Experts raise concern as surge in contagious virus cases threatens Aussie babies and seniors

As the leaves turn and the chill of winter approaches, Australian families are facing a health alert that's particularly concerning for the youngest and oldest among us.

The culprit? A highly contagious virus known as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has already affected tens of thousands of Australian babies and is expected to surge as the colder months set in.

In the first half of 2024 alone, over 47,000 cases of RSV have been recorded in children under the age of five, and the numbers are only expected to rise.

In light of these alarming statistics, the Immunisation Foundation of Australia launched an RSV Awareness Week on Sunday, June 2, to educate the public and advocate for better protection measures.

Over 47,000 cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have affected Australian infants and toddlers in the first 5 months of 2024 alone. Credits: Shutterstock

RSV is not a new threat; it's a common respiratory virus that typically causes mild, cold-like symptoms.

However, in infants, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems, it can lead to more severe respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

Alarmingly, this year has seen a spike in cases, with 70 per cent of RSV infections occurring in children under five and more than 13,000 cases in individuals aged 60 and over.

The situation is dire enough that experts like Hannah Moore, Head of Infectious Disease at the Telethon Kids Institute, are raising the alarm.

‘There are certainly higher rates at the moment for this time of year than what we have seen in previous years,’ she cautioned.

‘RSV affects mainly young children and infants, really infants under the age of six months, those that are at the highest risk of severe disease.’

The response to this growing health crisis has been varied across the country. Western Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales have taken proactive steps by implementing RSV infant immunisation programs.

However, other states and territories lag behind, leaving many children unprotected.

The risk is not evenly distributed. Premature infants, Aboriginal peoples, and those with weakened immune systems or neurological conditions are at a higher risk of severe infection from RSV.

According to the Immunisation Foundation of Australia, nationwide infant RSV immunisation could prevent an estimated 10,000 hospital admissions annually.

Dr Lisa McHugh, an Infectious Diseases and Perinatal Epidemiologist at the University of Queensland, warned that the number of active infections is expected to climb as temperatures drop.

‘At the start of winter, we've already recorded nearly two-thirds [of] the total number of RSV cases reported in 2023. This is well ahead of the normal curve,’ she explained.

‘Without immunisation, we know that around 12,000 Australian babies are hospitalised with pneumonia and bronchiolitis caused by RSV each year, with one-in-four requiring intensive care.’

‘It's wonderful that for the first time, we can protect babies and the elderly from RSV, but it's not sustainable to have infant immunisation programs in some states and not others, nor to ask older Australians to pay hundreds of dollars each year for RSV protection,’ she added.

Dr McHugh and other infectious disease experts are taking this issue to the Federal Parliament House today, June 4, hoping to brief parliamentarians on the latest research into RSV and the urgent need for a unified response.

As the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continues to spread across Australia, particularly affecting vulnerable populations like babies and the elderly, the healthcare system is facing significant strain.

This contagious virus, which can cause severe respiratory issues such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia, led to a surge in hospitalisations and increased healthcare burden.

In parallel to the RSV outbreak, state health authorities are also grappling with a surge of COVID-19-like illnesses, further straining the healthcare system.

This dual challenge underscores the importance of robust public health strategies and the need for timely vaccinations to protect at-risk populations and ease the load on healthcare facilities.
Key Takeaways
  • Tens of thousands of Australian babies have been infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), with over 47,000 cases reported in children under five.
  • Infection rates are expected to worsen during the winter months, leading to calls for increased public health interventions.
  • Some states in Australia have commenced RSV infant immunisation programs, but there is no nationwide program, leading to disparities in vaccine access.
  • Experts are urging state-funded RSV immunisation programs to prevent hospitalisations and provide uniform protection, especially for vulnerable groups like infants and the elderly.
Have you or someone you know been affected by this virus? What do you advise others to protect themselves from contracting it? Let us know your stories and suggestions in the comments below.
From the little I've seen of your writings, it suggests you probably wouldn't go to the ED and do that.
Others have mentioned a $332 dollar bill for the RSV, but no mention of a doctors bill. I haven't yet had to pay any bills at my current GP, so it seems the location lottery might be coming into play here.
That location lottery has scored us a new (planned) AFL stadium for $750 000 000 of taxpayers' money; lucky us! We need a second new public hospital and enough medical staff to man both, properly.
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That location lottery has scored us a new (planned) AFL stadium for $750 000 000 of taxpayers' money; lucky us! We need a second new public hospital and enough medical staff to man both, properly.
Yes, the stadium. Yet another discord between what most see as essential tax-payer spending and what plans the obsessed minority of popular loud-speakers have instead.
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What are the symptoms?
This from the article above:
RSV is not a new threat; it's a common respiratory virus that typically causes mild, cold-like symptoms.

