Monarchist groups criticise premiers for absent reception during royal visit

In what some call a significant breach of protocol and others see as a sign of changing times, Australia's state premiers have opted out of the welcome reception for King Charles and Queen Camilla in Canberra.

The decision has sparked a debate about the monarchy's relevance in modern Australia and the priorities of its elected officials.

King Charles and Queen Camilla's arrival in Australia was meant to be a momentous occasion.

It marked the King's 17th visit to the country but his first as the reigning monarch.

The royal couple's six-day itinerary includes stops in Canberra and Sydney from October 18 to 23.

Australian state premiers in Canberra will not welcome King Charles and Queen Camilla due to other commitments. Credit: Shutterstock

However, the absence of state premiers at the welcome reception has raised eyebrows and elicited strong reactions from various quarters.

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan and NSW Premier Chris Minns cited cabinet meetings as their inability to attend, while Queensland Premier Steven Miles is focused on his re-election campaign.

Other premiers, such as Jeremy Rockliff of Tasmania and Peter Malinauskas of South Australia, have also indicated they are otherwise occupied, with Western Australia’s Premier Roger Cook's spokesperson mentioning 'other commitments.'

Monarchist groups and opposition politicians have criticised the premiers' decision not to attend the reception.

Victorian Opposition spokesman Brad Rowswell expressed disappointment, suggesting that leadership sometimes requires setting aside personal views for the greater good.

‘Sometimes, leadership requires putting personal prejudice aside in the interests of the greater good,’ he said.

‘Premier Allan represents a state wholeheartedly embraces and supports King Charles as our Head of State’.

Bev McArthur, the Australian Monarchists League spokesperson in Victoria, called the snub a 'slap in the face' to the King and a 'monumental insult.'

‘All premiers and ministers have sworn allegiance to our monarch, Charles III, and it is a monumental insult that they now spit in his hand extended in friendship,’ she said.

‘This is a historic opportunity to unite Australia, focus on charitable work, and give back to communities. Yet our immature politicians are clearly choosing to play politics.'

On the other side of the debate, republican sentiment in Australia is gaining traction, particularly among younger generations who question the relevance of a hereditary monarch as the nation's head of state.

Esther Anatolitis, co-chair of the Australian Republic Movement and a candidate for Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne, sees the royal visit as an opportunity to reignite discussions about Australia's constitutional future and the possibility of becoming a republic.

‘Welcome to “Monarchy the Farewell Oz Tour." It's time to wave goodbye to royal reign,’ she said.

‘This week's visit is a valuable opportunity for us to ask that question we’ve been asking for many years: why does Australia still have a King?’

‘Does it make sense that our Head of State inherits the role by birthright and isn’t here for Australians full-time?’

‘By all means, let's welcome Charles and Camilla to Australia...but let's see this as the last visit of a sitting monarch.

Despite the controversy, the royal visit will proceed with a welcome at Parliament House by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

King Charles is scheduled to address an audience of distinguished Australians and pay his respects at the Australian War Memorial.

The public will also have the chance to meet the royal couple at the For Our Country memorial and the Opera House forecourt.
Key Takeaways
  • Australian state premiers will not be present to welcome King Charles and Queen Camilla in Canberra due to other commitments.
  • Victoria's Premier Jacinta Allan and NSW's Premier Chris Minns cited cabinet meetings as reasons for their absence; other premiers are occupied with various duties, including election campaigns.
  • The snub from the state premiers has been seen as an insult by monarchists and reflects the growing republican sentiment in Australia.
  • Despite the absence of state leaders, King Charles and Queen Camilla will be welcomed at the Australian Parliament by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and will interact with the public at key events during their visit.
What are your thoughts on the state premiers' decision to skip the royal welcome reception? Is it a matter of conflicting schedules, a political statement, or something else? Feel free to share your views and experiences in the comments below.
What a load of rubbish
Was going to say the same thing. GGFather, for heaven's sake, can you imagine how many times that story would have been repeated down the years, getting more and more drama added to it as it went along.As with all stories it grows like topsy as it goes along.
My long past relatives came as convicts also, unfortunately that was the law of the day, it can't be changed. Why can't people get over past grudges, nothing is achieved in carrying these things on from one generation to the next.
Just look at Palestine and Israel for an example.
Is it a matter of conflicting schedules, a political statement, or something else.

Why can't it be all three? Personally I believe the Monarchy has been a blood sucking leech for far too long.
let's face it our King is better off not having to smile and shake the hands of these 6 deplorable ill-mannered and hopefully past premiers.
this does show how bogan australia i
Charles has been a good ambassador for the environment and much more. He is a well educated and personable man and despite any and all objections, he deserves the same respect you gave to Queen Elisabeth and any other visiting dignitary. The Premiers that failed to do so showed how little dignity they personally have. Vote them out. We don't need more troglodytes in power.
Charles has been a good ambassador for the environment and much more. He is a well educated and personable man and despite any and all objections, he deserves the same respect you gave to Queen Elisabeth and any other visiting dignitary. The Premiers that failed to do so showed how little dignity they personally have. Vote them out. We don't need more troglodytes in
l don't think anyone has ever thought how bored they must be making conversations having to watch all the stupid things they put on for them .The long tiresome journey here. Not might feeling the best but they still have to do it and lastly being on show all the time.l would hate it.
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What are the British colonies in 2024?
“As of 2024, there are 15 Commonwealth realms: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and the United Kingdom.”

