Is this boy the reincarnation of a dead woman? The internet is freaking out!

We here at the Seniors Discount Club love a good mystery, don't you? There's nothing we enjoy more than hearing about a case that has people scratching their heads, trying to make sense of it all.

And we've all heard stories about people who claim to have lived a previous life, but this tale from America takes the cake as one of the most bizarre and hard-to-believe ones we've ever come across.

The story goes that five-year-old Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio, started insisting to his mum, from the age of two, that he used to be a woman named Pam.

In a previous interview, Luke’s mum, Erika, said that his comments became more bizarre as the boy grew older.

Luke insists that he used to live as a woman named Pam. Credit: YouTube

‘I was like “Who is Pam?”’ Erika recalled in the interview. ‘And then [Luke] turned to me and said '’Well I used to be. But I died and I went up to heaven and I saw God, and eventually, God pushed me back down.”’ Luke also told his mum that when he woke up, he was a baby named Luke.

When pressed for more information about who this Pam person might be, the young boy claimed that Pam had died in a fire in Chicago in 1993 after jumping out of a window – even though he had never been there!

Not only that, but upon further investigation by Erika, she discovered there really was a fire and people actually did die in it. They also found out that Pamela Robinson - the woman's name - perfectly matched Luke's description of her; right down to her African-American ethnicity.

Now we're getting seriously spooked... especially because Luke also pointed out exactly where Pam died in the blaze when shown photographs from the incident.

To add to the creepy factor, when Luke’s parents decided to put him to the test, they showed Luke photos of different women. They were astounded when he correctly identified Pamela Robinson as Pam!

Erika said that Luke told them he didn’t recognise anyone else, but ‘remembers when the photo was taken’, as he points to the image. How eerie is that?

Luke’s story went viral after a psychic medium posted his story on TikTok. You can view that here:

We think it’s safe to say that everyone on the internet is spooked after hearing Luke’s story. One user commented on the TikTok: ‘A lot of the stories actually have loads of proof that the parents didn’t make things up...journal entries, emails sent out asking questions.’

Luke’s story was also the subject of a YouTube video (which you can watch below). People shared their own experiences in the comments section, detailing similar events that happened to them or their families and friends in the past.

Key Takeaways

  • A five-year-old boy named Luke Ruehlman who insisted to his mum that he had lived a past life as a woman called Pam has left viewers spooked with his story.
  • Luke's mother, Erika, said his comments became increasingly peculiar as he grew older, including claims that he had died in a fire in Chicago - a city he had never been to.
  • Deciding to put Luke to the test, his parents showed him photos of a number of different women and were astounded when he picked out the correct photo of Pam.
We love bizarre tales every now and then, but even this is too scary to think about! What about you, dear members? Were you also creeped out by Luke’s story? Do you have similar eerie stories you want to share? Write them in the comments below!
I have often had a sense of not being alone in the house I now live in. My grandson, daughter and son in law have also seen, felt another presence, mainly down the back of the house. The sightings are mostly females and descriptions match my mum, and different grandmothers, including my great great great grandmother who was full blood aboriginal. My husband does not believe in any of this but did confess to feeling my brothers presence at my parents house, as we drove past after his funeral. He was killed in a car accident. My mum always said his spirit was in that house, and when my parents moved she said his spirit moved with them. Before my mum passed away she told my sister to look for a sign in the garden that she would send to tell us she was ok. We were all surprised to see her favourite gladioli plant flowering shortly after her death, completely out of season, and it was the only one flowering. Other members of my family have also experienced things that are similar to the above.
I study the Bible deeply, and there is no scripture in it that backs up after life. But the Bible in Genesis says that we die and we go back to the dust. It says the same in Ecclesiastes and also that there is no knowledge, no wisdom, no work, nothing, in the grave, where we are going.
Jesus compared death with sleep. When Lazarus died and was dead for 4 days, his sisters Mary and Marta were crying and Jesus said to them to stop because he was asleep (but he was dead for 4 days) he said he would bring Lazarus back and they said that by that time he would start smelling. But Jesus knew he could bring him to life and he did it. Is there any mention that Lazarus had been to heaven or anywhere else but the tomb?? Not at all.
Satan and his demons can pass themselves by dead people and they try to make people think that, that is true. But it’s a lie.
When someone die they are in God’s memory until the day they will be resurrected to life again according with The book of John 5:28, 29 and the book of Acts 24:15 😊🙏🏼

Demons are fallen angels, as Revelation 12:9 indicates: “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” Satan’s fall from heaven is symbolically described in Isaiah 14:12–15 and Ezekiel 28:12–15. When he fell, Satan took some of the angels with him—one third of them, according to Revelation 12:4. Jude 6 also mentions angels who sinned. So, biblically, demons are fallen angels who, along with Satan, chose to rebel against God.

