Did Meghan's 'bullying' allegations spark the physical altercation between Princes Harry and William?

It's definitely no secret that over the past few years, the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William has somewhat deteriorated with the aftermath of Megxit and all the drama that ensued.

But it looks like it's only now that we can finally understand into what it was actually all about.

In bombshell extracts from his up-and-coming memoir, Spare, Harry talks about a 'violent showdown' he had with his older brother.

According to the Duke of Sussex, now 38, the clash began when William visited him back in December 2019 to confront him about the bullying claims against Meghan.

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Harry and William reportedly spat over Meghan's alleged 'bullying' of royal aides. Credit: Shutterstock.

Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex had been accused of mistreating and bullying staff. The issue had been brought to William's attention by Harry and Meghan's former communication secretary, Jason Knauf.

Knauf wrote to William's private secretary Simon Case, revealing that he had received 'report after report' of Meghan's 'unacceptable behaviour'. It's also reported that Harry begged Knauf not to report the allegations, which were ultimately investigated by Buckingham Palace.

However, the investigation's results were ultimately never made public, so the story's remained a bit of a mystery until now.

It was later reported by The Times newspaper, and the traumatised former employees of Harry and Meghan even went so far as to form a group termed 'The Sussex Survivors' Club'.

A source later confirmed that Harry and William's physical altercation was indeed due to the allegations, with them now stepping forward to reveal that William wanted to get across to his brother that 'bullying was not something that would be condoned in the Royal Family'.

shutterstock_436244284 (1).jpg
In Spare, Harry recalls 'petty fights' with William, including a beard dispute and Meghan's 'hormones' and 'baby brain' comments to Kate. Credit: Shutterstock.

In his book, Harry recounts 'petty disputes' with William, including an argument about beards and an incident when Meghan offended her sister-in-law Kate by discussing her 'hormones' and 'baby brain'.

He does make mention of the altercation between himself and William in his Nottingham Cottage kitchen but fails to mention it was over the bullying claims.

Recalling the incident, Harry recalls that William came at him furiously, 'piping hot' with anger at the time.

He claims that his brother even encouraged him to 'hit back', but Harry refused, instead opting to call his therapist instead of telling his wife immediately.

A Buckingham Palace investigation into the bullying claims was finished last year and remained buried to keep the details of the report from the public.

However, Meghan has always strenuously denied all bullying allegations.
Key Takeaways

  • Details of a 'violent showdown' between Harry and his older brother are revealed in explosive excerpts from his upcoming memoir, Spare.
  • The reports that Meghan was 'bullying' royal aides led to a physical confrontation between Harry and William.
Members, this explosive allegation only goes to show how high tensions have become behind palace walls. It's a sad thing that two brothers who were once as close as they were have come to such blows.

It's a good reminder for us all that we should never take the people closest to us for granted, and we must actively work on fostering good relationships with our loved ones.

Time will tell if the brothers will be able to keep the peace and repair their relationship, but one thing's for sure: the public won't be forgetting this altercation anytime soon.

We'll keep you posted if any additional information becomes available - so what do you think of this news, folks? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
All this does is show that the "Royals" are real people with real feelings and understandably real reactions in volatile situations. Why should we be shocked by Harry's book, Harry's thoughts, Harry's one sided view of his world? Yes, he's got a major chip on his shoulder but in his own words he is giving us an insight into the world of the "Royals". He is showing us that they (including himself and his little family) are not perfect. They fight, they get upset with each other, they put their foot in their mouths and say inappropriate things. They twist the truth to put themselves in a better light, cry when they are upset, apologise when they should. They are human.
The strange thing is, Harry can't see this. He expects them to be perfect. All of what he has written, the way he has been treated, the way he feels about it, could have been duplicated by almost any person in any family on earth.
When people marry, they take on their partner's baggage. They see the way other families behave, adopt some of their behaviours. Those that are left in the original family group do not necessarily agree with the changes, do not necessarily like the new family member and it causes rifts just like the William and Harry rift. The more outspoken ones do as Harry and Meghan are doing, fight against it, blame everything on the other side. The quieter ones say nothing, stay in the family group and ignore the ruckus.
It happens, they are human, just like us.
Boil everything down to the nuts and bolts and you can see the real picture.
I would love to know who the “ royal insiders”are. Funny how nothing gets said but when it does it is all Harry and Meghan’s fault. Someone in the palace is talking and if it is an employee they should have their employment terminated. Harry could be right,maybe it is stepmother. After all let’s not forget that she chose Diana as a wife for Charles. She was young and they could pull the wool over her eyes. I will be glad when Australia cuts the apron strings with England.
It's definitely no secret that over the past few years, the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William has somewhat deteriorated with the aftermath of Megxit and all the drama that ensued.

