Shopper slams Coles after accusing her while at self-serve checkout: ‘I was embarrassed’

Navigating the self-checkout lanes at supermarkets can be a convenient time-saver, but for one Coles shopper, it turned into an unexpected ordeal that left her mortified.

Jade Zane experienced a distressing accusation from a self-checkout supervisor. This has sparked a conversation about customer treatment and the reliance on automated systems in our local stores.

Jade's shopping trip was meant to be quick—she only needed 'one or two things' and didn't bother with a basket.

However, as she approached the self-checkout with her arms full, she encountered a technical hiccup that would soon escalate into an embarrassing confrontation.

Coles shopper Jade encountered a distressing situation at the self-serve checkout. Credit: @jademariezane / TikTok

As she placed a capsicum on the scale, the machine suddenly ‘stopped working’, prompting her to seek assistance from the supervisor.

To her shock, the Coles worker accused her of attempting to steal based on video footage that appeared on the screen.

The accusation was blunt and public: 'You just tried to steal.'

Jade, taken aback by the claim, vehemently denied the charge, expressing her disbelief and frustration with a few choice words.

‘I was embarrassed and shocked, to be honest,’ she said.

‘He [the worker] kept saying it when I was trying to explain.’

‘"Excuse me, I did not try to steal, you m**********r'. And he goes, “Yes, you did look.”’

The situation intensified as the supervisor persisted with the allegation, only to backtrack after realising his mistake and offering an apology.

‘When I got annoyed... he realised he was wrong,’ Jade said.

‘Like, who the f**k are you to accuse someone of stealing if you haven't seen it first.’

She wondered why the supermarket ‘doesn't want people to steal’ yet doesn't have more worker-manned checkouts in operation.

‘Firstly, people make mistakes, but if the stealing is that bad, open cash registers. I'm assuming people who steal won't be scanning their items in the first place,’ Jade said.

Jade's experience is not an isolated incident.

After sharing her story on social media, it became clear that other Coles customers have faced similar situations.

‘Coles camera always picks up my handbag as a roast chook,’ one said, with a parent adding they've had their toddler flagged as a suspected stolen item.

‘We are sick of being stalked and accused while doing your unpaid work at the grocery scanner. Open the checkouts if you don't trust us,’ another said.

In response to the incident and the ensuing public outcry, Coles has issued an apology.

‘This is certainly not reflective of how our team usually interact with customers,’ a Coles spokesperson said.

‘We encourage our customers to share this type of feedback with us directly so we can investigate and improve the in-store experience for our customers.’

You can watch Jade’s video below (Disclaimer: This video contains offensive language):

Credit: @jademariezane / TikTok

However, self-serve checkouts have been an ongoing issue for shoppers.

In a previous story, a Coles shopper experienced a new demand at a self-serve checkout where they were told how to bag products.

This issue sparked discussion about the supermarket’s self-service policies. You can read more about the story here.
Key Takeaways
  • A Coles customer was accused of attempting to steal by a self-checkout supervisor after a machine malfunction.
  • The customer, Jade Zane, was embarrassed and shocked by the false accusation and shared her experience on social media.
  • Other customers have also reported feeling unfairly accused by self-checkout systems at Coles and are frustrated with the lack of worker-manned checkouts.
  • Coles has apologised for the incident, stating it is not reflective of their usual customer service, and encourages customers to provide feedback directly for investigation and to improve the in-store experience.
Have you encountered similar issues? Do you prefer the traditional checkout with a human touch, or do you embrace the self-service option? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
I fell for this lady being accused of stealing when she wasn't. Totally agree with her that if you think that all self serve users are stealing, then employ staff. Easy. You would'nt want to ever accuse me of stealing, as I would sue you for defamation.
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I fell for this lady being accused of stealing when she wasn't. Totally agree with her that if you think that all self serve users are stealing, then employ staff. Easy. You would'nt want to ever accuse me of stealing, as I would sue you for defamation.
She was so embarrassed about being called a thief she decided to go on social media with a foul mouthed rant to make sure that"everybody"knew.
So embarrassed NOT!!!
Wow what an attention seeking woman! The guy, who was only doing his job, made a mistake and apologised when he realised he was wrong. There was absolutely no reason to use such foul language, hopefully there were no children within hearing distance. The appropriate thing to do would have been to calmly ask for a supervisor and not try to get attention on social media.
How on earth has she stolen anything. She hadn't left the store.