Some of the demons are already locked “in darkness, bound with everlasting chains” (Jude 1:6) for their sin. Others are free to roam and are referred to as “the powers of this dark world and . . . the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” in Ephesians 6:12 (cf. Colossians 2:15). The demons still follow Satan as their leader and do battle with the holy angels in an attempt to thwart God’s plan and hinder God’s people (Daniel 10:13).

Demons, as spirit beings, have the ability to take possession of a physical body. Demonic possession occurs when a person’s body is completely controlled by a demon. This cannot happen to a child of God, since the Holy Spirit resides in the heart of the believer in Christ (1 John 4:4).

Jesus, during His earthly ministry, encountered many demons. Of course, none of them were a match for the power of Christ: “Many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word” (Matthew 8:16). Jesus’ authority over the demons was one of the proofs that He was indeed the Son of God (Luke 11:20). The demons who encountered Jesus knew who He was, and they feared Him: “‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ [the demons] shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’” (Matthew 8:29). The demons know their end will be one of torment.

Satan and his demons now look to destroy the work of God and deceive anyone they can (1 Peter 5:8; 2 Corinthians 11:14–15). The demons are described as evil spirits (Matthew 10:1), unclean spirits (Mark 1:27), lying spirits (1 Kings 22:23), and angels of Satan (Revelation 12:9). Satan and his demons deceive the world (2 Corinthians 4:4), promulgate false doctrine (1 Timothy 4:1), attack Christians (2 Corinthians 12:7; 1 Peter 5:8), and combat the holy angels (Revelation 12:4–9).

I believe these demons take advantage of our weakness , at our low times in life. They try to tempt us and our one power is through Jesus only
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I have often had a sense of not being alone in the house I now live in. My grandson, daughter and son in law have also seen, felt another presence, mainly down the back of the house. The sightings are mostly females and descriptions match my mum, and different grandmothers, including my great great great grandmother who was full blood aboriginal. My husband does not believe in any of this but did confess to feeling my brothers presence at my parents house, as we drove past after his funeral. He was killed in a car accident. My mum always said his spirit was in that house, and when my parents moved she said his spirit moved with them. Before my mum passed away she told my sister to look for a sign in the garden that she would send to tell us she was ok. We were all surprised to see her favourite gladioli plant flowering shortly after her death, completely out of season, and it was the only one flowering. Other members of my family have also experienced things that are similar to the above.
If you ever feel afraid read out loud anything from psalms in the bible it's full of praise for God. If you don't have a bible read from online.
We here at the Seniors Discount Club love a good mystery, don't you? There's nothing we enjoy more than hearing about a case that has people scratching their heads, trying to make sense of it all.

And we've all heard stories about people who claim to have lived a previous life, but this tale from America takes the cake as one of the most bizarre and hard-to-believe ones we've ever come across.

The story goes that five-year-old Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio, started insisting to his mum, from the age of two, that he used to be a woman named Pam.

In a previous interview, Luke’s mum, Erika, said that his comments became more bizarre as the boy grew older.

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Luke insists that he used to live as a woman named Pam. Credit: YouTube

‘I was like “Who is Pam?”’ Erika recalled in the interview. ‘And then [Luke] turned to me and said '’Well I used to be. But I died and I went up to heaven and I saw God, and eventually, God pushed me back down.”’ Luke also told his mum that when he woke up, he was a baby named Luke.

When pressed for more information about who this Pam person might be, the young boy claimed that Pam had died in a fire in Chicago in 1993 after jumping out of a window – even though he had never been there!

Not only that, but upon further investigation by Erika, she discovered there really was a fire and people actually did die in it. They also found out that Pamela Robinson - the woman's name - perfectly matched Luke's description of her; right down to her African-American ethnicity.

Now we're getting seriously spooked... especially because Luke also pointed out exactly where Pam died in the blaze when shown photographs from the incident.

To add to the creepy factor, when Luke’s parents decided to put him to the test, they showed Luke photos of different women. They were astounded when he correctly identified Pamela Robinson as Pam!