But it looks like it's only now that we can finally understand into what it was actually all about.

In bombshell extracts from his up-and-coming memoir, Spare, Harry talks about a 'violent showdown' he had with his older brother.

According to the Duke of Sussex, now 38, the clash began when William visited him back in December 2019 to confront him about the bullying claims against Meghan.

View attachment 11375
Harry and William reportedly spat over Meghan's alleged 'bullying' of royal aides. Credit: Shutterstock.

Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex had been accused of mistreating and bullying staff. The issue had been brought to William's attention by Harry and Meghan's former communication secretary, Jason Knauf.

Knauf wrote to William's private secretary Simon Case, revealing that he had received 'report after report' of Meghan's 'unacceptable behaviour'. It's also reported that Harry begged Knauf not to report the allegations, which were ultimately investigated by Buckingham Palace.

However, the investigation's results were ultimately never made public, so the story's remained a bit of a mystery until now.

It was later reported by The Times newspaper, and the traumatised former employees of Harry and Meghan even went so far as to form a group termed 'The Sussex Survivors' Club'.

A source later confirmed that Harry and William's physical altercation was indeed due to the allegations, with them now stepping forward to reveal that William wanted to get across to his brother that 'bullying was not something that would be condoned in the Royal Family'.

View attachment 11376
In Spare, Harry recalls 'petty fights' with William, including a beard dispute and Meghan's 'hormones' and 'baby brain' comments to Kate. Credit: Shutterstock.

In his book, Harry recounts 'petty disputes' with William, including an argument about beards and an incident when Meghan offended her sister-in-law Kate by discussing her 'hormones' and 'baby brain'.

He does make mention of the altercation between himself and William in his Nottingham Cottage kitchen but fails to mention it was over the bullying claims.

Recalling the incident, Harry recalls that William came at him furiously, 'piping hot' with anger at the time.

He claims that his brother even encouraged him to 'hit back', but Harry refused, instead opting to call his therapist instead of telling his wife immediately.

A Buckingham Palace investigation into the bullying claims was finished last year and remained buried to keep the details of the report from the public.

However, Meghan has always strenuously denied all bullying allegations.
Key Takeaways

  • Details of a 'violent showdown' between Harry and his older brother are revealed in explosive excerpts from his upcoming memoir, Spare.
  • The reports that Meghan was 'bullying' royal aides led to a physical confrontation between Harry and William.
Members, this explosive allegation only goes to show how high tensions have become behind palace walls. It's a sad thing that two brothers who were once as close as they were have come to such blows.

It's a good reminder for us all that we should never take the people closest to us for granted, and we must actively work on fostering good relationships with our loved ones.

Time will tell if the brothers will be able to keep the peace and repair their relationship, but one thing's for sure: the public won't be forgetting this altercation anytime soon.

We'll keep you posted if any additional information becomes available - so what do you think of this news, folks? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
So Harry called his therapist after the altercation?! In her conversation with Oprah, Meghan alleged mental health problems were ignored. She allegedly begged for help in her suicidal frame of mind, but it was denied. How come Harry didn’t get her an appointment with his therapist?

A bit of advice from an old lady: Meghan love, if you insist on going on the telly and lying through your teeth, you have to have a good memory.
Harry has always had a chip on his shoulder about William and the fact that when William had kids he would be phased out from the 'spare' job, just a his forebears were. It seems he doesnt like been made redundant as the spare and Megan could not get it that Kate, William and the kids were more important than her and be in front of her as protocol dicates. Fights happen between brothers and they get over it, except in this case Harry has made money out of it and he forgot to mention the behaviour of his wife. He seems to think there is an excuse for Megans bullying but did not like it when he was confronted, it takes two in a confrontation and he was the other one. Megan has embellished a lot to garner sympathy and to put her toxic point of view across because, money is to be made. No family is perfect and she seems to forget the way she has treated her father and siblings which also is a way of bullying, it seems ok for her but not for anyone to have a go at her. Her toxicity has spread to Harry who now like Megan does not take any blame for the things they have done.
It's definitely no secret that over the past few years, the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William has somewhat deteriorated with the aftermath of Megxit and all the drama that ensued.

But it looks like it's only now that we can finally understand into what it was actually all about.

