Outraged mother speaks out after school shows graphic video during sex education class

While we believe that sex education should be taught in schools, when is the right time for children to learn about the birds and the bees?

A mother has spoken out in outrage after her eight-year-old daughter was shown a graphic video on masturbation and wet dreams as part of a sex education lesson.

Students in Year 4 at Coleshill Primary School were shown a 3-minute video about male puberty. Images of a rocket and volcano erupting were used to illustrate what erections are and to explain ejaculation, and it also showed a cartoon of a boy waking up after having a wet dream.

The mum explained that her young daughter was so distressed after seeing the video to the point that she begged her mum not to be shown the video again.

How young is too young to learn about the birds and the bees? Credit: August de Richelieu/Pexels

The mum, who wanted to remain anonymous, told reporters: ‘I am very angry about this because I don’t want my eight-year-old daughter being taught about masturbation and wet dreams. It is far too young.’

‘My daughter said to me, “Mummy, why do boys have wet dreams?” She was really upset,’ she added.

The mum also revealed that her daughter ‘didn’t want to learn about it’.

The mother said she was stunned and wasn’t sure how to answer her child’s questions. ‘It is disgusting that this is taught in Year 4,’ she claimed.

She revealed to reporters that when she watched the video (called ‘Top signs boys are in puberty’) she was shocked at the language and adult content, with words such as ‘sexual desires’ and ‘masturbation’ popping up. You can watch the full clip below:

Unsure whether it was just her overreacting, the mum spoke to other parents who felt the same way. ‘The dads were the angriest of all,’ she explained.

The mum contacted the head teacher at the school, and while they agreed not to show the video anymore, they told her that sex education will still be taught to Year 4 students.

‘The head [teacher] reluctantly accepted the video was inappropriate but said I couldn’t opt out of my daughter attending the lesson after the Government made it compulsory in September 2021. It is disgusting and sexualising our children,’ she told reporters.

She added that if the roles were reversed, where a child told their teachers that their parents had been saying they were having wet dreams and such, ‘alarm bells would ring and social services would be involved’.

‘The school has no right to teach our children this at such a young age because they have no idea how it is going to affect them.’
Key Takeaways

  • An angry mum slams a primary school for teaching her 8-year-old daughter about masturbation and wet dreams.
  • The mother said her young daughter was distressed after teachers showed a three-minute video of a cartoon rocket launching and a volcano erupting, illustrating an erection and ejaculation.
  • The school has agreed not to show the video again but will continue to teach Year 4 students about puberty, which is part of compulsory sex education.
Do you think the mum was overreacting or did she do the right thing? Share with us your thoughts in the comments!
While we believe that sex education should be taught in schools, when is the right time for children to learn about the birds and the bees?

A mother has spoken out in outrage after her eight-year-old daughter was shown a graphic video on masturbation and wet dreams as part of a sex education lesson.

Students in Year 4 at Coleshill Primary School were shown a 3-minute video about male puberty. Images of a rocket and volcano erupting were used to illustrate what erections are and to explain ejaculation, and it also showed a cartoon of a boy waking up after having a wet dream.

The mum explained that her young daughter was so distressed after seeing the video to the point that she begged her mum not to be shown the video again.

View attachment 9874
How young is too young to learn about the birds and the bees? Credit: August de Richelieu/Pexels

The mum, who wanted to remain anonymous, told reporters: ‘I am very angry about this because I don’t want my eight-year-old daughter being taught about masturbation and wet dreams. It is far too young.’

‘My daughter said to me, “Mummy, why do boys have wet dreams?” She was really upset,’ she added.

The mum also revealed that her daughter ‘didn’t want to learn about it’.

The mother said she was stunned and wasn’t sure how to answer her child’s questions. ‘It is disgusting that this is taught in Year 4,’ she claimed.

