Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

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Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

My favourite Christmas memory would have to be the last one I spent with my Mum she was a wonderful person who had strict traditions like no presents till after Church and Lunch then we could all open our presents. My son said after my mum passed away I wish I had not been cranky with Grandma for making me wait to open my presents. My children dearly loved their Grandma so this meant a lot to me.
My favorite Christmas was when my dad was alive and we would all go to Torquay camping. All my uncles aunts cousins everyone. Dad would dress up as santa and he would wear thongs!! He had a bell and walked right through the caravan park ringing it at 6am! He would go into random caravans and tents and ring his bell and get everyone up! All the kids would follow him around and he would give them lollies. Such a beautiful memory from my childhood🎅🎄
My favourite memory is of my four brothers and I waking each other up about 4am Christmas morning. We would all tiptoe into the living room to find on the floor, a stocking with our name on it, filled with adorable trinkets. Our “main” present beside our stocking. Our parents had been up til midnight preparing the scene. I had as much joy sharing my brother’s gifts as my own. We would all rush to wake our parents to show what Santa had left us. What joy.
Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

It was in 1988, both my parents were still alive and loved making Christmas the most special event of the year. We had visitors from the UK who had never experienced an Aussie Christmas filled with Ham, Chicken, Prawns and beautiful salads followed up with delicious Pavlova or trifle.

It was hot and humid where we live so inside under the fans was the order of the day. All the kids where just on the verge of becoming non believers in Santa. Little did they know what kind of treat they were going to get.

Special outfits were made for each of them and hung on hangers near the front door for their arrival with a note from Santa and his Reindeer saying sorry for not being there to dish out the gifts but a special request for each of them to change into their outfits and be the nominated children to hand out the presents this year.

Lunch was prepared on a few tables all joined together to fit everyone in. There were smiles and laughter everywhere. Then came time to hand out the presents. The kids got into their outfits including their santa hats and saw to their amazement a room filled with gifts around a wonderful Christmas tree.

To say they loved it would be an understatement and is and was a talking point for many many years to come. “Remember when we got those outfits and the note from Santa to hand out the presents”

Five years later I lost my Dad, but the Christmas tradition still continued every year with my Mum making it special for each of the grandchildren and great grandchildren. This year I lost my Mum so this year will be the first Christmas without her. So now it’s up to me to continue the tradition of making Christmas Day the special event it needs to be filled with love, laughter, great food and long lasting special memories.
The Christmas day I most remember was when I got a two Wheeler Bike. My Brother woke me up at 5.30 am To sneak in to see what Santa left. The only thing I saw was a Two Wheeler Bike when Dad called out "GET BACK TO BED". Then I had to wait until 8.30am. It was a long wait. Later in the morning Mum asked me to go to get milk ( In a billy can). Of course i asked if I could go on my new bike ,
Mum said no you will spill it, I insisted I wouldn't and of course I did, i was surprised I did not get into trouble. So it was still a Happy Christmas
I gave you the very best Christmas memory have ever had.. Now I give you my saddest moment was in December 22nd 2002 .. After 3 and a half years of what was my life with a whole in my stomach and died 5 times that they brought me back, thank heavens. I had a op that went wrong and after 48 days in the ICU I had a huge and long way to go to have to learn how to talk, walk, eat and a having the nurses coming in to shower me and re-dress the whole I had. Then the Physio would come and take my for a walk and do some exercise to strengthen my very skinny body. I also had to try and overcome vomiting for 12 months and no one could find out why.. anyway my beautiful mum had to look after my 10 year old to 13 and a half Daughter who made it so hard for mum, as Daughter wanted everything and mum gave in to try and keep the peace. Once my wound grew from the inside out, then I was getting around my mum got sick and had to go to the hospital.. She never came out. She died on the 22nd December.. I was devastated but had to be strong for the family, here and down in Canberra. My brother who lived in Moruya and had a crap car and he wanted to come up as My other brother in Canberra wouldn't come up and told me that I had to send mum's body down to Canberra because there was a plot over my other brother and Mr Canberra was arguing with me while I was in the Hospital trying to get some sense in him. The Head Dr ended up taking the phone off me and telling said brother that mum's life support was getting turned off. I was a mess but I did ask the Dr could he wait as my brother from Moruya was on his way up. After many breakdowns he finally got up here and he had some time with mum and then the Dr turned off the life support. We had to then we had to get the funeral organized and that was so hard, my brother couldn't get up and say a few words at the funeral and it was left up to me, I didn't mind and I included all the family in the eulogy.. but I was not happy as the person that does the makeup put to much on mum. Well-being right on Christmas it was a very somber, we didn't really celebrate Christmas day and I can't really celebrate it ever since.
Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

My favourite Xmas memory as a child in
Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

My favourite memory as a child at Xmas in England was Xmas day whe our presents were put in a pillow bottom of the bed. My brother n I couldn't fall asleep Xmas eve because of excitement and when mum closed the bedroom door we jumped up from the bed and dived into the pillow slips Xmas day was spent colouring picture books. Then when it came to Xmas pud we eagerly searched for a threepenny or sixpence coin. We had no t.v.then so we then we t on to crack shelled nuts from a stocking filled with an orange nuts n toys. Boxing day was spent shuffling snow from pathways for neighbours. Joan rowe

simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!
In 2010 we lived in Sussex in the UK. We had not had a white Christmas since moving there in 2001 so this was very exciting for our family and also it was our first grandsons first Christmas. On Christmas Day we all went to spend the day with my brother and his family in Greater London in one car. He lived in a cal de sac at the top of the hill in the turning circle. When we arrived we realised we would never get up the hill in the car because of the ice so we parked and started walking. You can imagine we had Christmas presents for 7 people, lots of food and drink and the most important our little grandson. At first we were all concentrating on each step we took but then we all just started laughing at ourselves. We had a lovely day and in the evening it was time to go home and back to the car. I was the designated driver so I was given the baby and rest of the family slid down the hill laughing. When I got to the car we could not open the door the lock was frozen and the car looked like an igloo. We had brought a cup of hot water, not sure how it survived the journey but we unlocked the door I got in with baby and started the car and eventually the doors started thawing and we could go home 😂
The best Xmas we had was in 2016 when our daughter survived incurable stage 4 bowel and liver cancer. Her children were just 6 and 9 when she was first diagnosed, so we are very blessed to still have her with us to keep sharing wonderful times together at Christmas.
Not my favourite Christmas memory but one I will never forget. My wife and I were just sitting down to our roast turkey Christmas dinner when there was a knock on the door. A young couple stood there looking very miserable. They explained that they were on their way for Christmas dinner with an invalid relative but their car had run out of petrol. There were no service stations nearby so could we possibly help them. In the spirit of Christmas I said I would do what I could. I found an empty can and a short length of house and siphoned petrol out of my car. In doing so I got a good mouth full of petrol. I got a fair amount into the can, they put it into their car, the car started and off they went to enjoy their dinner. Unfortunately mine was ruined. By the time I got back to the table my meal was cold, and all I could taste for several hours was petrol. My family told me how delicious it had tasted....not for me. Forget about the Christmas pudding and mince pies, I had petrol for my special Christmas dinner. But I did feel good about helping the couple out so it is not all a bad memory
My very Favourite Christmas Memories …. Are simple FAMILY & Love ❤️
Christmas Eve the drive from Toowoomba to Brisbane in Mum & Dads VWagon to stay at Nannas for Santa to come . The absolute Joy ,Happiness and Love in that lounge room Xmas Morning around the Tree 🌲
Grandad so excited to cut the Christmas Ham & how we would all watch eagerly to taste that Ham .
table all set up under Grandads and Nannas house waiting for all
The other relatives to arrive for more presents 🎁

The lunch of so much chit chat
The oh so very special Xmas Pudding with money in it !
Oh how I miss my big family . Will always hold those precious memories close to my heart .
I’m now trying to recreate this memories for my own family and grandchildren
Must say this is not my favourite Xmas story, but the one I will never, ever forget. I was 14 in 1955. It had been a rough family week. My sisters were 5 and 18 months old. It was before Xmas lunch and we lived in a bit of a dump of a place, but, we made the best of it. Mum came to us about 11.00 a.m. and said "Sorry girls, but your Dad is leaving to spend Christmas with his girlfriend and little boy. He will not be coming back." What more can one say. Always in the back of my mind. Every Christmas since then has been my favourite one.
My best Christmas memory was seeing my short beloved grandmother walking to our house with a big sack over her shoulder full of presents for our family. I must add there were 11 kids in our family. I now wonder how on earth she ever did that every year she was alive.
Another wonderful memory was the smell of fresh pine as the tree was put in the house.
This gorgeous memory was emailed in by member Josephine D.

'Christmas Eve at night with mum. All lights on, Christmas tree's optic different coloured lights flashing on and off. Presents under the tree for the whole family. Mum sitting in an armchair praying with her rosary beads and all is peaceful about 830pm at night and not a sound to be heard. I felt closest to my mum that night, Christmas Eve.'

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Josephine!
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My best memory of Christmas is when I was a small child, I would go to bed with my sock at the end of the bed and excited to see what Santa would bring in my stocking. I would wake up and check my stocking and then rush out to the lounge/dining area and be amazed at the transformation, the tree was up, decorations on the ceiling the fire crackling away and presents under the tree. I never knew till I was much older that mum stayed up all night to turn our house into a magical place, with the fire roaring away making the room toasty and warm it was an exciting time for a small child. Something I will never forget.
Seafood is a Christmas must have for us.
3 years ago I fell off a trampoline 10 days before Christmas, and broke my wrist. Christmas lunch and I was unable to peel my prawns or crack open the shellfish ☹️
In stepped my wonderful son in law ( who is not a fan of seafood ) and proceeded to peel my prawns and crack open the crabs for me.
Every Christmas is special, but that small act meant so much!
Hi my fellow Seniors,
My favourite Christmas memories is every Christmas seeing my family all together on Christmas day.
Just family dropping around in & out just to catch up. Paper plates, with a snag from the BBQ,, a plate of prawns & Mums Christmas Cake also not to forget everyone's favourite potato salad that grandma made....Wow & the older kids now bring there (You Beaut Mango Ham) done in there Smoker in the back yard from home to show off to the Oldies. I feel I saw this recipe in a old woman's Weekly Cookbook....haha yes the same old traditional that we all look forward to with our family at Christmas.
Cheap Christmas crackers with the same old dad jokes and the silly toys in them, though nobody could work out what the cellophane fish did??? just only laughing at how pathetic the toys & jokes are in the crackers. Swimming, puppy dogs running around with the children & all laughing to see who would fall in the pool next, except for the Grandparents praying no one got hurt in the process. At the end of the day all would load up a plates of there favourite goodies that were left to take home for Boxing day.
Yes we all look forward to the few days off around Christmas to just relax especially boxing day with the leftover Ham that you would grill with eggs for breakfast, Ham with salad for Lunch & Pea & Ham soup for a few dinners to come if their was enough left as the family is growing.
Family is the real essence of Christmas as there is too much emphasis these day on how Christmas should be dressed & how much decorations you have instead of being together & just having plain good old fashion fun at Christmas.
YES family is the real essence of Christmas (y):love:🎄

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