Mum sickened by a neighbour who VANDALISED her senior parents’ car – but some argued it was well deserved!

We often take for granted the luxury of being surrounded by good, understanding neighbours until we experience an act so appalling, that it threatens our sense of security. Unfortunately, this was the case for one mum in Sydney.

A mum-of-three was ‘absolutely sickened’ by an unidentified neighbour who expressed their disapproval of the parking of her elderly parents’ car in the most gobsmacking way possible.


Image Credit: Country Living Magazine

The woman’s parents, who are both in their 70s, were babysitting their grandchildren at their daughter’s home in Sydney before they discovered a message written on their car in permanent marker– the words ‘foot path’ were scribbled across the bonnet.

It was the first time in six years that she left her three children for a quick, overnight trip. But what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway ended up in a shambles when she returned home and saw the awful act directed toward her parents.

She decided to post their horrific experience on the local community’s Facebook group, appealing for any sort of information that might help their case.

“My dad parked in our driveway to help my mother get closer access to the house given her abilities,' she wrote. “In doing so, they were blocking the footpath but walkers could still walk around the back of the car.”

The woman went on to explain that her parents had every intention to move the car but did not get the chance to because her three young children needed constant supervision.

When the senior couple finally had the opportunity to move their car the next morning, they were greeted by their white Toyota Camry, grimly vandalised.


The words ‘foot path’ were written across the bonnet in permanent marker ink. Image Credit: Daily Mail

“I totally understand the concerns of blocking the footpath but to write with permanent marker all over their front bonnet is disgusting erratic behaviour and I'm absolutely sickened to think a person such as this lives nearby,” she continued.

“This is vandalism and is illegal!! I feel so sorry for this person in every way as they would have had so much hatred at the thought of walking around a car to go home and get a marker, then come back and vandalise a car.”

“Just WOW!!! Next time be a big enough person to ring the doorbell and advise [us] directly so we can fix this in an amicable way and you can walk the straight path that you so desire. Or if you wish to remain anonymous, write it on PAPER!” the enraged mum exclaimed before concluding her post with an appeal for more information and urging the locals to come forward if they witnessed anything suspicious.

Her post received divided opinions. Many sympathised with the woman but others thought the horrific act was well deserved.

“Wow, I can't believe someone did this what an a**hole!!!! Your poor parents… I hope they are okay and not too upset,' one person responded.

“What a bitter sad person who did this. I pity their miserable existence! Karma will give them a serve don't worry,” another said.

While a third sided with the unknown neighbour saying: “Unpopular opinion, but I don't have much sympathy available for this. Don't block the footpath. Easy as.”

“My elderly grandmother, who was disabled and couldn't simply 'walk around the back' used to encounter this problem all the time,” wrote a fourth.

“Vandalism is illegal, but so is parking across the footpath. If the mother has mobility issues, then they should have had more awareness themselves,” added another.

Do you think they deserved the shocking treatment or did the neighbour cross the line? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Want to read another ‘neighbour’ horror story? Check this article out!
This could only happen in Sydney. I'm a paraplegic who is confined to a wheelchair. I often have to negotiate a footpath on the way to church where four cars are parked outside a house all over the footpath. Nobody seems to be able to do anything about it even though it means I have to go out onto the road to pass by this house.
The driver who parked over the crossover committed an offence.....the footpath should always be left as a clearway for pedestrians, it's a local law.
The person who carried out the graffiti also committed an offence. It may have been a someone with a kiddie in a pusher, perhaps a wheelchair user, or someone with a mobility difficulty, or someone with heavy shopping bags, who knows? Just taking those extra steps to get passed may have been the straw which broke the camel's back.
Unless the graffiti culprit watched the couple getting out of the car, they probably didn't know about the difficulties faced by the car occupants.
Who knows, it seems as if it's a one perhaps some tolerance needs to be exercised.
Mum sickened by a neighbour who VANDALISED her senior parents’ car – but some argued it was well deserved!

We often take for granted the luxury of being surrounded by good, understanding neighbours until we experience an act so appalling, that it threatens our sense of security. Unfortunately, this was the case for one mum in Sydney.

