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Vella Gonzaga

Vella Gonzaga

Staff member
Aug 23, 2021
Have you ever accidentally broken the law?

Hey there, members!

I hope everyone's doing well and staying out of trouble. šŸ˜ Speaking of trouble, I had a bit of a mishap the other day that got me thinking about some of the more... let's say, ā€˜interestingā€™ moments in my life. And that's why I wanted to start this thread today.

So here's the deal. I drove to the store the other day to pick up a few essentials. I drove a few blocks before I realised I had forgotten to bring my wallet where my driverā€™s licence was. So, of course, I turned around to grab it. But in that brief moment of forgetfulness, I technically broke the law by driving without my licence. Yikes! šŸ˜¬

That little incident got me thinking: have any of you ever accidentally broken the law? Maybe you went a little too fast on the highway or did something slightly daring when you were younger. Nothing serious, of course ā€“ just some funny stories that we can all laugh about together. We obviously don't condone breaking the law, but accidents happen, and sometimes they make for the best stories.

So if you've got a tale to tell, please share it with us! Let's have a good chuckle and maybe even learn a thing or two.

Credits: Pexels

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A couple of years ago, we had lunch at a local tavern and went home afterwards. A few hours later, realised we forgot to pay for the meal!!! So, in real terms, we ā€œdid a runnerā€. We went back and explained to the manager what had happened and he laughed. He said he got many such cases & many didnā€™t come back & pay...
Lots of people break the law, most don't realise it. Whether it be, driving, walking, working and multiple other things we do throughout our lives. (I'll await the cries of " I've never broken a law"). As for you Vella, thanks for your honesty and willingness to rectify your little slip.
I took my lovely placid elderly aunt, who was well into dementia and living in a nursing facility, shopping. Aunty Boo filled up the trolley quicker than I could empty it with all sorts of cleaning gear. After a short conversation we agreed on buying just a couple of small but unnecessary items to go with her necessary toiletries, lollies etc. We got through the checkout without further incident and juggled to my nearby car. I slung her purchases and mine into the boot and then outa nowhere she handed me a new full size broom. We locked eyes for a few seconds and then I manoeuvred the large broom into the car. Boo was happy and chatty all the way back and we never mentioned the crime. It's a Cold Case now.
Some twenty moons ago, my friend and I had only been in AU for a couple of years. We kind of just familiar with English AU and rules and regulations, but vaguely. We travelled by an old car to Cairns. Lots of laughter, lots of fun. On the way back to Sydney at (I think) the border of Qld and NSW, we were stopped by a ranger, or an authority guy who was wearing a uniform. He asked me, who was a driver, and this was what I heard "Do you have plan?" I thought a moment, and replied "Uhm... no, we're going straight to Sydney" The guy frowned heavily for few seconds, and then made a rumbling noise "aaaargh...! And made a hand gesture instucted us to leave. We drove off. My friend and I fell into silence for a moment. After around a hundred meters i told my friend. "I think the guy was actually asking if we got a plant in our car, not our itinerary". We looked at each other and instantly bursted laughing. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my friend loves gardening. We had a baby plant and leftover fruits in the car. We ate the fruit and the baby plant grew into a cute tree in her garden šŸ˜‚ We will never forget the funny moment and dumfounded, understanding kind hearted guy, but never again have plan to take a plant cross the border. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
many years ago one of the girls at work got sick and needed her antihistamine tablets. The boss told me to take his car drive to her house and get the tablets. When I got there no one was home so I climbed in through the kitchen window which was open retrieved the tablets and drove back to work. When I told the boss he was not impressed and said if a neighbour called the police I could of been chargesd with breaking and entry
I had an interesting experience with a policewoman when I was in my mid twenties. I was married with a couple of kids and we were living in a new area quite close to a large public housing estate. My hubby was working from home this day. I ducked out to the shop to get some milk and got pulled over for a check. I didnā€™t have my licence on me which is in my birth name as Judith, and the policewoman couldnā€™t find me under Judy. She didnā€™t believe me actually and was a bit nasty about it, probably assuming I didnā€™t have a license and was from the nearby public housing area. So I told her I lived 5 minutes away and if she followed me home I could show my licence and my husband could confirm my story. She agreed. As we pulled up outside our house my husband came out and the policewoman underwent a transformation in front of my tall husband and couldnā€™t have been nicer. She didnā€™t apologise and I wasnā€™t impressed!
From Judy HB
I have , When I shopped in store and got to the car I realised there was an item under a bag, but after packing the shopping into the car I took the item back and paid for it.

So technically I did steal it but unintentionally.
To take or convert an item capable of being stolen in a fraudulent manner requires a degree of intention in the act of stealing. Fraudulence is present where there is an intent to:

