Discover how new fuel-efficiency standards will help Australian drivers save hundreds of dollars!

Australia is finally catching up with the rest of the developed nations by introducing new fuel efficiency standards.

This recent move by the federal government could save Australians up to $1,000 a year in fuel costs, a significant relief for many households.

The unveiling of the preferred model by Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen, signals a new era for the Australian automotive industry.

The new standards, which will apply to new passenger and light commercial vehicles, are expected to encourage car makers to sell more electric and fuel-efficient vehicles.

This move is seen to provide more choices to potential car buyers.

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The government is set to release new fuel-efficiency standards. Image source: Freepik.

If Australia matches the United States in average vehicle efficiency by 2028, drivers should save a lot per vehicle yearly, according to Bowen.

'Because of a lack of action on an Efficiency Standard, Australian families are paying around $1,000 a year more than they need to be for their annual fuel bill—the Albanese Government is delivering long-term cost-of-living relief to fix that for new vehicles and put money back in people's pockets,' Bowen said in a statement.

This move is not only beneficial for consumers' wallets but also for the environment, as it promotes the use of vehicles that emit less carbon dioxide.

The introduction of these standards is expected to save Australian motorists $100 billion in fuel costs by 2050.

'This is about ensuring Australian families and businesses can choose the latest and most efficient cars and utes, whether they're petrol and diesel engines, or hybrid, or electric,' Bowen added.

The move has been praised by climate groups and industry bodies, including the Electric Vehicle Council (EVC).

EVC Chief Executive Behyad Jafari said, 'This announcement from the Federal Government, when legislated, will give Australians a greater choice for the cars they want and put money back in their pockets through lower fuel bills.'

'Within a few short years, it will mean the average family will not have to spend as much on imported petrol, which we know is hugely volatile on price.'

The new policy is expected to end Australia's position at the back of the queue when it comes to the best and cheapest electric vehicles.

Car makers have been incentivised to offer their most efficient vehicles elsewhere first, but this should change with the introduction of the new standards.

'That should end now with this policy, and Australian car buyers should notice the change very quickly,' Jafari added.

The government will consult on the preferred model for a month and introduce the legislation as soon as possible.

The new cost-saving rules are expected to come into effect by January 1, 2025.
Key Takeaways
  • Australians could potentially save up to $1,000 annually on fuel costs with the new fuel efficiency standards set by the government.
  • The new standards encourage car manufacturers to offer more electric and fuel-efficient vehicles in the Australian market.
  • If the country achieves the same vehicle efficiency as the United States by 2028, significant savings on fuel are expected for drivers.
  • Climate groups and the Electric Vehicle Council have lauded the Federal Government's move, with expectations that it will offer Australians greater vehicle choice and cost savings on fuel.
What do you think about these new fuel efficiency standards? Do you believe they will make a significant difference in your annual fuel costs? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
And what about if you run out of battery while driving on a highway or a road. Who is going to pull up and charge the battery in your beloved EV.??
On the other hand if you run out of fuel in your normal car you can either pick up a ride with someone else to a service station and go back to your car or pour some fuel in from a jerry can and bingo you are on the move again.
Who has a spare battery to get you going with an EV let alone the crane to lift it into it.?
Everybody is rushing into something which hasn't even been sorted out properly from the beginning.
No one is rushing it just appears that way, only a minuscule number of EVs are sold compared, and they are towable like any other car. Only a clown would leave home without enough fuel for the journey period.
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Current EVs come with a battery guarantee of at least 8 years (there are even some with a 15-year or 1.6 million km now). The latest generation of EVs will outlast any ICE vehicle. You are correct on one thing, the war against EVs is "all about the money". There is an enormous amount of disinformation out there with the oil companies and legacy auto companies spending large sums of money to try to undermine the transition to EVs and protect their business.

