Hospitals on high alert as influenza cases continue to surge

As the winter cool comes in full swing, Australians are facing a health challenge that's all too familiar—the seasonal flu.

However, this year's influenza outbreak has been formidable.

Due to a significant surge in cases, hospitals have been on high alert.

It's a reminder that apart from COVID-19, other respiratory illnesses remain a potent threat to our well-being.

The spike in flu cases in Victoria has been alarming—a 28 per cent increase in cases was reported over the past fortnight.

New South Wales isn't faring much better—according to the NSW Health Respiratory Surveillance report, there has been a 33 per cent rise in severe influenza cases.

These numbers are not just statistics; they represent a growing pressure on our healthcare system and a risk to the vulnerable members of our community.

Hospitals have warned about the surge in influenza and other respiratory cases since last month. Image Credit: Shutterstock/doublelee

Epidemiologists like Professor Adrian Esterman attributed this uptick to several factors.

'Fewer and fewer people are protecting themselves with face masks and handwashing. Because of that, people are more exposed to the flu than this time last year,' Professor Esterman said.

'The second reason is there's been a bit of an early start to the flu season in the Northern Hemisphere. The current strain of influenza that's circulating now is identical to that in the Northern Hemisphere last winter,' he added.

With international travel also back in full swing, these flu strains eventually found their way Down Under.

Dr Max Mollenkopf's advice was straightforward.

'When you are sick, just stay at home. The office doesn't need you that badly. We can help everyone to stay well.'

He also emphasised the importance of vaccinations for both COVID and influenza.

Children, in particular, have been vectors for the spread of the flu.

'So many younger kids, they're eligible for free flu vaccines, and really they're the ones bringing it from daycare and school, and they're the ones spreading it throughout the community,' he added.

Victorian Chief Health Officer Clare Looker also urged residents to get their flu shots.

'The flu can be deadly—getting vaccinated is the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones,' she advised.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported 59 influenza deaths as of March 2024, with the highest numbers in NSW, Victoria, and Queensland.

These figures are a sombre reminder of the flu's potential impact.

To combat the increasing number of cases, the National Immunisation Program made influenza vaccinations free for those at higher risk.

This program caters to children from six months to under five years old, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, citizens aged 65 and over, and individuals with certain medical conditions.

These groups could experience severe complications from the flu, making vaccination a vital step in protecting them.

By taking preventive measures and looking out for each other, we can help ease the burden on our hospitals and safeguard the health of our communities.
Key Takeaways

  • Hospitals have reported a significant increase in influenza cases across Australia, with a 28 per cent rise in Victoria and a 33 per cent increase in NSW over the past weeks.
  • Hospitals have been on high alert, and experts strongly urged the public to get vaccinated against influenza.
  • Experts highlighted a decline in COVID-era protective practices, alongside increasing international travel as factors contributing to the surge.
  • Free influenza vaccinations are available under the National Immunisation Program for groups considered to be at higher risk.
Have you gotten your flu shot yet? How are you preparing for the flu season? Share your thoughts and any health tips with us in the comments below.
The first bit is easy to understand.
With the second, you surely have piqued my interest. The tattooist?? Shakespeare?
Really curious as to how that is linked to post comments.
An old rhyme about Rights of way at sea, extant perhaps amongst those who used to go down to the sea in ships that were more manoeuverable than supertankers such as the Torrey Canyon (I show my age, again!);
and probably still appropriate on the yacht-racing circuit where the reply to the frantic cry of, "Starboard!" may be met by the port-tacker's riposte of "Steel!" as the port-tack steel yacht tacks to lee- bow the oncoming fibre-glass yacht on the starboard tack. And if that interesting manoeuvre goes wrong, it is only the Right-of-Way starboard-tack yacht that gets sunk.