A mum-of-three was ‘absolutely sickened’ by an unidentified neighbour who expressed their disapproval of the parking of her elderly parents’ car in the most gobsmacking way possible.


Image Credit: Country Living Magazine

The woman’s parents, who are both in their 70s, were babysitting their grandchildren at their daughter’s home in Sydney before they discovered a message written on their car in permanent marker– the words ‘foot path’ were scribbled across the bonnet.

It was the first time in six years that she left her three children for a quick, overnight trip. But what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway ended up in a shambles when she returned home and saw the awful act directed toward her parents.

She decided to post their horrific experience on the local community’s Facebook group, appealing for any sort of information that might help their case.

“My dad parked in our driveway to help my mother get closer access to the house given her abilities,' she wrote. “In doing so, they were blocking the footpath but walkers could still walk around the back of the car.”

The woman went on to explain that her parents had every intention to move the car but did not get the chance to because her three young children needed constant supervision.

When the senior couple finally had the opportunity to move their car the next morning, they were greeted by their white Toyota Camry, grimly vandalised.


The words ‘foot path’ were written across the bonnet in permanent marker ink. Image Credit: Daily Mail

“I totally understand the concerns of blocking the footpath but to write with permanent marker all over their front bonnet is disgusting erratic behaviour and I'm absolutely sickened to think a person such as this lives nearby,” she continued.

“This is vandalism and is illegal!! I feel so sorry for this person in every way as they would have had so much hatred at the thought of walking around a car to go home and get a marker, then come back and vandalise a car.”

“Just WOW!!! Next time be a big enough person to ring the doorbell and advise [us] directly so we can fix this in an amicable way and you can walk the straight path that you so desire. Or if you wish to remain anonymous, write it on PAPER!” the enraged mum exclaimed before concluding her post with an appeal for more information and urging the locals to come forward if they witnessed anything suspicious.

Her post received divided opinions. Many sympathised with the woman but others thought the horrific act was well deserved.

“Wow, I can't believe someone did this what an a**hole!!!! Your poor parents… I hope they are okay and not too upset,' one person responded.

“What a bitter sad person who did this. I pity their miserable existence! Karma will give them a serve don't worry,” another said.

While a third sided with the unknown neighbour saying: “Unpopular opinion, but I don't have much sympathy available for this. Don't block the footpath. Easy as.”

“My elderly grandmother, who was disabled and couldn't simply 'walk around the back' used to encounter this problem all the time,” wrote a fourth.

“Vandalism is illegal, but so is parking across the footpath. If the mother has mobility issues, then they should have had more awareness themselves,” added another.

Do you think they deserved the shocking treatment or did the neighbour cross the line? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Want to read another ‘neighbour’ horror story? Check this article out!
I understand the frustration of people but using a piece of paper tucked under the windscreen wipes is enough. Writing on the car like this causes permanent damage. My mum lives on a main road and there is a no stopping sign to help her and her neighbours back safely out of their driveways but mAny people still park there. I have often either spoken directly to the person if I catch them or put a note under their wipers to inform them they can’t park there. Not everyone takes this well either!
Sorry but I dislike anyone, other than emergency vehicles, parking on a foot path, I report it by using the Snap, Send.Solve app and send it to the council. And no it's not easy to just go around why should they??? It's a footpath, not there for your convenience, people in wheelchairs or gophers should not have to "Go around". I do agree that damaging the cars paintwork is totally wrong, two wrongs never make a right.
Completely understand the actions of the pedestrian,. There have been times that I wished I carried a permanent maker in my bag. Just recently I had the privilege of looking after my youngest grandson 5 days a week 24/7 as he was wheel chair bound for 9wks with a severe fractured tibia. As I don't drive I walk everywhere and the amount of car owners that believe it is their right to park on or across footh paths is unbelievable. I had to take the wheelchair out onto the road to get past them, then I got abused by other motorists for not using the footh path and at one point a car even swerved towards us on purpose because we were on the road. As I was unable to get back onto the footpath due to the car blocking the access all I could do was jump in front of the wheelchair to protect my grandson. The car careered away at the last moment but left my grandson very frightened and upset by the incident.
Mum sickened by a neighbour who VANDALISED her senior parents’ car – but some argued it was well deserved!

