Safety concerns for Aussie tourists in France amid Olympic festivities: Disturbing attacks raise alarms

Content warning: This article contains descriptions of violent attacks and sexual assault that may be distressing to some. Reader discretion is advised.

The excitement of the Olympics is often accompanied by a sense of camaraderie and international unity, but recent events in France have cast a shadow over the festivities, raising concerns about the safety of tourists flocking to the country for the games.

In a disturbing series of events, two Australian tourists were subjected to a harrowing incident shortly after the world turned its eyes to the Olympic Games.

This alarming event follows another distressing case involving an Australian woman in Paris, highlighting concerns about the safety of travellers in the region.

The police are investigating the incident near the bustling Saint-Charles station in Marseille—a hub for travellers that should have been a safe passage for Australian tourists.

Instead, a couple of Australians were confronted by two assailants who resorted to physical violence, with one being punched in the stomach before the thieves made off with their luggage.

The stolen items included a Rolex watch, a drone, two laptops, a phone, two cameras, a tablet, luxury leather goods, €200 ($330) in cash, and several bank cards.

Two Australian tourists were attacked near Saint-Charles station in Marseille, where one was punched and their luggage stolen. Credit: Shutterstock

This attack comes on the heels of an even more harrowing incident in Paris, where an Australian woman was gang-raped in the Pigalle district, known for its nightlife and the iconic Moulin Rouge cabaret.

The woman had been enjoying the local bars and clubs before being preyed upon by a group of five men ‘of African appearance’.

The assault took place at 5:00 AM on Saturday, July 27, leaving the victim to seek refuge in a nearby Dounia kebab shop, visibly distressed and desperate for help.

The kebab shop's CCTV footage captured the chilling aftermath of the attack, showing the woman, ‘her dress inside out’, seeking solace among the staff and patrons who attempted to comfort her.

The audacity of one of the alleged rapists, who entered the shop and even patted the victim on the back before ordering food, is a stark reminder of the brazen nature of such crimes.

A diner then confronted the alleged attacker, taking a swing as staff intervened to separate them. The man subsequently exited the restaurant.

Staff and patrons, including several men and a blonde woman in a beige dress, comfort the woman until the police arrive.

Two officers were seen talking to her about the traumatic incident before she was taken to Bichat Hospital.

The woman also reported that her mobile phone had been stolen.

She was said to be ‘disoriented and unable to speak a word of French’ while recounting the incident to the police, reportedly unable to provide details on the exact location or circumstances of the attack.

In light of the recent incidents involving Australian tourists in France, where safety concerns have escalated following violent attacks, the Australian government has issued a stern warning to travellers.

These troubling events, including the assault on the Channel 9 Olympics broadcast team in Paris, underscore the importance of heightened vigilance and awareness for Australians abroad.
Key Takeaways
  • Two Australian tourists were attacked near Saint-Charles station in Marseille, France, with one being punched and their luggage stolen.
  • The stolen luggage contained valuable items, including a Rolex watch, a drone, laptops, cameras, and cash.
  • The attack occurred shortly after another Australian woman was gang raped in Paris's Pigalle district.
  • French authorities are investigating both incidents and CCTV footage captured the aftermath of the sexual assault in a Paris kebab shop.
We at the Seniors Discount Club extend our deepest sympathies to the victims of these crimes and hope for their full recovery.

Have you encountered any issues while travelling abroad? What precautions do you take to ensure your safety? We encourage our members to share their thoughts and experiences on travel safety in the comments below.
I look after myself. I'm more than capable as an unarmed 65 year old. Guns are a different proposition. I have had guns pointed at me four times in my life, one resulting in a Gypsy Joker biker mate being shot through the right shoulder. Didn't end well for the shooter. I would guess he no longer walks without a limp. Too bad!

You want to give the impression of being a do gooder, never been accused of any crime or misdeanour at all? Good for you .
I'm not interested in your criminal resume. Some seem to be impressed with your male violence - I am only appauled. Do-gooder? is that as opposed to a Bad-doer? My comment triggers you to such an extent that you threaten and show your violence and abuse to me - because you did not agree with what I said. Very disturbing. How on this earth can you compare a misdemeanor with your confession of severe assault and murder? You somehow want to turn your behaviour onto me?
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Go fart in a jar. A preview to the crap you are spewing.

You have gone hero to zero in one day. Must feel good, hey?

Put shit on @Suzanne rose and you put shit on me. Not a good position to be in if I were you....
And still you go on with abuse, insult and rewriting of history!
"Not a good position to be in if I were you...." - and WHAT position is that Veggie - more threats? You really should articulate exactly what part of what I said sends you off into this extreme violence...and don't say I support terrorists etc, because I did not say anything of the sort!
Or the shit looking back in your broken mirror? Rewriting of history? Do you deny what happened to me is a mere event that needs to be swept underneath an imaginary carpet? My description of you as being delusional is being more than kind.
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What happened to you ? What, being a vigilante? A law unto yourself?
What happened to you ? What, being a vigilante? A law unto yourself?
I have experienced covert and overt violence from Muslims since I was 14. And you question my violent tendencies? Fifty odd years of persecution and abject violence at the "hands" these rancid arseholes . I feel so fucking safe THAT is why I feel better when my fate is MY hands!