Erika said that Luke told them he didn’t recognise anyone else, but ‘remembers when the photo was taken’, as he points to the image. How eerie is that?

Luke’s story went viral after a psychic medium posted his story on TikTok. You can view that here:

We think it’s safe to say that everyone on the internet is spooked after hearing Luke’s story. One user commented on the TikTok: ‘A lot of the stories actually have loads of proof that the parents didn’t make things up...journal entries, emails sent out asking questions.’

Luke’s story was also the subject of a YouTube video (which you can watch below). People shared their own experiences in the comments section, detailing similar events that happened to them or their families and friends in the past.

Key Takeaways

  • A five-year-old boy named Luke Ruehlman who insisted to his mum that he had lived a past life as a woman called Pam has left viewers spooked with his story.
  • Luke's mother, Erika, said his comments became increasingly peculiar as he grew older, including claims that he had died in a fire in Chicago - a city he had never been to.
  • Deciding to put Luke to the test, his parents showed him photos of a number of different women and were astounded when he picked out the correct photo of Pam.
We love bizarre tales every now and then, but even this is too scary to think about! What about you, dear members? Were you also creeped out by Luke’s story? Do you have similar eerie stories you want to share? Write them in the comments below!

I think it i fascinating, & very possible, true.
In July 1997, I had a miscarriage I haemorrhage badly and was rushed to St George Hospital.

Before rushing me to surgery I had kept passing out and it was during this time I could hear my grandmother telling me to hold on and stay awake , she passed away 6 years before in December 1991. She ended up shouting at me to keep me awake. I asked my husband if he could hear her , he said no. I then told him I loved him and was guessing I was going to pass away.

During surgery I dreamt of my husbands mother whom I've never met , she was telling me to give her the baby that it wasn't my time and I needed to go back to look after all my other children.

I woke in in ICU on life support, my husband was telling me to wake up, the nurse told him that I couldnt hear him. It was this that made me wake up.

After they removed the life support and other tubes. I told my husband about my dream.
He started crying then told me that
I had an anaphylactic reaction to the anaesthetic and died three times , 7 minutes 11 minutes and 9 minutes. And that I had been in a coma
After they took me to a ward and the Anesthesist came to talk to me she said she had a battle to bring me back.
They then removed the rest of the tube including one that was stitched to my chest that went into the main heart arterie.

I can't explain what happened to me but it seemed like a near death experience.

I didn't see myself float or go to a bright light I did however stand in a very bright room that was relaxing and peaceful and I didn't want to come back it was when she told me I needed to go back to my children that I heard my husbands voice and woke up
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I study the Bible deeply, and there is no scripture in it that backs up after life. But the Bible in Genesis says that we die and we go back to the dust. It says the same in Ecclesiastes and also that there is no knowledge, no wisdom, no work, nothing, in the grave, where we are going.
Jesus compared death with sleep. When Lazarus died and was dead for 4 days, his sisters Mary and Marta were crying and Jesus said to them to stop because he was asleep (but he was dead for 4 days) he said he would bring Lazarus back and they said that by that time he would start smelling. But Jesus knew he could bring him to life and he did it. Is there any mention that Lazarus had been to heaven or anywhere else but the tomb?? Not at all.
Satan and his demons can pass themselves by dead people and they try to make people think that, that is true. But it’s a lie.
When someone die they are in God’s memory until the day they will be resurrected to life again according with The book of John 5:28, 29 and the book of Acts 24:15 😊🙏🏼
Agree with it all , the devil will try to convince people it is their loved ones , just as there is a God there are demons.

Jesus did many miracles and bringing Lazarus back was one of those. He was friends with Lazarus and his sisters abd it took him 3 days to get back to them when he heard what happened
That’s why I said that the sisters said he had been dead for 4 days when Jesus got to the place he was buried. I didn’t say anything wron, did I ?.
I honour your commitment to our Lord and Saviour. For political and perhaps other reasons back in the day of Constantinople's rule all mention of reincarnation was removed from the Bible. As Jesus said, it is beyond our understanding, except for the very flawed human reasons for editing the Bible. Pray about it and remember, Judge not, lest ye be judged.
I judge no one. Who am I to do so??? What did I say that seems that I’m judging? Only one judges: God!!!
There is nothing in the Bible that backs up reincarnation!! Actually reincarnation is a non Christian belief. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I should have articulated my thoughts more appropriately, no offense intended. I was pre-empting what can sometimes be an adverse reaction to contrary religious views. That's why they say never talk about religion or politics. I seem to always forget that. Must be Martin Luther's influence.
I am not religious, never have been. I don’t read the bible. I never feel afraid when I sense I am not alone in my house, even when no one else is home. Whatever presence is in my home has always been a friendly, calm presence. My son in law used to be very scared whenever he encountered our ghosts as we call them, but once he got used to them appearing he was fine with it. My daughter loves that we have these visitors in our home, my grandson is a bit wary but he is not afraid of them.
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I am fascinated by the experiences stated here by readers. Certainly chilling in every respect & believable. Thankyou to those folk who shared with us.
I believe in what l have read in The Bible & have done numerous Correspondence Course in different books of The Bible, influenced by my then Envoy in the Salvos.

