Christmas at the Bakehouse
When I was a girl, my Dad would collect the turkey in its baking dish climb into his car with me and drive to the family bakery. There he, my Uncles Len, Eric and Bert would be manning the coke bread ovens -where bread was usually produced., but not today, it was Christmas day (Peoples ovens in those days were not very big. and couldn't accommodate the Christmas turkeys).
I would go over the road with a few of my opened gifts to my cousins house, with whom I would play, whilst my Dad and Uncles would be stoking up the coke ovens and putting baking trays containing turkeys and chickens etc labelled with customers names on the legs of turkeys. Pam and I would play whilst our Dads and uncles manned the ovens containing the Christmas Fare.
This was over 70 years ago when people didn't have the large electric ovens we have today- they were mostly coal or wood etc, my Cousin, Pam and I would go over to her house and see the few gifts she would have had for Christmas ..... whilst I would have taken my ball from Aunty Joan ... I loved that present,,,,, we didn't have many presents like they get today -But we treasured the ones we did get far far more,,,, not expecting to get lots
- Back to the bake house - My uncles, and usual bakehouse man Baden, would be roasting the turkeys or what ever meat people could afford, giving their time in the sweltering heat- People did pay a few coppers towards the coke for the ovens and the men did perspire heaps
While the turkeys cooked Pam and I played at her house and after a while we would go across the road to see how things were progressing but we kept out of the way of the heat and working men manning those hot coke ovens.
People would start to come to collect their cooked meats and the smell of baking meats pervaded Cairns Street where the bake house was at Wilsons Bread Bakery, and cheerful calls out of Merry Christmas etc, from customers picking up their cooked meats, pervaded just as the delicious smells of meats and chickens and turkeys did. Very Happy Memories