Monarchist groups criticise premiers for absent reception during royal visit

In what some call a significant breach of protocol and others see as a sign of changing times, Australia's state premiers have opted out of the welcome reception for King Charles and Queen Camilla in Canberra.

The decision has sparked a debate about the monarchy's relevance in modern Australia and the priorities of its elected officials.

King Charles and Queen Camilla's arrival in Australia was meant to be a momentous occasion.

It marked the King's 17th visit to the country but his first as the reigning monarch.

The royal couple's six-day itinerary includes stops in Canberra and Sydney from October 18 to 23.

Australian state premiers in Canberra will not welcome King Charles and Queen Camilla due to other commitments. Credit: Shutterstock

However, the absence of state premiers at the welcome reception has raised eyebrows and elicited strong reactions from various quarters.

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan and NSW Premier Chris Minns cited cabinet meetings as their inability to attend, while Queensland Premier Steven Miles is focused on his re-election campaign.

Other premiers, such as Jeremy Rockliff of Tasmania and Peter Malinauskas of South Australia, have also indicated they are otherwise occupied, with Western Australia’s Premier Roger Cook's spokesperson mentioning 'other commitments.'

Monarchist groups and opposition politicians have criticised the premiers' decision not to attend the reception.

Victorian Opposition spokesman Brad Rowswell expressed disappointment, suggesting that leadership sometimes requires setting aside personal views for the greater good.

‘Sometimes, leadership requires putting personal prejudice aside in the interests of the greater good,’ he said.

‘Premier Allan represents a state wholeheartedly embraces and supports King Charles as our Head of State’.

Bev McArthur, the Australian Monarchists League spokesperson in Victoria, called the snub a 'slap in the face' to the King and a 'monumental insult.'

‘All premiers and ministers have sworn allegiance to our monarch, Charles III, and it is a monumental insult that they now spit in his hand extended in friendship,’ she said.

‘This is a historic opportunity to unite Australia, focus on charitable work, and give back to communities. Yet our immature politicians are clearly choosing to play politics.'

On the other side of the debate, republican sentiment in Australia is gaining traction, particularly among younger generations who question the relevance of a hereditary monarch as the nation's head of state.

Esther Anatolitis, co-chair of the Australian Republic Movement and a candidate for Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne, sees the royal visit as an opportunity to reignite discussions about Australia's constitutional future and the possibility of becoming a republic.

‘Welcome to “Monarchy the Farewell Oz Tour." It's time to wave goodbye to royal reign,’ she said.

‘This week's visit is a valuable opportunity for us to ask that question we’ve been asking for many years: why does Australia still have a King?’

‘Does it make sense that our Head of State inherits the role by birthright and isn’t here for Australians full-time?’

‘By all means, let's welcome Charles and Camilla to Australia...but let's see this as the last visit of a sitting monarch.

Despite the controversy, the royal visit will proceed with a welcome at Parliament House by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

King Charles is scheduled to address an audience of distinguished Australians and pay his respects at the Australian War Memorial.

The public will also have the chance to meet the royal couple at the For Our Country memorial and the Opera House forecourt.
Key Takeaways
  • Australian state premiers will not be present to welcome King Charles and Queen Camilla in Canberra due to other commitments.
  • Victoria's Premier Jacinta Allan and NSW's Premier Chris Minns cited cabinet meetings as reasons for their absence; other premiers are occupied with various duties, including election campaigns.
  • The snub from the state premiers has been seen as an insult by monarchists and reflects the growing republican sentiment in Australia.
  • Despite the absence of state leaders, King Charles and Queen Camilla will be welcomed at the Australian Parliament by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and will interact with the public at key events during their visit.
What are your thoughts on the state premiers' decision to skip the royal welcome reception? Is it a matter of conflicting schedules, a political statement, or something else? Feel free to share your views and experiences in the comments below.
There is a right way and a wrong way. Yes, I agree that perhaps it's time for Australia to be a republic, but it should be done correctly. The premiers not attending is simply bad manners and disrespect. He is still our monarch to which they pledged allegiance. A bit of decorum please.
can you give a reason for changing. are you in favour of the likes of Turnbull or such like fool?
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Respect for what....That mob has been having holidays at our expense for years. Nobody seems to want to accept all the crap we've had from them since they tried to take over Ireland, stole everything from the Irish and dumped those they didn't want in Australia Inc my GGGrandfather who only had 1 charge against him...stealing bread to feed his family after those bastards took his cow, sheep, land and home. Charlie didn't even respect his own mother when she said Camilla would NOT be queen.
I have the utmost respect for the Premiers for taking a stand. THIS IS AUSTRALIA NOT A MINI POMMY LAND. Remember that Pommy was actually POME.... PRISONER OF MOTHER ENGLAND. We still are until we stand on our own two feet
I understand it was (POHM. Prisoner Of His/Her Majesty). Used by the convict ships to Australia.
I am disgusted by these Premiers and thank the Ombudsman for putt it so well.
They expect respect as state leaders , whether or not we like them or voted for them.
So they should show respect for our King even if they are not monarchists.
Just shows what our politicians have turned into. They are all completely rude and socially inept and could not care for anyone else but themselves and their power, greed and self interests. Until we are no longer a monarchy these bogans are obliged to comply with long standing protocol and tradition and have no right to make up their own rules. They have known about the King's visit for quite some time now and had every opportunity to make alternative arrangements. Maybe the old Tower Bridge needs to be resurrected.
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God save us from stupidity. There is a plate in a Chinese Museum with a perfect map of Australia inc Tasmania from the 1400's. They were followed by Dutch sailors. Not one of them shot and killed the Aboriginal and had the hide and cheek to state "we discovered Australia". You ask "where would we be if not for Cook" A BLOODY SITE BETTER OFF. I wonder why so many "Monarchists" left England and still hold onto crap.
To think we could be under Chinese rule if they had claimed our land, it makes me shudder to think..
Tell me how better off we would be if Cook hadn't discovered Australia please?
Good on them they have to go on with the running of their states, this visit means nothing why should it come before helping the people. These self indulgent people are coming here draining the coffers they will get back on their plane and sigh and say thank God that's over, we don't need them and a few of us don't want them they are the symbol of the past not the future.
Hang on, when was the last time any of the Premiers helped the people, and Albo for that matter, check out the house he just brought, did he pay for it himself, get a morgage, or did the tax payer help pay for it?
To think we could be under Chinese rule if they had claimed our land, it makes me shudder to think..
Tell me how better off we would be if Cook hadn't discovered Australia please?
this person you replied to has no respect for the country he calls home. i did not know we had so many idiots on this forum.
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An absolute disgrace. Whatever your political affiliations or beliefs, it is common courtesy to attend a function of this nature. But then again, we are talking politicians the majority of whom have no idea of anything period.

