Keep the fire alive! Expert tips for seniors to maintain a sizzling bedroom life

A sensational life between the sheets isn't just for the young - seniors can have a steamy love life, too! At the Seniors Discount Club, we believe life's greatest pleasures can and should be enjoyed well into our golden years. In our two-and-a-half years of existence, we’ve published a lot of content on a range of topics, but one topic that we have barely broached is the sex life of older Australians, and through research conducted online by our team, we’ve found that we are indeed not alone. There are very few websites out there that talk about sex when you’re over sixty, and we want to break that stigma.

Keep the fire alive. Image source: Shutterstock.

Now, we know talking about sex isn’t for everyone. So, if this type of content just isn’t for you, in every newsletter, if we write about expert tips and tricks to help seniors keep their love lives sizzling, we will, of course, give a warning so you don’t click and read an article if it’s not in line with your values! So take this as your final warning, members. If you don’t want to read about sex, I recommend reading some other content we’ve produced this week. There’s a bunch of fascinating lifestyle content out at the moment, so why don’t you head over to our lifestyle forum here?

Now, let’s dive into it, shall we? Rediscovering intimacy is essential for maintaining happiness and connection between two people. So, it's no wonder that a whopping 76% of adults aged 65 to 80 consider romantic relationships and sex an essential part of their lives, according to the National Poll on Healthy Ageing.

Please note, members: The above national poll is actually an American one because, funnily enough, we couldn’t find ANY up-to-date surveys on the sex life of Australians over sixty… The most updated content on sex in your senior years was an article about ‘Getting on and still getting it on: a guide to older singles, dating and sex’ by The Sydney Morning Herald in 2015. So I guess, all the more reason I should be writing this.

I know you folks will agree that with age comes wisdom, and seniors boast a wealth of experience to draw on in their everyday lives, but perhaps, their bedroom lives are a little less golden and maybe a little more olden than they’d like them to be. So below, I’m going to explore some essential factors in maintaining a healthy, exciting sex life into your 60s, 70s and beyond.

Embracing physical changes and overcoming challenges

Our bodies naturally undergo various changes as we age, and our health is likely to encounter a few bumps along the road. However, it's crucial to remember that many physical issues can be managed or even conquered to ensure satisfying intimate relationships.

For both men and women, a decline in hormone levels, reduced stamina, and other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease can impact their intimate lives. But fear not! By staying in regular communication with your doctor, getting recommendations for medication or supplements, and following a healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet and exercise, you can work to overcome these challenges.

For men, supplements like vitamin D, red ginseng, l-arginine, and l-carnitine are great natural supplements for erectile dysfunction symptoms. However, as with everything, we recommend talking to a doctor before stocking up.

As for women, there are so many different kinds of lubricants on the market to help with the hormonal changes you have experienced and the difficulty that comes with natural lubrication. It’s best to avoid all the fancy lubricants (unless they are what you prefer!) and stick to more organic, natural lubricants. You can find these at Chemist Warehouse and even Coles for under $15.

It’s true, couples that communicate can conquer (the bedroom)

An open, honest, and playful approach to communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Discuss your concerns, anxieties, desires, and boundaries with your sexual partner, making sure to listen with understanding and without judgement.

Sex doesn’t have to be serious. You can laugh together and make communication an ongoing, enjoyable aspect of your relationship. After all, it’s one of the most natural things humans are made to do, and just because you’re a little older doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy reaching the finish line (if you know what I mean).

Spice it up: Variety is the spice of life

We've all heard the saying, 'familiarity breeds contempt,' and the same can be true for the bedroom! Keep things fresh by changing your routine, trying new sexual positions or locations, experimenting with role-playing, or exploring other forms of physical touch and pleasure.

There is so much information out there about the best sexual positions for someone who is ageing, so don’t be afraid to do some research, and if this article goes well, and you’d like to hear more, I will write a lot more about what the experts recommend when it comes to well, positioning yourself, and making sure no-one gets injured.

