Paypal and Facebook (Meta) users are subject to ongoing cyber attacks. One type is “problems with your account”, requiring you to “confirm” your details because of (unspecified) actions contrary to the organization’s policy. Another type is that you have made a purchase (that you do not recognize) and funds will be taken out of your account, or that you need to authorize payment. Another type is that your account is going to be suspended for a breach of some kind (unspecified) and you need to click the link to fix the problem. You may have received some of these contacts. All of these emails or texts are attempts to steal your financial and personal details.
If you see any of these, delete them. There are no problems with your account, you do not need to be concerned about purchases you have not instigated and your account is not about to be suspended. These despicable scammers trade on fear. They try to make out the matter needs your urgent response, getting you to act without thinking it through. If in doubt, check your account through Paypal or Facebook. Reassure yourself that there is nothing you need to do about your account.
In particular, be aware that if you get any emails or texts from the Australian Taxation Office asking you to click on a link, such as to confirm your tax details or expedite your refund, it’s a fake. Delete it. The ATO may send you an email asking you to call them about a matter, but that email will contain identifying information to confirm it is genuine. In that case, call them on their advertized number. They will never, never, never ask you to click on a link. Be safe. Use that delete button!