Kill or be of the jungle. Get out and about and enjoy it!
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wow...and you produced offspring? frightening!
That is a very very low comment.

You really don't understand what we have been saying do you?

You are twisting things and stating stuff that we never said.

1. We said, if someone comes to this country and commits a crime then they need to be sebt back to the country they came from.

2. We have said ,there are good and bad in all.

Theses statements , you twisted and turned and made nonsense out of it.

I've lived in a community of mostly Moslems and like I said it feels like you are living in the middle east.

I know a few moslems and they are really good people but there are more and more Moslems who are radicals and are haters of the Western World. Even my Moslem friends see this.

Its like moslem countries where radicals like The Taliban and ISIS rule. Women are abused , men who don't abide by their rules are killed. These people are barbabaric and worst than Hitler.

Around The Lakemba area including ,Punchbowl, Bankstown there are Moslem women being treated like this. As well as young girls being circumcised and mutated by people practising this in their own home.
THIS IS A KNOWN FACT. And why are they put through this ? So that they will never get pleasure out of sex. It's only the male who can enjoy it.

will all your comments and arguments I really think you know nothing about the Moslem life or lived around communities of Moslem.

Any businesses that were run by Australians in Lakemba were made to leave. Public schools in the area , Australians were forced to leave. We were not allowed to celebrate Xmas or Easter as the moslems were offended.
yet Ramadam and Ede celebrations were expected .

I think you speak without thinking.

As for me acting not like a Christian ,you don't know me. I have supported many Moslem women who were abused.

Im not against Moslems but I am against the radicals amongst them

I feed the homeless .
I heard of a man sleeping outside the commonwealth Bank at Strathfield without blankets, so I took blankets and hot food to him at 11pm last friday night

These are things I do and don't say. I do these things because my heart goes out to less fortunate people. I'm only saying it now because you need to keep saying I'm not a Christian.

I'm human I'm not God. I have a clear conscience I hope you do
I'm saying what words? I am not supporting any criminal behaviour ... that is the point! You might need to put into words exactly what you think I am saying because I have not and do not support any murderous acts. Then tell me what you are expecting to achieve by speaking your truth. We have laws to deal with wrongdoing...we do not take it upon ourselves to issue retribution. Everybody knows what is happening in our society -
Extremist ideology; Inflamed language, ’Religious and racist hate speech’ as per ASIO
Who is taking the law on itself ? We are not.
We are stating how the extremists are !!!

By speaking the truth ,it is letting people who do not live in or near suburbs run by Moslems know exactly what is happening and it is only getting worst.

Who has been behind every terror attack in Australia including the recent attack on the Christian church ? MOSLEMS.
The only attack that wasn't by a Moslem was the Bondi Junction Westfield attack
Who is taking the law on itself ? We are not.
We are stating how the extremists are !!!

By speaking the truth ,it is letting people who do not live in or near suburbs run by Moslems know exactly what is happening and it is only getting worst.

Who has been behind every terror attack in Australia including the recent attack on the Christian church ? MOSLEMS.
The only attack that wasn't by a Moslem was the Bondi Junction Westfield attack
Oh My!...Shush! You are like a moth around a light bulb.
Gaslighting! Deceitful gaslighting. You both understand enough to distort and manipulate the facts - that rules out the insanity plea and puts it squarely in the category of evil. Both of you - just stop talking to me - it is a work of insane fiction.
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Oh My!...Shush! You are like a moth around a light bulb.
Gaslighting! Deceitful gaslighting. You both understand enough to distort and manipulate the facts - that rules out the insanity plea and puts it squarely in the category of evil. Both of you - just stop talking to me - it is a work of insane fiction.
Shouldn't you stop talking.NOTHONG YOU ARE WRITING MAKES SENSE.

Oh My!...Shush! You are like a moth around a light bulb.
Gaslighting! Deceitful gaslighting. You both understand enough to distort and manipulate the facts - that rules out the insanity plea and puts it squarely in the category of evil. Both of you - just stop talking to me - it is a work of insane fiction.
May I kindly enlighten you that your Islamophilic misconceptions are not warranted in Australia.

You are like a blowfly around a dog shit....

....or should that read camel shit!

There must be a busy highway near you. My advice is to go play in it and wear the consequence.

You can put as much shit on me as you want, but drag my family into it is lower than a Lebbo woman's genitals. Watch out for the gravel rash, you pig dodging misfit!
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