Safety first

Now, as I said above that there is very little content out there that speaks about the sex life of Australians over sixty, the exception to that is a recently published study that revealed cases of chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis are increasing among older women in Australia at a faster rate than among younger women. According to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, ‘The issues are that many older women don’t see themselves at risk of STIs… They also probably missed out on the safer sex messages of the ‘80s and ‘90s because they might have been in long-term relationships at the time.’

Sex may be wonderful for your health, but ensuring the well-being of yourself and your partner is at the heart of a truly fulfilling intimacy. Be sure to always practise safe sex, use protection, engage in regular check-ups, and of course, stay honest with your partner and your doctor. I promise condoms have come a long way, and there are surprisingly some fun ones out there, members.

One thing I loved when reading through the Jean Hailes for Women’s Health website when they were discussing the increase in STIs in older women, was this:

‘Instead of moving into an asexual [the experience of no sexual feelings or desires] old age – as society has always assumed older people would do – these women have carried the sexual freedom from their youth into middle and older age.’

‘When you add divorce, death of a partner, online dating as well as erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra into the mix, today’s older women find themselves living in an entirely new sexual landscape to that of their mothers or grandmothers.’

So, folks, there’s no doubt times have changed. If you aren’t having monogamous sex with a single partner and instead are engaging in a more casual sex setting, it is crucial to practice safe sex.

Our golden years should be a time to cherish and enjoy all aspects of life, including the bond that comes with a passionate and intimate connection. So, members, keep that fire burning - you've earned it!

If you enjoyed or strongly disliked reading this article, I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below. Perhaps there’s a reason this topic isn’t written about often; we were just hoping we could break the stigma.

If we do get some positive feedback, then keep your eyes peeled as we dive into more in-depth discussions of these tips because there is so much more we could all learn about maintaining a sizzling and satisfying relationship well into our senior years!

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A sensational life between the sheets isn't just for the young - seniors can have a steamy love life, too! At the Seniors Discount Club, we believe life's greatest pleasures can and should be enjoyed well into our golden years. In our two-and-a-half years of existence, we’ve published a lot of content on a range of topics, but one topic that we have barely broached is the sex life of older Australians, and through research conducted online by our team, we’ve found that we are indeed not alone. There are very few websites out there that talk about sex when you’re over sixty, and we want to break that stigma.

View attachment 18903
Keep the fire alive. Image source: Shutterstock.

Now, we know talking about sex isn’t for everyone. So, if this type of content just isn’t for you, in every newsletter, if we write about expert tips and tricks to help seniors keep their love lives sizzling, we will, of course, give a warning so you don’t click and read an article if it’s not in line with your values! So take this as your final warning, members. If you don’t want to read about sex, I recommend reading some other content we’ve produced this week. There’s a bunch of fascinating lifestyle content out at the moment, so why don’t you head over to our lifestyle forum here?

Now, let’s dive into it, shall we? Rediscovering intimacy is essential for maintaining happiness and connection between two people. So, it's no wonder that a whopping 76% of adults aged 65 to 80 consider romantic relationships and sex an essential part of their lives, according to the National Poll on Healthy Ageing.

Please note, members: The above national poll is actually an American one because, funnily enough, we couldn’t find ANY up-to-date surveys on the sex life of Australians over sixty… The most updated content on sex in your senior years was an article about ‘Getting on and still getting it on: a guide to older singles, dating and sex’ by The Sydney Morning Herald in 2015. So I guess, all the more reason I should be writing this.

I know you folks will agree that with age comes wisdom, and seniors boast a wealth of experience to draw on in their everyday lives, but perhaps, their bedroom lives are a little less golden and maybe a little more olden than they’d like them to be. So below, I’m going to explore some essential factors in maintaining a healthy, exciting sex life into your 60s, 70s and beyond.

Embracing physical changes and overcoming challenges

Our bodies naturally undergo various changes as we age, and our health is likely to encounter a few bumps along the road. However, it's crucial to remember that many physical issues can be managed or even conquered to ensure satisfying intimate relationships.