She revealed to reporters that when she watched the video (called ‘Top signs boys are in puberty’) she was shocked at the language and adult content, with words such as ‘sexual desires’ and ‘masturbation’ popping up. You can watch the full clip below:

Unsure whether it was just her overreacting, the mum spoke to other parents who felt the same way. ‘The dads were the angriest of all,’ she explained.

The mum contacted the head teacher at the school, and while they agreed not to show the video anymore, they told her that sex education will still be taught to Year 4 students.

‘The head [teacher] reluctantly accepted the video was inappropriate but said I couldn’t opt out of my daughter attending the lesson after the Government made it compulsory in September 2021. It is disgusting and sexualising our children,’ she told reporters.

She added that if the roles were reversed, where a child told their teachers that their parents had been saying they were having wet dreams and such, ‘alarm bells would ring and social services would be involved’.

‘The school has no right to teach our children this at such a young age because they have no idea how it is going to affect them.’
Key Takeaways

  • An angry mum slams a primary school for teaching her 8-year-old daughter about masturbation and wet dreams.
  • The mother said her young daughter was distressed after teachers showed a three-minute video of a cartoon rocket launching and a volcano erupting, illustrating an erection and ejaculation.
  • The school has agreed not to show the video again but will continue to teach Year 4 students about puberty, which is part of compulsory sex education.
Do you think the mum was overreacting or did she do the right thing? Share with us your thoughts in the comments!

NO! She certainly was not over-reacting! What got into that teacher's HEAD? I am really shocked by this story. Have to admit that some of us didn't know most of it even at 13-14 in our generation, but to first see it all on a SCHOOL video at 8 y.o., that's really beyond the pale. Way, way too much detail!
8 year old is too young . The lesson would have been better for year 6 and pre puberty

Wet dreams don't start until a boy is around 14 .
Year 6 seems more appropriate and I would have separate classes , do girls really need to know in detail about this as do boys need to know in-depth about menstruation.

Mum was definitely right to be angry.

I'm all for sex education but it has to be done in levels.
I have my talks with my kids at different times, but unfortunately other parents have it as a taboo subject.

Kids at a young age need to be told that it's not ok for someone to touch them or to do anything that feels not right

I've always had a rule no boyfriends or girlfriends until they finished year 12

I've taught my kids well when they are engaged that sex is amazing when done with the person you love and to keep their marriage interesting.

I've always told my sons to becareful what they do as girls can be like the boy who cried wolf as in accusing a guy of rape.

There is so much to teach our kids but there is a right age for each thing
A little girl of 8 has no worries, is free and easy and the world is not yet filled with nasties.
Plenty of time to learn the facts, 8 is far too young, they don't have the maturity to deal with it, it makes no sense to them, in fact, they can be quite revolted and disgusted.
Grade 6 is early enough.
I believe the school should send a note to parents to inform them when appropriate-level sex education classes are occurring.
My son's school had special evenings, where the parents/parent accompanied the child.
Special activities were done together with your child, so you were embarrassed along with your child.
But you did it together, and it gave you a chance to chat to your child in the dark on the way home....allowing the child to feel more at ease.
While we believe that sex education should be taught in schools, when is the right time for children to learn about the birds and the bees?

A mother has spoken out in outrage after her eight-year-old daughter was shown a graphic video on masturbation and wet dreams as part of a sex education lesson.

Students in Year 4 at Coleshill Primary School were shown a 3-minute video about male puberty. Images of a rocket and volcano erupting were used to illustrate what erections are and to explain ejaculation, and it also showed a cartoon of a boy waking up after having a wet dream.

The mum explained that her young daughter was so distressed after seeing the video to the point that she begged her mum not to be shown the video again.

View attachment 9874
How young is too young to learn about the birds and the bees? Credit: August de Richelieu/Pexels

The mum, who wanted to remain anonymous, told reporters: ‘I am very angry about this because I don’t want my eight-year-old daughter being taught about masturbation and wet dreams. It is far too young.’

