Most misunderstood road rule revealed: Mastering this can save you $227

Navigating the roads can be tricky, and even the most seasoned drivers among us can sometimes get tripped up by the rules.

However, one particular road rule is causing more confusion than most, and getting it wrong is costing Aussie drivers a pretty penny.

In New South Wales and across the country, a roundabout rule is frequently misunderstood, and failing to comply could hit your wallet hard with a $227 fine and add two demerit points to your driving record.

The Traffic and Highway Patrol Command, part of the NSW Police Force, has taken to social media to remind drivers about the correct way to signal at roundabouts.

NSW Police reminded drivers to signal when exiting a roundabout, even if going straight. Credit: Transport NSW Website

Drivers must indicate their exit from the roundabout with their left blinker, even if they're going straight through at a multi-lane roundabout.

As you approach your exit, you must flick on that left indicator to let other drivers know you're about to leave the roundabout.

If you're taking the roundabout all the way around to the right before exiting, you must indicate right while circulating and then switch to your left indicator as you prepare to exit.

This small action can prevent a big hit to your bank account and driving record.

Police have noted several myths about roundabouts that can lead to dangerous situations.

One such myth is the belief that drivers only need to give way to vehicles on their right.

This is incorrect and could lead to collisions.

‘The rules are clear: when entering a roundabout, drivers must slow or stop to give way to any vehicle already in the roundabout,’ the police explained.

‘The myth that drivers need only give way to vehicles on their right has long persisted and is completely wrong. Believing this can lead to collisions, insurance claims and action from police.’

This rule is consistent throughout Australia, but roundabouts remain a point of contention for many drivers.

Just last month, a Perth teacher sparked a debate over who has the right of way when entering a roundabout.

A spokesperson for Western Australia’s Road Safety Commission stated that most roundabouts have giveaway lines at each entry to remind drivers of their obligation to yield.

‘However, even without the lines, the rule will still apply,’

The revelation of this rule on social media has surprised many drivers, with some admitting they were unaware of the requirement to indicate when exiting a roundabout.

Others have criticised the rule, calling it confusing, particularly for elderly drivers who might mistakenly use their right indicator even when going straight.

Some argue that the ‘rule works only on the very large roundabouts’, as smaller ones need more time to signal while navigating the roundabout itself.

In other news, a woman in Lismore, NSW, received a $302 fine and two demerit points for driving over a small roundabout.

Unaware it was illegal, she now warned others about this little-known rule. You can read more about it here.
Key Takeaways
  • NSW Police have reminded drivers about the misunderstood road rule regarding indicating when exiting a roundabout, even when going straight.
  • Failure to comply with this rule could result in a $227 fine and two demerit points for NSW drivers, with similar penalties likely in other states.
  • The roundabout rule clarification explains that drivers must give way to any vehicle already on the roundabout, not just those to their right.
  • Many Aussie drivers expressed surprise or confusion at the rule, with some admitting they were unaware of the requirement to indicate on exit.
Have you ever been caught out by this roundabout rule, or do you have any tips for remembering to signal correctly? Share your experiences and advice in the comments below.
This is the stupidest rule ever! Confusion runs amok at roundabouts indicating left means just that turning left! If you want to go through the roundabout why on earth would you use a left indicator to go straight ahead?? Whoever thought up this gem needs their head read!!!
Just do it for consistency sake. All do it, no confusion.
I find it very confusing when someone puts their left blinker on & then continues straight through the roundabout which seems to be what the road rule book says they have to do. They are not turning left but just continuing straight up the road they were already travelling on. Why do we not have the same rule as any other corner - continuing straight, no indicator needed, turning left use blinker, turning right use blinker. Simple & not confusing at all.
Seems you were taught wrong, understood wrong or some other problem. UK rules for indicating are identical to here, right turns indicate right on approach and left when exiting, left turns indicate left on approach and straight ahead no indicator on approach and a left indicator to exit. Here's Highway Code 186:View attachment 57340
But that means I have to signal left to go straight ahead. Dumb rule & very confusing. Where are you going? Left? Straight ahead? You are not turning left if you are going straight ahead & if it is a single lane roundabout if you don't signal right or left you are obviously going straight ahead!! Even driving examiners agree with that & have told people going for driving tests when they ask about this "rule" that they don't need to signal on a single lane roundabout if they are going straight through.
The police pull THE SAFETY CARD as though it is so powerful a shibboleth that judges tremble before it. The "accused" hasn't got a chance. Most police haven't got a genuine safety-aware ganglion inside their skulls.

IF Australia was in any way TRULY concerned about safety at roundabouts, they would adopt the procedure widely used in the civilised world: indicate turning left on entering a roundabout ONLY when exiting at the first junction. In ALL other cases, indicate right until PRIOR to your chosen junction, whereupon you indicate left.

It is so bloody simple and provides MAXIMUM safety. If it gets up the nose of arrogant rozzers: so much the better.

This aids safety by helping those entering know your intentions. There is no safety argument against it.
The police pull THE SAFETY CARD as though it is so powerful a shibboleth that judges tremble before it. The "accused" hasn't got a chance. Most police haven't got a genuine safety-aware ganglion inside their skulls.

IF Australia was in any way TRULY concerned about safety at roundabouts, they would adopt the procedure widely used in the civilised world: indicate turning left on entering a roundabout ONLY when exiting at the first junction. In ALL other cases, indicate right until PRIOR to your chosen junction, whereupon you indicate left.

It is so bloody simple and provides MAXIMUM safety. If it gets up the nose of arrogant rozzers: so much the better.

This aids safety by helping those entering know your intentions. There is no safety argument against it.
Not simple at all. Why would I indicate right until I reach the exit which is really the continuation of the road I am already on? And then indicate left to continue straight ahead? Bloody stupid if you ask me & very confusing for the person behind you who thinks you are going to continue right around the roundabout until suddenly you click left & leave the roundabout.
It's such a simple, straightforward, logical rule it amazes me how so many find it confusing. As a now retired semi trailer driver it was frustrating when people didn't indicate correctly as they could show no indication and one might stop or slow considerably assuming they might be coming around with no indication and just go straight through or have their right indicator on and go straight through. It's not hard, it's just common sense. Effectively just indicate as you would at a normal intersection except for the left indicate when leaving the roundabout.
Unfortunately, its not just roundabouts people neglect to indicate. We are supposed to be mind readers some days on the road.

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