We often take for granted the luxury of being surrounded by good, understanding neighbours until we experience an act so appalling, that it threatens our sense of security. Unfortunately, this was the case for one mum in Sydney.

A mum-of-three was ‘absolutely sickened’ by an unidentified neighbour who expressed their disapproval of the parking of her elderly parents’ car in the most gobsmacking way possible.


Image Credit: Country Living Magazine

The woman’s parents, who are both in their 70s, were babysitting their grandchildren at their daughter’s home in Sydney before they discovered a message written on their car in permanent marker– the words ‘foot path’ were scribbled across the bonnet.

It was the first time in six years that she left her three children for a quick, overnight trip. But what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway ended up in a shambles when she returned home and saw the awful act directed toward her parents.

She decided to post their horrific experience on the local community’s Facebook group, appealing for any sort of information that might help their case.

“My dad parked in our driveway to help my mother get closer access to the house given her abilities,' she wrote. “In doing so, they were blocking the footpath but walkers could still walk around the back of the car.”

The woman went on to explain that her parents had every intention to move the car but did not get the chance to because her three young children needed constant supervision.

When the senior couple finally had the opportunity to move their car the next morning, they were greeted by their white Toyota Camry, grimly vandalised.


The words ‘foot path’ were written across the bonnet in permanent marker ink. Image Credit: Daily Mail

“I totally understand the concerns of blocking the footpath but to write with permanent marker all over their front bonnet is disgusting erratic behaviour and I'm absolutely sickened to think a person such as this lives nearby,” she continued.

“This is vandalism and is illegal!! I feel so sorry for this person in every way as they would have had so much hatred at the thought of walking around a car to go home and get a marker, then come back and vandalise a car.”

“Just WOW!!! Next time be a big enough person to ring the doorbell and advise [us] directly so we can fix this in an amicable way and you can walk the straight path that you so desire. Or if you wish to remain anonymous, write it on PAPER!” the enraged mum exclaimed before concluding her post with an appeal for more information and urging the locals to come forward if they witnessed anything suspicious.

Her post received divided opinions. Many sympathised with the woman but others thought the horrific act was well deserved.

“Wow, I can't believe someone did this what an a**hole!!!! Your poor parents… I hope they are okay and not too upset,' one person responded.

“What a bitter sad person who did this. I pity their miserable existence! Karma will give them a serve don't worry,” another said.

While a third sided with the unknown neighbour saying: “Unpopular opinion, but I don't have much sympathy available for this. Don't block the footpath. Easy as.”

“My elderly grandmother, who was disabled and couldn't simply 'walk around the back' used to encounter this problem all the time,” wrote a fourth.

“Vandalism is illegal, but so is parking across the footpath. If the mother has mobility issues, then they should have had more awareness themselves,” added another.

Do you think they deserved the shocking treatment or did the neighbour cross the line? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Want to read another ‘neighbour’ horror story? Check this article out!
Why. Use a pen (d**k head), a paper sign would have been sufficient to put your point across.
Mum sickened by a neighbour who VANDALISED her senior parents’ car – but some argued it was well deserved!

We often take for granted the luxury of being surrounded by good, understanding neighbours until we experience an act so appalling, that it threatens our sense of security. Unfortunately, this was the case for one mum in Sydney.

A mum-of-three was ‘absolutely sickened’ by an unidentified neighbour who expressed their disapproval of the parking of her elderly parents’ car in the most gobsmacking way possible.


Image Credit: Country Living Magazine

The woman’s parents, who are both in their 70s, were babysitting their grandchildren at their daughter’s home in Sydney before they discovered a message written on their car in permanent marker– the words ‘foot path’ were scribbled across the bonnet.

It was the first time in six years that she left her three children for a quick, overnight trip. But what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway ended up in a shambles when she returned home and saw the awful act directed toward her parents.

She decided to post their horrific experience on the local community’s Facebook group, appealing for any sort of information that might help their case.

“My dad parked in our driveway to help my mother get closer access to the house given her abilities,' she wrote. “In doing so, they were blocking the footpath but walkers could still walk around the back of the car.”

The woman went on to explain that her parents had every intention to move the car but did not get the chance to because her three young children needed constant supervision.

