Discover the 'Blue Zone' drink doctor swears by for longer life—one glass daily could be the secret!

The 'Blue Zones' have captivated the world's imagination in the quest for the fountain of youth and longevity.

These pockets of the planet, where centenarians thrive, have become a blueprint for those seeking to unlock the secrets of a longer, healthier life.

The Netflix documentary Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones has spotlighted these remarkable regions, and many are eager to incorporate their wisdom into their daily routines.

Central to the longevity of Blue Zone inhabitants is their diet, which is rich in locally sourced, natural foods, with a particular emphasis on fruits and vegetables.

Citrus fruits like oranges are a staple in regions such as Ikaria in Greece and Sardinia in Italy, both renowned for their high number of centenarians.

Could orange juice be the secret to a longer life? Credit: Shutterstock

Drawing inspiration from these longevity hotspots, Dr Carrie Ruxton, a dietitian who is keen on the health benefits of our dietary choices, has highlighted a simple yet potentially life-extending habit: the daily consumption of one glass of 100 per cent orange juice.

This isn't just any morning refreshment; it's a glass brimming with vitality and youth-preserving nutrients.

Dr Ruxton pointed out that a staggering 48 per cent of Brits are unaware of the antioxidant benefits of pure orange juice, which go far beyond just quenching your thirst.

These antioxidants play a crucial role in supporting the skin's anti-aging process. Just one small glass provides more than 90 per cent of your daily vitamin C needs, a nutrient essential for maintaining youthful, plump skin.

The vitamin C in orange juice doesn't just contribute to a glowing complexion—it acts as a natural shield against the harmful rays of the sun and is instrumental in the body's production of collagen.

But the benefits of this citrus elixir extend far beyond skin deep.

'A glass of orange juice is an easy and inexpensive step towards supporting a healthy heart and helping the immune system to function well,' Dr Ruxton explained.

‘The high levels of vitamin C found naturally in fruit juice help the immune system to combat symptoms of common colds and illness and support normal skin health, while folate – a B vitamin in orange juice - helps reduce tiredness and fatigue.’

‘Not only this, polyphenols such as hesperidin, found in citrus fruits and their juices, help promote normal blood vessel function and reduce inflammation, which combines to support a healthy heart.’

Moreover, orange juice is a source of potassium, which is essential for maintaining normal blood pressure—a key factor in cardiovascular health.

With those benefits in mind, a woman decided to embark on a unique dietary journey with oranges.

In a previous story, a woman took a radical approach to her diet by consuming nothing but orange juice for 40 days.

She reflected on this journey as a ‘wonderful’ experience. You can read more about the story here.

Members, it's important to balance our diets with a variety of nutrients. While orange juice is a wonderful addition, it should complement a diet rich in whole foods, vegetables, and other fruits.

If you're considering making any significant changes to your diet, it's crucial to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian first.

They can provide personalised advice considering your unique health needs and nutritional requirements.
Key Takeaways

  • Dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton highlighted the health benefits of drinking one glass of 100 per cent orange juice daily, inspired by the longevity seen in Blue Zone regions.
  • A survey revealed nearly half of the British public were unaware of the antioxidant benefits of 100 per cent orange juice, which supports anti-ageing and skin health.
  • Orange juice provides over 90 per cent of our daily vitamin C needs in a small glass, which is important for skin collagen production and protection against sun damage.
  • Besides skin benefits, orange juice supports heart health and the immune system and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue due to its vitamin C, folate, hesperidin, and potassium content.
Have you incorporated any 'Blue Zone' habits into your lifestyle? What are your thoughts on the health benefits of orange juice? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!
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Oh grief more bad advice from a dietician. 100% orange juice. 100% sugar. And the blue zone is another one of those scams about longevity. Trying to get us to stop eating meat and start eating mostly fruit and veg. Al that will do is add to the already mounting number of diabetics, lower the nutritional value of what we consume, push us to ultra processed junk and leave us fat, sick and nearly dead. Not to mention the chemicals and poisons in plants that have a serious affect of our health over time. I eat very little fruit or veg. Don't need them
Surely it is best to eat an entire orange. With juicing the orange, you don't get the natural fiber, which is most important for the digestive system.
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I still say the fresh fruit is better than fruit juice. Hubby and I start every day with a mandarin. In summer, we have an orange. With the fruit, you get the fibre which is also necessary for good health.

A 250ml glass of orange juice contains 22 grams of sugar, while a mandarin has 10.6 grams of sugar. Stick to the fresh fruit.
You can blitz the whole orange and have the pulp with the juice and that way you get all the benefits. Easily done. And if you don't want to or can't for health reasons you don't have to. But some people might be interested in this idea. I don't understand why some people get on their high horse about these things. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. Just ignore it if it is not for you.
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In what universe is half a dozen teaspoons of sugar a good idea. Honestly, this sort of nonsense is how we got to where we are.
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100% pure orange juice us best obtained by squeezing oranges when you want a drink rather than bottled juice. Aurore
I grow my own fruit and a couple of veges. I use my own composted waste for most of my plants. No harmful sprays or gasses. Eaten fresh from the tree. Some I can freeze and use for smoothies.
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The reason why there is so much sugar (ADDED mind you) in orange juice is that the ENTIRE orange is pulped(skin and pips). The skin and pips are quite bitter. There is enough bitterness in one orange skin to kill any sweetness that the innards has.

I also never buy anything that is hermetically sealed on the principal that the hermets are grossly underpaid!
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