  • permanently deprive the owner or any person who has special property in the thing;
Many years ago I accidentally stole a camera bag I was in Melbourne on a holiday in Elizabeth Street I was looking at digital cameras, I had a look around and walked out heading for Victoria Market, I was a couple of blocks away and I felt something on my shoulder I had walked out of the store with a camera bag that I didn't not want let alone pay for. I went back to the shop as fast as I could and explained the person that I walked away with it on my shoulder (expecting the fact that the police were called). All he did was laugh and thank me for returning the camera bag.
It taught me a valuable lesson and I got the fright of my life when I discovered that camera bag I could not remember putting it on my shoulder. It is something I will never forget.
I think the call it a life lesson, I can laugh about it now but at the time it was not funny. šŸ˜ƒ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜„ šŸ˜
A friend and I went overseas to do a road trip. We both loved a cup of coffee so we picked a coffee plunger up in the local opp shop to use on the road. A few days later we booked into a motel and thought it may not have a coffee plunger so brought ours in from the car.
We discovered that the motel had one exactly the same as what we had purchased.
Next day we packed up the car and headed off only to discover that night that we had two coffee plungers. My friend had packed our one back in the car the next morning and I grabbed the Motel one without realizing she had packed ours. So, I had stolen a coffee plunger.
Last year my sister noticed that the drivers licence in my wallet was expired. I couldn't understand why I hadn't received my new one when I paid the renewal. So I go online to check & no record of my lic #. I keep a running sheet of bills & regular payments due throughout the year, and it had been marked as paid. As I always pay my Drivers Licence for 5 yrs, had not thought about it since.
Turns out for some unknown reason the payment hadn't gone through and i had been driving on an expired licence (and therefore no valid insurance) for just under two years. I freaked ! Fortunately because it was under 2 yrs, I was able to go in and renew it without having to apply for a new licence and go through all the tests.
I was horrified that I had been unknowingly breaking the law for all that time. Thank God I never had an accident or got pulled up by police.
Many years ago I did a U Turn at a traffic light. The police were on the road booking all the people doing illegal U Turns. When they beckoned me over, they said to me do you know why you are getting pulled over and I said yes doing a U Turn at a set of lights. The officer asked me what I shouldn't have done. I said a U Turn at a set of lights. He said yes exactly like 200 other people today. It was a very lucrative day for them ha ha. I don't do U Turns at lights now unless signed. It taught me a lesson
A friend and I went overseas to do a road trip. We both loved a cup of coffee so we picked a coffee plunger up in the local opp shop to use on the road. A few days later we booked into a motel and thought it may not have a coffee plunger so brought ours in from the car.
We discovered that the motel had one exactly the same as what we had purchased.
Next day we packed up the car and headed off only to discover that night that we had two coffee plungers. My friend had packed our one back in the car the next morning and I grabbed the Motel one without realizing she had packed ours. So, I had stolen a coffee plunger.
Naughty coffee plunger pincher you !!!! LMFO.
  • Haha
Reactions: Jarred Santos
I am a good boy, I have never ever, EVER done anything bad in my whole life! Errr.... there was one little episode when I was 6 years old (65 years ago). I was living with my mum God Bless her in England, it was summer and the family had decided that we were going on a seaside holiday. We all piled into my Uncle Lesley's old Ford Popular and off we went to Bridlington. I suffered from severe motion sickness and instead of taking 1 hour to get there, it took nearly 3 hours. I felt awful for the whole day and was not looking forward to the trip home. We were wandering up the Esplanade and went into a pet shop where I was intrigued by a Tortoise and a few other animals. The rest of the day was spent on amusements and a walk along the very cold beach. The North Sea can be brutally cold. Off we went back to Uncle Les's car and we all piled in. Amazingly and much to everyone's astonishment I was fine on the trip home. When we arrived we went into the lounge where I took off my coat. When I put it down it moved. My mum said what is under it and I said it was Charlie. Who's Charlie they asked. I revealed that Charlie the Tortoise had jumped into my coat when we left the pet store and so I needed to keep him warm and he told me that he wanted to come and live with us. God Bless my Uncle Les who drove all the way back to Bridlington the following day and paid for Charlie.
I am a good boy, I have never ever, EVER done anything bad in my whole life! Errr.... there was one little episode when I was 6 years old (65 years ago). I was living with my mum God Bless her in England, it was summer and the family had decided that we were going on a seaside holiday. We all piled into my Uncle Lesley's old Ford Popular and off we went to Bridlington. I suffered from severe motion sickness and instead of taking 1 hour to get there, it took nearly 3 hours. I felt awful for the whole day and was not looking forward to the trip home. We were wandering up the Esplanade and went into a pet shop where I was intrigued by a Tortoise and a few other animals. The rest of the day was spent on amusements and a walk along the very cold beach. The North Sea can be brutally cold. Off we went back to Uncle Les's car and we all piled in. Amazingly and much to everyone's astonishment I was fine on the trip home. When we arrived we went into the lounge where I took off my coat. When I put it down it moved. My mum said what is under it and I said it was Charlie. Who's Charlie they asked. I revealed that Charlie the Tortoise had jumped into my coat when we left the pet store and so I needed to keep him warm and he told me that he wanted to come and live with us. God Bless my Uncle Les who drove all the way back to Bridlington the following day and paid for Charlie.
Naughty coffee plunger pincher you !!!! LMFO.
I love the cheeky call-out for the plunger when you pinched Charlie, @Mr Chips! Made me laugh, so thank you :ROFLMAO: Good on Uncle Les, too!
I never break the law and just to prove that this week I received an email to say I had won a $70 voucher from Woolworths and it was from the RAC. As I thought this was a SCAM I asked the RAC direct exactly what this was for and the RAC replied and told me it was because I have the 'RAC GO' App on my phone and it was a prize they give for safe driving. So people I recommend the APP to everyone.
Driving down a "One Way" street going the wrong way, a Constable pulled me over and advised of my indiscretion and pointing to the Road markings, said "Did you not see the Arrows??" I replied "Constable I did not even see the Indians !!" Quite unamused he wrote me a Ticket. Dont be Smart.

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