Don't ignore back pain: X-rays reveal the importance of seeing a doctor right away

As embarrassing as it is to admit, most of the time, we tend to ignore and push through the discomfort whenever our backs hurt. We chalk up our backaches to nothing more than a strained muscle from doing household chores, prolonged periods of inactivity, like sitting and reading, or honestly, our age.

Recently, though, shocking pictures were posted online revealing why you should never ignore common pains, especially in your back.


A woman who suffered from back pain for two months had shocking X-ray results. Credit: The New England Journal of Medicine.

According to a report from The Sun, a woman in her late thirties had been experiencing back discomfort and only decided to seek medical attention after two months. Even though she has a history of osteoporosis in her family, it was unclear why she waited such a long time to get the help she needed.

The woman was given a thorough physical examination, and at first, the doctors didn't find anything out of the ordinary. But when they took a number of X-rays, they discovered that she had a medical condition called 'sandwich vertebrae'.

This is a condition in which the thoracic spine has sclerotic bands—this means that the bones have reacted badly to the growing process. Doctors also noticed that she had developed a 'bone inside a bone' as a result of this condition.

Despite the absence of fractures, the woman was nevertheless sent for additional testing, and it was there that doctors discovered that her osteoporosis is unlike anything they'd seen before.

The tests revealed that she had a gene mutation known as autosomal dominant osteopetrosis, or Albers-Schönberg's disease.

Formerly known as 'marble bones’, this condition was initially identified by Albers-Schönberg in 1904, hence the name.

This disorder usually starts in late childhood or early adolescence and causes the bones to calcify, making the skeleton much denser than normal.

As a result, the person is more likely to experience pain and breakages in their bones. Most of the time, the condition is passed down from parent to child, and this is usually the case when an adult is diagnosed with it.


You should have your back checked at the first sign of pain or discomfort. Credit: Stock. (Stock photo)

'Osteoclasts in patients with this condition are unable to resorb bone, which causes bone density to increase, primarily in the spine, the pelvis, and the base of the skull,' said the medical experts at the University Minho School of Medicine.

'The radiographic findings of sandwich vertebrae and bone within bone strongly suggest the diagnosis and should prompt genetic testing.'

Fortunately, the woman was able to acquire the treatment and rehabilitation services she needed. There were no reports of further fractures in her back after a few years, and her condition considerably improved.

Take this as a warning, members: if you've been in pain or discomfort for more than a couple of weeks and over-the-counter medications haven't helped, it's time to make an appointment with your doctor.

Finding the source of pain or discomfort early on can prevent it from worsening into a more serious health problem. Stay safe always, everyone!
Back pain is the most debilitating pain, I know, I suffer from severe spinal stenosis. I can't even stand long enough to make a sandwich and on a bad day can only walk about 30metres without needing to sit. My next step is an operation which quite frankly scares the bejesus out of me. It's partly my fault as I ignored the niggling backache for a long while but it is what it is. Take care of your back people, you've only got one and it can't regenerate!:)
Back pain is the most debilitating pain, I know, I suffer from severe spinal stenosis. I can't even stand long enough to make a sandwich and on a bad day can only walk about 30metres without needing to sit. My next step is an operation which quite frankly scares the bejesus out of me. It's partly my fault as I ignored the niggling backache for a long while but it is what it is. Take care of your back people, you've only got one and it can't regenerate!:)
😥 how did you do you back ? It is bad pain and I don't blame you not wanting surgery
I had bad back pain from around 18 years of age. Finally, at 34 I mentioned it to my GP. X-Rays indicated that as a teenager I had contracted a virus which affected the growth plates. This led to calcification & the growth of osteophytes pressing on nerves! Very painful. I was told to keep using my back & push through the pain. Now in my early 70’s I am still mobile but suffer chronic sciatica when I stand or walk. My lumbar back causes pain. The disease I had as a teen was Schuemanns disease I think!
It's mainly degenerative arthritic changes, the hole that runs down the spine where the nerves run slowly closes trapping and squashing the nerves. They go in with what amounts to a rasp and file it open again.:sneaky::unsure::)
Omg so you are also suffering nerve pain. I'm getting severe pain in my stomach the doctor said that unfortunately he must have put a stitch through a nerve .

Have they said if surgery can fix it ? Back surgery is very tricky and can't be guaranteed it will work
Omg so you are also suffering nerve pain. I'm getting severe pain in my stomach the doctor said that unfortunately he must have put a stitch through a nerve .