Or, in less colourful context, all to do with people's self-styled rights to inconvenience others.
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Or, in less colourful context, all to do with people's self-styled rights to inconvenience others.
Reading the more colourful context takes us back to an earlier time. Made me think about todays world. There are enough bigots around that give pause to the notion we have indeed become more civilised. Where facts and science based evidence can be Trumpatised into a rethink by others I would view as mugs accepting a simplistic solution to today's wrongs.

Me thinks media such as News Corp need to undo the damage done by themselves by actually doing journalism in a professional and investigative way. And they need to be upfront and transparent about it. To compel the trumpeters and all others to be accountable and not just offer up a crazy editors notion of balanced and lazy reporting. I say lazy reporting because if a News Corp journalist follows the Murdoch ideology, then he sits at his desk and writes up a preconceived story and presents it as fact. When it is simply ideology put to habitual readers.

As an aside, A previous editor (I have regard for) of The Washington Post, Marty Baron, remarked on a podcast that following a lunch meeting with then President Trump in 2017, Trump phoned him later to complain about an article and asked Baron to be kinder to him. Trump then said to him, 'I'm not a little boy you know'. A statement Baron found oddly childish.

As regards the lunch, Baron did not want to attend, but was convinced to by owner Jeff Bezos. At the lunch only Trump spoke, which was the usual thing for any lunch with Trump who continually elbow jabbed Baron (sitting on Trumps lhs) everytime Trump mentioned a Washington Post article that had had a crack at him.
It would be simple courtesy to wear masks when out in crowded areas, courtesy to those who are in various ways are vulnerable to influenza and Covid-19. However, don't expect simple courtesy from your fellow countryman, or countrywoman, as this is Australia, land of the rugged and free, or something.
Was it simple courtesy to be forced to wear a mask for nearly 3 years? If you are vulnerable to the flu and covid then be courteous and stay home.
Reading the more colourful context takes us back to an earlier time. Made me think about todays world. There are enough bigots around that give pause to the notion we have indeed become more civilised. Where facts and science based evidence can be Trumpatised into a rethink by others I would view as mugs accepting a simplistic solution to today's wrongs.

Me thinks media such as News Corp need to undo the damage done by themselves by actually doing journalism in a professional and investigative way. And they need to be upfront and transparent about it. To compel the trumpeters and all others to be accountable and not just offer up a crazy editors notion of balanced and lazy reporting. I say lazy reporting because if a News Corp journalist follows the Murdoch ideology, then he sits at his desk and writes up a preconceived story and presents it as fact. When it is simply ideology put to habitual readers.

As an aside, A previous editor (I have regard for) of The Washington Post, Marty Baron, remarked on a podcast that following a lunch meeting with then President Trump in 2017, Trump phoned him later to complain about an article and asked Baron to be kinder to him. Trump then said to him, 'I'm not a little boy you know'. A statement Baron found oddly childish.

As regards the lunch, Baron did not want to attend, but was convinced to by owner Jeff Bezos. At the lunch only Trump spoke, which was the usual thing for any lunch with Trump who continually elbow jabbed Baron (sitting on Trumps lhs) everytime Trump mentioned a Washington Post article that had had a crack at him.
"Me thinks media such as News Corp need to undo the damage done by themselves by actually doing journalism in a professional and investigative way." An interesting, and indeed novel, concept.
  • Haha
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Was it simple courtesy to be forced to wear a mask for nearly 3 years? If you are vulnerable to the flu and covid then be courteous and stay home.
indeed, if crook stay at home. I've been wearing masks in crowded places since Covid began. Oddly enough I caught Covid at home because my wife wouldn't wear masks in crowded places, hadn't kept up the vaccinations, came downstairs a couple of days after testing positive and coughed over my breakfast and I ,and kept coughing, and coughing.Alas just after a new mutant had got to OZ and my due vaccine booster wouldn't be at the chemist's shop until later in the week. After coughing up blood for Xmas day and a few days later I now run out of breath, painfully, after walking a couple of hundred metres. Gasping for air in public is not that much fun. It can be embarassing.

