Experts raise concern as surge in contagious virus cases threatens Aussie babies and seniors

As the leaves turn and the chill of winter approaches, Australian families are facing a health alert that's particularly concerning for the youngest and oldest among us.

The culprit? A highly contagious virus known as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has already affected tens of thousands of Australian babies and is expected to surge as the colder months set in.

In the first half of 2024 alone, over 47,000 cases of RSV have been recorded in children under the age of five, and the numbers are only expected to rise.

In light of these alarming statistics, the Immunisation Foundation of Australia launched an RSV Awareness Week on Sunday, June 2, to educate the public and advocate for better protection measures.

Over 47,000 cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have affected Australian infants and toddlers in the first 5 months of 2024 alone. Credits: Shutterstock

RSV is not a new threat; it's a common respiratory virus that typically causes mild, cold-like symptoms.

However, in infants, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems, it can lead to more severe respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

Alarmingly, this year has seen a spike in cases, with 70 per cent of RSV infections occurring in children under five and more than 13,000 cases in individuals aged 60 and over.

The situation is dire enough that experts like Hannah Moore, Head of Infectious Disease at the Telethon Kids Institute, are raising the alarm.

‘There are certainly higher rates at the moment for this time of year than what we have seen in previous years,’ she cautioned.

‘RSV affects mainly young children and infants, really infants under the age of six months, those that are at the highest risk of severe disease.’

The response to this growing health crisis has been varied across the country. Western Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales have taken proactive steps by implementing RSV infant immunisation programs.

However, other states and territories lag behind, leaving many children unprotected.

The risk is not evenly distributed. Premature infants, Aboriginal peoples, and those with weakened immune systems or neurological conditions are at a higher risk of severe infection from RSV.

According to the Immunisation Foundation of Australia, nationwide infant RSV immunisation could prevent an estimated 10,000 hospital admissions annually.

Dr Lisa McHugh, an Infectious Diseases and Perinatal Epidemiologist at the University of Queensland, warned that the number of active infections is expected to climb as temperatures drop.

‘At the start of winter, we've already recorded nearly two-thirds [of] the total number of RSV cases reported in 2023. This is well ahead of the normal curve,’ she explained.

‘Without immunisation, we know that around 12,000 Australian babies are hospitalised with pneumonia and bronchiolitis caused by RSV each year, with one-in-four requiring intensive care.’

‘It's wonderful that for the first time, we can protect babies and the elderly from RSV, but it's not sustainable to have infant immunisation programs in some states and not others, nor to ask older Australians to pay hundreds of dollars each year for RSV protection,’ she added.

Dr McHugh and other infectious disease experts are taking this issue to the Federal Parliament House today, June 4, hoping to brief parliamentarians on the latest research into RSV and the urgent need for a unified response.

As the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continues to spread across Australia, particularly affecting vulnerable populations like babies and the elderly, the healthcare system is facing significant strain.

This contagious virus, which can cause severe respiratory issues such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia, led to a surge in hospitalisations and increased healthcare burden.

In parallel to the RSV outbreak, state health authorities are also grappling with a surge of COVID-19-like illnesses, further straining the healthcare system.

This dual challenge underscores the importance of robust public health strategies and the need for timely vaccinations to protect at-risk populations and ease the load on healthcare facilities.
Key Takeaways
  • Tens of thousands of Australian babies have been infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), with over 47,000 cases reported in children under five.
  • Infection rates are expected to worsen during the winter months, leading to calls for increased public health interventions.
  • Some states in Australia have commenced RSV infant immunisation programs, but there is no nationwide program, leading to disparities in vaccine access.
  • Experts are urging state-funded RSV immunisation programs to prevent hospitalisations and provide uniform protection, especially for vulnerable groups like infants and the elderly.
Have you or someone you know been affected by this virus? What do you advise others to protect themselves from contracting it? Let us know your stories and suggestions in the comments below.
My husband and I are well over 60 and we have spent over $600 on two RSV injections at our local Chemist and are glad to have done so if it prevents us from catching this dreadful virus.
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This might sound wrong but since Covid we are all too clean. Bugs having a field day now when we laps in being not clean enough 😑.
i a

m a child from the polio age and I thank anyone for that injection. I know of one only Boy who contracted Polio from my early years. Without it we would have had a lot of deformed children. would you all get of the soapbox with your righteous replys. please.
You could have asked me if I had the polio vaccine - yes I did - Salk plus IPV 1955 and 1956.
Had all vaccination shots up until recently.
A cousin same age as me got polio. had a lifetime of calipers and weak legs.