I have had experiences but nothing to equal those spoken of already.
When a gent l had been gardening for died l knew the exact moment he passed.
Another occassion was when a friend in the Salvos who l had become close to died while in a Hospice. I had a very brief vision of him in his Salvo uniform smiling, woke & looked at the bedside clock. I later learnt that the time was the exact moment he died. I feel privileged to think that he chose me to appear to at that time.
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That’s why I said that the sisters said he had been dead for 4 days when Jesus got to the place he was buried. I didn’t say anything wron, did I ?.
You didn't say anything wrong . Only what you said that everything has an explanation, that's not always true
I put God first before anything and try to live an honest life but their are so many things that I ve seen or experienced that have no explanation and some I know go against bible teachings
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You didn't say anything wrong . Only what you said that everything has an explanation, that's not always true
I put God first before anything and try to live an honest life but their are so many things that I ve seen or experienced that have no explanation and some I know go against bible teachings
For me, the Bible is God’s Word so, it’s Sacred. I believe anything and everything in it and follow it to the best of my ability, every day. God is the focus in my life. He created humans so he knows what’s best for us.
I respect each individual’s choices, likes and dislikes and whatever their believes are. As I said before, I judge no one 😊
Have a lovely day 👍🏼👍🏼
Agree with it all , the devil will try to convince people it is their loved ones , just as there is a God there are demons.

