to draw more attention to you. Maybe demand for the store manager to be called. If it's not resolved maybe say well l will leave my goods and go elsewhere but l will be taking this matter further with head office of Coles l shall never shop with Coles again.
Self serve is the worst thing to be brought in. Of course it was an opening for theft. Sad when honest people are accused of shoplifting when all they are doing is trying to do their shopping and get on with their day. Close them all down put on more staff and open the registers.
Kind regards to all Vicki
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I’ve been accused of stealing a couple of times No apology when it became obvious they were wrong. I also was accused of being racially prejudiced when I asked for the manager. The manager when he eventually turned up ,was about 18 and gave me a form to fill in and had me leave without my shopping. Attempts to complain higher up got me nowhere We moved and this Cole’s has quite a few older workers Young and old ,it’s a much better Cole’s
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I fell for this lady being accused of stealing when she wasn't. Totally agree with her that if you think that all self serve users are stealing, then employ staff. Easy. You would'nt want to ever accuse me of stealing, as I would sue you for defamation.
Uniform defamation laws apply in Australia, which means a person can sue for defamation
"if they have had something published against them" or "communicated directly to another person".
In this case it was directed to her .
You need to then prove that this so-called defamation caused you severe hardship or financial loss.
Retraction and apologies then reduce any payout.
If you could find a lawyer unscrupulous enough to take such a frivolous case, it will cost you in excess of $1000 to have it thrown out of court.
If it were to be defended it could cost more like $15,000 in legal costs and court fees, far more than you would ever receive, which under defamation laws, as they stand, would be nothing, as you would loose.
No payout for hurt feelings.
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I’ve been accused of stealing a couple of times No apology when it became obvious they were wrong. I also was accused of being racially prejudiced when I asked for the manager. The manager when he eventually turned up ,was about 18 and gave me a form to fill in and had me leave without my shopping. Attempts to complain higher up got me nowhere We moved and this Cole’s has quite a few older workers Young and old ,it’s a much better Cole’s

In respect of your personal experience, don't worry about it. Some of us, like yourself, hold the value of honesty to a higher standard than others. Perfectly reasonable to expect or demand an apology for being wrongfully accused by a poorly trained shop assistant.

The 18 year old manager seemed to be incapable of handling the situation, which could explain the incompetence of the wrongful accuser. The rot usually starts at the top and permeates down. Clearly the shop treats such accusations in a way too casual manner. I get the feeling that what happened to you happens to more than a few at your old venue. I would probably have addressed a formal complaint to the Regional/State manager. Even if no response, it does put the store under the notice of higher ups. I can imagine the poor and immature treatment handed out to you would be deemed unacceptable by a high level manager.

Glad you have found a really well run shop which will hopefully help you put the horrible experience behind you. As you have found at the new shop, some do care and have good, well brought up values. The rest will please themselves.
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Yep same old stuff over and over.I had three items iny trolley,and the sales person(we shall call them that as not sure exactly what they are,almost fell over rushing to tell me to.scan the box of Pepsi FIRST COULD YOU???
what business is it of theirs when and how I scan my items,????
Won't the store light up,alarms go off,trolleys seize and doors close if I was to not scan anything????
I don't get it......are their security measures actually working or not???
In respect of your personal experience, don't worry about it. Some of us, like yourself, hold the value of honesty to a higher standard than others. Perfectly reasonable to expect or demand an apology for being wrongfully accused by a poorly trained shop assistant.

The 18 year old manager seemed to be incapable of handling the situation, which could explain the incompetence of the wrongful accuser. The rot usually starts at the top and permeates down. Clearly the shop treats such accusations in a way too casual manner. I get the feeling that what happened to you happens to more than a few at your old venue. I would probably have addressed a formal complaint to the Regional/State manager. Even if no response, it does put the store under the notice of higher ups. I can imagine the poor and immature treatment handed out to you would be deemed unacceptable by a high level manager.

Glad you have found a really well run shop which will hopefully help you put the horrible experience behind you. As you have found at the new shop, some do care and have good, well brought up values. The rest will please themselves.
Right on!!!!!

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