Thank you. I do understand and agree immigrants should have a reasonably good command of the language of the country they immigrate to in order to obey signs, rules etc., make themselves understood as well as accept that they are the ‘outsiders’ to that country and therefore should obey all rules. Going to another country and imposing one’s attitudes there is not acceptable, no matter whether you can speak and understand the rules, attitudes and language or not. That is what happens all over the world now and is why there is so much unrest around the world. Thank you again.I certainly would not criticise you because what you have said it irrefutable. The remark you refer to about not being "in an English class" is quite a poor reflection on the person who made it. Instead of appreciating the correction, which would only enhance the person's command of the English language, it is , yet again, another example of the tall poppy syndrome which a lot of people seem to suffer from. I can't add any more to your comment because you explained and expressed the situation factually and clearly. Well done to you!