For both men and women, a decline in hormone levels, reduced stamina, and other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease can impact their intimate lives. But fear not! By staying in regular communication with your doctor, getting recommendations for medication or supplements, and following a healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet and exercise, you can work to overcome these challenges.

For men, supplements like vitamin D, red ginseng, l-arginine, and l-carnitine are great natural supplements for erectile dysfunction symptoms. However, as with everything, we recommend talking to a doctor before stocking up.

As for women, there are so many different kinds of lubricants on the market to help with the hormonal changes you have experienced and the difficulty that comes with natural lubrication. It’s best to avoid all the fancy lubricants (unless they are what you prefer!) and stick to more organic, natural lubricants. You can find these at Chemist Warehouse and even Coles for under $15.

It’s true, couples that communicate can conquer (the bedroom)

An open, honest, and playful approach to communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Discuss your concerns, anxieties, desires, and boundaries with your sexual partner, making sure to listen with understanding and without judgement.

Sex doesn’t have to be serious. You can laugh together and make communication an ongoing, enjoyable aspect of your relationship. After all, it’s one of the most natural things humans are made to do, and just because you’re a little older doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy reaching the finish line (if you know what I mean).

Spice it up: Variety is the spice of life

We've all heard the saying, 'familiarity breeds contempt,' and the same can be true for the bedroom! Keep things fresh by changing your routine, trying new sexual positions or locations, experimenting with role-playing, or exploring other forms of physical touch and pleasure.

There is so much information out there about the best sexual positions for someone who is ageing, so don’t be afraid to do some research, and if this article goes well, and you’d like to hear more, I will write a lot more about what the experts recommend when it comes to well, positioning yourself, and making sure no-one gets injured.

Safety first

Now, as I said above that there is very little content out there that speaks about the sex life of Australians over sixty, the exception to that is a recently published study that revealed cases of chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis are increasing among older women in Australia at a faster rate than among younger women. According to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, ‘The issues are that many older women don’t see themselves at risk of STIs… They also probably missed out on the safer sex messages of the ‘80s and ‘90s because they might have been in long-term relationships at the time.’

Sex may be wonderful for your health, but ensuring the well-being of yourself and your partner is at the heart of a truly fulfilling intimacy. Be sure to always practise safe sex, use protection, engage in regular check-ups, and of course, stay honest with your partner and your doctor. I promise condoms have come a long way, and there are surprisingly some fun ones out there, members.

One thing I loved when reading through the Jean Hailes for Women’s Health website when they were discussing the increase in STIs in older women, was this:

‘Instead of moving into an asexual [the experience of no sexual feelings or desires] old age – as society has always assumed older people would do – these women have carried the sexual freedom from their youth into middle and older age.’

‘When you add divorce, death of a partner, online dating as well as erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra into the mix, today’s older women find themselves living in an entirely new sexual landscape to that of their mothers or grandmothers.’

So, folks, there’s no doubt times have changed. If you aren’t having monogamous sex with a single partner and instead are engaging in a more casual sex setting, it is crucial to practice safe sex.

Our golden years should be a time to cherish and enjoy all aspects of life, including the bond that comes with a passionate and intimate connection. So, members, keep that fire burning - you've earned it!

If you enjoyed or strongly disliked reading this article, I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below. Perhaps there’s a reason this topic isn’t written about often; we were just hoping we could break the stigma.

If we do get some positive feedback, then keep your eyes peeled as we dive into more in-depth discussions of these tips because there is so much more we could all learn about maintaining a sizzling and satisfying relationship well into our senior years!

A sensational life between the sheets isn't just for the young - seniors can have a steamy love life, too! At the Seniors Discount Club, we believe life's greatest pleasures can and should be enjoyed well into our golden years. In our two-and-a-half years of existence, we’ve published a lot of content on a range of topics, but one topic that we have barely broached is the sex life of older Australians, and through research conducted online by our team, we’ve found that we are indeed not alone. There are very few websites out there that talk about sex when you’re over sixty, and we want to break that stigma.

View attachment 18903
Keep the fire alive. Image source: Shutterstock.

