Yes, when I was young, I had a mantra that I would only need to chant out loud and warmth, comfort, food, understanding, entertainment, care, concern and compassion almost instantly appeared.
Try walking around chanting Muuum muuum muuum these days though, and all you'd get is strange looks from people...
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Yes, when I was young, I had a mantra that I would only need to chant out loud and warmth, comfort, food, understanding, entertainment, care, concern and compassion almost instantly appeared.
Try walking around chanting Muuum muuum muuum these days though, and all you'd get is strange looks from people...
Especially on buses and trains :LOL:
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Sit down ... if you can ... and look at the problem or at what is causing you to get all uptight and stressfull. Then ask yourself,


If the answer is no then just ignore it because it is someone else's problem. Life is to short to be upset about someone else's worries.
Sit down ... if you can ... and look at the problem or at what is causing you to get all uptight and stressfull. Then ask yourself,


If the answer is no then just ignore it because it is someone else's problem. Life is to short to be upset about someone else's worries.
Thanks for sharing your tips how to deal with stress.
I should do it more often as I tend to stress up when something goes wrong.
I am really lucky because I can often remember my dreams and I often get dreams that clearly relate to things in my life. I was feeling stressed because a partner at the time had told me she was going to visit her girlfriend in another town for a couple of days, however I had talked in town with her friend, the day after ... yada yada yada...

I had an uncomfortable evening processing that and upon waking my brain told me a joke as it often does ... "WHAT DID ONE PHOTON SAY TO THE OTHER PHOTON? there was a pause and then the joke continued.... TELL ME.. WHAT IS THE MATTER?

I awoke laughing and while walking and thinking about it, I considered it only matters if it matters. I went home and packed, and after a cup of tea with her when she returned, I left her with the beachside shack to go be with someone else as this was her second two day stay over in a month.

Stress comes from all sorts of areas. That joke woke me up to whether or not her disloyalty to me was worth continuously forgiving and know it wasn't.
I am really lucky because I can often remember my dreams and I often get dreams that clearly relate to things in my life. I was feeling stressed because a partner at the time had told me she was going to visit her girlfriend in another town for a couple of days, however I had talked in town with her friend, the day after ... yada yada yada...

I had an uncomfortable evening processing that and upon waking my brain told me a joke as it often does ... "WHAT DID ONE PHOTON SAY TO THE OTHER PHOTON? there was a pause and then the joke continued.... TELL ME.. WHAT IS THE MATTER?

I awoke laughing and while walking and thinking about it, I considered it only matters if it matters. I went home and packed, and after a cup of tea with her when she returned, I left her with the beachside shack to go be with someone else as this was her second two day stay over in a month.

Stress comes from all sorts of areas. That joke woke me up to whether or not her disloyalty to me was worth continuously forgiving and know it wasn't.
Thanks for sharing the cause of your stress and how you reacted or dealt with it.
You were cool,calm when facing this kind of situation,I must say.
I agree that revenge or punishment was not a wise choice as the relationship couldn’t getting better after that.
At least you had found a manageable solution for both and avoid catastrophic consequences later.
Depending on the type of stress I deal with stress by going to my room and watching a movie.
When I was normal and at work I dealt with stress differently I always had the attitude " things could be worst " or it was ment to be , eg if I missed the train or it was cancelled I would look at it like it may have saved me from something disastrous. I hate being late
I am really lucky because I can often remember my dreams and I often get dreams that clearly relate to things in my life. I was feeling stressed because a partner at the time had told me she was going to visit her girlfriend in another town for a couple of days, however I had talked in town with her friend, the day after ... yada yada yada...

I had an uncomfortable evening processing that and upon waking my brain told me a joke as it often does ... "WHAT DID ONE PHOTON SAY TO THE OTHER PHOTON? there was a pause and then the joke continued.... TELL ME.. WHAT IS THE MATTER?

I awoke laughing and while walking and thinking about it, I considered it only matters if it matters. I went home and packed, and after a cup of tea with her when she returned, I left her with the beachside shack to go be with someone else as this was her second two day stay over in a month.

