Kmart shopper gets the shock of her life when she opens her Christmas package early

As the festive season rapidly approaches, we all become a little more stressed as we try to get everything done in time. Christmas shopping is no exception – in fact, it can be downright daunting!

But thankfully, these days there are plenty of options when it comes to getting your shopping done. You can do it all online from the comfort of your own home... or so you thought.

Unfortunately, one Aussie mum's recent click-and-collect nightmare from Kmart has put a major damper on her festive cheer.

For Christmas, the woman had ordered a $70 Bluetooth portable speaker with lights from Kmart, but when the box arrived, she was astonished to discover six pairs of mismatched shoes inside. Wow, what a bad deal!

The distraught mum took to Facebook to share her story and warn other shoppers about what happened.


One mum purchased a $70 Bluetooth speaker from Kmart, but when she opened the box, she was horrified to discover a collection of worn-out, mismatched shoes. Credit: Facebook.

'Bought this portable speaker online through click and collect,' she wrote.

'But when I open the box there's used shoes in the box and no speaker.'

'I was holding other stuff so I didn't notice the difference [sic] but the weight of these shoes would be about the same, there's [sic] was six odd shoes in the box.'

'I nearly had a full meltdown worrying they wouldn't believe me.'


A photo of the shoes the mum found inside her 'Christmas package'. Credit: Facebook.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened either — plenty of unfortunate shoppers have shared their own personal experiences.

'This happened to my son when he bought a phone. Inside the box were dirty socks and rocks. Apparently, people buy it, take out the item, fill the box with crap and reseal it and get a refund,' one mum detailed.

Another shared: 'Omg, this happened to us a couple of Christmases ago! Instead of opening a scooter on Christmas Day, my son opened up a box of wood and rubbish.'

'It was supposed to be a present from Santa too. Thank goodness you found it before Christmas Day!' a second mum commented.

Others offered their own explanations about what transpired, with one suggesting: 'I'd say they bought the speaker, returned it with the shoes inside, and received their money back, and nobody checked the box when it was returned.'

One retailer worker shared: 'I never ever refund until I look inside. They get very nervous and say, it's not been opened and I say, my job is on the line if I don't check. Usually, they just walk out very quickly and I know it’s fraudulent.'

A Kmart spokesperson addressed the issue and confirmed that they’ve officially reached out to the shopper regarding the matter.

'We want everyone shopping with us, either in-store or online, to have an enjoyable shopping experience,' they said.

'We would welcome the opportunity to speak to the customer directly and encourage them to reach out to our customer service team.'

Key Takeaways

  • An Aussie mum was surprised and disappointed to find six used shoes in the box of a Bluetooth speaker she ordered from Kmart's website.
  • It is believed that thieves may be stealing items from the store and returning the empty boxes filled with trash in order to receive a refund.
  • Kmart has stated that they are ‘disappointed’ to hear of the mum's experience and encouraged her to reach out to their customer service team.
  • Some people have speculated that this may be a trend of people returning stolen items to the store in order to receive a refund.

If you ever happen to purchase an item online and receive something completely different, you can reach Kmart through their Contact Us page to inform the Kmart team of your item mix-up.

Make sure to take photos of the item you received (or the box in this case) and the receipt to ensure that you get a quick resolution.

What are your thoughts, folks? Better yet, have you experienced a similar situation before? What happened to your purchase? Let us know in the comments section below!
Nothing like this has happened to me thankfully. I do think it’s a shame though that the shopper put it on Facebook before contacting KMart.
Maybe they did let kmart know first.
I actually think it's great putting this one up on line to let others know things like this do happen.
I think now if buy something in store that's in a box I might open it before leaving the store
Can see this happening , I kind of know the packaging in these sort of items , you know the moulded foam that fits exactly and allows almost no movement. Shake the box when received, if it rattles wildly its been opened, then video the opening of the box , if its a store purchase same thing but alert checkout to open before leaving store. In some cases its common-sense, not rocket science
Nothing like this has happened to me thankfully. I do think it’s a shame though that the shopper put it on Facebook before contacting KMart.

As the festive season rapidly approaches, we all become a little more stressed as we try to get everything done in time. Christmas shopping is no exception – in fact, it can be downright daunting!

But thankfully, these days there are plenty of options when it comes to getting your shopping done. You can do it all online from the comfort of your own home... or so you thought.

Unfortunately, one Aussie mum's recent click-and-collect nightmare from Kmart has put a major damper on her festive cheer.

For Christmas, the woman had ordered a $70 Bluetooth portable speaker with lights from Kmart, but when the box arrived, she was astonished to discover six pairs of mismatched shoes inside. Wow, what a bad deal!