Now, we know talking about sex isn’t for everyone. So, if this type of content just isn’t for you, in every newsletter, if we write about expert tips and tricks to help seniors keep their love lives sizzling, we will, of course, give a warning so you don’t click and read an article if it’s not in line with your values! So take this as your final warning, members. If you don’t want to read about sex, I recommend reading some other content we’ve produced this week. There’s a bunch of fascinating lifestyle content out at the moment, so why don’t you head over to our lifestyle forum here?

Now, let’s dive into it, shall we? Rediscovering intimacy is essential for maintaining happiness and connection between two people. So, it's no wonder that a whopping 76% of adults aged 65 to 80 consider romantic relationships and sex an essential part of their lives, according to the National Poll on Healthy Ageing.

Please note, members: The above national poll is actually an American one because, funnily enough, we couldn’t find ANY up-to-date surveys on the sex life of Australians over sixty… The most updated content on sex in your senior years was an article about ‘Getting on and still getting it on: a guide to older singles, dating and sex’ by The Sydney Morning Herald in 2015. So I guess, all the more reason I should be writing this.

I know you folks will agree that with age comes wisdom, and seniors boast a wealth of experience to draw on in their everyday lives, but perhaps, their bedroom lives are a little less golden and maybe a little more olden than they’d like them to be. So below, I’m going to explore some essential factors in maintaining a healthy, exciting sex life into your 60s, 70s and beyond.

Embracing physical changes and overcoming challenges

Our bodies naturally undergo various changes as we age, and our health is likely to encounter a few bumps along the road. However, it's crucial to remember that many physical issues can be managed or even conquered to ensure satisfying intimate relationships.

For both men and women, a decline in hormone levels, reduced stamina, and other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease can impact their intimate lives. But fear not! By staying in regular communication with your doctor, getting recommendations for medication or supplements, and following a healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet and exercise, you can work to overcome these challenges.

For men, supplements like vitamin D, red ginseng, l-arginine, and l-carnitine are great natural supplements for erectile dysfunction symptoms. However, as with everything, we recommend talking to a doctor before stocking up.

As for women, there are so many different kinds of lubricants on the market to help with the hormonal changes you have experienced and the difficulty that comes with natural lubrication. It’s best to avoid all the fancy lubricants (unless they are what you prefer!) and stick to more organic, natural lubricants. You can find these at Chemist Warehouse and even Coles for under $15.

It’s true, couples that communicate can conquer (the bedroom)

An open, honest, and playful approach to communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Discuss your concerns, anxieties, desires, and boundaries with your sexual partner, making sure to listen with understanding and without judgement.

Sex doesn’t have to be serious. You can laugh together and make communication an ongoing, enjoyable aspect of your relationship. After all, it’s one of the most natural things humans are made to do, and just because you’re a little older doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy reaching the finish line (if you know what I mean).

Spice it up: Variety is the spice of life

We've all heard the saying, 'familiarity breeds contempt,' and the same can be true for the bedroom! Keep things fresh by changing your routine, trying new sexual positions or locations, experimenting with role-playing, or exploring other forms of physical touch and pleasure.

There is so much information out there about the best sexual positions for someone who is ageing, so don’t be afraid to do some research, and if this article goes well, and you’d like to hear more, I will write a lot more about what the experts recommend when it comes to well, positioning yourself, and making sure no-one gets injured.

Safety first

Now, as I said above that there is very little content out there that speaks about the sex life of Australians over sixty, the exception to that is a recently published study that revealed cases of chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis are increasing among older women in Australia at a faster rate than among younger women. According to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, ‘The issues are that many older women don’t see themselves at risk of STIs… They also probably missed out on the safer sex messages of the ‘80s and ‘90s because they might have been in long-term relationships at the time.’

Sex may be wonderful for your health, but ensuring the well-being of yourself and your partner is at the heart of a truly fulfilling intimacy. Be sure to always practise safe sex, use protection, engage in regular check-ups, and of course, stay honest with your partner and your doctor. I promise condoms have come a long way, and there are surprisingly some fun ones out there, members.