However, in infants, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems, it can lead to more severe respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchiolitis.
End of article quote...

The following research would not be exhaustive, meaning it best to conduct your own or consult a Doctor if you believe someone has RSV.

This from my research (Best to seek medical attention if in at risk age group or have a weakened immune system:

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. Here are the common symptoms associated with RSV:
  1. Mild Symptoms (Adults and Older Children):
    • Congested or runny nose
    • Dry cough
    • Low-grade fever
    • Sore throat
    • Sneezing
    • Headache
  2. Severe Symptoms (Lower Respiratory Tract Infection):
    • Fever
    • Severe cough
    • Wheezing (high-pitched noise on exhaling)
    • Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (may prefer sitting up)
    • Bluish skin colour due to lack of oxygen (cyanosis)
  3. Severe RSV Infection in Infants:
    • Short, shallow, and rapid breathing
    • Struggling to breathe (chest muscles and skin pull inward)
    • Cough
    • Poor feeding
    • Unusual tiredness (lethargy)
    • Irritability
Most children and adults recover within one to two weeks, but some may experience repeated wheezing. Severe cases requiring hospitalization can occur in premature infants or those with chronic heart or lung conditions.
Note: RSV and COVID-19 share some symptoms, so testing for COVID-19 may be recommended if you have respiratory illness symptoms.

The link is to the mayo clinic which has additional important information if at risk of having both RSV and Covid-19 at the same time as RSV weakens your immune system.
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I had a immune comprised person stay with I think he must have it as he was told to go to hospital by the doctors as. I think he had RSV BUT he refused to go to hospital
That location lottery has scored us a new (planned) AFL stadium for $750 000 000 of taxpayers' money; lucky us! We need a second new public hospital and enough medical staff to man both, properly.

I hear you, but where else is there?
Our Woolies and Coles have special trolleys for babies and large trolleys for a place to sit in for toddlers where the shoes are kept away from the groceries and the kids cannot lick and handle goods. - Yet some parents still take small trolleys where they continually take the kids in and out off.
Natural immunity disappeared from earth, the same time sheeple started becoming test dummies for a trial drug being given out under the guise of being a safe and effective “vaccine “ which it cannot be called a vaccine, as it hasn’t met any guidelines that a vaccine would go through.
Now all those who partook in the experiment, and still are , are carrying around and spreading Covid.
Don’t believe me,,,,, well remember how to fly over seas or get on a cruise liner you needed to be vaccinated and boosted ? Remember how everyone onboard ended up sick ?? Yeah is it making sense now ?? If you still say No, then go get another shot, no help for you !
💯true. Best comment I've read so far. Sheeple do your research and stop listening to Main Stream Media and Government corrupt health officers.
Remember how everyone who partook in the experiment, was coerced into saying to those who didn’t, ,,don’t you care about anyone but yourself ??

Isn’t this now a case of the same ? Very glad that everyone but me took part in the experiment!
PS; Remember phlydimide (not spelt correctly) in the 50-60’s to stop morning sickness ? How did that work out, ? Short memory out there !
Thalidomide was not a vaccine. Anti vaxxers don't seem to stop and think about the world being free of smallpox, tuberculosis being treatable rather than a death sentence. Other diseases preventable by vaccines include chickenpox, diptheria, flu, hepatitis A and B, Hib, HPV, measles, meningococcal, mumps, polio, pneumococcal, rotavirus, RSV, Rubella, tetanus, whooping cough, pertussis, yellow fever et al. Your mother probably had you immunised as a child. I just hope you don't contract any life threatening disease which could have been prevented by vaccination. Will you refuse medical assistance because of the rabbit hole you have gone down?
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I hear you, but where else is there?
What's wrong with those "Kangaroo Pouches" that mums used to wear to carry their little ones?