Why do those who disagree with a position politely put, resort to put-downs and gaslighting, when they have the wrong take on what a person is saying?

There is no soapbox here.
It's a forum, and you are out of order trying to block people who have a career in the field from having their say - just like you.

I didn't attempt to mute your opinion - I present an alternate opinion, based on personal experience, facts and science.
RSV is a mild common Winter Respiratory Pathogen ,People should take normal precautions, good hygeine Practises Wash Hands often ,avoid Crowds and infected Children , get plenty of Vit D from the Sun or Supplements, also Vit C and Zinc , Good Nutrition, Exercise, Fresh Air Ventilate Rooms ,stay Home whilst infected
There isn't a better answer in this whole saga.
Thank you for your common sense answer @Trudylee - based on science by the way.
Obviously flawed reasoning from someone who reads w/o understanding.
People"vaccinated" with tap water are no more safe from the Covid virus than from the supposed mRNA vaccines.
Because the mRNA vax did NOT stop acquisition nor transmission of the virus.

We were lied to - DISINFORMATION.

If they didn't lie - then they didn't test.
Which is it?

The mRNA vaccines are proven NOT to be safe and effective (sheesh - how many media outlets parroted those exact words, as did thousands of politicians, "authorities" yada yada).
It was clearly all run to script.
How else would thousands and thousands of media faces ALL say the exact same words??
Scam from the start.
Excess deaths soaring worldwide ... except in countries with LOW VACCINATION RATES.
Strange, n'est ce pas?

Previous vaccines get a tick from me - have had the lot.

But no thanks, no experimental, untested soup for me.
either you had the vaccination or you didn't. would every body just SHUT UP about this as it is over to the individual to be vaxed or not. NO ONE ELSE. Just zip it.
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There isn't a better answer in this whole saga.
Thank you for your common sense answer @Trudylee - based on science by the way.
you must have a good immune system. I was advised to have the RSV and I gladly did it at my cost. Why should the government pay for everything. what a society we have become. whinge, want, grab.
either you had the vaccination or you didn't. would every body just SHUT UP about this as it is over to the individual to be vaxed or not. NO ONE ELSE. Just zip it.
Hey buddy - if you don't want to read people's comments - just hack off.
No one is forcing you to read comments.
Get in touch with the Social Media Police if you see a violation, otherwise, go watch TV and chill.
It is possible you could have Social Media Overdose Syndrome.
The cure is to log out, take 2 Panadol and have a lie down.
Hopefully some have learnt from the resent plandemic. A pHARMa initiative and gravy train that has gifted them billions of dollars that will be hard to wean themselves off. Articles like this are only going to perpetuate the assault on the communities immune system which has been immensely affected by pHARMa's relentless push to inject every child with multiple loads of toxic material from the day they are born through to maturity. Now 'with their added esteem' (self given) the wish to extend the assault on children to encompass the elderly, the immune compromised, and the may as well fill in the gaps by making it include the whole community - so as to protect 'Grandma'.
Why not let us get back to healthy immune system built on previous milder infections gained through childhood - as was once the case, before 'medicine' was incapacitated by the lure of never ending, life-time riches.
Yes, You would be right to call me 'an anti-vaxxer'. At 77 years of age I went through the Victorian Dictatorship over the last few years. Yes, I got COVID and had about 3 days of feeling tired, before recovering.
'The News' this morning, that Dictator Dan has been given an Order of Australia Medal absolutely disgusts me. The THUG should be in jail, not rewarded for what he did and had 'his police' do to Victorians over the last few years. Only to scamper before he could be held to account for the crimes he committed with the help of his henchmen and the aid of the Albanese NON-Governments refusal to properly investigate the hocks perpetrated on the public.
I could go on, BUT feel that like the cover-up, you will be in as much as the elites that have been in charge.
Bruce Thompson.
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I had forgotten about diptheria; the power of immunisation campaigns!
I would love to see the state of health in the world without Vaccinations. All those dreaded diseases were majorly reduced before they invented vaccines to take the credit. Better nutrition, sanitation, cleanliness and caring for the sick had almost wiped out many of those immune enhancing childhood ailments.
I would fancy a world without the allergies, asthma, mental illness, ADHD and of course the big one- autism.
All vaccines have done is to have taught viruses to mutate and provided pHARMa with a womb to tomb 'Gravy Train' from multiple vaccinations (with many more intended) and a need for countless 'rescue medications to help mask the side effects/ adverse reactions created.
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Gimme a break.
No one here is anti-vax - that is such a cheap and disgusting gaslighting shot, that it demeans those who still smugly toss it out there.

Look - previously the Vaccines were pretty good - but not perfect.
No need to go into that.