One thing I loved when reading through the Jean Hailes for Women’s Health website when they were discussing the increase in STIs in older women, was this:

‘Instead of moving into an asexual [the experience of no sexual feelings or desires] old age – as society has always assumed older people would do – these women have carried the sexual freedom from their youth into middle and older age.’

‘When you add divorce, death of a partner, online dating as well as erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra into the mix, today’s older women find themselves living in an entirely new sexual landscape to that of their mothers or grandmothers.’

So, folks, there’s no doubt times have changed. If you aren’t having monogamous sex with a single partner and instead are engaging in a more casual sex setting, it is crucial to practice safe sex.

Our golden years should be a time to cherish and enjoy all aspects of life, including the bond that comes with a passionate and intimate connection. So, members, keep that fire burning - you've earned it!

If you enjoyed or strongly disliked reading this article, I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below. Perhaps there’s a reason this topic isn’t written about often; we were just hoping we could break the stigma.

If we do get some positive feedback, then keep your eyes peeled as we dive into more in-depth discussions of these tips because there is so much more we could all learn about maintaining a sizzling and satisfying relationship well into our senior years!

An important subject. We have found communication and understanding each others wants to be the key. Plus plenty of activity!
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Reactions: Suzanne rose
I recall standing outside of my partners flat and kicking the door as both hands were holding a carboard box with a happy birthday written on it and big ribbon tied around it.

"SURPRISE!" I said "come inside" she said. "Open it now Open it now, I replied pull the ribbon cord," she did then opened it, looked inside and put two hands to her face and said wow is that for me? "I said said "yes Darling "I made it especially for you" and she then quickly ushered me inside and I gave it to her... (sigh) Them's were the days..
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Reactions: Suzanne rose
Sadly, after hubby had radiotherapy & brachytherapy for prostate cancer things went downhill from there. Added to that a catheter in hospital that was pulled out (ouch) by a trainee nurse without deflating it has damaged the nerves at the end of his penis. He doesn't get the brain signals for sex anymore and it has to be me asking to even make him aware that we should try other things. Viagra doesn't help at all and any suggestions would be welcome.
I'm so sorry with what hubby has and is going through.

You know you don't have to have sex to be intimate .
Set the mood , have a hot shower keep just the towel around you, I'm talking for both of you. Then heat oil in the microwave, have it pretty hot
Try listening to great music, have soft lightening even candles in your bedroom and be prepared to give each other a massage . Say it's you giving it first get him to lay on his stomach and drip the hot oil over him and softly massage , his back , his shoulders and his legs , softly going in between his legs. Use your finger nails go lightly over his body.

I'm sure you know the rest .

Don't be afraid to use toys including a vibrator.

Even if he can't get an errection you can still get him to come. And using toys he can also help you reach orgasim.

I can't believe I'm telling you all this.

Importantly keep showing each other attention Including hugs ect
A great topic and a good start to the subject.
I would like explicit information regarding reaching a climax in older age. Please not just the usual reasons such as diet, nutrition, weight, communication and medications, - but what actually triggers a climax for older women? (and younger)??.
You need to relax your mind while doing it and don't worry about your partner .
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Reactions: Ezzy
People have mentioned massage oil a few times in this conversation. I have found this makes a mess on the sheets and doesn't really washout. Probably stains the mattress or mattress protector as well. So, I find baby powder works just as well, I like the smell and it leaves you and the bed smelling great, with sheets that are easily washed.
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Yes, please include further articles in the future. Most members here have already said what l would have said. We are both in our 70's but still enjoy the occasion whenever possible. As one member said, 'take all night to do what we used to do all night'.