So be courteous to others when in crowded places such as shopping centres and just maybe you will also be saving a member of your family from a little bit of bother.
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indeed, if crook stay at home. I've been wearing masks in crowded places since Covid began. Oddly enough I caught Covid at home because my wife wouldn't wear masks in crowded places, hadn't kept up the vaccinations, came downstairs a couple of days after testing positive and coughed over my breakfast and I ,and kept coughing, and coughing.Alas just after a new mutant had got to OZ and my due vaccine booster wouldn't be at the chemist's shop until later in the week. After coughing up blood for Xmas day and a few days later I now run out of breath, painfully, after walking a couple of hundred metres. Gasping for air in public is not that much fun. It can be embarassing.

So be courteous to others when in crowded places such as shopping centres and just maybe you will also be saving a member of your family from a little bit of bother.
Poor wife, I hope you have forgiven her. Perhaps she just needed some breakfast.
indeed, if crook stay at home. I've been wearing masks in crowded places since Covid began. Oddly enough I caught Covid at home because my wife wouldn't wear masks in crowded places, hadn't kept up the vaccinations, came downstairs a couple of days after testing positive and coughed over my breakfast and I ,and kept coughing, and coughing.Alas just after a new mutant had got to OZ and my due vaccine booster wouldn't be at the chemist's shop until later in the week. After coughing up blood for Xmas day and a few days later I now run out of breath, painfully, after walking a couple of hundred metres. Gasping for air in public is not that much fun. It can be embarassing.

So be courteous to others when in crowded places such as shopping centres and just maybe you will also be saving a member of your family from a little bit of bother.
How about you be "courteous" and keep wearing your mask and leave others to do as they please. After all we are adults and the time for making people feel guilty is now well and truly over.
By the way.....go and educate yourself on the uselessness of masks. There are hundreds of journals that have proved this. Not even an N95 protects you.
How about you be "courteous" and keep wearing your mask and leave others to do as they please. After all we are adults and the time for making people feel guilty is now well and truly over.
By the way.....go and educate yourself on the uselessness of masks. There are hundreds of journals that have proved this. Not even an N95 protects you.
If N95 masks do not offer any protection why do surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses in operating theatres in most parts of the world that can afford to buy them wear face-masks when operating on a patient?

Because those masks PROTECT the patient. Got it? PROTECT THE PATIENT as coughs and sneezes spread diseases and a sneeze will carry covid-bearing droplets 26 feet from infected nose to future victim . Thus your wearing an N95 mask could well protect your future victim and thereby their family whose children then might not then carry Covid to their child-care centre/primary school/secondary school etc etc. A similar concept to that of Dr Semmelweis when it came to doctors refusing to wash their hands; he got locked up in a mental institution for embarrassing his peers.

Please cite some of those hundreds of journals you mention; presumably you have read them? Or at least their abstracts? Or perhaps even their titles and authorship only?

I appreciate Australia is a country of devil take the hindmost and people don't give a damn about their fellow Australian, but at the same time anyone carrying Covid-19 has a responsibility not to enable its spread. And the fact that my non-mask wearing wife caught the bug from some irresponsible non-mask wearing idiot wandering around the place when infected makes a certain point.

How about you be courteous and think of how your actions affect and infect others? A quaint notion, I agree.
If N95 masks do not offer any protection why do surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses in operating theatres in most parts of the world that can afford to buy them wear face-masks when operating on a patient?

Because those masks PROTECT the patient. Got it? PROTECT THE PATIENT as coughs and sneezes spread diseases and a sneeze will carry covid-bearing droplets 26 feet from infected nose to future victim . Thus your wearing an N95 mask could well protect your future victim and thereby their family whose children then might not then carry Covid to their child-care centre/primary school/secondary school etc etc. A similar concept to that of Dr Semmelweis when it came to doctors refusing to wash their hands; he got locked up in a mental institution for embarrassing his peers.

Please cite some of those hundreds of journals you mention; presumably you have read them? Or at least their abstracts? Or perhaps even their titles and authorship only?