We are only one of many ’They’ must endure. They will have their ‘Welcome’ with PM and Governors and all the ‘important people’, including the gushers (lol )etc. Our Premiers have work to do - why should the country grind to a holt?
Jeremy Rockcliff (Liberal) unable to attend also btw. This article comes from the perspective of a right royal knob!

Now, on the Political rant :-
Peter Dutton - Education:- (Free uni - what a waste).

QUT - failed introduction to law, computing for accounting managerial accounting and business finance - he flunked four out of six subjects during his FIRST year! Ended there.

Failure prompted him to join the Old Police Force and do part-time studies - eventually gaining his Batchelor of business degree (a dime a dozen) a DECADE LATER! 10 years to gain a Batchelor of Business HAHAHAHAHA! Oh My!

Leader of our Country????? - No Thanks! He is not smart enough to run a school fete. Seriously, you think he will improve anything?? No chance!

“He defines himself by what he opposes, rather than what he supports”. He isn’t smart enough to come up with solutions.

The Religious rant - have heard it all before - usually while visiting the Recreational Room in the Psych Wards.
I think their behaviour is unbelievably appalling and rude, and their "excuses" are incredibly pathetic and weak. (And, if anyone else agrees, I do hope someone passes this judgement on to them all.) They should be perfectly capable of embracing and adhering to their Republican beliefs -- if that is what they are doing --without being so UTTERLY discourteous to the representatives of a system which by and large has allowed Australia to thrive and prosper. I really find this embarrassing!
Well if you’re GGGrandfather hadn’t been sent here for what in those days was considered a crime, you’d probably be living in England and have a completely different view of royalty. Maybe time to let it go.
I know one thing for sure, my wife wouldn't be here.
try telling this to the Aboriginals
They wouldn't be getting what their getting for FREE now. How many useless millions of our dollars are being lost, on lost causes for them.

As in many numerous places throughout Aussie, e.g. take a "Stroll" through the outback town of Wilcania in Mid Western NSW, is a real example of such.

Don't get me totally wrong, there are certainly some great aboriginals, or part thereof, which I have the greatest respect. Albert "N", Jacinta "P", Jimmy "L", Warren "M", Evonne "G", Cathy "F", Lionel "R". That is just a starter of some really worthwhile members of the Aboriginal citizens & community., past & present.

The pretenders in the Federal Parliament are a complete failure at the behest of Albo.
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So these premiers are supposed o represent their constituents. Their actions show how not one of them is a statesman and only represent their own interests not those of the electorate.
All these actions will be remembered at election time.
No, they represent the taxpayers. The cost will not be insignificant as it is. Many taxpayers would be unhappy about splashing taxpayer money on such pomp. If the money was to be spent on any other formal function, there would be cries from you lot about wasted money…wanting an increase in your welfare, dental care etc. Why are they coming? I believe the main intent is to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa. I doubt Charles would care whether the Premiers are present and, I suspect, he would understand they have other commitments. Why do you have to be so vitriolic and accusatory - highly speculative? Oh, yes, I know…it is what you Brits do best…whinge and be petty…and oh yes, corporal punishment. Personally, I am not against the British Royals or our system because it is only a sentiment now and as long as it stays that way, many Australians couldn’t care less. But this carry on is extraordinary and quite unhinged really. Happy for Brits to have their traditions (in England), but don’t try and force it on Aussies…it just isn’t our thing. You really do not enhance their position.
Respect for what....That mob has been having holidays at our expense for years. Nobody seems to want to accept all the crap we've had from them since they tried to take over Ireland, stole everything from the Irish and dumped those they didn't want in Australia Inc my GGGrandfather who only had 1 charge against him...stealing bread to feed his family after those bastards took his cow, sheep, land and home. Charlie didn't even respect his own mother when she said Camilla would NOT be queen.
I have the utmost respect for the Premiers for taking a stand. THIS IS AUSTRALIA NOT A MINI POMMY LAND. Remember that Pommy was actually POME.... PRISONER OF MOTHER ENGLAND. We still are until we stand on our own two fe

A few points of correction:
Actually Queen Elizabeth DID say she wanted Camilla to be given the title Queen Consort. This simply means the wife of the Monarch and all Queen Consorts have dropped the’Consort’ for daily use.
Yes, we are Australia, nobody considers us to be a ‘mini pommy land’, least of all the Royal family or the people of Britain! That is purely your paranoia!
I think it’s way past time we move on from shameful historical actions and practices, just as we are trying to move on from shameful behaviour towards the First Nations people in the past!
As pointed out by others, all premiers take an oath of allegiance to the monarch at the moment, so until that changes then they should show respect to the Head of State - like it or not.
I wonder would you support your children/grandchildren disrespecting their teachers if they didn’t like them?
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It is a strong sign that the monarchy as far as Australia is concerned does not represent us in 2024, a head of State that is not an Australian and does not live here is just a nonsense.
The sooner we ditch the monarchy the better as far as I'm concerned. The Royal family is an embarrassment with all the devorces, affairs and coverups. They are supposed to be role models. 17 visits to Australia is pathetic. Should be more like 300 visits at their own expense if they cared anything for this country.
Well they are obviously being deliberately rude, but the Brits always laugh this kind of childishness away. One thing; I am glad of the 'demonstration'. At least I know who I NEVER want to see elected again, and I only hope it backfires momentously
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I do not wish Australia to have a head of state. Just a prime minister voted for by the residents. Anything else is a waste of money.

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