Simply being with people who I love and remembering those who have moved on to their next lifetime.. so for the latter i say a prayer and then light a T light with all the joy and love in my heart for them as those who are departed do think of us and our mutual love connectes us in our respective dimensions.
My beautiful and so wanted and dearly loved son died at birth. It was dreadful and everything happened so quickly but this tine i held my child in my arms. Later i was overwhelmed and so shocked at his service that a woman present started to shriek for her lost child . I didn't even know her but she was a friend of my in laws . Bedlam! I cant say the words i used when i asked my husband to stop and remove her before i would step in. Al this is the awful aspect of losing a child or a loved one.
Now the best part.
About 3 months after Anthony's passing, i started to have visions (not dreams) of him. He first presented as he was all wrapped up in the blanket when he was placed in my arms post birth/death. I was delighted and said when i saw him "hello darling"
Then the next time he showed himself in my vision he was first wrapped up as before. Then he was naked except for a nappy and he turned to look at me and he smiled.
Next visit he repeated the first two and then showed himself toddling along proudly looking at me. So i said to him, Anthony you are really growing into being a big strong boy. Huge love feelings between us both.
Then nothing for years until suddenly he popped in to say hi to me and there he was a young man aged 18 years old. He looked amazing and with such love for me it was just incredibly beautiful experiencing the joy he gave me and his delight in showing new how he has grown. Strangely enough i felt then that was his last visit until whenever again.
Such a huge privilage and joy was gifted to me and i do suspect with permission from Higher Beings to come and visit me. Im sure I'll see him again as he develops and mature in spirit world ( whatever dimension he is in)
So this week i lit another t light as it was the anniversary of his passing and i just poured out my gratitude and love to him for promising ne to carry him close to my heart from conception to today. I haven't seen him this time in vision so for all i know he may have incarnate ...? Doesnt matter i love him, I've have not been grief stricken other than at his passing and his funeral... and being so gifted with his visits I've experienced simply great joy and blessings
To those who are in mourning just know that everything is in Divine Order and all is well. You are loved by those who passed as much as you loved them but deep and extended morning serves no purpose. In fact all the weeping and wailing holds then back from moving on in their spiritual life and in fact is selfish as it's all about you and hire you feel and it can be very distressing for them as they do not want you see you being so unhappy and depending on the manner of their death they are receiving ask the spiritual help with healing and new education of the other side. Just know they are well and love is love...
So sorry for this kind winded post, but i feel it may be of help for some folks.
So our responsibility is to continue to live and enjoy our lives and no matter what happens either the good, the bad or the shitty, all are simply opportunities to take a step forward and to evolve in a good manner. As i see it nothing ever happens to us (no matter how dreadful it may present as) that we cannot bear. We can and so we do it with grace and love, always love.
Ty all and happy Mother's Day to mothers out there