But what is being discussed here is the Covid Vaccines - namely the mRNA types.

They ARE experimental
They are NOT safe and effective
They WERE NOT tested as per usual guidelines
They WERE given Emergency Use Authority (EUA)
They HAVE had FATAL side-effects, which are continuing today
On top of that, the EXCESS DEATHS picture is looking increasingly dim for vaccinated people, but mainly those who have had 3 shots +

There is help for those who have 'vaccine remorse' ie who regret putting themselves and family at risk of an "excess death" , and that is the process of cleaning the spike protein (administered via vaccination) from the body.

Dr Peter McCullough's work has uncovered this regime to neutralise/remove the spike protein (which remains, but no longer protects from mutated virus, if it ever did).
We were promised that the spike protein would NOT linger in the body - that all it would do is produce antibodies to the virus, then be "eliminated."

That was lies, or misinformation based on lack of trial testing.
Testing we were falsely told was carried out.
It wasn't - how could it - it takes years to test.
The courts have revealed that Pfizer for one, falsified data, by excluding people with adverse events and so on - manipulated to look wonderful (and lucrative).
Pure myth, as the spike protein STILL persists in the bodies of vaccinated people.

The items McCullough suggests are all available over the counter, but you may have to shop around to locate Nattokinase.

Read the pdf well, and understand it.
Thankyou for putting that out there, as this newsletter is always promoting the same narratives as the MSM do.
I’ll back you 100% on this 👊🏻
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I would love to see the state of health in the world without Vaccinations. All those dreaded diseases were majorly reduced before they invented vaccines to take the credit. Better nutrition, sanitation, cleanliness and caring for the sick had almost wiped out many of those immune enhancing childhood ailments.
I would fancy a world without the allergies, asthma, mental illness, ADHD and of course the big one- autism.
All vaccines have done is to have taught viruses to mutate and provided pHARMa with a womb to tomb 'Gravy Train' from multiple vaccinations (with many more intended) and a need for countless 'rescue medications to help mask the side effects/ adverse reactions created.
Guess who’s making all the viruses ?
Follow the money !
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Another conspiracy nutcase on the loose!

Thalidomide is possibly the word you are looking for. Your numerous posts of misinformation is indicative of someone who reads internet blogs and watch TikTok clips of stoners with no medical knowledge living in Nimbin.

You probably are a person who believes that childhood vaccinations cause autism.
Wow that’s rather savage, and probably coming from someone who is and will keep topping up themselves with the trial drug, given out under the guise of Covid-19 !
I’m someone who is well educated, and I did my own homework on the trial drug, not a conspiracy theorist, as everything I found out about it was dismissed as conspiracy theories, yet now have become fact !
Tell me why it is that , everyone who went on a cruise boat had caught Covid or other viruses whilst onboard including staff, but only 3 deep (vax), were allowed to go onboard.
Clearly the vaxed are sick, no natural immunity left in their system ! FACT
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The RSV vaccine is very effective even into the second year after the first dose. Of the people over 65 who contract it, 8% end up needing care or nursing home placement in the six months after infection. It has worse hospitalisation rates than flu or Covid, and a higher death rate than flu. But the vaccine should be subsidised to encourage a higher uptake. All this anti-vaccine rubbish arises from social media and people who post it get an income from doing so!.
I’m not anti vaccine ! But that is a tag thrown at people like myself, because the government says it’s all misinformation, but it’s actually coming out as fact now, as these trial drugs are not a vaccine, they are not safe, effective, protective, tested !
I would not be having any so called vaccine atm, due to vax injuries,
RSV never had a vax till now, again it’s a trial drug.
You want to take it, good luck to you.
No way , not a chance, I plan on living !!
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Thalidomide was not a vaccine. Anti vaxxers don't seem to stop and think about the world being free of smallpox, tuberculosis being treatable rather than a death sentence. Other diseases preventable by vaccines include chickenpox, diptheria, flu, hepatitis A and B, Hib, HPV, measles, meningococcal, mumps, polio, pneumococcal, rotavirus, RSV, Rubella, tetanus, whooping cough, pertussis, yellow fever et al. Your mother probably had you immunised as a child. I just hope you don't contract any life threatening disease which could have been prevented by vaccination. Will you refuse medical assistance because of the rabbit hole you have gone down?
As far as current trial drug goes, it will kill you !
That’s a fact as it lowers your immune system !
Do you honestly believe that all the viruses you listed are natural ?
Most of those have a patent ! You can’t patent a natural thing !
Follow the money trail or be taken for a fool.
Might be too late for most like you !
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Another conspiracy nutcase on the loose!