One member commented on having what younger people enjoy. In my younger days, for some males l knew this wasn't for love & to them was just another 'conquer' as they termed this beautiful moment we enjoy.
People have mentioned massage oil a few times in this conversation. I have found this makes a mess on the sheets and doesn't really washout. Probably stains the mattress or mattress protector as well. So, I find baby powder works just as well, I like the smell and it leaves you and the bed smelling great, with sheets that are easily

People have mentioned massage oil a few times in this conversation. I have found this makes a mess on the sheets and doesn't really washout. Probably stains the mattress or mattress protector as well. So, I find baby powder works just as well, I like the smell and it leaves you and the bed smelling great, with sheets that are easily washed.
Baby powder !!! You will suffercate.

I use olive oil as this geats up good and I have never had stains even when I dropped the dish
I spent most of my time on this planet on my own raising a total of 4 kids after two divorces. The first was after 11 years of marriage when I was 34 and the second after 2 years when I was 46. I was too badly damaged emotionally after the second divorce that any thoughts of finding a man never went beyond a thought for the next 24 years.

When I turned 70 I decided that if I would ever have a man in my life again, I would have to give it a try. Like everybody else does, I went online to a dating site for seniors and within a couple of weeks I found my soulmate. That was six years ago in January 2017.

We don't live together as I need to sell my house first, but we spend almost all of our time together and we have a fantastic sex life.

We was worth the long wait!
A great article, hope to read more in the future. I haven’t been in a relationship for a long while, but still a great article.
I have not had sexual for some years now I have been hurt too many times and I just do not trust women add to it the current pronoun woke attitudes I ask why I should I bother. I have had accusations by older women that it is always about sex and I have not even brought it up. I was a very dedicated sexual partner with the women in my life , only been married once with three lovely children but have been divorced for many years, I think that too many women these days want to be men rather than the beautiful females they are meant to be . Please do not use my name .
I would love nothing more than to have a sexual partner but I have tried a few sites and have been ripped off financially and emotionally.

Yes I would like more info.
Thanks for caring about my emotional health withinfo about sex.
Hang in there mate, I'm sure there is someone out there for you. Good luck.
I don't do it anymore, but I used to delight in sitting on market day with other friend zoned males and going THERE'S ONE! and pointing in delight to see yet another guy in mismatched multicolored clothing arm in arm with a gorgeous woman.

We'd average about 7 on a busy market day, in Byron Bay especially. What we'd look for was either a guy looking sheepishly sideways or one chest out STIDING stating that he doesn't care what she's made him wear.

And that he will gladly, and with pride wear whatever insane combination his new girlfriend has chosen for him.

We all collectively agreed it must also be a "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO" statement between women.

Like saying something "like this one is mine!" ha ha ha..
I have not had sexual for some years now I have been hurt too many times and I just do not trust women add to it the current pronoun woke attitudes I ask why I should I bother. I have had accusations by older women that it is always about sex and I have not even brought it up. I was a very dedicated sexual partner with the women in my life , only been married once with three lovely children but have been divorced for many years, I think that too many women these days want to be men rather than the beautiful females they are meant to be . Please do not use my name .
I would love nothing more than to have a sexual partner but I have tried a few sites and have been ripped off financially and emotionally.

Yes I would like more info.
Thanks for caring about my emotional health withinfo about sex.
well said, so true
I have not had sexual for some years now I have been hurt too many times and I just do not trust women add to it the current pronoun woke attitudes I ask why I should I bother. I have had accusations by older women that it is always about sex and I have not even brought it up. I was a very dedicated sexual partner with the women in my life , only been married once with three lovely children but have been divorced for many years, I think that too many women these days want to be men rather than the beautiful females they are meant to be . Please do not use my name .
I would love nothing more than to have a sexual partner but I have tried a few sites and have been ripped off financially and emotionally.

Yes I would like more info.
Thanks for caring about my emotional health withinfo about sex.
Well put my friend.
There are women and there are women. Some are down to earth others are outright against anything and everything.
I am lucky that I am still married with my wife after many decades and although she is not very well at all health wise we are still together.

Remember... For Better For Worse, For Richer For Poorer, In Sicknes And In Health.........???

I do strongly believe in that....