The distraught mum took to Facebook to share her story and warn other shoppers about what happened.


One mum purchased a $70 Bluetooth speaker from Kmart, but when she opened the box, she was horrified to discover a collection of worn-out, mismatched shoes. Credit: Facebook.

'Bought this portable speaker online through click and collect,' she wrote.

'But when I open the box there's used shoes in the box and no speaker.'

'I was holding other stuff so I didn't notice the difference [sic] but the weight of these shoes would be about the same, there's [sic] was six odd shoes in the box.'

'I nearly had a full meltdown worrying they wouldn't believe me.'


A photo of the shoes the mum found inside her 'Christmas package'. Credit: Facebook.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened either — plenty of unfortunate shoppers have shared their own personal experiences.

'This happened to my son when he bought a phone. Inside the box were dirty socks and rocks. Apparently, people buy it, take out the item, fill the box with crap and reseal it and get a refund,' one mum detailed.

Another shared: 'Omg, this happened to us a couple of Christmases ago! Instead of opening a scooter on Christmas Day, my son opened up a box of wood and rubbish.'

'It was supposed to be a present from Santa too. Thank goodness you found it before Christmas Day!' a second mum commented.

Others offered their own explanations about what transpired, with one suggesting: 'I'd say they bought the speaker, returned it with the shoes inside, and received their money back, and nobody checked the box when it was returned.'

One retailer worker shared: 'I never ever refund until I look inside. They get very nervous and say, it's not been opened and I say, my job is on the line if I don't check. Usually, they just walk out very quickly and I know it’s fraudulent.'

A Kmart spokesperson addressed the issue and confirmed that they’ve officially reached out to the shopper regarding the matter.

'We want everyone shopping with us, either in-store or online, to have an enjoyable shopping experience,' they said.

'We would welcome the opportunity to speak to the customer directly and encourage them to reach out to our customer service team.'

Key Takeaways

  • An Aussie mum was surprised and disappointed to find six used shoes in the box of a Bluetooth speaker she ordered from Kmart's website.
  • It is believed that thieves may be stealing items from the store and returning the empty boxes filled with trash in order to receive a refund.
  • Kmart has stated that they are ‘disappointed’ to hear of the mum's experience and encouraged her to reach out to their customer service team.
  • Some people have speculated that this may be a trend of people returning stolen items to the store in order to receive a refund.

If you ever happen to purchase an item online and receive something completely different, you can reach Kmart through their Contact Us page to inform the Kmart team of your item mix-up.

Make sure to take photos of the item you received (or the box in this case) and the receipt to ensure that you get a quick resolution.

What are your thoughts, folks? Better yet, have you experienced a similar situation before? What happened to your purchase? Let us know in the comments section below!
As unfortunate as it was for the customer, I really believe she should have contacted kmart before social media. Not only has her actions damaged the company which seems to be a trend of late, but encouraged a string of replies giving more unscrupulous beings more ideas they hadn't already thought on. Be nice people, it's not the company that does it, kmart is actually fantastic to deal with.
Years ago, I purchased a water slide mat for the backyard.
On opening at home, I side was an old waterslide mat full of holes.
If I had checked the box VERY carefully, I may have noticed that the box had already been opened.
Target swapped it for a new product.
My children loved that mat that they ran the hose from the water tank over and slid down it.
Wow, never in a million years would I have thought that swapping the goods for junk was a thing! How do these people even come up with this stuff? I must be so naive, or maybe I just come from a more honest time and background. KMart is not known for selling high end items so they are not going to make a killing, how desperate must they be? :(
Wow, never in a million years would I have thought that swapping the goods for junk was a thing! How do these people even come up with this stuff? I must be so naive, or maybe I just come from a more honest time and background. KMart is not known for selling high end items so they are not going to make a killing, how desperate must they be? :(
Not desperate at all - just greedy, self-centred and totally lacking ethics.
Wow, never in a million years would I have thought that swapping the goods for junk was a thing! How do these people even come up with this stuff? I must be so naive, or maybe I just come from a more honest time and background. KMart is not known for selling high end items so they are not going to make a killing, how desperate must they be? :(
This happens a lot with large boxes of disposable nappies. The customer has two or three boxes and only hands over one to be scanned. The others have been emptied and filled with meat or groceries. Then the not opened box would be returned later for a refund. We were instructed to lift each box for this reason. It is way out of my thought process but the canny thief will be forever trying new things.
I am waiting for a shipping from Kmart which has been delayed, I will be checking more closely now. Some people are obviously what I call low life to do such a thing.:(
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As the festive season rapidly approaches, we all become a little more stressed as we try to get everything done in time. Christmas shopping is no exception – in fact, it can be downright daunting!