A bit more on RSV - it can be spread through contact with the urine of babies, so the comment about placing babies in shopping trollies is quite valid.

If you have an infant, and you want to keep them healthy ...


Keep your kids away from contact with the places other kids dribble, pee, sneeze and rub their little hands.
Most viral contact and spread occurs from fingers-to-eyes/mouth/nose.

Putting your child in a shopping trolley is like putting a wet hand into a tub of pepper.
The hand will come out covered in pepper.
Now imagine that the pepper is viral particles ... everything the hand touches will be contaminated with pepper ie Virus.
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I'm 75 years old and have had RSV twice. The first time was the sickest I have ever been in my life! I sat for 3 days (easier than lying down) using my CPAP machine non-stop just so I could breathe. If it hadn't been for that, I know I would have ended up in hospital. It took months for the cough to leave me. I am never sick! I catch nothing but have now had RSV twice. The 2nd time wasn't as bad thankfully. I think it's more prevalent than we think as it is so similar to a bad flu. But if you get it badly, it is deadly....literally.
i would say having rsv twice is not never being sick.
Thalidomide was not a vaccine. Anti vaxxers don't seem to stop and think about the world being free of smallpox, tuberculosis being treatable rather than a death sentence. Other diseases preventable by vaccines include chickenpox, diptheria, flu, hepatitis A and B, Hib, HPV, measles, meningococcal, mumps, polio, pneumococcal, rotavirus, RSV, Rubella, tetanus, whooping cough, pertussis, yellow fever et al. Your mother probably had you immunised as a child. I just hope you don't contract any life threatening disease which could have been prevented by vaccination. Will you refuse medical assistance because of the rabbit hole you have gone down?
Gimme a break.
No one here is anti-vax - that is such a cheap and disgusting gaslighting shot, that it demeans those who still smugly toss it out there.

Look - previously the Vaccines were pretty good - but not perfect.
No need to go into that.

But what is being discussed here is the Covid Vaccines - namely the mRNA types.

They ARE experimental
They are NOT safe and effective
They WERE NOT tested as per usual guidelines
They WERE given Emergency Use Authority (EUA)
They HAVE had FATAL side-effects, which are continuing today
On top of that, the EXCESS DEATHS picture is looking increasingly dim for vaccinated people, but mainly those who have had 3 shots +

There is help for those who have 'vaccine remorse' ie who regret putting themselves and family at risk of an "excess death" , and that is the process of cleaning the spike protein (administered via vaccination) from the body.

Dr Peter McCullough's work has uncovered this regime to neutralise/remove the spike protein (which remains, but no longer protects from mutated virus, if it ever did).
We were promised that the spike protein would NOT linger in the body - that all it would do is produce antibodies to the virus, then be "eliminated."

That was lies, or misinformation based on lack of trial testing.
Testing we were falsely told was carried out.
It wasn't - how could it - it takes years to test.
The courts have revealed that Pfizer for one, falsified data, by excluding people with adverse events and so on - manipulated to look wonderful (and lucrative).
Pure myth, as the spike protein STILL persists in the bodies of vaccinated people.

The items McCullough suggests are all available over the counter, but you may have to shop around to locate Nattokinase.

Read the pdf well, and understand it.
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So sad people still think immunization is a bad thing. It has saved millions of lives Polio Diphtheria Tenus and many more
"People" in general do NOT think vaccination is a bad thing.

They are - if you listen to them - bemoaning the fact that we no longer seem to have natural, acquired, or passive immunity.
If you look up all three of these, your understanding of what immunity really it, will be enlightened.

People are rightly suspicious now of the mRNA vaccines, particularly since they were not safe and effective, and excess deaths have been shown to be killing us long after Covid has waned.

