I am sorry this has this effect on you!
You have every right to be proud of your grandfather as I am of mine & my son for their defence of good against evil!
No institution is perfect & certainly none of ours, they are run by flawed people - humans!
We do the best we can with what we have & hopefully our policy makers do a much better job of not just honouring our fallen & our veterans in a public celebration, but putting their money where their mouths are & making our veterans now & in the future number one priority! We have a long way to go to looking after our veterans & their families in the manner they deserve!

I know what it’s like as the mother of a soldier to have the anxiety that’s for sure! All I wanted was for him to come back safe to those who loved him & I am so blessed that he did! One of my sons was living in London when the bombs were put on trains etc in terrorist attacks, his train he used daily was the first to get bombed & I did not know if he was dead or alive until he could ring me at 3am here to say he was okay! I know what anxiety for your loved ones is & if I didn’t have my faith, I would be a mess!
You have my empathy!