I appreciate Australia is a country of devil take the hindmost and people don't give a damn about their fellow Australian, but at the same time anyone carrying Covid-19 has a responsibility not to enable its spread. And the fact that my non-mask wearing wife caught the bug from some irresponsible non-mask wearing idiot wandering around the place when infected makes a certain point.

How about you be courteous and think of how your actions affect and infect others? A quaint notion, I agree.
Since you are such an expert do your own research. Or don't you know how to use Google?
How about you be "courteous" and keep wearing your mask and leave others to do as they please. After all we are adults and the time for making people feel guilty is now well and truly over.
By the way.....go and educate yourself on the uselessness of masks. There are hundreds of journals that have proved this. Not even an N95 protects you.
"Others” will always do as they please - unfortunately. “Guilty” - most “others” do not suffer the condition of “guilt”, unfortunately, in my opinion! As someone who has several front line health care workers either living or regular visitors in my home, masks and observing strict hygiene practices when they all came down with the virus definitely saved the other two of us from getting the same. Given that one of us is reliant on having many medications actively working within their system consistently, any symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea would be very undesirable. Most people who attend sick people definitely get a bit upset when such flu symptoms are present and not reported prior to attendance, as they prefer to wear PPE such as masks so they can exercise best practice preventative measures to limit the risk of becoming ill themselves and inadvertently passing onto others, including the very frail and/or sick they seek to help - not only because it is definitely not pleasant to be unwell, but they are then not available to perhaps save a life or two.
Poor wife, I hope you have forgiven her. Perhaps she just needed some breakfast.

Since you are such an expert do your own research. Or don't you know how to use Google?
I ask you to cite some of those hundreds of journal papers, presuming that you have at least read their titles if not their abstracts. I might learn something. Over to you for Googling, you make the claim that hundreds of journals have said something and therefore over to you to cite a representative sample of those journals. It is how scientific debate operates. Some light reading about the efficacy of face masks below.

Reference : Renyi Zhang, Yixin Li, Annie L. Zhang, Yuan Wang, Mario J. Molina. Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020; 202009637 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2009637117
A University of Texas study has found that not wearing a face mask dramatically increases a person's chances of being infected by the COVID-19 virus. Face masks critical in preventing spread of COVID-19.

Reference: “Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission” by Yafang Cheng, Nan Ma, Christian Witt, Steffen Rapp, Philipp S. Wild, Meinrat O. Andreae, Ulrich Pöschl and Hang Su, 20 May 2021, Science.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abg6296
A Max Planck Institute of Chemistry, Mainz ,Germany, study (reference above) shows under which conditions and in which way masks actually reduce individual and population-average risks of being infected with COVID-19 and help mitigate the corona pandemic. In most environments and situations, even simple surgical masks effectively reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the effective reproduction number for COVID-19. In environments with potentially high airborne virus concentrations such as medical settings and densely occupied indoor spaces, however, masks with higher filtration efficiency (N95/FFP2) should be used and combined with other protective measures such as intensive ventilation.

Reference: “Filtration Performance of Layering Masks and Face Coverings and the Reusability of Cotton Masks after Repeated Washing and Drying” by Sumit Sankhyan, Karen N. Heinselman, Peter N. Ciesielski, Teresa Barnes, Michael E. Himmel, Hannah Teed, Sameer Patel and Marina E. Vance, 30 August 2021, Aerosol and Air Quality Research.
DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.210117
Additional authors on this publication include: Sumit Sankhyan, Sameer Patel and Hannah Teed of the University of Colorado Boulder; Karen N. Heinselman, Peter N. Ciesielski Teresa Barnes and Michael E. Himmel of the Renewable Resources and Enabling Sciences Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Summary: Any mask helps control spread of covid-19; some masks are better than others.
I appreciate Australia is a country of devil take the hindmost and people don't give a damn about their fellow Australian,
I know this is an important topic and I will have something to say about researching masks in the next post.