I would be willing to bet that a cabinet meeting would not prevent any one of them from attending a celebrity concert, football match or other "photo opportunity" event, complete, of course, with free tickets.

It's a pity the Dutch or French didn't arrive before Cook. It would have been a different ball game then in so many ways.
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An absolute disgrace. Whatever your political affiliations or beliefs, it is common courtesy to attend a function of this nature. But then again, we are talking politicians the majority of whom have no idea of anything period.

I would be willing to bet that a cabinet meeting would not prevent any one of them from attending a celebrity concert, football match or other "photo opportunity" event, complete, of course, with free tickets.

It's a pity the Dutch or French didn't arrive before Cook. It would have been a different ball game then in so many ways.
something we will never ever know. we live in the present not that it's much of a one. all these so called leaders are all republicans as is the governor general. just one big joke and if i was the king i would be thanking my lucky stars i only have this for a couple more days. i justhope i am still around to witness the mess of a republican country. It will not improve in politeness it will still be the rude australia.
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These state polies are an embarkment to themselves, their electorate, their state and to their county, Whether your a monarchist or a advocate for independence, you made a commitment to the monarch on your installation as premiers. Your actions show great disrespect to the the King, ,and a grave indication of the abuse of the promise you made to the monarch on talking your position. You should resign your position for this disgraceful act. You are not a "FIT" person to hold such an important political position
I am where I came from... My family has been here since Dec 18 1822 thanks to the thieving Poms who took our land, and animals and starved my family along with many more they stole from. My GGGrandfather settled Camden NSW and was so well regarded he was given 2 land grants, one in Camden and one on the Hawkesbury River. The sooner we get rid of the Pommy rubbish the better.
You are such a hypocrit, arn't you glad that you did get sent over here, imagine if you'd have stayed in England, you'd probably be living on the streets, or not existing at all!
this person you replied to has no respect for the country he calls home. i did not know we had so many idiots on this forum.
It makes me feel sick when I come to one of their posts because I know it's going to be rude and abusive.
You can put your point across without being such a ****head about it.
I'm wondering if I can block people in this group because from now on i'll be bypassing any of their vitriol!
the arrogance of some of our elected leaders they need to represent US (not themselves) we Australians have a monarch and until we dont ,they should treat the monarch as OUR king.or do these ELECTED representatives of the people take it upon themselves to represent themselves or a fashionable minority of elites. we have been approached may times by certain polliticians to change but they wont accept our decision.....THE CURRENT VERDICT BY THE CITIZENS IS ...WE WANT THE MONARCH. Our polls seem to think maybe we dont know what we want, but we do , and we like a boss o'seas and out of reach to our politicians and we dont need another referendum to remind the elites
Oh dear... You really need an education.
its nice to see you OBEY our elected public servants , problem is they think they rule over ALL of us instead of a minority and forget they SERVE ALL of us not just a few fashionable shallow thinkers, Politicians need to follow the results of the referendum not a fashionable clique, and keep their own personal opinion to themselves and realise that the results of a referendum are their orders

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