Regarding climate change, it's difficult to see how anyone living in Australia with their eyes open couldn't see just how massively the climate is changing. Cyclones, bushfires, floods and droughts are all getting worse.
Toytal BS. How old are you.? Let me tell you that I worked in areas where the temperatures reach3eed 128 degrees in the old scale for tow or thee weeks on end. What about you, have you ever worked in those places under the same weather conditions.? Obvioulsy NOT.
Let me also tell you thatI worked in areas in Asutralia under tremendous cold weather and even in the Snowy Mountain scheme building powerlines and I am sill here.
I had also a brother (Who went back to our place of origin due to home sickness) who worked in SA for weeks and weeks on end building grain silos and the temperature there was always around 50 degrees celsius.
The BS you are emanating here is total made up crap especially where you are stating and I quote "
Cyclones, bushfires, floods and droughts are all getting worse."
Those are the baseless words pushed around by someone who is really not thinking straight as they ae stearing down a tube and maybe even brainwashed a little. The weather and climates are always changing depending on the position of the Earth and the Sun, and I believe you should have learnt as much while at school.
In closing, it is Obvious to me that you forgot that you live in Australia where it is a well known place for huge variances in the weather. I can swear that I have experienced all in all of the years I lived here and that, contrary to what many people think, I am still here telling my true stories NOT MADE UP ONES.
Just Read Dorothea McKellar "I Love a Sunburnt Country" In The Diaries of Dorothea Mackellar.

Oh and one more thing if I may and that is about the batteries warranty. Is that made clear to you or to your clients (AND IN WRITING) when the car is sold.? And what about when they catch in fire is that under warranty too as it appears that not many Insurance companies are wanting to insure them and stay well clear of these EV's.
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6 years lifespan, haha, now you are proving you have no idea what you're talking about. Most car manufacturers guarantee EV batteries for 8 years or 160,000. That does not mean they are useless at 8 years, just like your car that may have a 4 years guarantee, does it just stop after 4 years.

"Most car manufacturers guarantee EV batteries for 8 years or 160,000."
It would mean that for some poeple the car battery could be out of warranty in about 1 -1/2 or 2 years at most. Poor excuse.
Besides you are saying "MOST CAR MANUFACTURERS" and MOST doesn't mean ALL.
As for NORMAL cars you are wrong once again. Some car maufacturers are giving 7 or 8 years warranty and even my new Prado has a 5 years warranty which is more that the 4 you have said. Obviously you are pushing a wheelbarrow full of personal agenda.
I remember about 30 o 40 years ago driving through Cooma in early January with my family because I wanted to visit some of the places I used to work and funnily enough it was snowing so heavy that we decided to spend three days thee enjoying it.
Was that Climate Change too.??
Ever seen what happens to a tanker filled with oil and it ruptures?
Baseless and totally made up comment to ty and support some baseless ideas you are working extremely hard at pushing aorund.
As for your query, Yes I have as I was a Captain in the RFS for a very long time. Have you.?
But that comment is based on an oil tanker which could have happened in an accident. But EV's don't need to overturn to explode as they explode on their own. Periuod.!
Have you ever seen this in your lifetime.?
Baseless and totally made up comment to ty and support some baseless ideas you are working extremely hard at pushing aorund.
As for your query, Yes I have as I was a Captain in the RFS for a very long time. Have you.?
But that comment is based on an oil tanker which could have happened in an accident. But EV's don't need to overturn to explode as they explode on their own. Periuod.!
Have you ever seen this in your lifetime.?
View attachment 47736
Somethimg here for you for now but if I can find the photo of a Windmill generator in flames I will post that one too.
Toytal BS. How old are you.? Let me tell you that I worked in areas where the temperatures reach3eed 128 degrees in the old scale for tow or thee weeks on end. What about you, have you ever worked in those places under the same weather conditions.? Obvioulsy NOT.
Let me also tell you thatI worked in areas in Asutralia under tremendous cold weather and even in the Snowy Mountain scheme building powerlines and I am sill here.
I had also a brother (Who went back to our place of origin due to home sickness) who worked in SA for weeks and weeks on end building grain silos and the temperature there was always around 50 degrees celsius.
The BS you are emanating here is total made up crap especially where you are stating and I quote "

Those are the baseless words pushed around by someone who is really not thinking straight as they ae stearing down a tube and maybe even brainwashed a little. The weather and climates are always changing depending on the position of the Earth and the Sun, and I believe you should have learnt as much while at school.
In closing, it is Obvious to me that you forgot that you live in Australia where it is a well known place for huge variances in the weather. I can swear that I have experienced all in all of the years I lived here and that, contrary to what many people think, I am still here telling my true stories NOT MADE UP ONES.
Just Read Dorothea McKellar "I Love a Sunburnt Country" In The Diaries of Dorothea Mackellar.