‘My daughter said to me, “Mummy, why do boys have wet dreams?” She was really upset,’ she added.

The mum also revealed that her daughter ‘didn’t want to learn about it’.

The mother said she was stunned and wasn’t sure how to answer her child’s questions. ‘It is disgusting that this is taught in Year 4,’ she claimed.

She revealed to reporters that when she watched the video (called ‘Top signs boys are in puberty’) she was shocked at the language and adult content, with words such as ‘sexual desires’ and ‘masturbation’ popping up. You can watch the full clip below:

Unsure whether it was just her overreacting, the mum spoke to other parents who felt the same way. ‘The dads were the angriest of all,’ she explained.

The mum contacted the head teacher at the school, and while they agreed not to show the video anymore, they told her that sex education will still be taught to Year 4 students.

‘The head [teacher] reluctantly accepted the video was inappropriate but said I couldn’t opt out of my daughter attending the lesson after the Government made it compulsory in September 2021. It is disgusting and sexualising our children,’ she told reporters.

She added that if the roles were reversed, where a child told their teachers that their parents had been saying they were having wet dreams and such, ‘alarm bells would ring and social services would be involved’.

‘The school has no right to teach our children this at such a young age because they have no idea how it is going to affect them.’
Key Takeaways

  • An angry mum slams a primary school for teaching her 8-year-old daughter about masturbation and wet dreams.
  • The mother said her young daughter was distressed after teachers showed a three-minute video of a cartoon rocket launching and a volcano erupting, illustrating an erection and ejaculation.
  • The school has agreed not to show the video again but will continue to teach Year 4 students about puberty, which is part of compulsory sex education.
Do you think the mum was overreacting or did she do the right thing? Share with us your thoughts in the comments!

Parents should have the right to not to let their children watch videos which, are clearly, not to be seen by someone as young as only 8yrs old!
While we believe that sex education should be taught in schools, when is the right time for children to learn about the birds and the bees?

A mother has spoken out in outrage after her eight-year-old daughter was shown a graphic video on masturbation and wet dreams as part of a sex education lesson.

Students in Year 4 at Coleshill Primary School were shown a 3-minute video about male puberty. Images of a rocket and volcano erupting were used to illustrate what erections are and to explain ejaculation, and it also showed a cartoon of a boy waking up after having a wet dream.

The mum explained that her young daughter was so distressed after seeing the video to the point that she begged her mum not to be shown the video again.

View attachment 9874
How young is too young to learn about the birds and the bees? Credit: August de Richelieu/Pexels

The mum, who wanted to remain anonymous, told reporters: ‘I am very angry about this because I don’t want my eight-year-old daughter being taught about masturbation and wet dreams. It is far too young.’

‘My daughter said to me, “Mummy, why do boys have wet dreams?” She was really upset,’ she added.

The mum also revealed that her daughter ‘didn’t want to learn about it’.

The mother said she was stunned and wasn’t sure how to answer her child’s questions. ‘It is disgusting that this is taught in Year 4,’ she claimed.

She revealed to reporters that when she watched the video (called ‘Top signs boys are in puberty’) she was shocked at the language and adult content, with words such as ‘sexual desires’ and ‘masturbation’ popping up. You can watch the full clip below:

Unsure whether it was just her overreacting, the mum spoke to other parents who felt the same way. ‘The dads were the angriest of all,’ she explained.

The mum contacted the head teacher at the school, and while they agreed not to show the video anymore, they told her that sex education will still be taught to Year 4 students.

‘The head [teacher] reluctantly accepted the video was inappropriate but said I couldn’t opt out of my daughter attending the lesson after the Government made it compulsory in September 2021. It is disgusting and sexualising our children,’ she told reporters.

She added that if the roles were reversed, where a child told their teachers that their parents had been saying they were having wet dreams and such, ‘alarm bells would ring and social services would be involved’.