In bombshell extracts from his up-and-coming memoir, Spare, Harry talks about a 'violent showdown' he had with his older brother.

According to the Duke of Sussex, now 38, the clash began when William visited him back in December 2019 to confront him about the bullying claims against Meghan.

View attachment 11375
Harry and William reportedly spat over Meghan's alleged 'bullying' of royal aides. Credit: Shutterstock.

Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex had been accused of mistreating and bullying staff. The issue had been brought to William's attention by Harry and Meghan's former communication secretary, Jason Knauf.

Knauf wrote to William's private secretary Simon Case, revealing that he had received 'report after report' of Meghan's 'unacceptable behaviour'. It's also reported that Harry begged Knauf not to report the allegations, which were ultimately investigated by Buckingham Palace.

However, the investigation's results were ultimately never made public, so the story's remained a bit of a mystery until now.

It was later reported by The Times newspaper, and the traumatised former employees of Harry and Meghan even went so far as to form a group termed 'The Sussex Survivors' Club'.

A source later confirmed that Harry and William's physical altercation was indeed due to the allegations, with them now stepping forward to reveal that William wanted to get across to his brother that 'bullying was not something that would be condoned in the Royal Family'.

View attachment 11376
In Spare, Harry recalls 'petty fights' with William, including a beard dispute and Meghan's 'hormones' and 'baby brain' comments to Kate. Credit: Shutterstock.

In his book, Harry recounts 'petty disputes' with William, including an argument about beards and an incident when Meghan offended her sister-in-law Kate by discussing her 'hormones' and 'baby brain'.

He does make mention of the altercation between himself and William in his Nottingham Cottage kitchen but fails to mention it was over the bullying claims.

Recalling the incident, Harry recalls that William came at him furiously, 'piping hot' with anger at the time.

He claims that his brother even encouraged him to 'hit back', but Harry refused, instead opting to call his therapist instead of telling his wife immediately.

A Buckingham Palace investigation into the bullying claims was finished last year and remained buried to keep the details of the report from the public.

However, Meghan has always strenuously denied all bullying allegations.
Key Takeaways

  • Details of a 'violent showdown' between Harry and his older brother are revealed in explosive excerpts from his upcoming memoir, Spare.
  • The reports that Meghan was 'bullying' royal aides led to a physical confrontation between Harry and William.
Members, this explosive allegation only goes to show how high tensions have become behind palace walls. It's a sad thing that two brothers who were once as close as they were have come to such blows.

It's a good reminder for us all that we should never take the people closest to us for granted, and we must actively work on fostering good relationships with our loved ones.

Time will tell if the brothers will be able to keep the peace and repair their relationship, but one thing's for sure: the public won't be forgetting this altercation anytime soon.

We'll keep you posted if any additional information becomes available - so what do you think of this news, folks? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Of course it has to do with narcissistic Meghan. The whole narrative has been penned by her. Sorry Harry she is using you to make money and try to bring the royal family down.
Meghan had no idea what she was getting into when she joined the royal family. She had no understanding of the manners and protocols of life in those circles, and thought she could behave in her brash American way in a centuries-old institution. She seems to have had no idea how to handle staff. She complained that she “couldn’t believe she wasn’t being paid for this“ during her royal visit to Australia. Oh, she was being paid all right, in terms of the wealth and privilege she had married into, not understanding the responsibilities that came with that. I feel that Harry is being led by the ear to do what Meghan wants.
It's definitely no secret that over the past few years, the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William has somewhat deteriorated with the aftermath of Megxit and all the drama that ensued.

But it looks like it's only now that we can finally understand into what it was actually all about.

In bombshell extracts from his up-and-coming memoir, Spare, Harry talks about a 'violent showdown' he had with his older brother.

According to the Duke of Sussex, now 38, the clash began when William visited him back in December 2019 to confront him about the bullying claims against Meghan.

View attachment 11375
Harry and William reportedly spat over Meghan's alleged 'bullying' of royal aides. Credit: Shutterstock.

Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex had been accused of mistreating and bullying staff. The issue had been brought to William's attention by Harry and Meghan's former communication secretary, Jason Knauf.

Knauf wrote to William's private secretary Simon Case, revealing that he had received 'report after report' of Meghan's 'unacceptable behaviour'. It's also reported that Harry begged Knauf not to report the allegations, which were ultimately investigated by Buckingham Palace.

However, the investigation's results were ultimately never made public, so the story's remained a bit of a mystery until now.