Oh and one more thing if I may and that is about the batteries warranty. Is that made clear to you or to your clients (AND IN WRITING) when the car is sold.? And what about when they catch in fire is that under warranty too as it appears that not many Insurance companies are wanting to insure them and stay well clear of these EV's.
I think U R being a bit harsh, even SANTOS, etc, use batteries and solar in the outback for energy.
How old R U at 75 I have noticed drastic changes of weather more so in the recent past, that's not bs.
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Two contradictions there:
1)"You don't need "sun" for solar, you need light. Cloudy days will still make electricity, just not as good."
Incorrect. once upon a time I was heavily involved in supplying solar panels to some of my communications customers and it nearly sent me broke because of the unreliabilty of them. And the amount of electricty they will supply if they don't get the real sun is negligible if not negative. And even when thet heat is too high they can become unreliable as well.
2) "Canada? We are in Australia, what's the relevance of Canada to Australia. Europe has cold winters too, Scandinavian countries are leading the pack in EV sales, over 50 % of new car sales are EV's now, seems they are managing fine with them."
How big is Scandinavua and how may people are actully living there.? You failed to address that part perhaps intentionally too. How far is the distances they have to travel when twons are so far apart and some of thekm are so small as well.
"In Sweden, solar PV installations have grown exponentially. As of 2023, the country had a total installed solar PV capacity of 4.1 GW." That's big is it with only 4.1 GW.
In Sweden we use domestic renewable energy sources such as hydro, wind, solar and biofuels. We also import nuclear fuels, biofuels and fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas. The energy system in Sweden can be divided into supply and consumption.
And there lies your answer. But at the same time we are consnatly told that renewable is cheaper WHILE OUR PRICES OF ELECTRICITY ARE CONSTANTLY GOING UP. IS THAT A REAL FACT TOO.?
Now, I am asking you something because I explained to the forum what my past experiences were in regard to solar panels. Can you please tell us all if you have a private interest in this baseless crap and what you intend doing with all your solar panels at the end of lifetime.??
Toytal BS. How old are you.? Let me tell you that I worked in areas where the temperatures reach3eed 128 degrees in the old scale for tow or thee weeks on end. What about you, have you ever worked in those places under the same weather conditions.? Obvioulsy NOT.
Let me also tell you thatI worked in areas in Asutralia under tremendous cold weather and even in the Snowy Mountain scheme building powerlines and I am sill here.
I had also a brother (Who went back to our place of origin due to home sickness) who worked in SA for weeks and weeks on end building grain silos and the temperature there was always around 50 degrees celsius.
The BS you are emanating here is total made up crap especially where you are stating and I quote "

Those are the baseless words pushed around by someone who is really not thinking straight as they ae stearing down a tube and maybe even brainwashed a little. The weather and climates are always changing depending on the position of the Earth and the Sun, and I believe you should have learnt as much while at school.
In closing, it is Obvious to me that you forgot that you live in Australia where it is a well known place for huge variances in the weather. I can swear that I have experienced all in all of the years I lived here and that, contrary to what many people think, I am still here telling my true stories NOT MADE UP ONES.
Just Read Dorothea McKellar "I Love a Sunburnt Country" In The Diaries of Dorothea Mackellar.

Oh and one more thing if I may and that is about the batteries warranty. Is that made clear to you or to your clients (AND IN WRITING) when the car is sold.? And what about when they catch in fire is that under warranty too as it appears that not many Insurance companies are wanting to insure them and stay well clear of these EV's.
Sounds like you are getting wound-up there.

You obviously have no idea what "climate change" means. You are giving references to "weather".

The weather is the day to day conditions, today it's 22 degrees with rain, tomorrow it's going to be 19 and rain clearing. Of course there are extremes of weather, there's always extremes, and that is the weather.

The "climate" is a long term indication of what the conditions are like in areas. Extremes are not so important, what's important is the average temperatures, rain falls, etc. Not something that you or I can see easily, hence you need to look at figures and they show the temperature is rising gradually, on AVERAGE over the years and decades. Of course I guess you'll just say the figures are falsified, that's the ignorance in you.

Battery warranties? Is that made clear to you when you by the car? Hahaha, no, they just hide that fact and hope you don't noticed, lol. Of course it is made known, it's part of the sales pitch, part of marketing.