As for the writer, you can continue on as it is a very interesting topic.
I miss intimacy. My beautiful man passed away almost 3 years ago. He had health issues before that. The hugs, kisses and most of all the laughter sustained me through some dark experiences.
I'd love to have fire and excitement in my life again.
I see from the comments that others feel the same but are wary. That has been the response from a couple of guys I reached out to.
The world feels greyer than it needs to be.
I am sad to hear that but keep your chin up, don't despair they say.......there is always serenity after a storm.
Open these links as it might help:

I feel for you mate. Yes, there are a LOT of very very strong minded and quite abrupt women out there now. this is absolutely true.

Many appear to have turned out HARD like this through media manipulation, or by making VERY BAD life choices and taking home utterly disrespectful males in nice shiny cars and ended up having their babies and a terrible life that followed for years, until it all unwound. So, nobody can blame them, it's just life... it is what it is.

However, there are many, very gentle minded autonomous, life loving quietly spoken women, in life as well, most appear to be women of the land, who have not been programmed for years by sit coms and by friends caught up in emotional life dramas.

Mind you the vast majority do appear to be spoken for, especially at our age.

The view from the shoreline Brother, is that for a great many of us, that ship has sailed.

I was at a laundry two days ago, and had a five-minute conversation, with an attractive looking Pilipino in her late forties while folding my washing. She snappily asked, like she was conducting a survey. Are you Married? Do you have a nice car? Do you own your own Home? How much money do you have in the bank?

I said "Oh your English isn't very good. What you meant to say was. What part of Australia do you come from? what's your favorite thing to do? have you ever travelled? What do you know of my country things like that." I left.

Ha ha ha money is like Viagra to so many women these days. The World could end tomorrow and it's not where your hearts at, but how much money do we have, for so many women these days, most certainly does appear to be the central focus.

I figure all we have to do, is keep on being who we are, loving life and being the best person, we can be, and if that's not enough to attract interest. Then it's best to have no interest in any person, that have no attraction to our true person hey mate, as after all isn't this the entire point?

I absolutely love women for their quirky nature, their life zest, their often-unfathomable rationale and a zillion other things that appeal.

But best we learn to appreciate them from a distance and live a happy life, till the bell rings is the consensus for BOTH genders. Evidently the word gender is now offensive, and it is being removed from schools, the worlds not what it was. It is what it is.

HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people are now resigned to just living life autonomously... it's not so bad mate.

Life is rich with things we can love and appreciate...
Great article and would be great to have a thread on this and for those that don't like the topic they can stay clear.

My hubby and I had an amazing love life and I have to say it got better with age.

Our 40s and 50s were the best . I wished I knew in my 20s what I did in my 40s .

We had intimate sex, afternoon delight sex and spontaneous sex.

Tried every position possible and the most important thing it wasn't just sex but making love.
I think it went to another level when our kids grew up and were not home as much.

Sadly over the last 3 years our sex life has gone down due mainly to my illness.

A book I read back to front years ago was Sutra karmen and this taught me alot .

I also talked to hubby to see what he liked and visa versa.

He loved spontaneous eg when he would be in the shower and I would join him , not planned.

I would play games . I remember one time we were at the movies and I told him to look in his jacket pocket... he found my panties 😏 it was things like this that kept fire going .
Love it. Excellent post and thanks for sharing.

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News, deals, games, and bargains for Aussies over 60. From everyday expenses like groceries and eating out, to electronics, fashion and travel, the club is all about helping you make your money go further.

Seniors Discount Club

The SDC searches for the best deals, discounts, and bargains for Aussies over 60. From everyday expenses like groceries and eating out, to electronics, fashion and travel, the club is all about helping you make your money go further.
  1. New members
  2. Jokes & fun
  3. Photography
  4. Nostalgia / Yesterday's Australia
  5. Food and Lifestyle
  6. Money Saving Hacks
  7. Offtopic / Everything else
  • We believe that retirement should be a time to relax and enjoy life, not worry about money. That's why we're here to help our members make the most of their retirement years. If you're over 60 and looking for ways to save money, connect with others, and have a laugh, we’d love to have you aboard.
  • Advertise with us

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