The British Medical Journal is now picking up the peer-reviewed facts.
So if you’re vaxed with a non tested trial drug, then I don’t have to !
I see how it works, and will long after those who get sick from it!
Obviously flawed reasoning from someone who reads w/o understanding.
People"vaccinated" with tap water are no more safe from the Covid virus than from the supposed mRNA vaccines.
Because the mRNA vax did NOT stop acquisition nor transmission of the virus.

We were lied to - DISINFORMATION.

If they didn't lie - then they didn't test.
Which is it?

The mRNA vaccines are proven NOT to be safe and effective (sheesh - how many media outlets parroted those exact words, as did thousands of politicians, "authorities" yada yada).
It was clearly all run to script.
How else would thousands and thousands of media faces ALL say the exact same words??
Scam from the start.
Excess deaths soaring worldwide ... except in countries with LOW VACCINATION RATES.
Strange, n'est ce pas?

Previous vaccines get a tick from me - have had the lot.

But no thanks, no experimental, untested soup for me.
Disease is spreading by the vaxed !
Another conspiracy nutcase on the loose!

Thalidomide is possibly the word you are looking for. Your numerous posts of misinformation is indicative of someone who reads internet blogs and watch TikTok clips of stoners with no medical knowledge living in Nimbin.

You probably are a person who believes that childhood vaccinations cause autism.
i a
Gimme a break.
No one here is anti-vax - that is such a cheap and disgusting gaslighting shot, that it demeans those who still smugly toss it out there.

Look - previously the Vaccines were pretty good - but not perfect.
No need to go into that.

But what is being discussed here is the Covid Vaccines - namely the mRNA types.

They ARE experimental
They are NOT safe and effective
They WERE NOT tested as per usual guidelines
They WERE given Emergency Use Authority (EUA)
They HAVE had FATAL side-effects, which are continuing today
On top of that, the EXCESS DEATHS picture is looking increasingly dim for vaccinated people, but mainly those who have had 3 shots +

There is help for those who have 'vaccine remorse' ie who regret putting themselves and family at risk of an "excess death" , and that is the process of cleaning the spike protein (administered via vaccination) from the body.

Dr Peter McCullough's work has uncovered this regime to neutralise/remove the spike protein (which remains, but no longer protects from mutated virus, if it ever did).
We were promised that the spike protein would NOT linger in the body - that all it would do is produce antibodies to the virus, then be "eliminated."

That was lies, or misinformation based on lack of trial testing.
Testing we were falsely told was carried out.
It wasn't - how could it - it takes years to test.
The courts have revealed that Pfizer for one, falsified data, by excluding people with adverse events and so on - manipulated to look wonderful (and lucrative).
Pure myth, as the spike protein STILL persists in the bodies of vaccinated people.

The items McCullough suggests are all available over the counter, but you may have to shop around to locate Nattokinase.

Read the pdf well, and understand it.
m a child from the polio age and I thank anyone for that injection. I know of one only Boy who contracted Polio from my early years. Without it we would have had a lot of deformed children. would you all get of the soapbox with your righteous replys. please.
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Natural immunity disappeared from earth, the same time sheeple started becoming test dummies for a trial drug being given out under the guise of being a safe and effective “vaccine “ which it cannot be called a vaccine, as it hasn’t met any guidelines that a vaccine would go through.
Now all those who partook in the experiment, and still are , are carrying around and spreading Covid.
Don’t believe me,,,,, well remember how to fly over seas or get on a cruise liner you needed to be vaccinated and boosted ? Remember how everyone onboard ended up sick ?? Yeah is it making sense now ?? If you still say No, then go get another shot, no help for you !
The RSV vaccine is very effective even into the second year after the first dose. Of the people over 65 who contract it, 8% end up needing care or nursing home placement in the six months after infection. It has worse hospitalisation rates than flu or Covid, and a higher death rate then flu. But the vaccine should be subsidised to encourage a higher uptake. All this anti-vaccine rubbish arises from social media and people who post it get an income from doing so!.
RSV is a mild common Winter Respiratory Pathogen ,People should take normal precautions, good hygeine Practises Wash Hands often ,avoid Crowds and infected Children , get plenty of Vit D from the Sun or Supplements, also Vit C and Zinc , Good Nutrition, Exercise, Fresh Air Ventilate Rooms ,stay Home whilst infected
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