Stress comes from all sorts of areas. That joke woke me up to whether or not her disloyalty to me was worth continuously forgiving and know it wasn't.
I hope you found the right person.
Its funny, I've done nearly all of these tried and trusted ways to relax/destress. They all work at sometime or another.
Some times just doing absolutely nothing also helps me ie: just sitting in a bright room looking out the window and looking at what's there? sometimes I just need to let my brain go blank for little while.
I know what depression is and its not nice. To lay in bed for days on end, Frustrating your partner because they dont know what to do, Finally being able to get up but not go outside for weeks, then realising that isn't you and you need to get your ass up and about, so you get the courage up to at least go out to the letterbox to check the mail, be out doors again and then finally realise that you do need help.
I went up to Sutherland Hospital, the schyce ward, they have a program for anyone suffering from depression.
Its a cognitive course.
It doesn't get this bad anymore, thank god, if someone is really bad you just need to be there for them.
You can tell someone they are depressed any number of times, but, until they realise they are in a depressed state then they will seek help and talk.
Definition of depression:
(Someone once told me your brain is like a 6 cylinder car engine, but only running on 4 cylinders.)
Its harder on the family and friends as they can't really help except to be there for you.
Thats it. Ive ranted enough. but it is an illness, it can be managed but just not cured.
Backstory is important when sharing. I had a time when after a heart area operation, where for quite a few months, I had multiple heart spasms. There were three types. Every moment tiny micro spasms, ripple spasms that would make me shudder and hiccup spasms which would drop me.

Sadness, Misery was a constant experience. No sneezing, no coughing, no emotion, no sudden movements, no lifting anything even slightly heavy like a half full kettle. Anything seemed to kick it off even talking and it lasted 24/7 for days sometimes.

I was in a lot of stress and lived alone.

I needed an answer. I found that if I were to crunch and rattle crystals together in my lightly enclosed hands, when stress peaked and sadness overshadowed, that doing this would divert my attention into the sound and the sensation, being created within my palms. Then when it felt right, I would drop them into a bowl of water and put my elbows to fingertips in there too and stress I discovered all dissipated very quickly.

I am a highly research minded person as I have been a Martial artist since 1970 and have written about the human body as an energy pattern since about 1973.

I figure this works as a way to remove stress, because the human body is a frequency and the sound created is a different frequency, being generated right on top of a meridian or activation point in our palms that we have as a way for releasing stress. Our attention to the sound and where it is being activated, must do it.

I have also done this with stones found on the ground and they definitely work as well. Crystals do work better they must be washed afterwards, however.

I found the need to apply this trick of mine YESTERDAY when I discovered my vehicle may require between 3-4 thousand dollars in repairs. The tummy churned, as reality set in that this most certainly is a big potentially non-achievable ask due to other bills.

It took about five minutes once again, for all feelings of stress, to dissipate completely. I have used this method often and I have shared it often over the years, including on this forum. When you're in need of INSTANT stress relief, it works a treat. I can confirm this as being (for me) and many others, an absolute fact, do try it if ever in need.

Another effective method is to sit back flat against a tree (this works for children too) as it is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE to remain depressed, anxious, angry, etc when sitting back rested flat against a tree for ten minutes, as the tree is grounded to Earth.

This is my input on the topic hey guys.
I sometimes get heart pain and take a dissolved aspirin to thin my blood and magnesium for my heart muscle. I'm working on clearing my arteries with vitamin B3.
I agree that grounding is very calming.
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Hi everyone I will tell you about my stress. I had a meltdown on Thursday the 10th of May. I need to talk to my counsellor on video. I basically became so stressed about my 26year old son living with me.
Any time I discussed the payment of board, he would shut me down, by back chatting. How would I ever be able to discuss with my Son that he is causing me stress. I couldn't stand the back chat anymore, the guilt trip. the door slamming, the financail abuse. I'm on a disability pension, which should only be for me. I had a facetime with a dear friend, I was a mess. My son heard this conversion, & started moving some of his stuff out. I'm glad he heard my conversation, I was hurting, now he was hurting, good he may beginto understand his Mum's stress. He endered up with my older sister. I love my son, I don't want him to live with me anymore. STRESS FREE. My son had no respect for me. He learnt that from my ex husband. I came out of Domestic Violence, which also is very stressful. I love being an empty nester, I have happiness back. Stress affects your voice, uncertainty. I had afternoon tea with my friends, one of my dear friends, was proud of me, she could pick up the change in my voice. You are in charge of you, no other person. You are a unique beatiful soul. Now I have happiness again.
Hi everyone I will tell you about my stress. I had a meltdown on Thursday the 10th of May. I need to talk to my counsellor on video. I basically became so stressed about my 26year old son living with me.
Any time I discussed the payment of board, he would shut me down, by back chatting. How would I ever be able to discuss with my Son that he is causing me stress. I couldn't stand the back chat anymore, the guilt trip. the door slamming, the financail abuse. I'm on a disability pension, which should only be for me. I had a facetime with a dear friend, I was a mess. My son heard this conversion, & started moving some of his stuff out. I'm glad he heard my conversation, I was hurting, now he was hurting, good he may beginto understand his Mum's stress. He endered up with my older sister. I love my son, I don't want him to live with me anymore. STRESS FREE. My son had no respect for me. He learnt that from my ex husband. I came out of Domestic Violence, which also is very stressful. I love being an empty nester, I have happiness back. Stress affects your voice, uncertainty. I had afternoon tea with my friends, one of my dear friends, was proud of me, she could pick up the change in my voice. You are in charge of you, no other person. You are a unique beatiful soul. Now I have happiness again.
I am glad you have found freedom at long last. If you have never creatively expressed yourself, I suggest it is a great time right now to start. Creativity is a great de-stressor, as it is the left-brain analytic mind that becomes overwhelmed.