‘The school has no right to teach our children this at such a young age because they have no idea how it is going to affect them.’
Key Takeaways

  • An angry mum slams a primary school for teaching her 8-year-old daughter about masturbation and wet dreams.
  • The mother said her young daughter was distressed after teachers showed a three-minute video of a cartoon rocket launching and a volcano erupting, illustrating an erection and ejaculation.
  • The school has agreed not to show the video again but will continue to teach Year 4 students about puberty, which is part of compulsory sex education.
Do you think the mum was overreacting or did she do the right thing? Share with us your thoughts in the comments!

I watched the video, and I can see that it was probably chosen for its simplistic cartoon-style. It is Not a "graphic" video. Having said that, I would not use this particular video until at least year 6 and probably in year 7. The content is worrying for parents as they have their own views on what is 'the right age' for their own child to address such matters. Children in Year 4 are already being exposed to puberty and other changes in their daily lives, so providing a simple explanation makes it easier to accept as a normal part of life. As a parent, you have the option to add your own cultural, religious or personal opinion. But it is actually in the Australian Curriculum for Year 4 students that such health content is included. It doesn't prescribe how to teach the content, and teachers would their professional judgement. If in doubt, parents should discuss their concerns with the teacher and the school. Have a discussion about what is being taught and why. But, without the facts, it's pointless throwing it open to the internet.
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The facts of life perhaps would be better taught in special sex info classes with parents' permission, for those aged 12 and over. Most children are aware of some sexual behaviour and a lot of misinformation by that age and corrections should enlighten and correct any aspects are not aware of and why. It should not be a hush-hush topic it should be properly taught as a natural process of development.
While we believe that sex education should be taught in schools, when is the right time for children to learn about the birds and the bees?

A mother has spoken out in outrage after her eight-year-old daughter was shown a graphic video on masturbation and wet dreams as part of a sex education lesson.

Students in Year 4 at Coleshill Primary School were shown a 3-minute video about male puberty. Images of a rocket and volcano erupting were used to illustrate what erections are and to explain ejaculation, and it also showed a cartoon of a boy waking up after having a wet dream.

The mum explained that her young daughter was so distressed after seeing the video to the point that she begged her mum not to be shown the video again.

View attachment 9874
How young is too young to learn about the birds and the bees? Credit: August de Richelieu/Pexels

The mum, who wanted to remain anonymous, told reporters: ‘I am very angry about this because I don’t want my eight-year-old daughter being taught about masturbation and wet dreams. It is far too young.’

‘My daughter said to me, “Mummy, why do boys have wet dreams?” She was really upset,’ she added.

The mum also revealed that her daughter ‘didn’t want to learn about it’.

The mother said she was stunned and wasn’t sure how to answer her child’s questions. ‘It is disgusting that this is taught in Year 4,’ she claimed.

She revealed to reporters that when she watched the video (called ‘Top signs boys are in puberty’) she was shocked at the language and adult content, with words such as ‘sexual desires’ and ‘masturbation’ popping up. You can watch the full clip below:

Unsure whether it was just her overreacting, the mum spoke to other parents who felt the same way. ‘The dads were the angriest of all,’ she explained.

The mum contacted the head teacher at the school, and while they agreed not to show the video anymore, they told her that sex education will still be taught to Year 4 students.

‘The head [teacher] reluctantly accepted the video was inappropriate but said I couldn’t opt out of my daughter attending the lesson after the Government made it compulsory in September 2021. It is disgusting and sexualising our children,’ she told reporters.

She added that if the roles were reversed, where a child told their teachers that their parents had been saying they were having wet dreams and such, ‘alarm bells would ring and social services would be involved’.