Yes I said 4 years warranty, no I didn't list down all the warranties available for every manufacturer out there, it was an EXAMPLE, understand what an example is. The point was YOU said the batteries only last 6 years or some rubbish, that is just not true, BS. Yes, MOST, so don't buy that brand if it's not a long warranty. I said most because many are even more. A huge percentage of car owners change over cars every 2-3 years, they don't care about battery life. Just like people who buy/lease an S Class Mercedes Benz, they keep it for maybe 3 years, the depreciation on those things would see the valued halved in three years, or Lexus LS, I know, I'm looking at them now.

Solar - You told me they don't work on cloudy days? But your experience with them was "once upon a time", that suggests it's not in the last 5-10 years. Ever heard of improvements in technology, do you think that maybe, just maybe the technology has improved and the ability to generate electricity from solar in cloudy conditions may have improved? We are not living in your "once upon a time" fantasy land. You have the internet, why don't you look up the efficiency of solar panels today from testing facilities, not companies that make them. You'll find they are around 80% in cloudy conditions. I have friends with them, they certainly work when cloudy, can easily see the generation happening. No I do not have any connection to the solar industry, never have and never will now. I don't just blindly follow what happened decades agos, I look at the now.

Have you never seen an ICE car on fire? Sparks and petrol do not go well together, plenty of ICE cars catch fire. In fact the stats show that MORE ICE cars catch fire compared to EV's, and that includes when the difference in sales numbers are taken into account. You have fallen for the media hype that always happens, a new thing, oh look it caught fire, end of the world, as if it'd never happened before.

You do know that no one is forcing you into an EV, petrol and diesel vehicles are still to this day being released. They are not going away anytime soon. And there will be other options down the line, in 30 years time you may have the choice of EV or hydrogen for example, just like you have a choice of petrol or diesel now.

You mentioned running out of battery charge. You do know they have a gauge in them, just like your car. I've driven near 4 million kms in my life, NEVER have I run out of fuel, why, because I can see the gauge, I know roughly how far the vehicle will go on a tank of fuel and ensure I fill up in time. I see numerous EV's on Hume regularly, Tesla's stand out but there are plenty of others, all along the Hume, they plan their days, have breaks as they should and charge. I know it maybe hard for you to plan, but many people can manage that, if they can't there's always the Road Associations who have vehicles with batteries to charge a car wherever you are.

Guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you, just because you don't won't an EV that's fine, but let others make that choice for themselves. I don't have one, not likely to until their range improves as I do a 800 km driver regularly and it does not fit with my needs. Just like you wouldn't buy a Suzuki Swift because it probably doesn't fit with your needs.
I think U R being a bit harsh, even SANTOS, etc, use batteries and solar in the outback for energy.
How old R U at 75 I have noticed drastic changes of weather more so in the recent past, that's not bs.
Wrong again. This climate change crap has been pushed or shoved down our neck without any supporting evidence whatsoever but solely on made up assumptions which are totally baseless. These laughable people or better still "the watermelon people" who are green on the outside and very red on the inside are even interfering with the running of companies by simply buying a few shares and then try and hold Boards to accounts if they don't follow their rules and THAT IS DISGUSTING TO SAY THE LEAST.
How do I know.? Well let me tell you that I was a Board Director and seen it all.
As for my age well I am much older than you I am 84 years old and I didn't just live or worked all my life in some cramped up cities. Period.!!
I worked all over the place and travel around the place (LET ALONE THE MANY TIMES I TRAVELLED AROUND THE WORLD AS WELL WHILE ALL AT MY OWN COSTS TOO).
As such I can speak from personal experience and not from what someone is telling me or trying to indoctrinate me, or what is written in a book which could all be made up of fallacies.
As such, I challenge you to respond in a proper and balanced way and to challenge all of my comments with real supporting evidences.
Sounds like you are getting wound-up there.

You obviously have no idea what "climate change" means. You are giving references to "weather".

The weather is the day to day conditions, today it's 22 degrees with rain, tomorrow it's going to be 19 and rain clearing. Of course there are extremes of weather, there's always extremes, and that is the weather.

The "climate" is a long term indication of what the conditions are like in areas. Extremes are not so important, what's important is the average temperatures, rain falls, etc. Not something that you or I can see easily, hence you need to look at figures and they show the temperature is rising gradually, on AVERAGE over the years and decades. Of course I guess you'll just say the figures are falsified, that's the ignorance in you.