This lady is not your typical 15 mins fame social media goose. She had every right to be angry and let others know what she had just been put through.

She did well to keep it down to the level she did. By the powers, if I was accused in that situation I can guarantee the Coles employee would actually think before he accused another person, still in the store, wrestling with a malfunctioning screen, of stealing.

The only thing that was temporarily stolen that day was the lady's dignity. By an over zealous nincompoop, with a freeze dried brain from watching too many training videos about shopper theft.
I refuse to use the self serve checkouts.... ANYWHERE. Including ALDI. They are the most unfriendly, impersonal invention. No wonder they have been making massive profits... they don't have to employ humans ...& the Government then worry about unemployment!!! BAN SELF SERVE, OPEN THE CHECKOUTS with a friendly person .... I'd rather stand in line & wait.
At least ALDI open checkouts on a "when needed" basis.
That employee needs to be removed from "security" duty & sent packing shelves. He obviously doesn't have the common sense or any customer service skills. The lady needs to be compensated for her embarrassment & wrongful accusation.
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Woohoo, now let's have a look at this.
1. I thought she was in a rush! She managed an armful not a couple of things and she managed to waste some time making a rather unpleasant TikTok video afterwards in her car! I wonder if she drove like a manic afterward?
2. The language in the video was appalling. I feel for the Coles person as they do not deserve this in any way. The Coles person was just doing his job. The customer (and I use the term loosely) was probably annoyed to be caught out and I would say the Coles person would have been taken aback and would have done what he should do when feeling threatened which is retiring from the situation.
3. She really grated with me and I was offended by her TikTok video, just simply no need for it. Looks like she drives a nice car probably on finance and probably behind in payments. I would love to hear those phone calls!
I am not a fan of self-checkouts but if you are not scrupulously honest then you suffer the consequences.
How on earth has she stolen anything. She hadn't left the store.

This lady is not your typical 15 mins fame social media goose. She had every right to be angry and let others know what she had just been put through.

She did well to keep it down to the level she did. By the powers, if I was accused in that situation I can guarantee the Coles employee would actually think before he accused another person, still in the store, wrestling with a malfunctioning screen, of stealing.

The only thing that was temporarily stolen that day was the lady's dignity. By an over zealous nincompoop, with a freeze dried brain from watching too many training videos about shopper theft.
What dignity, I didn't see any.
The guy made a mistake, he apologised.
Then she goes on social media to make sure all and sundry know about it instead of maybe only a few, or maybe none, in the store.
No dignity there, just attention seeking IMO
Everybody makes mistake, accept the apology and move on. It's only a big deal if you make it one.
What dignity, I didn't see any.
The guy made a mistake, he apologised.
Then she goes on social media to make sure all and sundry know about it instead of maybe only a few, or maybe none, in the store.
No dignity there, just attention seeking IMO
Everybody makes mistake, accept the apology and move on. It's only a big deal if you make it one.

It is not a casual thing for one to be accused, in public, of stealing. The only ones who would treat it as a casual thing would be those who habitually steal.
Official Coles response...

"Coles has issued an apology.

‘This is certainly not reflective of how our team usually interact with customers,’ a Coles spokesperson said."

So the employee's actions were not in accordance with his employers wishes. Ergo he was not just doing his job.

