Hello everyone,
Happy to be here and curious (a little bit) as to where this is going to steer me as it's exciting (at my age) to venture into interesting conversations or topical discussions and much more into discovery or a step into infinity might feel like....well, smiling at this stage oh, ouch??
Hi Kev hear i am 73 and a part time school bus driver which i love doing also a big follower of Collingwood and the West tigers, also like the suduko on the seniors site al for noe kev
Hi everyone,
Dan at Rockhampton, retired amd about to do more travelling and use seniors discounts where ever.
Hello thank you for the invitation to come aboard and meeting you all. 8m new at this so I hope I respond in the right place.My name is Christine.Im looking forward to meeting you.
Thank you for letting me join hi I’m Danise
Thank you for joining us Danise! Welcome to the SDC community! Do you have any hobbies or interests that you're keen on exploring here? Whether it's cooking, gardening, or perhaps even photography, there's a spot for everyone. Feel free to jump into any conversation or start your own thread - we're all here to support and engage with each other. Looking forward to seeing you around in the forum! Take care and stay safe always! Cheers!
Hi everyone, My name is Carol. I lost my beloved soul-mate of 36 and 1/2 years, 3 years ago this June, & I'm still unable to accept or process that he's gone, but I have my faith & that brings me comfort. I have 2 kidlings & 5 grandkidlings, all of whom I love dearly. I love watching them all grow up & I love spoiling them rotten!! I also have a lovely puppy, Bella, who's 5 and 1/2 years old & is a Staffie cross Bull Arab & weighs around 35 kilos. She loves people, but when she barks to say hello, she's very intimidating & so people keep their distance. This works well when door to door sales people are roaming the streets & knocking at my door!! Each day it's Bella who keeps me going, as I know I have to look after her & give her the best life possible. She sticks to me like glue, & on more than one occasion she has managed to unceremoniously kick me out of bed when she stretches out fully!! Bella is a gentle giant without a mean bone in her body. I love all the puzzles & information in your newsletters, & I look forward to being involved with the SDC. Many blessings.....
Hi Carol! Welcome to the SDC community! Lovely for you to join us here! I am very sorry to hear about your husband, I can just imagine what adjustments you had to make when you were with someone as long as you did. Nevertheless, I'm glad to know you have family around! Oh, we would love to see photos of Bella please! I know exactly what you're talking about when you said gentle giant! Aren't the bigger dogs always the sweetest? Looking forward to seeing you around in the forums! Take care and stay safe always! Cheers!
Answer to the riddle is Television
HI @bibzy ! Welcome to the SDC community! Pleasure to have you on board! I sincerely apologise I missed your answer to last Wednesday's riddle! You were right, though! The correct answer is television! We're glad to know you're participating! You may check out our Jokes and fun forum for more trivia questions and riddles. Please feel free to join our different forums and join in the conversations, too. Take care and stay safe always! Cheers!
HI I'm a new member, msheff. I enjoy the company of 2 little Bichon puppies & love taking them for walks. I also enjoy gardening .
Welcome to the SDC community @msheff ! Thank you for joining us! Oh, you may want to start by checking out our gardening forum through this link here. Please feel free to share your own tips and tricks and pick out some from our other members, too. See you around in the forums! Take care and stay safe always! Cheers!
Hi everyone, I'm Michael from the Gold Coast, recently retired. Hope you are all well.
Thank you for joining us Michael! It's absolutely lovely to have you join our community. I hope you find this place as welcoming and fun as we aim to make it. Is there anything specific you're interested in exploring here? Whether it be hobbies, deals, or just having a bit of a chat, we've got a little something for everyone. Feel free to share a bit about yourself. Do you have any hobbies or interests? Looking forward to seeing you around in the forums! Take care and stay safe always! Cheers!
Hello everyone,
Happy to be here and curious (a little bit) as to where this is going to steer me as it's exciting (at my age) to venture into interesting conversations or topical discussions and much more into discovery or a step into infinity might feel like....well, smiling at this stage oh, ouch??
Welcome to the SDC community @Free Spirit 4ever ! It's lovely to have you join us. 😊 I'm sure you'll find tons of interesting information and lots of friendly, like-minded people here who are also excited to say hello. Since you're just getting started, is there anything particular you're interested in exploring? Perhaps hobbies, travel tips, or maybe photography? Looking forward to seeing you around in the forums! Take care and stay safe always! Cheers!
well this is all new to me.so all help is appreciated. in limbo with work. not sure as to what the next step is.
Good to be a part of this forum. Look forward to lots of fun.
Welcome to the SDC community @Ray Jupp ! Have you had a chance to explore the forums yet? There's plenty to dive into. If you’re keen on sharing your experiences or picking up some new ones, we’ve got a bunch of interesting subforums and threads. What are some of your hobbies or interests? Maybe I could guide you to something specific that catches your fancy. Looking forward to seeing you around in the forums! Take care and stay safe always! Cheers!

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News, deals, games, and bargains for Aussies over 60. From everyday expenses like groceries and eating out, to electronics, fashion and travel, the club is all about helping you make your money go further.

Seniors Discount Club

The SDC searches for the best deals, discounts, and bargains for Aussies over 60. From everyday expenses like groceries and eating out, to electronics, fashion and travel, the club is all about helping you make your money go further.
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