It was later reported by The Times newspaper, and the traumatised former employees of Harry and Meghan even went so far as to form a group termed 'The Sussex Survivors' Club'.

A source later confirmed that Harry and William's physical altercation was indeed due to the allegations, with them now stepping forward to reveal that William wanted to get across to his brother that 'bullying was not something that would be condoned in the Royal Family'.

View attachment 11376
In Spare, Harry recalls 'petty fights' with William, including a beard dispute and Meghan's 'hormones' and 'baby brain' comments to Kate. Credit: Shutterstock.

In his book, Harry recounts 'petty disputes' with William, including an argument about beards and an incident when Meghan offended her sister-in-law Kate by discussing her 'hormones' and 'baby brain'.

He does make mention of the altercation between himself and William in his Nottingham Cottage kitchen but fails to mention it was over the bullying claims.

Recalling the incident, Harry recalls that William came at him furiously, 'piping hot' with anger at the time.

He claims that his brother even encouraged him to 'hit back', but Harry refused, instead opting to call his therapist instead of telling his wife immediately.

A Buckingham Palace investigation into the bullying claims was finished last year and remained buried to keep the details of the report from the public.

However, Meghan has always strenuously denied all bullying allegations.
Key Takeaways

  • Details of a 'violent showdown' between Harry and his older brother are revealed in explosive excerpts from his upcoming memoir, Spare.
  • The reports that Meghan was 'bullying' royal aides led to a physical confrontation between Harry and William.
Members, this explosive allegation only goes to show how high tensions have become behind palace walls. It's a sad thing that two brothers who were once as close as they were have come to such blows.

It's a good reminder for us all that we should never take the people closest to us for granted, and we must actively work on fostering good relationships with our loved ones.

Time will tell if the brothers will be able to keep the peace and repair their relationship, but one thing's for sure: the public won't be forgetting this altercation anytime soon.

We'll keep you posted if any additional information becomes available - so what do you think of this news, folks? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
It is a shame Harry ever met her she is ruining the Royal family. A divorcee yet never had a child. She soon had one with poor Harry, now he is tied to the actress because of the children. She was just after fame!!!!No wonder she is so disliked !!! Why can’t he see it????
It's definitely no secret that over the past few years, the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William has somewhat deteriorated with the aftermath of Megxit and all the drama that ensued.

But it looks like it's only now that we can finally understand into what it was actually all about.

In bombshell extracts from his up-and-coming memoir, Spare, Harry talks about a 'violent showdown' he had with his older brother.

According to the Duke of Sussex, now 38, the clash began when William visited him back in December 2019 to confront him about the bullying claims against Meghan.

View attachment 11375
Harry and William reportedly spat over Meghan's alleged 'bullying' of royal aides. Credit: Shutterstock.

Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex had been accused of mistreating and bullying staff. The issue had been brought to William's attention by Harry and Meghan's former communication secretary, Jason Knauf.

Knauf wrote to William's private secretary Simon Case, revealing that he had received 'report after report' of Meghan's 'unacceptable behaviour'. It's also reported that Harry begged Knauf not to report the allegations, which were ultimately investigated by Buckingham Palace.

However, the investigation's results were ultimately never made public, so the story's remained a bit of a mystery until now.

It was later reported by The Times newspaper, and the traumatised former employees of Harry and Meghan even went so far as to form a group termed 'The Sussex Survivors' Club'.

A source later confirmed that Harry and William's physical altercation was indeed due to the allegations, with them now stepping forward to reveal that William wanted to get across to his brother that 'bullying was not something that would be condoned in the Royal Family'.

View attachment 11376
In Spare, Harry recalls 'petty fights' with William, including a beard dispute and Meghan's 'hormones' and 'baby brain' comments to Kate. Credit: Shutterstock.

In his book, Harry recounts 'petty disputes' with William, including an argument about beards and an incident when Meghan offended her sister-in-law Kate by discussing her 'hormones' and 'baby brain'.

He does make mention of the altercation between himself and William in his Nottingham Cottage kitchen but fails to mention it was over the bullying claims.

Recalling the incident, Harry recalls that William came at him furiously, 'piping hot' with anger at the time.

He claims that his brother even encouraged him to 'hit back', but Harry refused, instead opting to call his therapist instead of telling his wife immediately.

A Buckingham Palace investigation into the bullying claims was finished last year and remained buried to keep the details of the report from the public.