And activating the right brain by going to a sculpture class, an Art class, a free-movement class, or learn to sing, if you're feeling chatty, are all excellent ways to activate the right brain to draw or release stress out of you.

I personally am highly creative, and so I am NEVER bored.
How do you cope with stress?

Hey members! :)

How have you all been? It's me again, hopping on here to ignite another conversation I know will be worth your while. Let's take a moment to talk about something we can all relate to: STRESS

Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, and it's during those moments that stress tends to sneak in and make itself at home. I'll be honest with you, even minor inconveniences can easily get under my skin and stress me out. That's why I'm reaching out to you, my wonderful friends, for some valuable insights. How do you cope with stress? I invite you to share your tried and tested methods, secret stress-busting strategies, and all the tips and tricks that help you find your calm amidst the chaos.

As for me, I find solace in going out and enjoying the weekends, allowing myself to unwind and release the accumulated stress from the weekdays. Now I'm curious, how about you? What are your techniques for keeping your cool when things get overwhelming? Let's create a sanctuary of support and understanding where we can learn from each other and conquer stress one step at a time.

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Credits: Unsplash

Hi, It seems, something that has been around in my life forever, and I have been ignoring all that time; .... Meditation .... , is turning out to be, a good practising for me, awesome !
Thanks for that but Know I NEVER DID...
Not so Bad Jarred I had a much better run than most including being employed for a time as a maintenance carpenter on a tourist island197 staff and only 32 were males.
And yep, I will be going back up on stage again when the times right, hey man, so it could all still work out ha ha ha.
Sorry to be late with this added reply to my tomorrow’s comments about memories from youth, but i also remember shivering while trying to dress quickly in winter, and, when I eventually had a small bicycle, having to wear gloves to prevent painful frostbite.
I also remember with disgust the cruel practice of strapping boys (never girls) for minor "offences " such as talking or laughing in class. If any teacher did this to my child today, I would come in to smash their face.
Also remember being forced to play a sport which one hated, such as football.
It's wonderful to have you back, and I appreciate you initiating this conversation about stress. Stress is a prevalent issue that can impact us all at different times in our lives. Coping with stress is crucial, and each person often discovers their own unique methods for finding tranquility amid the challenges.

Speaking from my own experience, I found riviamind to be a valuable resource in overcoming depression and severe apathy. Riviamind is an innovative mental health platform that provides a range of tools and techniques to support individuals in their journey towards better mental well-being. It offers personalized guidance and evidence-based interventions to address various mental health concerns.
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I am glad you have found freedom at long last. If you have never creatively expressed yourself, I suggest it is a great time right now to start. Creativity is a great de-stressor, as it is the left-brain analytic mind that becomes overwhelmed.

And activating the right brain by going to a sculpture class, an Art class, a free-movement class, or learn to sing, if you're feeling chatty, are all excellent ways to activate the right brain to draw or release stress out of you.

I personally am highly creative, and so I am NEVER bored.
Hi Suzanne Rose,
I am a very creative soul. Art makes me feel normal. I love writing. It is a form of therapy. I have a unique skill that I can write as I am speaking. I wrote poems about 2 special dogs. Tippa my Alaskan Malamute, she was my teddy bear dog. The other dog Dodger was a jack russell that my sister had. I put myself in Dodgers paws, I became Dodger. That made the creative writing of the poem easier for me.
Now I have digital headphones I can hear the music at the correct volume. I don't cope with loud sounds. I love to twirl around. Therapy again, for my soul. Thanks Jenelle Maree

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