Battery warranties? Is that made clear to you when you by the car? Hahaha, no, they just hide that fact and hope you don't noticed, lol. Of course it is made known, it's part of the sales pitch, part of marketing.

Yes I said 4 years warranty, no I didn't list down all the warranties available for every manufacturer out there, it was an EXAMPLE, understand what an example is. The point was YOU said the batteries only last 6 years or some rubbish, that is just not true, BS. Yes, MOST, so don't buy that brand if it's not a long warranty. I said most because many are even more. A huge percentage of car owners change over cars every 2-3 years, they don't care about battery life. Just like people who buy/lease an S Class Mercedes Benz, they keep it for maybe 3 years, the depreciation on those things would see the valued halved in three years, or Lexus LS, I know, I'm looking at them now.

Solar - You told me they don't work on cloudy days? But your experience with them was "once upon a time", that suggests it's not in the last 5-10 years. Ever heard of improvements in technology, do you think that maybe, just maybe the technology has improved and the ability to generate electricity from solar in cloudy conditions may have improved? We are not living in your "once upon a time" fantasy land. You have the internet, why don't you look up the efficiency of solar panels today from testing facilities, not companies that make them. You'll find they are around 80% in cloudy conditions. I have friends with them, they certainly work when cloudy, can easily see the generation happening. No I do not have any connection to the solar industry, never have and never will now. I don't just blindly follow what happened decades agos, I look at the now.

Have you never seen an ICE car on fire? Sparks and petrol do not go well together, plenty of ICE cars catch fire. In fact the stats show that MORE ICE cars catch fire compared to EV's, and that includes when the difference in sales numbers are taken into account. You have fallen for the media hype that always happens, a new thing, oh look it caught fire, end of the world, as if it'd never happened before.

You do know that no one is forcing you into an EV, petrol and diesel vehicles are still to this day being released. They are not going away anytime soon. And there will be other options down the line, in 30 years time you may have the choice of EV or hydrogen for example, just like you have a choice of petrol or diesel now.

You mentioned running out of battery charge. You do know they have a gauge in them, just like your car. I've driven near 4 million kms in my life, NEVER have I run out of fuel, why, because I can see the gauge, I know roughly how far the vehicle will go on a tank of fuel and ensure I fill up in time. I see numerous EV's on Hume regularly, Tesla's stand out but there are plenty of others, all along the Hume, they plan their days, have breaks as they should and charge. I know it maybe hard for you to plan, but many people can manage that, if they can't there's always the Road Associations who have vehicles with batteries to charge a car wherever you are.

Guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you, just because you don't won't an EV that's fine, but let others make that choice for themselves. I don't have one, not likely to until their range improves as I do a 800 km driver regularly and it does not fit with my needs. Just like you wouldn't buy a Suzuki Swift because it probably doesn't fit with your nee
More BS than ever. And you are still avoiding my question as to what involvement you have in selling and promoting this crap unto us.
As I said before if you want an EV get it and good luck to you but don't try and tell me that I have to have one to save the planet as it is totally made up crap and not suitable in any ways or form to my needs.
At the same time I find it insulting that people running EV's are wanting to get exemptions from road costs and taxes when it is well known that if no one will pay road taxes there will be no roads built to drive on.
As for cars fires, I have already told you (OBVIOUSLY you only read what suits you), that I was a Captain of the RFS for many many years and even received awards for my service to the community and I have seen it all. But these fires are mainly happening because of extreme circumstances not by just sitting there like an EV can and all of a sudden exploding into fire.
By the way a company that I am a shareholder of just the other day experienced a big fire which damaged nearby properties and guess what caught fire.?? YEP HEAPS AND HEAPS OF STORED BATTERIES. And another Lithium battery plant caught fire in Bessemer City as well.
Yep they are very safe indeed. NOT.!!!
In the meantime someone is getting astronomically rich by pushing this crap due to our complete ignorance. The likes of AL GORE and JOHN KERRIE are the typical example of it all as they are laughing all their ways to the Bank.