Jesus did many miracles and bringing Lazarus back was one of those. He was friends with Lazarus and his sisters abd it took him 3 days to get back to them when he heard what happened
@Groovy, @Rainy, and @Suzanne rose: thank you for your commitment to the Holy Scriptures, and for your testimony regarding matters of the faith. I commend you for it, especially in the light of what the great apostle Paul refers to as ‘the last days’ in which we find ourselves. I applaud you shining a light, for anyone to see, on Christianity and the devil’s lies, this last in opposition to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Such preparedness to be open about matters of and in the face of ‘contention’ is rare these days, and is a breath of fresh air. My own beliefs, such as they are, confessing my lack of knowledge and understanding, include an unswerving belief in every word of the Scriptures, being divinely inspired and Truth, in a day when lies and deception are rife. My thinking is that Scripture is often self-explanatory to a point, but thankful for those well-versed scholars and men of God who are able to, and have, been forthcoming in their opening up of deeper meaning in their ministry. I thank God for them. Further, when there are (many) things that I don’t understand, I take comfort in the fact that I am given understanding in what I need to know; other than that, I probably don’t need to know. Creation has been referred to in earlier comments in this thread and I remain steadfast in my belief that there is only life on Earth (as told in Genesis 1) and this was always God’s plan, to have people made in His image here on Earth to worship and honour Him. This actually is our true purpose, to serve Him, not to please ourselves how we live or treat our environment. We are destroying our home, that has been entrusted to us to care for. May you be blessed!
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@Groovy, @Rainy, and @Suzanne rose: thank you for your commitment to the Holy Scriptures, and for your testimony regarding matters of the faith. I commend you for it, especially in the light of what the great apostle Paul refers to as ‘the last days’ in which we find ourselves. I applaud you shining a light, for anyone to see, on Christianity and the devil’s lies, this last in opposition to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Such preparedness to be open about matters of and in the face of ‘contention’ is rare these days, and is a breath of fresh air. My own beliefs, such as they are, confessing my lack of knowledge and understanding, include an unswerving belief in every word of the Scriptures, being divinely inspired and Truth, in a day when lies and deception are rife. My thinking is that Scripture is often self-explanatory to a point, but thankful for those well-versed scholars and men of God who are able to, and have, been forthcoming in their opening up of deeper meaning in their ministry. I thank God for them. Further, when there are (many) things that I don’t understand, I take comfort in the fact that I am given understanding in what I need to know; other than that, I probably don’t need to know. Creation has been referred to in earlier comments in this thread and I remain steadfast in my belief that there is only life on Earth (as told in Genesis 1) and this was always God’s plan, to have people made in His image here on Earth to worship and honour Him. This actually is our true purpose, to serve Him, not to please ourselves how we live or treat our environment. We are destroying our home, that has been entrusted to us to care for. May you be blessed!
Thank you!! Are you part of the family of Isaiah 43:10?? 😊
@Groovy, @Rainy, and @Suzanne rose: thank you for your commitment to the Holy Scriptures, and for your testimony regarding matters of the faith. I commend you for it, especially in the light of what the great apostle Paul refers to as ‘the last days’ in which we find ourselves. I applaud you shining a light, for anyone to see, on Christianity and the devil’s lies, this last in opposition to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Such preparedness to be open about matters of and in the face of ‘contention’ is rare these days, and is a breath of fresh air. My own beliefs, such as they are, confessing my lack of knowledge and understanding, include an unswerving belief in every word of the Scriptures, being divinely inspired and Truth, in a day when lies and deception are rife. My thinking is that Scripture is often self-explanatory to a point, but thankful for those well-versed scholars and men of God who are able to, and have, been forthcoming in their opening up of deeper meaning in their ministry. I thank God for them. Further, when there are (many) things that I don’t understand, I take comfort in the fact that I am given understanding in what I need to know; other than that, I probably don’t need to know. Creation has been referred to in earlier comments in this thread and I remain steadfast in my belief that there is only life on Earth (as told in Genesis 1) and this was always God’s plan, to have people made in His image here on Earth to worship and honour Him. This actually is our true purpose, to serve Him, not to please ourselves how we live or treat our environment. We are destroying our home, that has been entrusted to us to care for. May you be blessed!
I've done alot of bible study with many religions, 5 years JW , 3 years with latter day saints , 3 years pentecostal and 8 years The church for every body .
I'm thinking your either a JW or latter day saints
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I've done alot if bible study with many religions, 5 years JW , 3 years with latter day saints , 3 years pentecostal and 8 years The church for every body .
I'm thinking your either a JW or latter day saints
Yes, I am a Jehovah’s Witness since 1976 😊 So, were you ever baptised as a JW or just studied the Bible with us? Don’t have to answer if you don’t want too. Just curious.
Yes, I am a Jehovah’s Witness since 1976 😊 So, were you ever baptised as a JW or just studied the Bible with us? Don’t have to answer if you don’t want too. Just curious.
I studied the whole red book and loved alot of their books , Questions young people ask ect.
My husband and I was seriously thinking of being baptised , then one day the couple we were studying with said ok you now have to be baptised to be saved and you should be ready after all the studies. I don't do ultimatums.
I no longer believe in man made religions, I read the bible and I'm in an online study group
Church is when 3 or more gather in his name.

Witnessing is sharing Gods word with others.

What I don't like with many many churches are that they believe they are the right one and all other churches are wrong.

I get all my info straight from the bible and through Pray 🙏
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I studied the whole red book and loved alot of their books , Questions young people ask ect.
My husband and I was seriously thinking of being baptised , then one day the couple we were studying with said ok you now have to be baptised to be saved and you should be ready after all the studies. I don't do ultimatums.
I no longer believe in man made religions, I read the bible and I'm in an online study group
Church is when 3 or more gather in his name.

Witnessing is sharing Gods word with others.

What I don't like with many many churches are that they believe they are the right one and all other churches are wrong.

I get all my info straight from the bible and through Pray 🙏
Fair enough, we all have a free will of choice!! I believe that knowing what God requires of us and analysing how religions act upon it, will tell which one is the True. After all Jesus said “ your word is the truth”.
I studied the whole red book and loved alot of their books , Questions young people ask ect.
My husband and I was seriously thinking of being baptised , then one day the couple we were studying with said ok you now have to be baptised to be saved and you should be ready after all the studies. I don't do ultimatums.
I no longer believe in man made religions, I read the bible and I'm in an online study group
Church is when 3 or more gather in his name.

Witnessing is sharing Gods word with others.

What I don't like with many many churches are that they believe they are the right one and all other churches are wrong.

I get all my info straight from the bible and through Pray 🙏

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