Feelings about how someone views what they see as a rant on tiktoc is one thing, but to somehow link that to supporting wrongful accusations of theft is another.
Again this is why you don't just believe in what a camera or computer is telling you a human should check before accusing
So don't shop there go to -Aldi
Not everyone has a choice of which supermarket to shop at. Try living in a small country town & you will soon find that you have one (or 2 if you count IGA) supermarket to shop at so you just have to put up with all their c**p.
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Just line up and go through the register and pay like the old days. People are complaining about these issues a lot it seems. It would be terrible to be accused of shoplifting when you are a honest person just going about your shopping. Really is there any need to use foul language too. I understand the embarassment and anger, but stacking on a hissy fit with foul language is only going to draw more attention to you. Maybe demand for the store manager to be called. If it's not resolved maybe say well l will leave my goods and go elsewhere but l will be taking this matter further with head office of Coles l shall never shop with Coles again.
Sbut usingelf serve is the worst thing to be brought in. Of course it was an opening for theft. Sad when honest people are accused of shoplifting when all they are doing is trying to do their shopping and get on with their day. Close them all down put on more staff and open the registers.
Kind regards to all Vicki
l agree it would be embarrassing to be accused of something you haven't done but using foul language only degrades the person using it and solves nothing. A person can be told off without being nasty then just leave the goods and walk away
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if they manage to serve somebody at a manned checkout they very smartly close it when finished and vacate it forcing others through the self serve chevkouts
They can close all the checkouts if they want but I will NEVER go through self-service checkouts. Big W tried that during Covid & I just said "No. I'm not paid to do that job". They soon found someone to come & man the checkout. I trained hard for the jobs I did & have no desire to retrain as a senior to do this job.
Another "influencer" after her 5 minutes of fame. Even if her story is true there is NO excuse to swear at and abuse a worker like that.
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The biggest improvement to supermarkets would be to get rid of self checkout. Personally, I refuse to use self checkout. If I have a trolley full of shopping, and no real checkout is available I ask for one to be made available. If that is refused, I simply leave the trolley full of groceries and walk out. I don't work there and be buggered if I will do the the supermarket's job for them.
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It is not a casual thing for one to be accused, in public, of stealing. The only ones who would treat it as a casual thing would be those who habitually steal.
Well that is an assumption on your part.
I was once pulled up at kmart entrance when I couldn't find a receipt for one item, which I had picked up after my earlier purchases.
I guess it looked, to all around, that I had been shoplifting.
When I eventually found said receipt the lady apologised to me, I accepted her apology and went on to my way.
I might add I have never stolen anything in my life. I once found a wallet with over $600 in it and another time picked up somebody's pay packet. I handed them both into the police.
IMO it is those with a guilty conscience who make the biggest song and dance.
My stepdaughter works part-time in Woolies, it's a well-known scam that people put an item in each hand, scan the cheapest one but put the dearest in their trolley and then plead ignorance when they are caught. Whoops, my mistake Mmm, wonder if that's what was going on here, capsicums are pretty expensive these days.
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Well that is an assumption on your part.
I was once pulled up at kmart entrance when I couldn't find a receipt for one item, which I had picked up after my earlier purchases.
I guess it looked, to all around, that I had been shoplifting.
When I eventually found said receipt the lady apologised to me, I accepted her apology and went on to my way.
I might add I have never stolen anything in my life. I once found a wallet with over $600 in it and another time picked up somebody's pay packet. I handed them both into the police.
IMO it is those with a guilty conscience who make the biggest song and dance.
My stepdaughter works part-time in Woolies, it's a well-known scam that people put an item in each hand, scan the cheapest one but put the dearest in their trolley and then plead ignorance when they are caught. Whoops, my mistake Mmm, wonder if that's what was going on here, capsicums are pretty expensive these days.

No assumption on my part at all5, just a general feeling that if one holds a strong belief in the value of being honest, then to be accused of theft is no small thing. Others can have their own set of values. We are all different.
Apparently that is correct.
If people want to use self serve that is their prerogative, but many more manned checkouts should be opened for those who don't.
Alienating customers by accusing them of theft does not appear to be a good business model to me.
I don't know what they expected when they had this brain fart in the first place. Of course the dishonest people are going to take advantage.
It's either open more manned checkouts or cop the losses due to theft.
They don't cop the losses, they just pass them on to the rest of us in higher prices.
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