Fire damages lithium plant in Bessemer City​

You can google that at your leisure. Lets call a spade a spade shall we.?
I thought the same. My brother lives in an apartment building with an underground basement. He told me there's 3 of them that put recharging stations in their allocated parking spots. Apparently very expensive to do though. Probably due to body corporate.
Let me get you into something. Lithium ion batteries are well known that in overcharging them YOU WILL REDUCE THEIR LIFETIME BY A GREAT EXTENT (If Not Even Destroying Them), AS THEY DEVELOP A MEMORY. How do I know that.?
In one of my businesses we encountered that problems day after day and even after using some specialised equipment to cancel thememory and bring them back to their life, in the majoirity of cases they were simply a Throw AWAY. Period.!
Now, tell me as to how your brother and the 3 people living in that apartment building are going to make sure that the batteries in their EV's are not overcharged and therefore damaged as a consequence IF NOT EVEN CATCHING FIRE.?
No one is rushing it just appears that way, only a minuscule number of EVs are sold compared, and they are towable like any other car. Only a clown would leave home without enough fuel for the journey period.
And if they are towable who is going to pay for the cost of towing it to the nearest charging station.? NRMA or other MV Associations WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RECHARGE YOUR CAR but only most possibly orgaising someone to towing it AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE to the nearest place to charge it.
Let me get you into something. Lithium ion batteries are well known that in overcharging them YOU WILL REDUCE THEIR LIFETIME BY A GREAT EXTENT (If Not Even Destroying Them), AS THEY DEVELOP A MEMORY. How do I know that.?
In one of my businesses we encountered that problems day after day and even after using some specialised equipment to cancel thememory and bring them back to their life, in the majoirity of cases they were simply a Throw AWAY. Period.!
Now, tell me as to how your brother and the 3 people living in that apartment building are going to make sure that the batteries in their EV's are not overcharged and therefore damaged as a consequence IF NOT EVEN CATCHING FIRE.?
I agree and he will too.
Sounds like you are getting wound-up there.

You obviously have no idea what "climate change" means. You are giving references to "weather".

The weather is the day to day conditions, today it's 22 degrees with rain, tomorrow it's going to be 19 and rain clearing. Of course there are extremes of weather, there's always extremes, and that is the weather.

The "climate" is a long term indication of what the conditions are like in areas. Extremes are not so important, what's important is the average temperatures, rain falls, etc. Not something that you or I can see easily, hence you need to look at figures and they show the temperature is rising gradually, on AVERAGE over the years and decades. Of course I guess you'll just say the figures are falsified, that's the ignorance in you.

Battery warranties? Is that made clear to you when you by the car? Hahaha, no, they just hide that fact and hope you don't noticed, lol. Of course it is made known, it's part of the sales pitch, part of marketing.

Yes I said 4 years warranty, no I didn't list down all the warranties available for every manufacturer out there, it was an EXAMPLE, understand what an example is. The point was YOU said the batteries only last 6 years or some rubbish, that is just not true, BS. Yes, MOST, so don't buy that brand if it's not a long warranty. I said most because many are even more. A huge percentage of car owners change over cars every 2-3 years, they don't care about battery life. Just like people who buy/lease an S Class Mercedes Benz, they keep it for maybe 3 years, the depreciation on those things would see the valued halved in three years, or Lexus LS, I know, I'm looking at them now.

Solar - You told me they don't work on cloudy days? But your experience with them was "once upon a time", that suggests it's not in the last 5-10 years. Ever heard of improvements in technology, do you think that maybe, just maybe the technology has improved and the ability to generate electricity from solar in cloudy conditions may have improved? We are not living in your "once upon a time" fantasy land. You have the internet, why don't you look up the efficiency of solar panels today from testing facilities, not companies that make them. You'll find they are around 80% in cloudy conditions. I have friends with them, they certainly work when cloudy, can easily see the generation happening. No I do not have any connection to the solar industry, never have and never will now. I don't just blindly follow what happened decades agos, I look at the now.

Have you never seen an ICE car on fire? Sparks and petrol do not go well together, plenty of ICE cars catch fire. In fact the stats show that MORE ICE cars catch fire compared to EV's, and that includes when the difference in sales numbers are taken into account. You have fallen for the media hype that always happens, a new thing, oh look it caught fire, end of the world, as if it'd never happened before.

You do know that no one is forcing you into an EV, petrol and diesel vehicles are still to this day being released. They are not going away anytime soon. And there will be other options down the line, in 30 years time you may have the choice of EV or hydrogen for example, just like you have a choice of petrol or diesel now.