And there it is. Another eye-catching quote from the Pomgolian logic speaker. Colourful, etched language and yet cutting at the same time. I think there is truth to that suggestion of carelessness attitude in Australia as it applied to me in younger days. Not so totally now. And not accurate for all Australians, but it is still there around the traps, with some not recognising it.

You would notice it more than most Pomgolian traveller. But still he seeks a return trip from duties Royal. The colourful language is a delightful treat for some.
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Me. This is what I found when researching the effectiveness of masks. The first two dot points relate to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 3rd dot point is from the Cochrane Review and has a different finding from the CDC, but the British non profit finding was based on a existing randomised trials and noted they had uncertainty about the effects of face masks. Sounds a bit like having 2 bob each way to me.

The research. There is a significant body of scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of N95 masks in protecting against viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Here are some key findings:
It’s important to note that the effectiveness of masks can be influenced by a variety of factors, including proper fit and usage. Also, while masks can reduce the risk of transmission, they are not 100% effective and should be used in combination with other preventive measures, such as vaccination and social distancing.
Please consult with healthcare professionals for advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

Me. There are many countries that have similar health agencies to the USA's CDC. Australia's is the The Australian Government Department of Health. Here's what they had to say about the effectiveness of wearing an N95 mask.

The research. The Australian Government Department of Health provides guidance on the use of face masks and respirators in the context of COVID-19. Here are some key points from their guidance:
Please consult with healthcare professionals for advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

Me. Not a lot of negativity towards mask wearing.
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Me. This is what I found when researching the effectiveness of masks. The first two dot points relate to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 3rd dot point is from the Cochrane Review and has a different finding from the CDC, but the British non profit finding was based on a existing randomised trials and noted they had uncertainty about the effects of face masks. Sounds a bit like having 2 bob each way to me.

The research. There is a significant body of scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of N95 masks in protecting against viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Here are some key findings:
It’s important to note that the effectiveness of masks can be influenced by a variety of factors, including proper fit and usage. Also, while masks can reduce the risk of transmission, they are not 100% effective and should be used in combination with other preventive measures, such as vaccination and social distancing.
Please consult with healthcare professionals for advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

Me. There are many countries that have similar health agencies to the USA's CDC. Australia's is the The Australian Government Department of Health. Here's what they had to say about the effectiveness of wearing an N95 mask.

The research. The Australian Government Department of Health provides guidance on the use of face masks and respirators in the context of COVID-19. Here are some key points from their guidance:
Please consult with healthcare professionals for advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

Me. Not a lot of negativity towards mask wearing.
Thanks for your comments. For me the face mask issue is one of protecting others against coughs and sneezes; i.e. restricting the spread from oneself to others, and hopefully helping restricting intake from others to oneself. The latter depends no doubt on the type of face mask, how it is worn and maybe also if one has a beard or not.

The other issue we all face is that the symptoms of C-19 vary; from death and destruction of one's assorted bits and pieces to maybe a standard sort of self-limiting cold or even no obvious symptoms in small children to young teenagers ; in case of which the precautionary principle is most helpful. And then again, if both parents are working and one's children have to go to child-care/school as no one is at home, what then? That difficulty could be ameliorated if employers were to accept evidence of a positive C-19 test; how that is presented is yet another issue.

It strikes me that the early knee-jerk reactions preceded by Australia's previous Prime Minister's very slack reaction to news that C-19 virus had cut loose, and his subsequent premature announcement that the pandemic was "over" , helped little. Most States except NSW were managing to cope with the virus but the lack of coherent organisation and public education seems to have been a trifle woeful. And it also would appear that little has been learnt for the next viral pandemic. Better luck next time; we are the lucky country.!

"A team led by Cornell and Temple University scientists has now uncovered a pattern that appears in the canine coronavirus spike protein’s terminus – the portion of the virus that allows entrance into a host cell: The virus switches from infecting both the intestines and the respiratory system of the animal host to exclusively infecting the respiratory system of the human host.