Have they said if surgery can fix it ? Back surgery is very tricky and can't be guaranteed it will work
They said that surgery can relieve it, doesn't exactly fill one with confidence as it doesn't sound like a cure. I have to weigh up the pros' and cons', at 68 I'm not old so if it goes wrong I could have years of problems and maybe even end up in a wheelchair, if it goes right I could be relatively pain free and able to move about. Decisions, decisions, it's all too hard really and I keep shelving it but I know the final decision will have to be made soon.:)
They said that surgery can relieve it, doesn't exactly fill one with confidence as it doesn't sound like a cure. I have to weigh up the pros' and cons', at 68 I'm not old so if it goes wrong I could have years of problems and maybe even end up in a wheelchair, if it goes right I could be relatively pain free and able to move about. Decisions, decisions, it's all too hard really and I keep shelving it but I know the final decision will have to be made soon.:)
My husband suffered back pain for years was told to have surgery but a couple of our friends and relatives had similar surgery that never worked.

I had surgery to remove a hernia mesh ect ect but now 5 months later I'm now in even more pain . Minus the mesh minus my umbilicus and alot of abdominal wall.
It's so hard to know the right decision. And you have so many years left to enjoy
They said that surgery can relieve it, doesn't exactly fill one with confidence as it doesn't sound like a cure. I have to weigh up the pros' and cons', at 68 I'm not old so if it goes wrong I could have years of problems and maybe even end up in a wheelchair, if it goes right I could be relatively pain free and able to move about. Decisions, decisions, it's all too hard really and I keep shelving it but I know the final decision will have to be made soon.:)
Don't ever listen to my advice on medical issues as I don't trust doctors especially surgeon's and they now want to do more surgery
Don't ever listen to my advice on medical issues as I don't trust doctors especially surgeon's and they now want to do more surgery
I hope you can get your problems sorted out really quickly. There's nothing worse than being in constant pain, it sucks the joy out of life. Fingers crossed you are pain free soon.:love:
I was thrown down the steps at Berrida Red Cross Childrens Home when I was 10 by one of the nurses and suffered back pain which left me unable to stand up and incontinent for a week but had no one to complain to. I was pulled out of bed and told to stand up, that I was just putting on an act. I learnt to live with pain until I was 28 when I had an Xray of my spine only to find a piece of my spine had completely , broken and was 3 mm away from the spine, nerves were being crushed whenever I moved.As it was so long before I got medical help there was nothing they could do to help.I have lived with pain all my life, I can blot out some sometimes, and other times just have to go to bed. I walk with a limp now because of how I was treated in the Childrens Home.
I hope you can get your problems sorted out really quickly. There's nothing worse than being in constant pain, it sucks the joy out of life. Fingers crossed you are pain free soon.:love:
That will only happen if I have more surgery for them to remove all of the stitches that are pulling my stomach muscles together and put in another piece of mesh.
I don't know that I want more surgery there is no guarantee that the nerves are not damaged.

I'm really not trusting surgeons anymore and I think has alot to do with my anxiety and depression
That will only happen if I have more surgery for them to remove all of the stitches that are pulling my stomach muscles together and put in another piece of mesh.
I don't know that I want more surgery there is no guarantee that the nerves are not damaged.

I'm really not trusting surgeons anymore and I think has alot to do with my anxiety and depression
My heart goes out to you, stay safe.:love:
Back pain is the most debilitating pain, I know, I suffer from severe spinal stenosis. I can't even stand long enough to make a sandwich and on a bad day can only walk about 30metres without needing to sit. My next step is an operation which quite frankly scares the bejesus out of me. It's partly my fault as I ignored the niggling backache for a long while but it is what it is. Take care of your back people, you've only got one and it can't regenerate!:)
I too have stenosis of the spine, after working all my life and changing jobs as I could do stuff, I'm now 62 and can't do more than sit around, I looked forward to retirement but now I wish I'd done more when I could have...and I had to fight for a year to get a disability pension now I can't work any longer!! And yet I see people who are fit and with a lot of acting have got on disability!!
As embarrassing as it is to admit, most of the time, we tend to ignore and push through the discomfort whenever our backs hurt. We chalk up our backaches to nothing more than a strained muscle from doing household chores, prolonged periods of inactivity, like sitting and reading, or honestly, our age.

Recently, though, shocking pictures were posted online revealing why you should never ignore common pains, especially in your back.


A woman who suffered from back pain for two months had shocking X-ray results. Credit: The New England Journal of Medicine.

According to a report from The Sun, a woman in her late thirties had been experiencing back discomfort and only decided to seek medical attention after two months. Even though she has a history of osteoporosis in her family, it was unclear why she waited such a long time to get the help she needed.

The woman was given a thorough physical examination, and at first, the doctors didn't find anything out of the ordinary. But when they took a number of X-rays, they discovered that she had a medical condition called 'sandwich vertebrae'.