You mentioned running out of battery charge. You do know they have a gauge in them, just like your car. I've driven near 4 million kms in my life, NEVER have I run out of fuel, why, because I can see the gauge, I know roughly how far the vehicle will go on a tank of fuel and ensure I fill up in time. I see numerous EV's on Hume regularly, Tesla's stand out but there are plenty of others, all along the Hume, they plan their days, have breaks as they should and charge. I know it maybe hard for you to plan, but many people can manage that, if they can't there's always the Road Associations who have vehicles with batteries to charge a car wherever you are.

Guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you, just because you don't won't an EV that's fine, but let others make that choice for themselves. I don't have one, not likely to until their range improves as I do a 800 km driver regularly and it does not fit with my needs. Just like you wouldn't buy a Suzuki Swift because it probably doesn't fit with your needs.

And by the way you still refused to answer any of my questions directed to you. Cheers mate.

And by the way you still refused to answer any of my questions directed to you. Cheers mate.
Oh yes Greg350, this greens system of renewables has just proved to us how good it is but how inefficient and unreliable it is. It apppears that in NZ they have forced people to turn heating and hot water systems off and ask them to have cold showers (NOT WARM ONES...COLD ONES MIND YOU which goes down very well for the elderly let alone the young ones) as they have had a cold snap. Wait till it gets a real winter there then.
So much to say about the reliability of your solar panels and windmill generators. How much will it or does it cost to get an helicopter in the air spraying some defrosting crap into the windmill geneators which could be more hamfull to the planet than the coal power geneators?

WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR ALL THAT.? ME AND YOU OF COURSE as companies always pass any extra costs on to their consumers.

That is a good one Greg350. Not.!!
Incorrect. You still believe in the conspiracy theory against EV's that they are more polluting than the horrible combustion engine. Read and learn.
Greg, please have a close look how electricity is generated in this country. The lion share of electrical energy is generated by burning brown coal and this is a fact. Second issue with EV - how our government is going to create an infrastructure to dispose them in the end of lifecycle. There are a lot of nasty metals that could damage nature.
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Sounds like you are getting wound-up there.

You obviously have no idea what "climate change" means. You are giving references to "weather".

The weather is the day to day conditions, today it's 22 degrees with rain, tomorrow it's going to be 19 and rain clearing. Of course there are extremes of weather, there's always extremes, and that is the weather.

The "climate" is a long term indication of what the conditions are like in areas. Extremes are not so important, what's important is the average temperatures, rain falls, etc. Not something that you or I can see easily, hence you need to look at figures and they show the temperature is rising gradually, on AVERAGE over the years and decades. Of course I guess you'll just say the figures are falsified, that's the ignorance in you.

Battery warranties? Is that made clear to you when you by the car? Hahaha, no, they just hide that fact and hope you don't noticed, lol. Of course it is made known, it's part of the sales pitch, part of marketing.

Yes I said 4 years warranty, no I didn't list down all the warranties available for every manufacturer out there, it was an EXAMPLE, understand what an example is. The point was YOU said the batteries only last 6 years or some rubbish, that is just not true, BS. Yes, MOST, so don't buy that brand if it's not a long warranty. I said most because many are even more. A huge percentage of car owners change over cars every 2-3 years, they don't care about battery life. Just like people who buy/lease an S Class Mercedes Benz, they keep it for maybe 3 years, the depreciation on those things would see the valued halved in three years, or Lexus LS, I know, I'm looking at them now.

Solar - You told me they don't work on cloudy days? But your experience with them was "once upon a time", that suggests it's not in the last 5-10 years. Ever heard of improvements in technology, do you think that maybe, just maybe the technology has improved and the ability to generate electricity from solar in cloudy conditions may have improved? We are not living in your "once upon a time" fantasy land. You have the internet, why don't you look up the efficiency of solar panels today from testing facilities, not companies that make them. You'll find they are around 80% in cloudy conditions. I have friends with them, they certainly work when cloudy, can easily see the generation happening. No I do not have any connection to the solar industry, never have and never will now. I don't just blindly follow what happened decades agos, I look at the now.

Have you never seen an ICE car on fire? Sparks and petrol do not go well together, plenty of ICE cars catch fire. In fact the stats show that MORE ICE cars catch fire compared to EV's, and that includes when the difference in sales numbers are taken into account. You have fallen for the media hype that always happens, a new thing, oh look it caught fire, end of the world, as if it'd never happened before.