The researchers identified a change in the terminus – known as the N terminus – a region of the molecule with alterations also detected in another coronavirus, which jumped from bats to humans, where it causes a common cold.

The paper, “Recent Zoonotic Spillover and Tropism Shift of a Canine Coronavirus is Associated with Relaxed Selection and Putative Loss of Function in NTD Subdomain of Spike Protein,” was published on April 21, 2022, in the MDPI journal Viruses."

Monkey flu, bird flu, dog flu............ho hum, the world-wide vaccine conspiracy never lessens. They'll want us to be vaccinated against smallpox next! Hasn't anyone realised that our SEA-SALT IS ALREADY FULL OF MICROCHIPS; they go with the MICROFICHES.
I ask you to cite some of those hundreds of journal papers, presuming that you have at least read their titles if not their abstracts. I might learn something. Over to you for Googling, you make the claim that hundreds of journals have said something and therefore over to you to cite a representative sample of those journals. It is how scientific debate operates. Some light reading about the efficacy of face masks below.

Reference : Renyi Zhang, Yixin Li, Annie L. Zhang, Yuan Wang, Mario J. Molina. Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020; 202009637 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2009637117
A University of Texas study has found that not wearing a face mask dramatically increases a person's chances of being infected by the COVID-19 virus. Face masks critical in preventing spread of COVID-19.

Reference: “Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission” by Yafang Cheng, Nan Ma, Christian Witt, Steffen Rapp, Philipp S. Wild, Meinrat O. Andreae, Ulrich Pöschl and Hang Su, 20 May 2021, Science.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abg6296
A Max Planck Institute of Chemistry, Mainz ,Germany, study (reference above) shows under which conditions and in which way masks actually reduce individual and population-average risks of being infected with COVID-19 and help mitigate the corona pandemic. In most environments and situations, even simple surgical masks effectively reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the effective reproduction number for COVID-19. In environments with potentially high airborne virus concentrations such as medical settings and densely occupied indoor spaces, however, masks with higher filtration efficiency (N95/FFP2) should be used and combined with other protective measures such as intensive ventilation.

Reference: “Filtration Performance of Layering Masks and Face Coverings and the Reusability of Cotton Masks after Repeated Washing and Drying” by Sumit Sankhyan, Karen N. Heinselman, Peter N. Ciesielski, Teresa Barnes, Michael E. Himmel, Hannah Teed, Sameer Patel and Marina E. Vance, 30 August 2021, Aerosol and Air Quality Research.
DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.210117
Additional authors on this publication include: Sumit Sankhyan, Sameer Patel and Hannah Teed of the University of Colorado Boulder; Karen N. Heinselman, Peter N. Ciesielski Teresa Barnes and Michael E. Himmel of the Renewable Resources and Enabling Sciences Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Summary: Any mask helps control spread of covid-19; some masks are better than others.
You need to stop pontificating. It doesn't make you any more intelligent.
You need to stop pontificating. It doesn't make you any more intelligent.
You boast that hundreds of scientific journals support your position. It is simple; cite a few, with brief summaries, so that others may learn.
You boast that hundreds of scientific journals support your position. It is simple; cite a few, with brief summaries, so that others may learn.

Struth, I'm in. I'll drop down a couple of shekels on this one. Bit easier than the asx atm I reckon.

'Pontificating, is it?' said Yoda,
'was that to be the spiritual forerunner of mansplaining'. Maybe it's more like a dog with a bone.
Who knows.

A challenge in response is it?
Oh, but where to find!
Dodge at all costs, cried Yoda, for the pounce is only imminent if accepted.

Shaddup Yoga and pass the funny looking mushrooms over here agin yah greedy little green, cane holding, thingy.
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I never did get to Glastonbury to eat magic mushrooms.........

"Dodge at all costs, cried Yoda, for the pounce is only imminent if accepted" . Clearly a hardened and embittered motorcyclist.
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