When the senior couple finally had the opportunity to move their car the next morning, they were greeted by their white Toyota Camry, grimly vandalised.


The words ‘foot path’ were written across the bonnet in permanent marker ink. Image Credit: Daily Mail

“I totally understand the concerns of blocking the footpath but to write with permanent marker all over their front bonnet is disgusting erratic behaviour and I'm absolutely sickened to think a person such as this lives nearby,” she continued.

“This is vandalism and is illegal!! I feel so sorry for this person in every way as they would have had so much hatred at the thought of walking around a car to go home and get a marker, then come back and vandalise a car.”

“Just WOW!!! Next time be a big enough person to ring the doorbell and advise [us] directly so we can fix this in an amicable way and you can walk the straight path that you so desire. Or if you wish to remain anonymous, write it on PAPER!” the enraged mum exclaimed before concluding her post with an appeal for more information and urging the locals to come forward if they witnessed anything suspicious.

Her post received divided opinions. Many sympathised with the woman but others thought the horrific act was well deserved.

“Wow, I can't believe someone did this what an a**hole!!!! Your poor parents… I hope they are okay and not too upset,' one person responded.

“What a bitter sad person who did this. I pity their miserable existence! Karma will give them a serve don't worry,” another said.

While a third sided with the unknown neighbour saying: “Unpopular opinion, but I don't have much sympathy available for this. Don't block the footpath. Easy as.”

“My elderly grandmother, who was disabled and couldn't simply 'walk around the back' used to encounter this problem all the time,” wrote a fourth.

“Vandalism is illegal, but so is parking across the footpath. If the mother has mobility issues, then they should have had more awareness themselves,” added another.

Do you think they deserved the shocking treatment or did the neighbour cross the line? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Want to read another ‘neighbour’ horror story? Check this article out!
Leave a note for sure but to vandalise someone’s car like that in such a gutless way is disgusting….they deserve a big fine & pay to have the bonnet resprayed, what a shame they weren’t caught in the act!!
The footpath is for everyone's use. Including Blind people, people in wheelchairs, prams, pedestrians, council workers who may need to access infrastructure ie burst pipes cables in an emergency, ect, plus many more.
It is against the local council law to block the nature strip/footpath. The local bye laws officers should issue a fine or a warning if the vehicle is not removed.
Footpath users should not be forced to divert onto the road, this causes a major risk to them by being exposed to fast moving vehicle traffic, also getting up and down raise kerbs on either side.
If both Grandparents were that busy looking after 3 x children how did they even manage to go to the toilet ect?
I also expect if they were that busy the Husband/driver could have moved the car after the children were in bed.
Also what if there happened to be a Medical or fire Emergency? This could restrict access to a stretcher, and fire fighting equipment.
Don't blame others for what has happened. Be responsible to yourself and others.
both were wrong. But the one who was complaining actually conducted a bigger offence by permanent marker vandalism. And will need to be resprayed- very costly. How does this person see that this is better than what they were complaining about. This is like "an eye for an eye" and is not acceptable in this day and age. This could have been handled by all better than it was.
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When these things happen we all need to cool off and approach the incident from another way . It is frustrating on both sides of the coin. I boiled today over a simple visit to my Doctor that I would have been home within 35 mins, but both ways in a taxi WAITING when both trips were BOOKED cost such time wasting. Time both ways just on 4 hours wasted. A quick reply from the return taxi driver solved the wait. 14 taxis
and 40 people waiting. That lovely elderly couple must know rules are rules, but these things happen all the time. Karma will take over eventually where the nastiness of a neighbour will get her "just desserts." It was a disgusting act BUT, the culprit strange to say will blow her own lights out. Just you wait & see. We haven't heard the end of this. I just love Karma. That couple obviously take care of their car & the culprit to use PERMANENT stain is so poorly. I'd go as far as to say that the neighbour KNOWS this girl has 3 children & elderly parents. I UNDERSTAND because I am living daily with one who has decided to put my twilight years on hold. Yet, I feel so sorry for her. I really do. I even pray for her. 12 years of it. When a person talks over you there is little you can really do but just walk away, I can't because somewhere in her life maybe she has had a stressful time & thinks she can help herself.
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Don't use nail polish remover - it will ruin the duco. Try this:
1. Soak a white cloth in whole milk and use it to cover the affected area. Leave it at least 4 hours, overnight if possible. Remove the cloth and wash with warm water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent. You might need to repeat to get it all off.
2. What the neighbor did was wrong, but so is parking on a footpath, and for very good reasons.
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Completely understand the actions of the pedestrian,. There have been times that I wished I carried a permanent maker in my bag. Just recently I had the privilege of looking after my youngest grandson 5 days a week 24/7 as he was wheel chair bound for 9wks with a severe fractured tibia. As I don't drive I walk everywhere and the amount of car owners that believe it is their right to park on or across footh paths is unbelievable. I had to take the wheelchair out onto the road to get past them, then I got abused by other motorists for not using the footh path and at one point a car even swerved towards us on purpose because we were on the road. As I was unable to get back onto the footpath due to the car blocking the access all I could do was jump in front of the wheelchair to protect my grandson. The car careered away at the last moment but left my grandson very frightened and upset by the incident.
OMG that’s so disgusting. Your poor Grandson, and you! I cannot believe what pigs some people are turning into.
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Mum sickened by a neighbour who VANDALISED her senior parents’ car – but some argued it was well deserved!