‘The school has no right to teach our children this at such a young age because they have no idea how it is going to affect them.’
Key Takeaways

  • An angry mum slams a primary school for teaching her 8-year-old daughter about masturbation and wet dreams.
  • The mother said her young daughter was distressed after teachers showed a three-minute video of a cartoon rocket launching and a volcano erupting, illustrating an erection and ejaculation.
  • The school has agreed not to show the video again but will continue to teach Year 4 students about puberty, which is part of compulsory sex education.
Do you think the mum was overreacting or did she do the right thing? Share with us your thoughts in the comments!

Who gave these "educators" the right to groom children?
How decadent has society become when parents no longer have the right to protect their children from predators?
Who's responsible and when will the population step up and reject the destruction of their children?
Or will Australian apathy again sink us further into the mire?
Sex education is vital.
What better way does the mother suggest her child be taught?
8 might sound young, but my kid began menstruating when she was 10.
Children need to be prepared and helped to understand that this is part of growing up. This is part of the changes their bodies will go through. It happens to everyone and it is neither shameful nor disgusting. I think the mother needs to attend a sex education class.
Sex education is vital.
What better way does the mother suggest her child be taught?
8 might sound young, but my kid began menstruating when she was 10.
Children need to be prepared and helped to understand that this is part of growing up. This is part of the changes their bodies will go through. It happens to everyone and it is neither shameful nor disgusting. I think the mother needs to attend a sex education class.
You are the mother of your girl.
Yes, it is your place to teach her what was changing in her growing body.
Did you explain wet dreams and male masturbation?
Who gave these "educators" the right to groom children?
How decadent has society become when parents no longer have the right to protect their children from predators?
Who's responsible and when will the population step up and reject the destruction of their children?
Or will Australian apathy again sink us further into the mire?
STOP your ranting and look at the facts ! it was a simple cartoon video that suggested changes the body experiences in Puberty. This has nothing to do grooming or predatory behaviours. In fact, if a child is informed, they understand what feels normal and what feels wrong. And, the decisions about what gets taught are made by informed people. Not just left up to a teacher to decide.
Parents should have the right to not to let their children watch videos which, are clearly, not to be seen by someone as young as only 8yrs old!
Parents have the right to withdraw children from aspects that go against their cultural or religious beliefs. BUT, the parent then has the obligation to provide the education in a manner that is appropriate.
You are the mother of your girl.
Yes, it is your place to teach her what was changing in her growing body.
Did you explain wet dreams and male masturbation?
Oh please...how many parents are 'comfortable' discussing any aspects of growth, puberty, sex, relationships, etc???
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Reactions: Defiant540
STOP your ranting and look at the facts ! it was a simple cartoon video that suggested changes the body experiences in Puberty. This has nothing to do grooming or predatory behaviours. In fact, if a child is informed, they understand what feels normal and what feels wrong. And, the decisions about what gets taught are made by informed people. Not just left up to a teacher to decide.
And people like you are part of the problem. You have no right to dictate to others how they prepare to educate their own children on sex. It's not a 1 size fits all and 8 is way too young. By the way , my "rant" is an attempt to allow children to have a childhood and not force sex onto them before they have understood the reading writing and arithmetic they were sent to these educators for.
What's your agenda in this government promoted grooming of our young?
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Reactions: Mummabear1
So so wrong in so many different ways. It should be up to parents to decide when they think it is appropriate for their child to learn about sex, wet dreams, erections etc. not that of a teacher and definitely not at the age of 8yrs old. I have grandsons aged 8 & 10 who are on the Autism Spectrum and this kind of information and graphic photos would freak them the **** out, not to mention the trauma it would cause to both of them.
While we believe that sex education should be taught in schools, when is the right time for children to learn about the birds and the bees?

A mother has spoken out in outrage after her eight-year-old daughter was shown a graphic video on masturbation and wet dreams as part of a sex education lesson.

Students in Year 4 at Coleshill Primary School were shown a 3-minute video about male puberty. Images of a rocket and volcano erupting were used to illustrate what erections are and to explain ejaculation, and it also showed a cartoon of a boy waking up after having a wet dream.