However, Meghan has always strenuously denied all bullying allegations.
Key Takeaways

  • Details of a 'violent showdown' between Harry and his older brother are revealed in explosive excerpts from his upcoming memoir, Spare.
  • The reports that Meghan was 'bullying' royal aides led to a physical confrontation between Harry and William.
Members, this explosive allegation only goes to show how high tensions have become behind palace walls. It's a sad thing that two brothers who were once as close as they were have come to such blows.

It's a good reminder for us all that we should never take the people closest to us for granted, and we must actively work on fostering good relationships with our loved ones.

Time will tell if the brothers will be able to keep the peace and repair their relationship, but one thing's for sure: the public won't be forgetting this altercation anytime soon.

We'll keep you posted if any additional information becomes available - so what do you think of this news, folks? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Although the family still relies on stoicism and a stiff-upper-lip attitude although commendable, becoming rather untenable. I'm sure that the security services would have a vast amount of information on this disruptive pair which could be leaked or openly published as there can't be any more damage by this couple of slags other than more of the same. Also as far as I'm in their shoes I would state that I no longer have a brother, without trust you have nothing.
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Meghan had no idea what she was getting into when she joined the royal family. She had no understanding of the manners and protocols of life in those circles, and thought she could behave in her brash American way in a centuries-old institution. She seems to have had no idea how to handle staff. She complained that she “couldn’t believe she wasn’t being paid for this“ during her royal visit to Australia. Oh, she was being paid all right, in terms of the wealth and privilege she had married into, not understanding the responsibilities that came with that. I feel that Harry is being led by the ear to do what Meghan wants.
Sorry but bullshit she knew exactly what she was doing, even her friends state she was studying all about the family, and she certainly lucked out with the family idiot.
It's definitely no secret that over the past few years, the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William has somewhat deteriorated with the aftermath of Megxit and all the drama that ensued.

But it looks like it's only now that we can finally understand into what it was actually all about.

In bombshell extracts from his up-and-coming memoir, Spare, Harry talks about a 'violent showdown' he had with his older brother.

According to the Duke of Sussex, now 38, the clash began when William visited him back in December 2019 to confront him about the bullying claims against Meghan.

View attachment 11375
Harry and William reportedly spat over Meghan's alleged 'bullying' of royal aides. Credit: Shutterstock.

Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex had been accused of mistreating and bullying staff. The issue had been brought to William's attention by Harry and Meghan's former communication secretary, Jason Knauf.

Knauf wrote to William's private secretary Simon Case, revealing that he had received 'report after report' of Meghan's 'unacceptable behaviour'. It's also reported that Harry begged Knauf not to report the allegations, which were ultimately investigated by Buckingham Palace.

However, the investigation's results were ultimately never made public, so the story's remained a bit of a mystery until now.

It was later reported by The Times newspaper, and the traumatised former employees of Harry and Meghan even went so far as to form a group termed 'The Sussex Survivors' Club'.

A source later confirmed that Harry and William's physical altercation was indeed due to the allegations, with them now stepping forward to reveal that William wanted to get across to his brother that 'bullying was not something that would be condoned in the Royal Family'.

View attachment 11376
In Spare, Harry recalls 'petty fights' with William, including a beard dispute and Meghan's 'hormones' and 'baby brain' comments to Kate. Credit: Shutterstock.

In his book, Harry recounts 'petty disputes' with William, including an argument about beards and an incident when Meghan offended her sister-in-law Kate by discussing her 'hormones' and 'baby brain'.

He does make mention of the altercation between himself and William in his Nottingham Cottage kitchen but fails to mention it was over the bullying claims.

Recalling the incident, Harry recalls that William came at him furiously, 'piping hot' with anger at the time.

He claims that his brother even encouraged him to 'hit back', but Harry refused, instead opting to call his therapist instead of telling his wife immediately.

A Buckingham Palace investigation into the bullying claims was finished last year and remained buried to keep the details of the report from the public.

However, Meghan has always strenuously denied all bullying allegations.
Key Takeaways

  • Details of a 'violent showdown' between Harry and his older brother are revealed in explosive excerpts from his upcoming memoir, Spare.
  • The reports that Meghan was 'bullying' royal aides led to a physical confrontation between Harry and William.
Members, this explosive allegation only goes to show how high tensions have become behind palace walls. It's a sad thing that two brothers who were once as close as they were have come to such blows.

It's a good reminder for us all that we should never take the people closest to us for granted, and we must actively work on fostering good relationships with our loved ones.

Time will tell if the brothers will be able to keep the peace and repair their relationship, but one thing's for sure: the public won't be forgetting this altercation anytime soon.