We often take for granted the luxury of being surrounded by good, understanding neighbours until we experience an act so appalling, that it threatens our sense of security. Unfortunately, this was the case for one mum in Sydney.

A mum-of-three was ‘absolutely sickened’ by an unidentified neighbour who expressed their disapproval of the parking of her elderly parents’ car in the most gobsmacking way possible.


Image Credit: Country Living Magazine

The woman’s parents, who are both in their 70s, were babysitting their grandchildren at their daughter’s home in Sydney before they discovered a message written on their car in permanent marker– the words ‘foot path’ were scribbled across the bonnet.

It was the first time in six years that she left her three children for a quick, overnight trip. But what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway ended up in a shambles when she returned home and saw the awful act directed toward her parents.

She decided to post their horrific experience on the local community’s Facebook group, appealing for any sort of information that might help their case.

“My dad parked in our driveway to help my mother get closer access to the house given her abilities,' she wrote. “In doing so, they were blocking the footpath but walkers could still walk around the back of the car.”

The woman went on to explain that her parents had every intention to move the car but did not get the chance to because her three young children needed constant supervision.

When the senior couple finally had the opportunity to move their car the next morning, they were greeted by their white Toyota Camry, grimly vandalised.


The words ‘foot path’ were written across the bonnet in permanent marker ink. Image Credit: Daily Mail

“I totally understand the concerns of blocking the footpath but to write with permanent marker all over their front bonnet is disgusting erratic behaviour and I'm absolutely sickened to think a person such as this lives nearby,” she continued.

“This is vandalism and is illegal!! I feel so sorry for this person in every way as they would have had so much hatred at the thought of walking around a car to go home and get a marker, then come back and vandalise a car.”

“Just WOW!!! Next time be a big enough person to ring the doorbell and advise [us] directly so we can fix this in an amicable way and you can walk the straight path that you so desire. Or if you wish to remain anonymous, write it on PAPER!” the enraged mum exclaimed before concluding her post with an appeal for more information and urging the locals to come forward if they witnessed anything suspicious.

Her post received divided opinions. Many sympathised with the woman but others thought the horrific act was well deserved.

“Wow, I can't believe someone did this what an a**hole!!!! Your poor parents… I hope they are okay and not too upset,' one person responded.

“What a bitter sad person who did this. I pity their miserable existence! Karma will give them a serve don't worry,” another said.

While a third sided with the unknown neighbour saying: “Unpopular opinion, but I don't have much sympathy available for this. Don't block the footpath. Easy as.”

“My elderly grandmother, who was disabled and couldn't simply 'walk around the back' used to encounter this problem all the time,” wrote a fourth.

“Vandalism is illegal, but so is parking across the footpath. If the mother has mobility issues, then they should have had more awareness themselves,” added another.

Do you think they deserved the shocking treatment or did the neighbour cross the line? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Want to read another ‘neighbour’ horror story? Check this article out!
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