The mum explained that her young daughter was so distressed after seeing the video to the point that she begged her mum not to be shown the video again.

View attachment 9874
How young is too young to learn about the birds and the bees? Credit: August de Richelieu/Pexels

The mum, who wanted to remain anonymous, told reporters: ‘I am very angry about this because I don’t want my eight-year-old daughter being taught about masturbation and wet dreams. It is far too young.’

‘My daughter said to me, “Mummy, why do boys have wet dreams?” She was really upset,’ she added.

The mum also revealed that her daughter ‘didn’t want to learn about it’.

The mother said she was stunned and wasn’t sure how to answer her child’s questions. ‘It is disgusting that this is taught in Year 4,’ she claimed.

She revealed to reporters that when she watched the video (called ‘Top signs boys are in puberty’) she was shocked at the language and adult content, with words such as ‘sexual desires’ and ‘masturbation’ popping up. You can watch the full clip below:

Unsure whether it was just her overreacting, the mum spoke to other parents who felt the same way. ‘The dads were the angriest of all,’ she explained.

The mum contacted the head teacher at the school, and while they agreed not to show the video anymore, they told her that sex education will still be taught to Year 4 students.

‘The head [teacher] reluctantly accepted the video was inappropriate but said I couldn’t opt out of my daughter attending the lesson after the Government made it compulsory in September 2021. It is disgusting and sexualising our children,’ she told reporters.

She added that if the roles were reversed, where a child told their teachers that their parents had been saying they were having wet dreams and such, ‘alarm bells would ring and social services would be involved’.

‘The school has no right to teach our children this at such a young age because they have no idea how it is going to affect them.’
Key Takeaways

  • An angry mum slams a primary school for teaching her 8-year-old daughter about masturbation and wet dreams.
  • The mother said her young daughter was distressed after teachers showed a three-minute video of a cartoon rocket launching and a volcano erupting, illustrating an erection and ejaculation.
  • The school has agreed not to show the video again but will continue to teach Year 4 students about puberty, which is part of compulsory sex education.
Do you think the mum was overreacting or did she do the right thing? Share with us your thoughts in the comments!

If I was that Mum I would physically go to the school when that class was about to start and take my child out. Maybe she can form a group with other like minded parents and have a short play date.
NO! She certainly was not over-reacting! What got into that teacher's HEAD? I am really shocked by this story. Have to admit that some of us didn't know most of it even at 13-14 in our generation, but to first see it all on a SCHOOL video at 8 y.o., that's really beyond the pale. Way, way too much detail!
Way too young for that what right do teachers have to show that to an 8 year old
Who gave these "educators" the right to groom children?
How decadent has society become when parents no longer have the right to protect their children from predators?
Who's responsible and when will the population step up and reject the destruction of their children?
Or will Australian apathy again sink us further into the mire?
Probably the latter. I could show you that this grooming of children goes all the way to the top. Former Australian Senator Bill Heffernan made a speech in parliament about it and spoke of 28 high profile people that are pedophiles. I can post the link if we are allowed to do that on this forum.
I watched the video and I thing that it's age inappropriate. I certainly would never have allowed my kids to watch this when they were 8 years old. It's this and many other reasons that are educational standards are dropping below some third world countries. Kids are taught what to think, not how to think. They have way too much propaganda shoved down their throats. All this LGBTQ alphabet people stuff by teachers who strive to outdo each other on political correctness.
I know several teachers that have dropped out of the system because they did not agree with the curriculum at all. Many people are home schooling their kids for exactly the reason of videos to young kids like this. It includes my three grandkids and they are far more advanced in education levels compared to the Australian curriculum. For example they the Singapore maths and the 8 year old is doing maths equivalent to year seven.
My point is that schools are supposed to prepare children for life but at appropriate times. Teach them useful things like basic maths. I was at a store the other day and the computers went down and this young lady could not work out how give people the right change. It was painful to watch.

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