This is a condition in which the thoracic spine has sclerotic bands—this means that the bones have reacted badly to the growing process. Doctors also noticed that she had developed a 'bone inside a bone' as a result of this condition.

Despite the absence of fractures, the woman was nevertheless sent for additional testing, and it was there that doctors discovered that her osteoporosis is unlike anything they'd seen before.

The tests revealed that she had a gene mutation known as autosomal dominant osteopetrosis, or Albers-Schönberg's disease.

Formerly known as 'marble bones’, this condition was initially identified by Albers-Schönberg in 1904, hence the name.

This disorder usually starts in late childhood or early adolescence and causes the bones to calcify, making the skeleton much denser than normal.

As a result, the person is more likely to experience pain and breakages in their bones. Most of the time, the condition is passed down from parent to child, and this is usually the case when an adult is diagnosed with it.


You should have your back checked at the first sign of pain or discomfort. Credit: Stock. (Stock photo)

'Osteoclasts in patients with this condition are unable to resorb bone, which causes bone density to increase, primarily in the spine, the pelvis, and the base of the skull,' said the medical experts at the University Minho School of Medicine.

'The radiographic findings of sandwich vertebrae and bone within bone strongly suggest the diagnosis and should prompt genetic testing.'

Fortunately, the woman was able to acquire the treatment and rehabilitation services she needed. There were no reports of further fractures in her back after a few years, and her condition considerably improved.

Take this as a warning, members: if you've been in pain or discomfort for more than a couple of weeks and over-the-counter medications haven't helped, it's time to make an appointment with your doctor.

Finding the source of pain or discomfort early on can prevent it from worsening into a more serious health problem. Stay safe always, everyone!
I have 2 severe problems with my spine 1st is a disease called Forestiers Disease or "DISH" (Dissolve Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis) this is where bone grows over the ligaments and fuses the vertebrae together, Unfortunately this has fused all the vertebrae in my neck together, No one knows what causes it and nobody is doing any research on it + plus what is so far written in medical papers on it are mostly incorrect as those who wrote them have never suffered from the disease... What happens when ones ribs all fuse at the spine and restricts one diaphragm from moving.... The second is a CRUSHED Disc @ L4 and L5, an easy fix really just replace the disc, but the Neuro Surgeons wont do it as they reckon I have a Bad heart which is a load of crap, I did have a bit of Hypertension caused by stress and pain. but at least the stress has gone, I have just had surgery for an aneurysm repair cancelled and they wont even consider fixing the blocked arteries in the legs.... thanks Princess Alexandra hospital.... for nothing. If I was a horse I would have been put down already... LOL
Back pain is the most debilitating pain, I know, I suffer from severe spinal stenosis. I can't even stand long enough to make a sandwich and on a bad day can only walk about 30metres without needing to sit. My next step is an operation which quite frankly scares the bejesus out of me. It's partly my fault as I ignored the niggling backache for a long while but it is what it is. Take care of your back people, you've only got one and it can't regenerate!:)
Where do you live? There is a wonderful surgeon in Brisbane, Dr. Jason McMillan who did surgery on my back. He is the best.
I too have stenosis of the spine, after working all my life and changing jobs as I could do stuff, I'm now 62 and can't do more than sit around, I looked forward to retirement but now I wish I'd done more when I could have...and I had to fight for a year to get a disability pension now I can't work any longer!! And yet I see people who are fit and with a lot of acting have got on disability!!
You have my sympathies, I know what you're suffering.:(
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I have 2 severe problems with my spine 1st is a disease called Forestiers Disease or "DISH" (Dissolve Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis) this is where bone grows over the ligaments and fuses the vertebrae together, Unfortunately this has fused all the vertebrae in my neck together, No one knows what causes it and nobody is doing any research on it + plus what is so far written in medical papers on it are mostly incorrect as those who wrote them have never suffered from the disease... What happens when ones ribs all fuse at the spine and restricts one diaphragm from moving.... The second is a CRUSHED Disc @ L4 and L5, an easy fix really just replace the disc, but the Neuro Surgeons wont do it as they reckon I have a Bad heart which is a load of crap, I did have a bit of Hypertension caused by stress and pain. but at least the stress has gone, I have just had surgery for an aneurysm repair cancelled and they wont even consider fixing the blocked arteries in the legs.... thanks Princess Alexandra hospital.... for nothing. If I was a horse I would have been put down already... LOL
Thats what I say... I can't work anymore..lucky I'm not a horse would be dog food now, at least I can go out to pasture..but I'm also hoping the laws improve and when I get to a stage that makes pain worse than being alive, that euthanasia is available to all who need it!

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