We'll keep you posted if any additional information becomes available - so what do you think of this news,
folks? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

trust royal source yea right like I trust the Main Stream Media liars and politicians and a hole in the head... at any rate its none of my business or anybody's else's for that matter.... I wonder these moron would like it if all their family problems were blasted all over every media spot in the world...
So Harry called his therapist after the altercation?! In her conversation with Oprah, Meghan alleged mental health problems were ignored. She allegedly begged for help in her suicidal frame of mind, but it was denied. How come Harry didn’t get her an appointment with his therapist?

A bit of advice from an old lady: Meghan love, if you insist on going on the telly and lying through your teeth, you have to have a good memory.
If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you've said.
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If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you've said.
How come most of the replies come from people who havnt got a bloody clue as to whether Meghan is telling the truth or not.... Morons will always believe in the false narrative of the MSM and so called "Royal Sources"... watch out the sky is falling or go get the jab..... Wolf,Wolf,Wolf etc, etc, etc, but thats ok keep on the bandwagon one day Karma will get you as LIES about yourselves will start to surface and we will see how you handle it... UNLESS you know the absolute TRUTH about anything or anyone ... STFU
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All this does is show that the "Royals" are real people with real feelings and understandably real reactions in volatile situations. Why should we be shocked by Harry's book, Harry's thoughts, Harry's one sided view of his world? Yes, he's got a major chip on his shoulder but in his own words he is giving us an insight into the world of the "Royals". He is showing us that they (including himself and his little family) are not perfect. They fight, they get upset with each other, they put their foot in their mouths and say inappropriate things. They twist the truth to put themselves in a better light, cry when they are upset, apologise when they should. They are human.
The strange thing is, Harry can't see this. He expects them to be perfect. All of what he has written, the way he has been treated, the way he feels about it, could have been duplicated by almost any person in any family on earth.
When people marry, they take on their partner's baggage. They see the way other families behave, adopt some of their behaviours. Those that are left in the original family group do not necessarily agree with the changes, do not necessarily like the new family member and it causes rifts just like the William and Harry rift. The more outspoken ones do as Harry and Meghan are doing, fight against it, blame everything on the other side. The quieter ones say nothing, stay in the family group and ignore the ruckus.
It happens, they are human, just like us.
Boil everything down to the nuts and bolts and you can see the real picture.
All so true, a great view of families.
How come most of the replies come from people who havnt got a bloody clue as to whether Meghan is telling the truth or not.... Morons will always believe in the false narrative of the MSM and so called "Royal Sources"... watch out the sky is falling or go get the jab..... Wolf,Wolf,Wolf etc, etc, etc, but thats ok keep on the bandwagon one day Karma will get you as LIES about yourselves will start to surface and we will see how you handle it... UNLESS you know the absolute TRUTH about anything or anyone ... STFU
The only one really showing Meghan is lying is Meghan, with her constant contradictions of things she has said and done in the past. No-one needs to prove anything, no-one needs to stick up for her. You don't need to believe "Royal Sources", you don't need to read media blow ups. Just sit quietly and give her enough rope to hang herself - and she will.
All this does is show that the "Royals" are real people with real feelings and understandably real reactions in volatile situations. Why should we be shocked by Harry's book, Harry's thoughts, Harry's one sided view of his world? Yes, he's got a major chip on his shoulder but in his own words he is giving us an insight into the world of the "Royals". He is showing us that they (including himself and his little family) are not perfect. They fight, they get upset with each other, they put their foot in their mouths and say inappropriate things. They twist the truth to put themselves in a better light, cry when they are upset, apologise when they should. They are human.
The strange thing is, Harry can't see this. He expects them to be perfect. All of what he has written, the way he has been treated, the way he feels about it, could have been duplicated by almost any person in any family on earth.
When people marry, they take on their partner's baggage. They see the way other families behave, adopt some of their behaviours. Those that are left in the original family group do not necessarily agree with the changes, do not necessarily like the new family member and it causes rifts just like the William and Harry rift. The more outspoken ones do as Harry and Meghan are doing, fight against it, blame everything on the other side. The quieter ones say nothing, stay in the family group and ignore the ruckus.
It happens, they are human, just like us.
Boil everything down to the nuts and bolts and you can see the real picture.
I watched the channel 7 interviews with Harry last night & wondered about the poor me attitude that he showed during the whole thing. Yes, he didn't lay the blame at anyone's door when he should have done so at his wife's door. It is obvious to anyone that she is behind his whole feeling of second best. Just because she will never have the coverted title she craved.
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