You do know that no one is forcing you into an EV, petrol and diesel vehicles are still to this day being released. They are not going away anytime soon. And there will be other options down the line, in 30 years time you may have the choice of EV or hydrogen for example, just like you have a choice of petrol or diesel now.

You mentioned running out of battery charge. You do know they have a gauge in them, just like your car. I've driven near 4 million kms in my life, NEVER have I run out of fuel, why, because I can see the gauge, I know roughly how far the vehicle will go on a tank of fuel and ensure I fill up in time. I see numerous EV's on Hume regularly, Tesla's stand out but there are plenty of others, all along the Hume, they plan their days, have breaks as they should and charge. I know it maybe hard for you to plan, but many people can manage that, if they can't there's always the Road Associations who have vehicles with batteries to charge a car wherever you are.

Guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you, just because you don't won't an EV that's fine, but let others make that choice for themselves. I don't have one, not likely to until their range improves as I do a 800 km driver regularly and it does not fit with my needs. Just like you wouldn't buy a Suzuki Swift because it probably doesn't fit with your needs.
Dear oh me Greg, when will you wake up to yursels and strat to realise that you are constantly contradicting yourself time and times again.
This is what you worte: "(The weather is the day to day conditions, today it's 22 degrees with rain, tomorrow it's going to be 19 and rain clearing. Of course there are extremes of weather, there's always extremes, and that is the weather.)"
Isn't that a contradiction when you are constantly saying the weather is changing due to climate change and fossil fuels, and then you come up with this paragraph which blows your BS totally out of the water by saying that there is alwasy extremes in the weather because the weather is the weather.
Dear oh me Greg at least read your postes before posting them.
Greg, please have a close look how electricity is generated in this country. The lion share of electrical energy is generated by burning brown coal and this is a fact. Second issue with EV - how our government is going to create an infrastructure to dispose them in the end of lifecycle. There are a lot of nasty metals that could damage nature.
Nor did Greg andno one else have they come up as yet how they will dispose of all the solar panels and the windmill generators when they willl reach their end of lifetime.
Solar panels contains some of the most dangeorus and highly toxic chemicals in the World and windmill generators are just as bad if not even worse.
The other day a windmill generator blew up and all the oils therein landed on the ground and it appears that the Government of maybe the seller/installer might be liable to to do the cleaning up and remove and safely dispose on the toxic material IF IT SAFE AND IF IT CAN BE DONE.
Then in Texas (from what I hard on the telly) there is OR BETTER STILL THERE WAS AS IT IS NOT THERE ANY LONGER, possibLy the biggest solar panel farm in the States and it was hIt by a huge hailstorm destroyng nearly all of the solar panels while also letting all the highly toxic chemicals on the ground where even all the livestosk there had to be removed as it became all toxic and possibly even some of them died or had to be euthanised.

For the ones interested here is the link to some part of it. They are playing it down to suit themselves as they are worried of the repercussion but there are not hundreds of panels but literally thousand upon thousands of them destroyed. My nice lives around there somewhere, and told me what she thinks.

Greg, please have a close look how electricity is generated in this country. The lion share of electrical energy is generated by burning brown coal and this is a fact. Second issue with EV - how our government is going to create an infrastructure to dispose them in the end of lifecycle. There are a lot of nasty metals that could damage nature.
Hi Frigate et all, On Monday last (20/05/24), I was driving back from Toowoomba to the Gold Coast on the freeway abouyt 4.30 PM or thereabout when all of a sudden there were siren's blaring everywhere. I counted 4 Fire Trucks, then 2 Police Cars 1 Motoribe Policeman, and two ambulances all within a four of five minutes period.
I couldn't see anything from where I was at the time and then I saw flashing lights everywhere and I rang Mrs. Kelpie that I was going to run late but that we would still be going out for dinner at whatever time I got there. Slowly slowly the traffic moved forward until I got to the place where all these respondents units were and two tow trucks or tilt trays were there as well.
All I could see was that I could see an EV car being loaded on the back of the tilt tray but no accidents at all and I couldn't believe my eyes as to why they needed all the first respondents units on site. The EV car apparently must have stopped all of a sudden and it was in the middle lane.
When I arrived back to the Unit I was talking to an ex Fire fighter (Not in the RFS) and he told me that the reaosn was that they could have anticipated a fire or an explosion after the car suddenly stopped and it was totally dead, and when a fire start in an EV vehicle anything could be expected, let alone an explosion.


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