But thankfully, these days there are plenty of options when it comes to getting your shopping done. You can do it all online from the comfort of your own home... or so you thought.

Unfortunately, one Aussie mum's recent click-and-collect nightmare from Kmart has put a major damper on her festive cheer.

For Christmas, the woman had ordered a $70 Bluetooth portable speaker with lights from Kmart, but when the box arrived, she was astonished to discover six pairs of mismatched shoes inside. Wow, what a bad deal!

The distraught mum took to Facebook to share her story and warn other shoppers about what happened.


One mum purchased a $70 Bluetooth speaker from Kmart, but when she opened the box, she was horrified to discover a collection of worn-out, mismatched shoes. Credit: Facebook.

'Bought this portable speaker online through click and collect,' she wrote.

'But when I open the box there's used shoes in the box and no speaker.'

'I was holding other stuff so I didn't notice the difference [sic] but the weight of these shoes would be about the same, there's [sic] was six odd shoes in the box.'

'I nearly had a full meltdown worrying they wouldn't believe me.'


A photo of the shoes the mum found inside her 'Christmas package'. Credit: Facebook.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened either — plenty of unfortunate shoppers have shared their own personal experiences.

'This happened to my son when he bought a phone. Inside the box were dirty socks and rocks. Apparently, people buy it, take out the item, fill the box with crap and reseal it and get a refund,' one mum detailed.

Another shared: 'Omg, this happened to us a couple of Christmases ago! Instead of opening a scooter on Christmas Day, my son opened up a box of wood and rubbish.'

'It was supposed to be a present from Santa too. Thank goodness you found it before Christmas Day!' a second mum commented.

Others offered their own explanations about what transpired, with one suggesting: 'I'd say they bought the speaker, returned it with the shoes inside, and received their money back, and nobody checked the box when it was returned.'

One retailer worker shared: 'I never ever refund until I look inside. They get very nervous and say, it's not been opened and I say, my job is on the line if I don't check. Usually, they just walk out very quickly and I know it’s fraudulent.'

A Kmart spokesperson addressed the issue and confirmed that they’ve officially reached out to the shopper regarding the matter.

'We want everyone shopping with us, either in-store or online, to have an enjoyable shopping experience,' they said.

'We would welcome the opportunity to speak to the customer directly and encourage them to reach out to our customer service team.'

Key Takeaways

  • An Aussie mum was surprised and disappointed to find six used shoes in the box of a Bluetooth speaker she ordered from Kmart's website.
  • It is believed that thieves may be stealing items from the store and returning the empty boxes filled with trash in order to receive a refund.
  • Kmart has stated that they are ‘disappointed’ to hear of the mum's experience and encouraged her to reach out to their customer service team.
  • Some people have speculated that this may be a trend of people returning stolen items to the store in order to receive a refund.

If you ever happen to purchase an item online and receive something completely different, you can reach Kmart through their Contact Us page to inform the Kmart team of your item mix-up.

Make sure to take photos of the item you received (or the box in this case) and the receipt to ensure that you get a quick resolution.

What are your thoughts, folks? Better yet, have you experienced a similar situation before? What happened to your purchase? Let us know in the comments section below!
I purchased some items of clothing from the States as I flatly refuse unless it's absolutely necessary to purchase clothing made in China. And they sent the wrong colour jackets I got in touch and told them the problem and they just apologized and sent the right colour and when I enquired about sending the others back, because of the expense, they just told me to keep them. Mind you I have been dealing with the same firm over there and have found them very friendly and amenable which helps.
I agree with you about not buying stuff from China. Unfortunately, recently there have been a number of occasions when I wanted or needed to buy something and every single brand available was made in China - there was no alternative.
I purchased some items of clothing from the States as I flatly refuse unless it's absolutely necessary to purchase clothing made in China. And they sent the wrong colour jackets I got in touch and told them the problem and they just apologized and sent the right colour and when I enquired about sending the others back, because of the expense, they just told me to keep them. Mind you I have been dealing with the same firm over there and have found them very friendly and amenable which help
  • Sad
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I agree with you about not buying stuff from China. Unfortunately, recently there have been a number of occasions when I wanted or needed to buy something and every single brand available was made in China - there was no alternative.
As I say I only if there is no alternative, I have noticed with the last underwear I purchased was made in China, and opening the packaging prior to a pre-wash of the garments, I said to the wife that could wash them with a spittle and dry them with a fart? So now I'll be checking before paying and see if they are made elsewhere, as I can't see manufacturing returning here in what is the rest of my lifetime.
  • Sad
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About 20 years ago my daughter was doing a stock take at Coles (disposable nappies) and came across an open packet with a dirty nappy in it and several nappies missing.
  • Wow
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