Thalidomide is possibly the word you are looking for. Your numerous posts of misinformation is indicative of someone who reads internet blogs and watch TikTok clips of stoners with no medical knowledge living in Nimbin.

You probably are a person who believes that childhood vaccinations cause autism.
Untrue @Veggiepatch and very very nasty comment.
The person you respond to was attempting to be helpful, and enlightening.

The so called "Vaxxed" went forth with confidence, thinking they were immune and "safe" from the dangers of the Sars-CoV-2 virus.
They behaved as if the virus didn't exist an longer, since they were told it was "safe" to go to restaurants, football games, the beach etc, now that they "couldn't spread it or catch it."

How quickly did that house of misinformation cards come tumbling down!

The vaxxed were little more than vectors of transmission -gaily and unknowingly - walking amonst us dropping their little packets of viral particles, and contributing to a more rapid - but miserable - herd immune public.
The solution?
Ta daaaah! THE BOOOSTER!
Of course! That will do it. Line up. Line up. Line up.
In fact the only thing that did work, was herd immunity, acquired through actually having the disease.

This is what happens when you trick folk into thinking they are "vaccinated" with a "safe and effective" substance that was nothing of the kind - a FACT that is now emerging in witness testimony from REAL virologists, immunologists and the manufacturers themselves.

Professor Robert Clancy of Sydney - Immunologist, Physician, Pathologist.
He's no armchair expert - he's the real deal.

and his sequel interview on the topic:

Untrue @Veggiepatch and very very nasty comment.
The person you respond to was attempting to be helpful, and enlightening.

The so called "Vaxxed" went forth with confidence, thinking they were immune and "safe" from the dangers of the Sars-CoV-2 virus.
They behaved as if the virus didn't exist an longer, since they were told it was "safe" to go to restaurants, football games, the beach etc, now that they "couldn't spread it or catch it."

How quickly did that house of misinformation cards come tumbling down!

The vaxxed were little more than vectors of transmission -gaily and unknowingly - walking amonst us dropping their little packets of viral particles, and contribution to a more rapid - but miserable - herd immune public.
The solution?
Ta daaaah! THE BOOOSTER!
Of course! That will do it. Line up. Line up. Line up.
In fact the only thing that did work, was herd immunity, acquired through actually having the disease.

This si what happens when you trick folk into thinking they are "vaccinated" with a "safe and effective" substance that was nothing of the kind - a FACT that is now emerging in witness testimony from REAL virologists, immunologists and the manufacturers thmselves.

Professor Robert Clancy of Sydney - Immunologist, Physician, Pathologist.
He's no armchair expert - he's the real deal.

and his sequel interview on the topic:

A YouTuber? I rest my case.

And you? Try reading medical JOURNALS instead of social media. FMD!!
As far as current trial drug goes, it will kill you !
That’s a fact as it lowers your immune system !
Do you honestly believe that all the viruses you listed are natural ?
Most of those have a patent ! You can’t patent a natural thing !
Follow the money trail or be taken for a fool.
Might be too late for most like you !
People like to throw stuff around as if they are experts.
Ivermectin is now being used successfully to treat terminal and unsalvageable cancer patients.
I have documentaion if anyone asks for it.

But let's look at Thalidomide.
True enough - it should not be used for morning sickness, as history records.

But did you know it is used off-label (revived) to treat these illnesses and diseases, with varying success rates:
* Multiple Myeloma
* Leprosy
* Myelofibrosis
* Some AIDS conditions (Kaposi Sarcoma)
* Lupus erythematosis
* Scleroderma
* Cardiovascular disease
* Bullous erythema multiforme
* Diabetic necrotic ulcers
* ... and many more in the pipeline being investigated.
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A YouTuber? I rest my case.

And you? Try reading medical JOURNALS instead of social media. FMD!!
You do not have a case.
Your smart comments dont faze me buddy.
Oh yeah. You ARE smart, I'll give you that - but only street smart.

You don't know squat - just how to attempt to gaslight and belittle, and spew vulgarities.
And you have been getting away with it here on SDC for ages, as many have felt your crude venom.

Your comments demean yourself. Try contributing something useful.
After 40 years in the medical industry, including infection control nursing, interpretation of pathology results, doctor's advisory panels, I know what study is required in order to reach a level of competence in the field.

Your competence for all to see?
"Oh, look! A Youtuber!"
Yeah. How scientific.

If you want to contribute w/o tearing at people, try asking questions - that might "Why do you say that" .. or ...
"Has that been verified - I'd like to know more."
But nope - there are definitely wallabies in the top paddock ... and little more of interest.
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